Baba VangaThe Third World War, predicted by Baba Vanga to happen in November of the year 2010 ! WWIII will start without the use of nuclear weapons, after a few months nukes will be used, followed by chemical warfare.
There will be nuclear fallout in the Northern Hemisphere, then Muslim countries will wage war against the surviving European nations. According to Baba Vanga in 2014/2016 Europe will be empty.
Untill 2046/2070 Muslims will rule Rome and Europe (See the Prophecies of Nostradamus) when US troops use a new, instant freezing weapon.
Nostradamus and World War IIINostradamus predicts Horrible battles, weapons, devastation, death and Nuclear confrontation in the Middle East. The Prophet Nostradamus also had a Vision of Muslim Nations invading the west, this isn't new, books in the 80's and 90's about Nostradamus predicted a Muslim invasion of Europe, the most important thing remmembered was : The don't "come", they are already among us ! Maybe pointing at terrorists. Read our Nostradamus and World War III Pages with text like :
During the time of troubles and WWIII there will be massive naval,
air, and land battles. The ultra-secret weapons that are brought
forth will shock and stun the world.
Lucia - The last living seer from FatimaThe events taking place in Europe are a deception. Russia will be the scourge for all nations, because it was not converted. Russia attacks the West, and China invades in Asia. (See The Prophecies of Baba Vanga : After the Nuclear War, Muslims will invade Europe - So after the war with Russia. Read more about "Lucia" and "The Three Secrets of Fatima", this is "The Third Secret of Fatima" we think.
Alois Irlmaier about World War IIIThe Russians do not stop anywhere while running in their three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr district, where the many furnaces and chimneys are. Read more "Visions of Alois Irlmaier"
Sister Elena AielloAnother terrible war will come from the East to the West. Russia with her secret weapons will battle America, will overrun Europe. The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy will also be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly.