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Prophecies and predictions of Edgar CayceCayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest.
Cayce said that these future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. His reply was: "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36)
Cayce's Visions of the Future That are Yet to HappenThe year the battle of Armageddon will occur in the spirit realm (may be happening already)
Cayce predicted that the so-called "Battle of Armageddon" described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce foresaw that this "battle" will not be a war fought on Earth. Rather, it will be a spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and "lower forces of darkness" for 1000 years of Earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment.
After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to Earth. By this time, the so-called "kingdom of heaven" will have been established on Earth.
There is a possibility of a World War IIICayce foresaw the possibility of a third world war. He spoke of strife arising near the Davis Straits, and in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.
Given the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the tensions in the Middle East right now, such a war could certainly be a possibility.
The year of the second coming of Christ (may have already happened)
Cayce often maintained that humanity would soon experience a "day of reckoning." He predicted the year of the second coming of Jesus to be 1998. Critics who are not very familiar with the Cayce material have pointed out that 1998 has come and gone and the second coming has not occurred. Such critics wrongly expect the second coming to happen
when Jesus appears in the sky with a chorus of angels while Gabriel blows a horn and dead bodies crawl out of their graves. This idea of the resurrection was the result of a misunderstanding of the concept of reincarnation - the ancient concept of birth and rebirth.
A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable,
as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience. Cayce did not specify a time frame, he specified a condition, placing as much research emphasis on the spiritual/occult phenomena as material causation. It would be nice to think that Cayce was referring to near-death research which would fit the description of the science he is referring to. Until we know more in the future, we will have to assume that this prediction is still pending.
A new discovery in astronomy will occurCayce provided a major clue that astronomers have not yet taken up: the discovery of the revolution of the solar system around a star system composed of Arcturus and the Pleiades. Major archeological discoveries concerning human origins will be found.
Cayce predicted that there will be three profound archeological discoveries of a very ancient and important nature that will revolutionalize the way we understand human origins, cosmology and religion. Cayce stated that this will occur when humanity reaches
a higher level of spirituality. The three repositories mentioned are in Egypt (near the Great Pyramid), the Bimini area (where the possible portion of Atlantis has already been discovered), and the Yucatan (the location where the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs).
Volcanic activity will proceed major earthquakes"If there are greater activities in [the volcanoes] Vesuvius or Pelee, then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by the earthquakes. But these are to be more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere."
America's west coast will be destroyedThe widespread destruction in Los Angeles and San Francisco as well as in many portions of the west coast will occur. Earth changes will occur in the central portion of the United States as well. NDE researcher Dr. Ken Ring discovered that many near-death accounts he was studying foretell future Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, a pole shift,
strange weather patterns, droughts, famines, tidal waves and a new social order followed by a golden age. These NDE visions of the future agree completely with the Cayce predictions described below.