UPDATE COMING : Pope Benedict XVI is the last pope !?!

The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.

The Last 3 Popes in the Prophecy

Name : Karol Wojtyla
Regnal Name :  John Paul II
Pope Year : 1978-2005
Pope Nr : 266
Moto : From a solar eclipse - De labore solis

Historical Reference or Explanation :

The prophetic motto corresponding to Pope John Paul II is "De labore solis", which literally means "Of the labor (work/giving birth) of the sun"; but "labor solis" is a common Latin expression that means a solar eclipse.

Karol Jozef Wojtyla, who later became Pope John Paul II, was born on 18 May 1920, the day of a partial solar eclipse over the Indian Ocean, and buried on 8 April 2005, the day of a rare hybrid eclipse over the south-western Pacific and South America.

John Paul II introduced the Luminous Mysteries to the Rosary.

During his pontificate, John Paul II traveled extensively all around the world, more than any other pope before, and similarly to what the sun does daily, from an earth-centric point of view.

Name : Joseph Ratzinger
Regnal Name :  Benedict XVI
Pope Year : 2005-(2010/2011/2012)
Pope Nr : 267
Moto : Glory of the olive - Gloria oliuæ - Gloria olivae

Historical Reference or Explanation :

Gloria olivae or glory of the olive, is the last short phrase on the list.

Prior to the papal conclave, this motto led to speculation that the next pontiff would be from the Order of Saint Benedict, whose symbols include the olive branch.

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, elected in April 2005, is not a Benedictine, but did choose Benedict XVI as his regnal name, partially named after Benedictine founder Benedict of Nursia, which might be regarded as a fulfillment of this prophecy.

The Olivet Discourse in the Gospel of Matthew argued that the events described therein will come to completion during the reign of this Pope. These people argue that the Tribulation will begin during the reign of Benedict XVI.


Name : Peter The Roman = Francis Arinze
Regnal Name :  Pope Benedict Last Pope - Pius XIII
Pope Year : 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014 - (?)
Pope Nr : No Number
Moto : Peter II - AntiChrist - Satan

Historical Reference or Explanation :

The longest and final motto !

During the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, the seat will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed his sheep in many tribulations:

And when these things are finished, the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.

In Original Latin :

In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus:

quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, et Iudex tremendus iudicabit populum suum. Finis.

The Prediction/Prophecy of Ronald L. Conte Jr

Cardinal Francis Arinze will become the Last Pope and will take the name of Pius XIII after the death of Pope Benedict XVI.

And the description "Peter the Roman” means that the "Pope will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church; this authority is based on his place as a Successor of Peter" and "will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world," and also will be “the last Pope for about a generation (until the 2040's) to rule from Rome.

In Conte’s opinion, St. Malachy’s list ends with Petrus Romanus because his reign will coincide with the beginning of the first part of the Tribulation.
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