Prophecy involves a process in which one or more messages are allegedly communicated by a god. Such messages typically involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of divine will concerning the prophet's social world and events to come (compare divine knowledge). Prophecy is not limited to any one culture. It is a common property to all known ancient societies around the world, some more than others. Many systems and rules about prophecy have been proposed over several millennia.

Israel Ex-Spy warns against Messianic war on Iran !

Israel Ex-Spy warns against Messianic war on Iran !

(Reuters) – A former Israeli spymaster has branded the country’s leaders as “messianic” and unfit to tackle the Iranian nuclear program, in the strongest criticism from a security veteran of threats to launch a pre-emptive war.

Other retired officials have also criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister, but the censure from Yuval Diskin, who stepped down as head of the Shin Bet domestic intelligence service last year, was especially harsh. He was also unusual in using the language of religious fervor that Israelis associate with their Islamist foes.

“I have no faith in the prime minister, nor in the defence minister,” Diskin said in the remarks broadcast by Israeli media on Saturday. “I really don’t have faith in a leadership that makes decisions out of messianic feelings.” Government officials rebuked Diskin and questioned his motives, implying that he had his eye on a political career or was settling scores after Netanyahu denied him a promotion.

The catastrophic terms with which Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak describe the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran have stirred concern in Israel and abroad of a possible strike against its uranium enrichment program. Iran says the project is entirely peaceful and has promised wide-ranging reprisals for any attack.

World powers, sharing Israeli suspicions that Iran has a covert bomb-making plan, are trying to curb it through sanctions and negotiations. Those talks resume in Baghdad on May 23, but Barak on Thursday rated their chance of succeeding as low. Although Israel has long threatened a pre-emptive strike if diplomacy fails, some experts believe that could be a bluff to keep up pressure on the Iranians, making it harder to interpret the swirl of comments from the security establishment.


Commenting on Diskin’s remarks, Amos Harel of the liberal Haaretz newspaper said the temperature was rising in anticipation of the nuclear talks. “Nothing has been determined in the Iranian story, and the spring is about to boil over into another summer of tension,” said Harel. Diskin spoke days after Israel’s top military commander, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz, told Haaretz he viewed Iran as “very rational” and unlikely to build a bomb, comments that apparently undermined the case for a strike.

The former Shin Bet chief was specifically damning of Netanyahu and Barak, who have often crafted strategy alone and whose rapport dates back four decades to when they served together in a top-secret commando unit.

“They’re creating a false impression about the Iranian issue,” Diskin told a private gathering on Friday, where the comments were recorded. “They’re appealing to the stupid public, if you’ll pardon me for the phrasing, and telling them that if Israel acts, there won’t be an (Iranian) nuclear bomb.”

Diskin said he was not necessarily opposed to an attack on Iran, though he cited experts who argue this risked backfiring by accelerating its nuclear program. Netanyahu’s former Mossad foreign intelligence director, Meir Dagan, last year also ridiculed the Israeli war option.

Diskin went a step further by saying that Netanyahu and Barak were not up to the job of opening an unprecedented front with Iran and, potentially, with its allies on Israel’s borders. Netanyahu is a second-term premier with solid public approval ratings and a broad conservative coalition. Barak, a former prime minister, is Israel’s most decorated soldier. But they are both technically subject to security vetting by the Shin Bet, which added punch to their panning at Diskin’s hands.

“I have seen them up close,” he said. “They are not messiahs, the two of them, and they are not people who I personally, at least, trust to be able to lead Israel into an event on such a scale, and to extricate it.” Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman dismissed Diskin’s alarm as irresponsible “speculation,” telling Israel’s Channel Two TV that such big decisions would be made at cabinet level rather than by the prime minister and defence minister exclusively.

Lieberman said Diskin, who was considered as a potential Dagan successor but was passed over, might be angry. One Barak confidant sarcastically wished Diskin “welcome to political life,” implying he was angling for a slot in an opposition party ahead of an Israeli national election scheduled for next year.   Read more

Messianic war on Iran

Source : Reuters

Mark this date for potential disaster !

Mark this date for potential disaster !!!

Isaiah 9:10 –   Code suggests watchful eye on specific day

If the world makes it through the end of the Mayan calendar this year, a pattern of recent economic disasters based on the Hebrew calendar portends what some suspect we will be the biggest U.S. financial calamity yet Sept. 13, 2015.

The No. 1 bestselling Christian book in America,  “The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn, points out that the Americans two greatest financial shakings, occurred on successive Hebrew Shmitah years following the 9/11 Islamist terror attacks on the U.S., the key to the series of limited judgments the author sees as a result of America’s turning away from God just as ancient Israel did before the dispersion.

While Cahn prefers not to speculate on what, if anything, might befall America on Sept. 13, 2015, it will be the next Shmitah year – which occurs on Elul 29 every seven years on the Hebrew calendar. It is a time when debts are to be forgiven and the land, in the agricultural communities of ancient Israel were to be given a rest.

Sept. 17, 2001, was the beginning of the economic calamity associated with 9/11 and the lowering of interest rates by the Fed resulting in the collapse of the stock market Sept. 17, 2001 – Elul 29 on the Hebrew calendar. Likewise, Sept. 29, 2008, marked the next big crash. Sept. 29, 2008, also fell on Elul 29. All of this is laid out in a new documentary video called  “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” the leading faith video in the nation and one of the top-selling documentaries of any kind, produced by Joseph Farah and WND Films.

Farah believes the date Sept. 13, 2015 bears close watching – though he is quick to admit he has no idea what, if anything, will happen in America.

“A clear pattern has been established,” he says. “I don’t believe it’s a coincidence what happened in America on Elul 29 in 2001 and 2008. It would be foolish to ignore the possibility that a greater judgment might be in the works – especially if America continues to move away from God and His Word.”

It’s also worth noting that Elul 29, 2015, represents the eve of the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashana at sundown. An unusual astronomical phenomenon, a blood red moon – or tetrad – is expected to occur that evening, according to NASA. The Feast of Trumpets begins a period known by Jews as “the days of awe” that lasts through Yom Kippur a week later.

Hebrew roots pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington state noted several years ago that a cluster of tetrads will occur in 2014 and 2015 – all of them on Hebrew high holidays. There won’t be any more for the rest of the 21st century.

Joel 2:31 says: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.” Other biblical references can be found in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.

Whether or not anything significant occurs of a prophetic nature Sept. 13, 2015, Farah said he is immensely pleased with the documentary treatment of the message found in the best-selling book “The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn, which has remained on the New York Times bestsellers list for all of 2012.

“If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I urge you to get it, screen it with your family, show it to your friends and arrange church viewings,” said Farah. “This is the most important project I have been involved in through my 35-year media career. This is a message, I believe, God directed me to undertake for a time such as this.”

In January, “The Harbinger” by Cahn, a messianic rabbi from New Jersey, exploded onto the publishing scene, immediately becoming a surprise New York Times bestseller, already read by hundreds of thousands nationwide.

“A number of years ago, as I was standing at the edge of Ground Zero in New York City, I came across the first puzzle piece of an ancient biblical mystery and a prophetic message known as ‘The Harbinger’ that concerns the future of America,” explains Cahn, who helped write the two-hour documentary “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”

Cahn says he has since found nine harbingers that tie the problems America has experienced beginning Sept. 11, 2001, to parallels that led to the destruction of ancient Israel.

“Before God judges a nation, He sends warning,” explains Cahn. “He sent warning to ancient Israel. He even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But the nation responded with defiance. God then gave nine harbingers of judgment, nine prophetic signs, alarms and foreshadows of what was to come. Now America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God likewise allowed an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike – the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It was, likewise, a wake-up call. But America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance, but with defiance. And now the nine harbingers of judgment have reappeared and have done so on American soil.”

The WND Superstore offers an exclusive bundle that includes “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” at one low price.

Isaiah 9:10 is a verse in which Israel’s national leaders utter a vow of defiance following an attack by Assyria. It declared that the nation would not repent before God but would defy Him instead. Cahn reveals in “The Harbinger” – and in even more dramatic fashion in the video – that beginning the day after Sept. 11, 2001, American leaders began repeating that 2,500-year-old vow, word for word. “Having no idea what he was doing, the majority leader of the U.S. Senate (Tom Daschle) was declaring America as under the judgment of God,” Cahn says. “It was the reenactment of an ancient mystery – and bore the most grave of consequences.”

He continues: “According to the ancient mystery revealed in the Book of Isaiah, if after that first calamity and warning, the nation doesn’t return to God but responds in defiance, it will end up triggering a second calamity. It was because of this ancient key, that, seven years after 9/11, the American economy collapsed. In the days after 9/11, the Federal Reserve slashed the base interest rate in an attempt to defy the consequences of the attacks. That action put us on the path leading to the collapse of the American economy seven years later. In 2008, the government made a second fatal mistake, another ill-fated financial decision, that would trigger the collapse of the American economy. Amazingly, it took place on the seventh anniversary of the uttering of the ancient vow on Capitol Hill.”

Cahn also reveals in “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” something that readers and viewers universally find astonishing – that New York’s Ground Zero actually represents more than the former financial center of the country. It represents the exact place at which America was first consecrated to God in prayer by the country’s new leaders. When judgment came to Israel, the calamity returned the people’s attention to the place where the nation had been consecrated to God – the Temple Mount,” says Cahn.

“God was calling the nation back to Himself. What about 9/11? Could there be, in the American calamity, as well, a mystery of return? Could there be a prophetic message hidden in the place where it happened? There is a place where America was consecrated to God in prayer. It is also a place linked to a prophetic warning given on that same day – uttered by the nation’s first president – now coming to pass.” In 1789, newly inaugurated President George Washington gave a prophetic warning at Federal Hall in New York City. He declared that America’s prosperity and protection were dependent upon its adherence to God.

Later, the political leaders of the young nation gathered at St. Paul’s Chapel to commit the nation’s future to God’s purposes. That chapel is located at Ground Zero and miraculously survived 9/11 virtually unscathed. But the foundation of Federal Hall was ominously cracked. All of this is covered in  “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” using actual archival footage along with narration by Cahn.

“I had a chance to hear Jonathan Cahn’s message last fall,” said Farah. “Then I had an opportunity to read an early manuscript of ‘The Harbinger’ before it was released in January. I was determined to produce this video documentary, ‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,’ because I believe its message is the most important one for Americans at this moment in history. In fact, I believe this project may be the most important one of my life. That’s how strongly I feel about it.”

The video is directed by award-winning filmmaker George Escobar.

The key to decoding the harbingers, Cahn says, is found in understanding the seemingly innocuous words of Isaiah 9:10 (King James Version), what it meant to Israel and how the history seems to be repeating itself in America today: “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.”

These words were first uttered by leaders in Israel and in response to a limited strike by Assyria on the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali – an attack the prophet makes clear is actually part of a limited judgment by God against apostasy. It wasn’t meant to destroy the nation, but to awaken it, according to most commentaries.

But, says Cahn, Israel didn’t take the cue. Instead, the response from the people in Isaiah 9:10 is one of defiance. The brick buildings were toppled, but they vowed to build bigger and better. The little sycamore trees may have been uprooted, but they vowed to plant bigger and better cedars in their place.

God, speaking through Isaiah, explains what will happen as a result of their pride and arrogance and failure to heed the harbinger: Bigger and more potent attacks will follow.

Because neither the northern kingdom of Israel nor the southern kingdom of Judah truly repents, the first is eventually swept away by Assyrian invaders and the latter is carried off into captivity by the Babylonians for 70 years.

But what does this have to do with the United States of America – particularly what the U.S. experienced on 9/11 and since? Cahn has found some eerie parallels.

“In the aftermath of the attack, the nation was stunned,” said Cahn. “Everyone was trying to make sense of what had happened – this unprecedented attack on America. The very next day, Sept. 12, then Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle presented America’s response to the world. And what did he say?”

Daschle said: “America will emerge from this tragedy as we have emerged from all adversity – united and strong. Nothing … nothing can replace the losses of those who have suffered. I know there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that speaks to all of us at times like this.”

The majority leader then went on to read Isaiah 9:10.

“Daschle has no idea what he is doing here,” explains Cahn. “He thinks he’s offering comforting words to a grief-stricken people, but he is actually embracing the spiritually defiant and arrogant words of the children of Israel, proclaiming the ancient and ominous vow of the leaders of that nation. He doesn’t realize it, but he is actually inviting more judgment on the nation.”

It might be of some significance that Daschle, one of the most powerful men in the nation when he spoke those words, later fell into disgrace – to the point where he couldn’t even serve in Barack Obama’s Cabinet. That might have been the end of the story – if no other top leader in the nation uttered those strange and obscure words after 9/11. But that’s not the case.

On the third anniversary of the attack, Sept. 11, 2004, another powerful U.S. senator running for vice president that year, and who would famously run for the presidency four years later, gave a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus. This time, John Edwards’ entire speech was built on a foundation of Isaiah 9:10. “Today, on this day of remembrance and mourning, we have the Lord’s Word to get us through,” he said.

He then read Isaiah 9:10. He went on to talk about how America was doing just that – rebuilding with hewn stone and planting cedars. In “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” viewers get to see these remarkable, largely forgotten or overlooked speeches, which directly link the events of 9/11 and the events referred to in Isaiah 9:10. “Like Daschle, Edwards thinks he’s invoking inspirational and comforting words from the Bible, but he’s actually inviting judgment on America,” says Cahn. “He’s repeating the vow that provoked God to bring calamity on ancient Israel.” Even more astonishing, Daschle and Edwards were not alone among U.S. leaders in making similar statements, as “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” shows. Even Barack Obama’s Inauguration Address in 2009 made similarly eerie allusions. But aside from such statements, which could be chalked up to political talk and coincidences, is there anything else linking Isaiah 9:10 to 9/11?   Read More

Mark this date for potential disaster

Source : WND

A conflict between Israel Iran and Syria will almost surely escalate to World War 3

A conflict between Israel Iran and Syria will almost surely escalate to World War 3 !

Gambling by today’s world leaders is a gamble that will cost more than any of them can pay.  China has already made deals with the United States in respect to keeping middle east stability for both America and China. These foolish pre-new world order agreements made behind closed doors are part of the problem. Defense Secretary Robert Gates thinks that the Taliban and Iran can be won over with words and negotiations.
Vice President Biden is so out of the loop of reality that while visiting Israel recently he said America’s support for Israel was unwavering, but then Biden said one of the reasons for America’s support of Israel against Iran was to prevent a nuclear arms race in the middle east.  In response to Biden’s middle east arms race comment I say this. Don’t worry Vice President Biden there will never be a nuclear arms race in the middle east beyond Iran’s acquiring of nuclear weapons. Israel and Iran will end that possibility all by themselves for the entire middle east by using their nuclear weapons on each other and very soon. This will happen within months of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, or just before by Israel preemptively. Do not think for one second it will not happen on your watch. This I also speak to China, Russia, America and the United Nations.
World Leaders are missing the forest due to the trees by thinking that past history and what you deem as common sense will prevail. President Roosevelt would not, or could not for whatever his reasons make a serious decision on Hitler or give serious help to Churchill until Japan attacked pearl harbor. Then Hitler did it for him a day later, and declared war on America.  Roosevelt was the worst president in the history of the United States until he got slapped with reality. If Roosevelt had helped Churchill decisively sooner, millions of lives could have been saved.
President Obama is at least trying in Afghanistan, though reluctantly and slowly.  However President Obama has the same problem President Roosevelt once had, he is not committed enough.  Roosevelt thought his problems would go away until Pearl Harbor. History records that President Roosevelt after 3 days of seclusion and Pearl Harbor became a completely different man and for the first time a real president. I hope President Obama and his administration does not have to get slapped in the face to much more to learn what Roosevelt learned so long ago.  Because this time if the world fails and presidents and world leaders play politics rather than do the right thing, then the cost will be so high that the survivors will end up back in the dark ages.
Some world history can be reflected upon for this situation in some respects, however nuclear weapon use between Iran and Israel and its possible escalation is not a situation history addresses. However history is a good guide in one area of this middle east problem, history shows it is not wise be to indecisive.  I think the hourglass has almost run out of sand for remembering that history lesson. Time or the lack of it should tell us the verdict very soon.  Most world wars have started because of indecisiveness and erred assumptions on the part of world leaders.
Failure to act, or to act in timely manner will most likely be the cause of World War 3 just as it was the others. America used nuclear weapons on Japan to save lives due to the samurai creed of Japan.  Iran will act in the same way towards Israel once she has nuclear weapons. Iran will sacrifice herself to destroy Israel,  Israel will be wiped off the map just as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised.
Not understanding these facts about Iran is one of the problems with Gates, Biden and the entire world.  They think this level of insanity could never happen, I say your wrong and it is this very insanity that Iran has been planning for a decade.   Then on top of all these problems, nations are gambling that Israel will not break her word to America and that she will not attack Iran without permission.
First and foremost know this like you know your name, Iran really wants to destroy Israel even if most of Iran is destroyed in the process. Iran’s current government will not stop until this goal is achieved.  Iran’s president Ahmadinejad has been part of a radical prophecy group of Islam called the Twelvers since he was one of the terrorists that took hostages at the American embassy during the Carter era.
Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel understands what the Twelvers group in Iran represent. He also knows for sure they are committed to their beliefs and will attempt to carry them out in spite of the cost. Iran’s twelver’s believe that this conflict with Israel and the West will bring the 12th Imam their Mahdi (Iran’s equivalent of savior) but the Quran teaches the Mahdi will not come unless Islam’s faithful increase Jihad (Holy War) especially to the destruction of Israel.
To Israel this reality is clearly understood and it would be dangerous to her as it would be for America if she was ever foolish enough to attack Taiwan.  China would attack America in mass and China would hold nothing back. To Israel this Iran situation is even more dangerous than the Taiwan hypothetical. The main reason is because Israel has such a small land mass available to them and if attacked with nuclear weapons she would have no second chances.  She also has less time to react due to enemy missiles much shorter flight times.
Russian and China both have security agreements with Iran and money invested. They are also gambling that Israel would never use her nukes because it would be suicide. So Israel prepares for the worst but hopes for the best, that hope however is quickly fading. The process of the Soviets deciding whether or not to finally send the S-300 missile system, (Currently and thankfully not)  Syria and Iran decide to make a joint pact publicly for the first time in years. Hamas and all the other groups in Palestine, Gaza prepare for war, not to mention the giant bio and nerve agents stockpiled by Iran and Syria. Both of these countries have boasted of these weapons and do not deny having them in mass.

Conflict between Israel Iran and Syria

Israel has begged, pleaded and has shown great restraint, however Israel knows just as I know that if the world does not stop Iran, even with all the proof staring them in the face, then Israel will destroy her enemies with nuclear weapons, including back up plans to attack China, Russia and even the United States if it attempts to stop her once the attack begins. The reason is simple, Iran will use nuclear weapons on Israel. Israel is between a rock and a hard place from her point of view. For Israel it is like death and taxes and just like both of those things which always happen, Israel knows for sure that Iran will use nukes on Israel once she has them.
Benjamin Netanyahu knows if the regime in Iran does not collapse and the world does not help seriously, then he will have no choice but to act with nuclear weapons when that moment of time comes. Israel knows that if it comes to this hard reality then this future war will be her last fight if the World will not help. If Israel is going to be destroyed by proxy through the United Nations complacency that allows Iran to achieve nuclear weapons status, then Israel would rather take out all her enemies first on her own terms.
If America pentagon staffers really understood Islam, especially the twelvers group of Iran, then they would understand that Israel is facing their own Cuban missile crisis and the time of negotiations is almost over. Israel does not intend to fight another full scale war with conventional weapons, she could not win that battle without America’s help anyway. That is why Israel is waiting and allowing things to happen that she would not normally allow. Israel has no intention of fighting another conventional war with her enemies and if the world does not act soon to stop Iran, then they will see a nuclear reality come to pass.  Israel if forced will nuke a large parts of Iran and Syria.  Then America will scream, Russia will scream and China will scream threats at Israel, but Israel will have a back up war plan for that situation as well.  It will be Israel’s equivalent of that  “Lets Roll” moment as it was on that fateful day of 9/11. Except this time the costs to the entire world will be beyond imagining.
The point I’m trying to make is that you need to understand Iran’s thinking and it’s beliefs as well as Israel’s well founded fears. Iran believes they must destroy Israel, even if the rest of the world thinks it’s crazy Iran does not. Iran’s twelver’s and Ahmadinejad would sacrifice their entire country and its entire population in order to destroy Israel and fulfill the so called Imam prophecies. Benjamin Netanyahu knows this absolutely and he will have no choice when Iran gets ready to cross that nuclear line. The world may gamble foolishly from ignorance thinking Iran and Israel will blink but neither of them will.
When forced into a corner rest assured Israel will destroy every target in Iran or Syria she needs to with nuclear weapons. Israel will then hope faintly that the world will let her survive. But Israel will not put much stock in that hope and they will be prepared to attack any country, including Russia, China and even the United States if they force her to, and yes of course they will. Russia and China and many of their naval fleets in range will then be hit with Nuclear weapons, including America’s fleet.  American troops in Iraq would be hit and then the Saudi oil fields. It would take less than 60 minutes for the whole thing. Israel of course would be destroyed but the whole world will have wished they paid attention sooner.
World economic collapse due to the destruction of oil production capacity would follow, then the massive closing of factories. The gas shortages then would destroy the ability to deliver food by either truck, air or rail. Also the tax base will collapse, massive unemployment due to massive sell off on wall street. The upheaval in China will occur for the same reasons, people revolting and begin revolutions due to food shortages. Millions dead in China, Russia as well as most American troops in Iraq. If it escalates further after the strike by Israel, then after Russia or China has destroyed Israel they might attack America with nuclear weapons, especially if most of our troops and part of our naval fleet were destroyed by Israeli nukes. If you do two well placed emp attacks before the regular nukes or invasion, then an attack on America could be possible. Then world war 3 will be in full bloom and it will destroy what is left of the world. Israel will not remain America’s ally if pushed into a corner, she could however become America’s 3rd worst enemy in history.
Scary stuff but understand this is not a movie script, though I wish someone would make one using this as a guide. If they did it well then this movie might wake up the sleeping inside the UN, and then shake them back into reality.  This is the real reality and it could happen and I mean very soon.  One miscalculation on Iran’s real intentions, or Israel’s response will cause this reality to happen.  If Russia, China, and America go to the Casino without helping Israel using their conventional weapons to stop Iran then the whole world is screwed.
Now listen to me please, and I mean everyone and every world leader reading. You must stop Iran with conventional weapons now while you can, then you need to set the Iranian people free. It would be better for China, Russian and American military forces to combine briefly militarily for a conventional operation against Iran, than to allow Israel to be forced into a nuclear corner.  Forget about the money, power or national posturing, pause your new world order for a moment and get your common sense in order. You are miscalculating if you think this could not, or will not happen. It will happen and if that is what you want, then you cannot say later that you were not warned beforehand. Israel has the ability to do this if pressed into a corner.
I know every security agency of every major power follows this website, since you are all reading then just for a minute forget about the other topics of this website that you may not agree with. Forget about what you think of me personally or my beliefs, just think about what I have said in this web page. Focus only on that for a moment. Tell me this could not happen. It could happen and no matter how much you try containment of Israel and Iran it will fail. The options of using conventional force against Iran are slipping way and nuclear consequences by either Iran or Israel are on the way. Iran will not control herself once she has nuclear weapons and Israel will no longer be able to restrain herself if you wait to much longer. Since one of the policies of the new world order is depopulation then just sit back and do nothing, but know this if you do this you can take what I say next to the bank. Every corrupt new world order planner will also die in this war, or be hunted down by the survivors for years after it happens. That is if anyone survives to start with depending how far it escalates after Israel and Iran.
I assume based on Bible prophecy that world power strategists and leaders reading are still going to make the wrong decision eventually. They will think to themselves, why should we listen to this person on a google website. I say to you don’t listen to me, listen to your logic and remove personal opinions about me out of the equation. After you have done that tell yourself this could not happen just the way I spoke it.
If the world leaders are destined to make the wrong decision, then I hope it will be later rather than sooner. Maybe they will do the right thing now,  they will buy us 3-8 years of time before they screw it up again. But if its sooner rather later then the prophecy below in Isaiah 17:1-5 will finally come to pass. This prophecy has never yet come to pass in all of history. If bad decisions are going to be sooner, then very soon you will see it come to pass and Damascus Syria will cease to exist and world war 3 will have started.
Alamongordo Prophecies and Predictions
Isaiah 17:1-5
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
2 The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, says the LORD of hosts.
4 And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.
5 And it shall be as when the harvest-man gathers the corn, and reaps the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathers ears in the valley of Rephaim.
Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness. And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength in the LORD of hosts their God. In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.
Zechariah 12:7 The Lord God also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah. In that day shall the Lord God shall defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord God will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And his name shall be called be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.
Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition.” Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727 AD)
“The prophecies are to be unintelligible to the unbelievers but intelligible to those who are properly instructed. Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662 AD)

The Forgotten Baba vanga prophecies about World War III !

The Forgotten Baba vanga prophecies about World War III !

Many people look at Baba Vanga as a false prophet because the 2010 prophecy about World War III did not happen … but, check this out :

List of Baba Vanga predictions :

  • Assassination / murder attempts on four heads of states that becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII. (Arab Spring)
  • The start of WWIII in 2010. The war will begin around 2010. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
  • Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere – animals and/or plants will die
  • Muslims will wage chemical war against Europeans/NATO.
  • More and more of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases.
  • Europe is almost empty.
  • China becomes the new world power around 2018.
  • Earth’s orbit will change slightly around 2023.
  • Development of a new energy source around 2028. Hunger slowly stops being a problem.
  • Around 2033 all of the Polar ice caps melt and World ocean levels rise.
  • By 2043 the world economy is prosperous and Muslims will be running Europe.
  • Any organs can be mass produced by 2046 and exchange of body organs becomes the favorite method of treatment.
  • During it’s attack on Rome around 2046 (which is under control of the Muslims) U.S.A. uses a new method of weapons.
  • Because af a new disease around 2088, people are getting old in few seconds, this can be cured by 2097.

We will just talk about the first six prophecies

  • Assassination / murder attempts on four heads of states that becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII :

Several “leaders” got killed in the last few years : Hamas leader Mahmúd al-Mabhouh killed in Dubai on January 19, 2010 (assasination), Polish leader Lech Kaczynski dead – April 10, 2010 (under suspicious circumstances), Kadhaffi got killed and a few years ago Saddam Hussein got killed. You have to look at the “ARAB SPRING” to understand most prophecies AND remember that the prophet Edgar Cayce prophesied that IF there will be a WWIII, it wil start in the area of Tunis, Libya, Egypt and Damascus. It’s weird that those are the places where the “ARAB SPRING” started isn’t it ???

  • The start of WWIII in 2010. The war will begin around November of 2010 :

Most people have a problem with this prophecy, they say WWIII did not start in November 2010 but think about it AND don’t forget the Edgar Cayce prophecy about WW-III, in November 2010 the people in Tunesia (Tunis) started up facebook groops that sparked and started the “ARAB SPRING” early 2011, after this the Arab Spring started in Egypt, than in Lybia and at this very moment it is happening in Syria (capital DAMASCUS), just the place Edgar Cayce named as last city before the start of the Third World War !!! So i think when you look at it and IF there will be a third world war because of the crisis in Syria that after this people will say WORLD WAR III started with the first Arab Spring in Tunis.

  • Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere in 2011 – animals and/or plants will die :

Many people read this prophecy and thought about a nuclear war, no … On March 11, 2011 : FUKUSHIMA happened and believe me, if you know the truth about the radioactive stuff in the air and sea at the moment you would shit your pants ! This prophecy can also be found in the Bible : 1/3 of the animals in the sea will die – Also before this the Hopi Prophecy happened, the Sea will be black and many animals will die !!! Ring any bells ??? The BP disaster made the Gulf of Mexico BLACK. when in 1986 the disaster in Tjernobyl happened they lied on television about the radioactive clouds, same thing is happening now.

  • Muslims will wage chemical war against Europeans/NATO around 2013 :

This is very possible because Syria has a massive amount of chemical weapons and the support of Iran that has nuclear weapons (read prophecies for 2009 on Alamongordo : In 2010 Iran will have a nuclear weapon). Also Syria has the support of Russia (Antichrist Vladimir Putin). If NATO attacks Syria and/or Iran, all shit will start and Syria will defend itself with chemical warfare. Also Russia said on May 30th 2012 : If NATO attacks Syria we will stop them …

  • More and more of the people in this world in 2014 will have skin cancer and skin related diseases :

This will happen first of all because of the Fukushima disaster in 2011, people are allready getting sick at this moment, it also could be because of the coming Solar Peak early 2013 or because of the prophesied third world war 2010 – 2014 that would start as “a normal war” (happening at this moment) and will lead to a chemical and nuclear war in 2013.

  • Around 2016, Europe is almost empty

Because of the nuclear war Europe will be empty by 2016.

Other Baba Vanga Prophecies for the Future

  • 2100 – Man made Sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet Earth.
  • 2111 – People become robots.
  • 2123 – Wars between small countries. Big countries don’t get evolved.
  • 2125 – In Hungary the signals from Space are received. (People will be reminded of Vanga again)
  • 2130 – Colonies under water (advices from aliens)
  • 2154 – Animals become half-humans.
  • 2167 – New religion
  • 2170 – Big drought.
  • 2183 – Collony on Mars becomes nuclear nation and is asking for independence from the Earth. (same way as U.S. did from England)
  • 2187 – Successfully two volcano eruptions are stopped.
  • 2195 – Sea colonies are fully supplied with energy and food.
  • 2196 – Full mixture between Asians and Europeans.
  • 2201 – Thermonuclear reactions on the Sun slow down. Temperatures Drop.
  • 2221 – In the search of Alien life, human beings engage with something very freighting.
  • 2256 – Spaceship brings a freighting new disease into Earth.
  • 2262 – Orbits of planets start to change progressively. Mars is under a threat of being hit by a comet.
  • 2271 – Physic properties are calculated over, since they changed.
  • 2273 – Mix of yellow, white, and black race. New race.
  • 2279 – Energy out of nothing (probably from vacuum or black holes)
  • 2288 – Travel through time. New contacts with the aliens.
  • 2291 – Sun cools. Attempts to fire it up again are taken.
  • 2296 – Bright flashes on the Sun. Force of gravity changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall
  • 2299 – In France, there is a partisan uprising against Islam.
  • 2302 – New important new laws and mysteries about the universe are uncovered.
  • 2304 – The mystery of the Moon is uncovered.
  • 2341 – Something frightening is closing in with Earth from the space.
  • 2354 – Accident on one of the man made suns, will result in drought.
  • 2371 – Mighty hunger.
  • 2378 – New and fast growing race.
  • 2480 – Two man made suns will collide. Earth is in the dark.
  • 3005 – War on Mars. Trajectory of planets changes.
  • 3010 – Comet will ram into the Moon. Around Earth there is a belt of rocks and dust.

Forgotten Baba vanga prophecies

Iran Warns Of Bilderberg Plot To Plunge World Into Chaos !

Iran Warns Of Bilderberg Plot To Plunge World Into Chaos !

Iran’s official news agency IRNA is warning today of a Global plot hatched by a ‘secret society of Freemasons’ known as the Bilderberg Group to plunge our World into ‘total chaos’ in order to destroy all religions and independent Nations in order to establish a planetary wide single system of government.

According to the articles published by Iranian reporter Amir Taheri on this plot, “The alleged conspiracy was finalized at a secret meeting of the group in June 1999 in Caesar Park Hotel in the Portuguese resort of Penha Longa.”  Taheri further states about this Bilderberg Group: “Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as the Bilderberg Group or Masonic lodge. What we have is an annual private meeting of influential individuals, mostly from Europe and the United States, designed to generate free discussions on a range of issues without a pre-set agenda and according to the so-called Chatam House rules under which there are no reports of the proceedings and none of the participants could be quoted by name.

The first meeting was held at Hotel de Bilderberg near Arnhem in Holland in 1954 at the invitation of Prince Bernhard, the husband of the then Queen Juliana. The number of guests was fixed at 130 and initially only limited to politicians, academics and business people from member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Later, the meeting extended its reach and started inviting personalities from all over the world, according to which countries happened to be in the news. The invitations were designed to include two representatives from each country, one liberal and one conservative.

Over the past half a century, almost anybody who was somebody in international business or politics has made at least one appearance at the group’s annual meetings. Thus, if this were a gathering of conspirators we would have to assume that virtually the whole of the global leadership elite consists of Masonic plotters. Last June, for example, Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both attended the Bilderberg meeting along with more than 60 other political figures from across the globe.”

American dissident researchers writing about the Bilderberg Group further warn that this organization is, in fact, a ‘shadow government’ having great power over all of the World’s governments and that its meetings are banned by US propaganda media organs from reporting on them to their citizens. Russian intelligence reports on the Bilderberg Group state that it is one of the six German Nazi based ‘Illuminati’ governed organizations that comprise what is loosely referred to as the Round Table that seeks total Western control over our entire Earth and its resources and has been directly responsible for both World War’s I and II, and which have left over 500 million dead in the past 80 years alone.

In our December 12th report titled “Council On Foreign Relations Warns Of United States Collapse By Summer, 2009”, we had reported on one of the other members of this Round Table wherein Russian Foreign Ministry sources had warned about these groups agenda for our World and which includes:

  • Global manipulation of the prices of oil, natural gas, zinc, iron ore, nickel, copper, platinum, gold, corn, wheat and rice to ‘stratospheric heights’ to be immediately followed by their, likewise, engineered collapse.
  • Manipulation of the Global economy through the flooding into financial systems of ‘unlimited’ credit to be immediately followed by an engineered contraction of the money supply thereby collapsing the entire World’s banking system to leave the West’s powerful Central Banks as the sole survivors, and defacto owners of the West’s industrial output.
  • Dissolution of the North American and European Nation States which are then to be ‘reformed’ into ‘Global Trading Blocs’ centrally governed by unelected emissaries to a new ‘One World’ governing body.
  • The ‘forced destruction’ of all other Nation States on Earth, to include, Russia, China, the Middle East, South and Central America and Africa, whereupon they too will be able to become a part of the ‘new’ One World ruling structure.
  • The forced relocation of the Earth’s entire population into urban ‘environments’, with the United States, Canada and Mexico to be the first Nations to implement this policy among its citizens, by ‘force’ if necessary.

Though there are growing signs that the American people are beginning to awaken from their decade’s long slumber which has seen their freedoms and economic power stolen from them by these insidious power blocs, it may be ‘too little’ and ‘too late’ for them to reverse their catastrophic plunge into the abyss, and as we can read as reported by the World Tribune News Service in their report titled “Doomsday: U.S. report warns of ‘strategic shock’ leading to massive unrest”, and which says:

  • “The United States could be sleep-walking into its next crisis, a military report said.
  • The report by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute, said that a defense community paralyzed by conventional thinking could be unprepared to help the United States cope with a series of unexpected crises that would rival the Al Qaida strikes in 2001, termed a “strategic shock.”
  • “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, said.”

Reports from the United States are showing that their War Leaders are heeding these warnings as the US Military is preparing to unleash upon its citizens another 11,500 American Troops that they say will protect their Nation upon their new President’s inauguration.

Being lost upon these American people, however, is that the Military Forces they will soon be confronting are not there to protect them, but are instead being deployed to protect the ruling American elite classes who have robbed their people of their entire wealth and intend to leave them as nothing more than economic slaves and prisoners in their vast urban concentration camps and vast prison network which has made them the most jailed people our World has ever known.

What is feared most by these American War Leaders is that their citizens will awaken to the plans being made for their slavery like the peoples in Greece who are now violently engaged against these Western monsters in order to free their Nation from its planned destruction. Russian Military Experts state in their reports that unlike Europe, the Middle East or the Eastern Nations of the World, the American people are not expected to rise up in mass against their planned destruction as their physical and mental states have been nearly totally destroyed by the forced drugging of them through their genetically modified foods, fluoridated water and psychotropic medical supplies, all of which are based upon eliminating these peoples as serious threats as they have become the most obese, most depressed and most mind controlled human beings our World has ever seen.

As astonishing as it is to believe, it is nevertheless true that the American people remain the only peoples on our entire Earth who still do not know that microwave prepared foods have all of their nutrients destroyed leading to obesity and diabetes, that the Aspartame ingredient contained in all of their diet foods and drinks to ‘control’ their obesity is outlawed in nearly every other Nation on Earth as it is nothing more than a poison, and that the violent video games they buy for their children have all been funded by their Military to overcome in these young minds the strongest human taboo there is….killing another human being.

But, to the greatest danger of all facing these people is their belief that warnings such as this one are the ‘conspiracy’, instead of their knowing that the truest, and darkest, conspiracies are those of their own government and propaganda media organs who continue to tell these deluded people not to listen to anyone other than them as they lead these poor souls into the pits of their final destruction.

Iran Warns Of Bilderberg Plot !

Source : 2012 Forum

The End Game: 2013 Will Usher In The End

The End Game : 2013 Will Usher In The End !

– The Scariest Presentation Ever !

If Raoul Pal was some doomsday spouting windbag, writing in all caps, arbitrarily pasting together disparate charts to create 200 page slideshows, it would be easy to ignore him. He isn’t. The founder of Global Macro Investor “previously co-managed the GLG Global Macro Fund in London for GLG Partners, one of the largest hedge fund groups in the world. Raoul came to GLG from Goldman Sachs where he co-managed the hedge fund sales business in Equities and Equity Derivatives in Europe… Raoul Pal retired from managing client money in 2004 at the age of 36 and now lives on the Valencian coast of Spain, from where he writes.” It is his writing we are concerned about, and specifically his latest presentation, which is, for lack of a better word, the most disturbing and scary forecast of the future of the world we have ever seen….

  • We don’t know exactly what is to come, but we can all join the very few dots from where we are now, to the collapse of the first major bank …
  • With very limited room for government bailouts, we can very easily join the next dots from the first bank closure to the collapse of the whole European banking system, and then to the bankruptcy of the governments themselves.
  • There are almost no brakes in the system to stop this, and almost no one realises the seriousness of the situation.
  • The problem is not Government debt per se. The real problem is that the $70 trillion in G10 debt is the collateral for $700 trillion in derivatives…
  • Yes, that equates to 1200% of Global GDP and it rests on very, very weak foundations
  • From an EU crisis, we only have to join one dot for a UK crisis of equal magnitude.
  • And then do you think Japan and China would not be next?
  • And then do you think the US would survive unscathed?
  • That is the end of the fractional reserve banking system and of fiat money.
  • It is the big RESET.


  • Bonds will be stuck at 1% in the US, Germany, UK and Japan (for this phase).
  • The whole bond market will be dead.
  • Short selling on bonds – banned !
  • Short selling stocks – banned !
  • CDS – banned !
  • Short futures – banned !
  • Put options – banned !
  • All that is left is the Dollar and Gold.

It only gets better. We use the term loosely :

  • We have around 6 months left of trading in Western markets to protect ourselves or make enough money to offset future losses.
  • Spend your time looking at the risks of custody, safekeeping, counterparty etc. Assume that no one and nothing is safe.
  • After that…we put on our tin helmets and hide until the new system emerges

And the punchline : From a timing perspective, I think 2012 and 2013 will usher in the end.

2013 Will Usher In The End

Enjoy The Article : Click Here (and scroll down till you see the PDF File).


Source : ZeroHedge

As it were in the days of Noah, So shall it be at the “Return of the Son of Man”

As it were in the days of Noah, So shall it be at the “Return of the Son of Man”

Check out these quotes from Jewish history about the events that occurred before the Flood of Noah.

According to the Book of Enoch, just before the flood of Noah, this planet’s earth tilted on its axis or as the text says, it “became inclined.”  Compare this text with another Hebrew book, also not found in the Biblical canon but was quoted from in the Old Testament.  This book was called the Megillah (Scroll) of Yashir (Jasher) and compared its description with the Book of Revelation. Enoch 65:1

Jasher 6:1 – “And on that day (Flood), the Lord caused the whole earth to shake, and the sun darkened, and the foundations of the world rages, and the whole earth was moved violently, and the lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and all the fountains in the earth were broken up….”

The book Noah

  • 65.1 And in those days, Noah saw the Earth had tilted and that its destruction was near.
  • 65.2 And he set off from there and went to the ends of the Earth and cried out to his great-grandfather Enoch; and Noah said three times in a bitter voice: “Hear me, hear me, hear me!”
  • 65.3 And he said to him: “Tell me, what is it that is being done on the Earth, that the Earth is so afflicted and shaken, lest I be destroyed with it!”

This does fit with the theories of Charles Hapgood in his book ‘The Path of the Pole’ where he suggests that the huge ice melt (that probably caused the flood) occurred when the poles shifted – perhaps due to an impact from space.

Results of Japanese Quake and Tsunami in March 11, 2011


This Earth is drastically changing fast and 2011 has marked a historical year of Natural Disasters and we believe is sounding the Alarms that even the Earth is travailing for the soon return of the Lord. Are you ready 🙂

Romans 8 : 19-22

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.

Peter 10-12

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?

I want to say that I don’t know whether the Rapture of the Church will take place this fall but I do know all the signs and indicators of Biblical Prophecy are right before us now we have a responsibility and that is what Jesus said in Matthew.

Matthew 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Return of the Son of Man

EUROCRISIS : The Complete Summary !

EUROCRISIS : The Complete Summary !

Confused by the latest developments, headlines, stories, counterstories, denials, counterdenials and rumors, but mostly prayers out of Europe? Here is your one stop shop of everything that has transpired in the Eurocrisis most recently !


  • According to Bloomberg, Merkel hardened her opposition to joint debt sharing in the euro region as President Barack Obama singled out Europe’s leaders for not doing enough to arrest the financial crisis: “under no circumstances” would she agree to Germany-backed euro bonds. Some “come along and ask for euro bonds, saying all we need are equal interest rates and everything will turn out all right,” Merkel said in a speech to members of her Christian Democratic Union in Berlin yesterday. Instead, what’s needed is an economic overhaul to tackle the lack of competitiveness in Europe, she said.


  • Dow Jones reports Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy saying that solutions for the Eurozone crisis will start to be found soon. “Spain is a factor in this situation, but one of many… I have good reasons to say that these problems of the monetary union are going to start to be solved in not very much time,” he said in a televised speech.



  • Reuters is among the news services reporting that the “Big Four” accounting firms KPMG, PwC, Deloitte and Ernst & Young will carry a full, individual audit of Spanish banks. First results are expected around mid-June.


  • Spain announced it will auction some 2- 4- and 10y Bonds on June 7. The FT describes the move as ‘defiant’.


  • The FT reports that Syriza aims to renegotiate the Greek bailout should it be in a position to form a government on June 17. “The left-wing party that came a surprising second in last month’s Greek elections has pledged to halt interest payments due on the country’s debt and revoke the terms of its bailout agreement if it comes to power in a re-run vote on June 17. Alexis Tsipras, leader of the far-left Syriza party, said he would also cancel EUR11bn of cuts due to be implemented this month, reverse promised labor reforms and raise taxes on the wealthy.”


  • German tabloid Bild says in an editorial that Greece is fast reaching the end game. “Greeks are plundering their bank accounts, imports to the country are no longer guaranteed, rumors abound of drachma being printed and energy suppliers are no longer paid, Nikolaus Blome, Bild’s chief political columnist, said in an editorial in Saturday’s edition,” is how Bloomberg reports it.


  • The UK’s Telegraph has been a critic of the EUR since before its inception and it now smells blood. “Spain is in ‘total emergency’, the EU in total denial,” is the title of an article published this weekend. “I’ve never actually heard the term ‘total emergency’ before, at least not in the context of global economics. It sounds like the title of a disaster movie. When it is uttered in sober tones by the elder statesman of an advanced democracy to describe his country’s financial condition, the effect is rather startling,” the piece begins. It says if Spain did leave the EUR, there would be nothing left for any other country to exit. The article is here.


  • Speculation of an ECB rate cut is starting to build. “The European Central Bank may cut interest rates again soon as the Eurozone debt crisis deepens, but it will continue to insist that it is up to governments to find a lasting solution, analysts say,” reports AFP. It adds though: “ECB watchers predict the central bank — which will hold its regular policy-setting meeting next week on Wednesday instead of Thursday owing to a public holiday — will not alter borrowing costs just yet this month. But it could act in July as deepening fears about Greece and possible contagion to other countries push the 17 countries that share the euro back into recession, the analysts predicted.”


  • France: French yield levels have gone mental, at some stage the 10y yield rallied by 22bps. And it   looked like around 100bps stops got triggered. As we write the colour the   spread is back up to 105bps vs. Germany. Apart from the wage cut action for himself and for the CEO’s for state owned companies (a bike ride away from communism,) I could not notice any substantial reform so far for France. Most likely we will not see any until the June election is out of its way. Surely France needs to do its homework, and if Mr. Hollande does not want to listen to the markets, at least he should go through the European Commission report, where France is asked to address risky imbalances in its economy.


  • Italy: Berlusconi comments that Italy should say “Ciao, EURO” even if it was a “crazy idea”. How colourful… either way some positive, yes   we mean positive development. The GC short dates have re-traced from its 40bps lvls to now average 37bps in T/N, ending the day 36-35 on a good 5bn volume. One week term traded at 35bps and 1-3M quoted around 38-33bps. Specials space we are not seeing exceptionally expensive bonds. The most in demand is the March 22s, trading close to 1bn in volume on S/N day to day and followed closely by Aug 23s, both averaging around 8bps. Sept 22s that use to hold value is now a jump GC since the tap, but if you are to look for term trades especially for futures trade then you won’t get much liquidity.   Read the full article.

EUROCRISIS : The Complete Summary

Source : ZeroHedge

21 Signs That in 2012 The Global Financial System could Crash !

21 Signs That in 2012 The Global Financial System could Crash !

The summer of 2012 is shaping up to be very similar to the summer of 2008.  Things look incredibly bleak for the global economy right now.  Economic activity and lending are slowing down all over the planet, and fear is starting to paralyze the entire global financial system.  Things did not look this bad back in the summer of 2011 and things certainly did not look this bad back in the summer of 2010.  It is almost as if a “perfect storm” is brewing.  Today, the global financial system is a finely balanced pyramid of risk, debt and leverage.  Such a system requires a high degree of confidence and stability.  But when confidence disappears and fear and panic take over, the house of cards can literally start collapsing at any time.  Right now we are watching a slow-motion train wreck unfold and nobody seems to know how to stop it.  Unless some kind of a miracle happens, things are going to look much different when we reach the start of 2013 than they do today. The following are 21 signs that this could be a long, hot, crazy summer for the global financial system….

  • #1 There are rumors that major financial institutions are cancelling employee vacations in anticipation of a major financial crisis this summer.  The following are a couple of tweets quoted in a recent article by Kenneth Schortgen Jr…. Todd Harrison tweet: Hearing (not confirmed) @PIMCO asked employees to cancel vacations to have “all hands on deck” for a Lehman-type tail event. Confirm? Todd M. Schoenberger tweet: @todd_harrison @pimco I heard the same thing, but I also heard the same for “some” at JPM. Heard it today at a hedge fund luncheon. As Schortgen points out, these are not just your average Twitter users…. Todd Harrison is the CEO of the award winning internet media company Minyanville, while Todd Shoenberger is a managing principal at the Blackbay Group, and an adjunct professor of Finance at Cecil College.


  • #2 The Bank for International Settlements is warning that global lending is contracting at the fastest pace since the financial crisis of 2008.



  • #4 The government of Portugal has just announced that it will be bailing out three major banks.




  • #7 10 year U.S. Treasury notes hit a record low on Friday because investors are scared and they are looking for safety. The following is from a recent USA Today article…. “Treasuries are at 1.46 because people are freaking out,” says Mark Vitner, senior economist at Wells Fargo Economics.




  • #10 Economies all over the developed world are seriously slowing down right now.  The following is from a recent article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard…. Brazil wilted in the first quarter. India grew at the slowest pace in nine years. China’s HSBC manufacturing index fell further into contraction in May, with new orders dropping sharply and inventories rising.



  • #12 Over the past five years, the stock markets of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus have all fallen by more than 50 percent.  Will we soon see similar results all over the rest of Europe?


  • #13 The Greek economy is literally shutting down.  Just check out the chaos that unpaid bills are already causing…. And unpaid bills are now threatening Greece’s electricity supply. State-owned Electricity Market Operator (LAGIE), a clearing house for power transactions, hasn’t paid independent power producers for electricity it bought from them. They, in turn, haven’t paid their natural gas supplier, Public Gas Corporation (Depa), which now doesn’t have the money to pay its supplier. Payment is due on June 22. Alas, its supplier is Gazprom in Russia, and they insist on getting paid. If not, they will shut the valve, and Depa won’t get the gas to supply the independent producers, which will have to take their power plants off line, removing about a third of the country’s electricity production.



  • #15 In March, 66 billion euros was pulled out of Spanish banks and sent out of the country.  That was an all-time record and that was before we even knew the results of the recent elections in Greece and France.  The numbers for April and May will almost certainly be even worse.


  • #16 The unemployment rate in Spain is 24.4 percent and for those under the age of 25 it is over 50 percent. Again, these are official numbers … Rumors talk about a massive 47% unemployment rate (!) and an under the age of 25 unemployment rate of … 83% (!!!). The Spanish economy is coming to a Full-Stop !!!


  • #17 Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is warning that Italy may have to take drastic actions if something is not done soon…. “People are in shock. Confidence has collapsed. We have never had such a dark future,” he said. Indeed, the jobless rate for youth has jumped from 27pc to 35pc in a year. Terrorism has returned. Anarchists knee-capped the head of Ansaldo Nucleare last month. Italy’s tax office chief was nearly blinded by a letter bomb. “If Europe refuses to listen to our demands, we should say ‘bye, bye’ and leave the euro. Or tell the Germans to leave the euro if they are not happy,” he said.




  • #20 As I wrote about the other day, World Bank President Robert Zoellick is warning that “the summer of 2012″ could end up being very similar to what we experienced back in 2008…. “Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain, Italy and across the eurozone. The summer of 2012 offers an eerie echo of 2008.”


When was the last time that we saw so much bad economic news come out all at once?   …   2008 perhaps?

We truly live in unprecedented times. It will be exciting to watch what happens, but it is also important to keep in mind that the coming economic crisis will cause extreme pain for millions upon millions of people. For example, the suicide of a mother and a son due to the deteriorating economy has absolutely shocked the entire nation of Greece…. A 60-year-old Greek musician and his 91-year-old mother jumped to their deaths from their 5th floor apartment, driven to despair by financial woes. This double death is the latest in a rising epidemic of crisis-induced suicides in Greece. Witness accounts vary – some say the mother, who suffered from Alzheimer’s, jumped first, screaming a prayer as she plummeted to her death. Other neighbors say the mother and her son jumped together, holding hands.

But the one thing everyone seems to agree on is that the family had been struggling for a long time. The night before, Antonis Perris posted a suicide note of sorts on a popular Greek forum, saying he had no way of resolving the family’s financial issues. “The problem is that I didn’t realize that I would need to have cash, because the economic crisis came so suddenly on all, even on businessgifts. Even though I have been selling our possessions, we have no cash flow, we have no money to buy food anymore and my credit card is maxed out with 22% interest rate.”

Perris continued to say that both his and his mother’s health deteriorated, and that he saw no solution to his most basic problems – getting food and medical help.

21 Signs That in 2012 The Global Financial System could Crash

This is why it is so incredibly important to get prepared. You don’t want something like that happening to you or anyone in your family

Source : PrisonPlanet

The Gods List !

The Complete list of names of gods, goddesses, demigods, god-men, etc. who have been sincerely believed in and worshipped.

General Listing (191 Gods)

A, Adad, Adapa, Adrammelech, Aeon, Agasaya, Aglibol, Ahriman, Ahura Mazda, Ahurani, Ai-ada, Al-Lat, Aja, Aka, Alalu, Al-Lat, Amm, Al-Uzza (El-‘Ozza or Han-Uzzai), An, Anahita, Anath (Anat), Anatu, Anbay, Anshar, Anu, Anunitu, An-Zu, Apsu, Aqhat, Ararat, Arinna, Asherali, Ashnan, Ashtoreth, Ashur, Astarte, Atar, Athirat, Athtart, Attis, Aya, Baal (Bel), Baalat (Ba’Alat), Baau, Basamum, Beelsamin, Belit-Seri, Beruth, Borak, Broxa, Caelestis, Cassios, Lebanon, Antilebanon, and Brathy, Chaos, Chemosh, Cotys, Cybele, Daena, Daevas, Dagon, Damkina, Dazimus, Derketo, Dhat-Badan, Dilmun, Dumuzi (Du’uzu), Duttur, Ea, El, Endukugga, Enki, Enlil, Ennugi, Eriskegal, Ereshkigal (Allatu), Eshara, Eshmun, Firanak, Fravashi, Gatamdug, Genea, Genos, Gestinanna, Gula, Hadad, Hannahanna, Hatti, Hea, Hiribi, The Houri, Holy Spirit, Humban, Innana, Ishkur, Ishtar, Ithm, Jamshid or Jamshyd, Jehovah, Jesus, Kabta, Kadi, Kamrusepas, Ki (Kiki), Kingu, Kolpia, Kothar-u-Khasis, Lahar, Marduk, Mari, Meni, Merodach, Misor, Mithra, Moloch, Mot, Mushdama, Mylitta, Naamah, Nabu (Nebo), Nairyosangha, Nammu, Namtaru, Nanna, Nebo, Nergal, Nidaba, Ninhursag or Nintu, Ninlil, Ninsar, Nintur, Ninurta, Pa, Qadshu, Rapithwin, Resheph (Mikal or Mekal), Rimmon, Sadarnuna, Shahar, Shalim, Shamish, Shapshu, Sheger, Sin, Siris (Sirah), Taautos, Tammuz, Tanit, Taru, Tasimmet, Telipinu, Tiamat, Tishtrya, Tsehub, Utnapishtim, Utu, Wurusemu, Yam, Yarih (Yarikh), Yazata, Yahweh, Yeshua, YHWH, Yima, Zaba, Zababa, Zam, Zanahary (Zanaharibe), Zarpandit, Zarathustra, Zatavu, zavavindrano, Ziusudra, Zu (Imdugud), Zurvan.

China (170 Gods)

Ba, Caishen, Chang Fei, Chang Hsien, Chang Pan, Ch’ang Tsai, Chao san-Niang, Chao T’eng-k’ang, Chen Kao, Ch’eng Huang, Cheng San-Kung, Cheng Yuan-ho, Chi Po, Chien-Ti, Chih Jih, Chih Nii, Chih Nu, Ch’ih Sung-tzu, Ching Ling Tzu, Ch’ing Lung, Chin-hua Niang-niang, Chio Yuan-Tzu, Chou Wang, Chu Niao, Chu Ying, Chuang-Mu, Chu-jung, Chun T’i, Ch’ung Ling-yu, Chung Liu, Chung-kuei, Chung-li Ch’an, Di Jun, Fan K’uei, Fei Lien, Feng Pho-Pho, Fengbo, Fu Hsing, Fu-Hsi, Fu-Pao, Gaomei, Guan Di, Hao Ch’iu, Heng-o, Ho Po (Ping-I), Hou Chi, Hou T’u, Hsi Ling-su, Hsi Shih, Hsi Wang Mu, Hsiao Wu, Hsieh T’ien-chun, Hsien Nung, Hsi-shen, Hsu Ch’ang, Hsuan Wen-hua, Huang Ti, Huang T’ing, Huo Pu, Hu-Shen, Jen An, Jizo Bosatsu, Keng Yen-cheng, King Wan, Ko Hsien-Weng, Kuan Ti, Kuan Ti, Kuei-ku Tzu, Kuo Tzu-i, Lai Cho, Lao Lang, Lei Kung, Lei Tsu, Li Lao-chun, Li Tien, Liu Meng, Liu Pei, Lo Shen, Lo Yu, Lo-Tsu Ta-Hsien, Lu Hsing, Lung Yen, Lu-pan, Ma-Ku, Mang Chin-i, Mang Shen, Mao Meng, Men Shen, Miao Hu, Mi-lo Fo, Ming Shang, Nan-chi Hsien-weng, Niu Wang, Nu Wa, Nu-kua, Pa, Pa Cha, Pai Chung, Pai Liu-Fang, Pai Yu, P’an Niang, P’an-Chin-Lien, Pao Yuan-ch’uan, Phan Ku, P’i Chia-Ma, Pien Ho, San Kuan, Sao-ch’ing Niang, Sarudahiko, Shang Chien, Shang Ti, She chi, Shen Hsui-Chih, Shen Nung, Sheng Mu, Shih Liang, Shiu Fang, Shou-lao, Shun I Fu-jen, Sien-Tsang, Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, Sun Pin, Sun Ssu-miao, Sung-Chiang, Tan Chu, T’ang Ming Huang, Tao Kung, T’ien Fei, Tien Hou, Tien Mu, Ti-tsang, Tsai Shen, Ts’an Nu, Ts’ang Chien, Tsao Chun, Tsao-Wang, T’shai-Shen, Tung Chun, T’ung Chung-chung, T’ung Lai-yu, Tung Lu, T’ung Ming, Tzu-ku Shen, Wa, Wang Ta-hsien, Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang, Weiwobo, Wen-ch’ang, Wu-tai Yuan-shuai, Xi Hou, Xi Wangmu, Xiu Wenyin, Yanwang, Yaoji, Yen-lo, Yen-Lo-Wang, Yi, Yu, Yu Ch’iang, Yu Huang, Yun-T’ung, Yu-Tzu, Zaoshen, Zhang Xi, , Zhin, Zhongguei, , Zigu Shen, , Zisun, Ch’ang-O.

Balto Slavic (125 Gods)

Aba-khatun, Aigiarm, Ajysyt, Alkonost, Almoshi, Altan-Telgey, Ama, Anapel, As-ava, Ausaitis, Austeja, Ayt’ar, Baba Yaga (Jezi Baba), Belobog (Belun), Boldogasszony, Breksta, Bugady Musun, Chernobog (Crnobog, Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog), Cinei-new, Colleda (Koliada), Cuvto-ava, Dali, Darzu-mate, Dazhbog, Debena, Devana, Diiwica (Dilwica), Doda (Dodola), Dolya, Dragoni, Dugnai, Dunne Enin, Edji, Elena, Erce, Etugen, Falvara, The Fates, The Fatit, Gabija, Ganiklis, Giltine, Hotogov Mailgan, Hov-ava, Iarila, Isten, Ja-neb’a, Jedza, Joda-mate, Kaldas, Kaltes, Keretkun, Khadau, Khursun (Khors), Kostrubonko, Kovas, Krumine, Kupala, Kupalo, Laima, Leshy, Marina, Marzana, Matergabiae, Mat Syra Zemlya, Medeine, Menu (Menulis), Mir-Susne-Khum, Myesyats, Nastasija, (Russia) Goddess of sleep., Nelaima, Norov, Numi-Tarem, Nyia, Ora, Ot, Patollo, Patrimpas, Pereplut, Perkuno, Perun, Pikuolis, Pilnytis, Piluitus, Potrimpo, Puskaitis, Rod, Rugevit, Rultennin, Rusalki, Sakhadai-Noin, Saule, Semargl, Stribog, Sudjaje, Svantovit (Svantevit, Svitovyd), Svarazic (Svarozic, Svarogich), Tengri, Tairgin, Triglav, Ulgen (Ulgan, lgn), Veles (Volos), Vesna, Xatel-Ekwa, Xoli-Kaltes, Yamm, Yarilo, Yarovit, Ynakhsyt, Zaria, Zeme mate, Zemyna, Ziva (Siva), Zizilia, Zonget, Zorya, Zvoruna, Zvezda Dennitsa, Zywie.

Japan (53 Gods)

Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone, Ama no Uzume, Ama-terasu, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Benten (Benzai-Ten), Bishamon, Chimata-No-Kami, Chup-Kamui, Daikoku, Ebisu, Emma-O, Fudo, Fuji, Fukurokuju, Gekka-O, Hachiman, Hettsui-No-Kami, Ho-Masubi, Hotei, Inari, Izanagi and Izanami, Jizo Bosatsu, Jurojin, Kagutsuchi, Kamado-No-Kami, Kami, Kawa-No-Kami, Kaya-Nu-Hima, Kishijoten, Kishi-Mojin, Kunitokotatchi, Marici, Monju-Bosatsu, Nai-No-Kami, No-Il Ja-Dae, O-Kuni-Nushi, Omoigane, Raiden, Shine-Tsu-Hiko, Shoten, Susa-no-wo, Tajika-no-mikoto, Tsuki-yomi, Uka no Mitanna, Uke-mochi, Uso-dori, Uzume, Wakahirume, Yainato-Hnneno-Mikoi, Yama-No-Kami, Yama-no-Karni, Yaya-Zakurai, Yuki-Onne.

India (115 Gods)

Agni, Ammavaru, Asuras, Banka-Mundi, Brihaspati, Budhi Pallien, Candi, Challalamma, Chinnintamma, Devas, Dyaush, Gauri-Sankar, Grhadevi, Gujeswari, Indra, Kali, Lohasur Devi, Mayavel, Mitra, Prajapati, Puchan, Purandhi, Rakshas, Rudrani, Rumina, Samundra, Sarasvati, Savitar, Siva (Shiva), Soma, Sura, Surabhi, Tulsi, Ushas, Vata, Visvamitra, Vivasvat, Vritra, Waghai Devi, Yaparamma, Yayu, Zumiang Nui, Diti. Specifically Hindu deities : Aditi, Adityas, Ambika, Ananta (Shesha), Annapurna (Annapatni), Aruna, Ashvins, Balarama, Bhairavi, Brahma, Buddha, Dakini, Devi, Dharma, Dhisana, Durga, Dyaus, Ganesa (Ganesha), Ganga (Ganges), Garuda, Gauri, Gopis, Hanuman, Hari-Hara, Hulka Devi, Jagganath, Jyeshtha, Kama, Karttikeya, Krishna, Krtya, Kubera, Kubjika, Lakshmi or Laksmi, Manasha, Manu, Maya, Meru, Nagas, Nandi, Naraka, Nataraja, Nirriti, Parjanya, Parvati, Paurnamasi, Prithivi, Purusha, Radha, Rati, Ratri, Rudra, Sanjna, Sati, Shashti, Shatala, Sitala (Satala), Skanda, Sunrta, Surya, Svasti-devi, Tvashtar, Uma, Urjani, Vach, Varuna, Vayu, Vishnu Avatars of Vishnu : Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasinha; Vamana; Parasurama; Rama; Krishna; Buddha; Kalki), Vishvakarman, Yama, Sraddha.

Other Asian (31 Gods)

Dewi Shri, Po Yan Dari, Shuzanghu, Antaboga, Yakushi Nyorai, Mulhalmoni,  Tankun, Yondung Halmoni, Aryong Jong, Quan Yin , Tengri, Uminai-gami,  Kamado-No-Kami, Kunitokotatchi, Giri Devi, Dewi Nawang Sasih, Brag-srin-mo,  Samanta-Bhadra, Sangs-rgyas-mkh, Sengdroma, Sgeg-mo-ma, Tho-og, Ui Tango,  Yum-chen-mo, Zas-ster-ma-dmar-mo, Chandra, Dyaus, Ratri, Rodasi, Vayu,  Au-Co.

African (250 Gods) – Demigods and First Men

Abassi , Abuk , Adu Ogyinae , Ag, Agwe , Aida Wedo , Ajalamo, Aje, Ajok, Akonadi, Akongo, Akuj, Amma, Anansi, Asase Yaa, Ashiakle, Atai , Ayaba, Aziri, Baatsi, Bayanni, Bele Alua, Bomo rambi, Bosumabla, Buk, Buku, Bumba, Bunzi, Buruku, Cagn, Candit, Cghene, Coti, Damballah-Wedo, Dan, Deng, Domfe, Dongo, Edinkira, Ef�, Egungun-oya, Eka Abassi, Elephant Girl Mbombe, Emayian, Enekpe, En-Kai, Eseasar, Eshu, Esu, Fa, Faran, Faro, Fatouma, Fidi Mukullu, Fon, Gleti, Gonzuole, G, Gua, Gulu, Gunab, Hammadi, Hbiesso, Iku, Ilankaka, Imana, Iruwa, Isaywa, Juok, Kazooba, Khakaba, Khonvum, Kibuka, Kintu, Leb, Leza, Libanza, Lituolone, Loko, Marwe, Massim Biambe, Mawu-Lisa (Leza), Mboze, Mebeli, Minepa, Moombi, Mukameiguru, Mukasa, Muluku, Mulungu, Mwambu, Nai, Nambi, Nana Buluku, Nanan-Bouclou, Nenaunir, Ng Ai, Nyaliep, Nyamb, Nyankopon, Nyasaye, Nzame, Oboto, Obumo, Odudua-Orishala, Ogun, Olokun, Olorun, Orisha Nla, Orunmila, Osanyin, Oshe, Osun, Oya, Phebele, Pokot-Suk, Ralubumbha, Rugaba, Ruhanga, Ryangombe, Sagbata, Shagpona, Shango, Sopona, Tano, Thixo, Tilo, Tokoloshi, Tsui, Tsui’goab, Umvelinqangi, Unkulunkulu, Utixo, Wak, Wamara, Wantu Su, Wele, Were, Woto, Xevioso, Yangombi, Yemonja, Ymoa, Ymoja, Yoruba, Zambi, Zanahary, Zinkibaru.

Australian (93 Gods) – Goddesses, and places in the Dreamtime

Alinga, Anjea, Apunga, Arahuta, Ariki, Arohirohi, Bamapana, Banaitja, Bara, Barraiya, Biame, Bila, Boaliri, Bobbi-bobbi, Bunbulama, Bunjil, Cunnembeille, Daramulum, Dilga, Djanggawul Sisters, Eingana, Erathipa, Gidja , Gnowee, Haumia, Hine Titama, Ingridi, Julana, Julunggul, Junkgowa, Karora, Kunapipi-Kalwadi-Kadjara, Lia, Madalait, Makara, Nabudi, Palpinkalare, Papa, Rangi, Rongo, Tane, Tangaroa, Tawhiri-ma-tea, Tomituka, Tu, Ungamilia, Walo, Waramurungundi, Wati Kutjarra, Wawalag Sisters, Wuluwaid, Wuragag, Wuriupranili, Wur

Buddhist (10 Gods) – And Relatives of God

Aizen-Myoo, Ajima,Dai-itoku-Myoo, Fudo-Myoo, Gozanze-Myoo, Gundari-Myoo, Hariti, Kongo-Myoo, Kujaku-Myoo, Ni-O.

Carribean (62 Gods) – Monsters and Vodun Spirits

Agaman Nibo , Agwe, Agweta, Ah Uaynih, Aida Wedo , Atabei , Ayida , Ayizan, Azacca, Baron Samedi, Ulrich, Ellegua, Ogun, Ochosi, Chango, Itaba, Amelia, Christalline, Clairm, Clairmezin, Coatrischie, Damballah , Emanjah, Erzuli, Erzulie, Ezili, Ghede, Guabancex, Guabonito, Guamaonocon, Imanje, Karous, Laloue-diji, Legba, Loa, Loco, Maitresse Amelia , Mapiangueh, Marie-aime, Marinette, Mombu, Marassa, Nana Buruku, Oba, Obtala, Ochu, Ochumare, Oddudua, Ogoun, Olokum, Olosa, Oshun, Oya, Philomena, Sir�ne, The Diablesse, Itaba, Tsilah, Ursule, Vierge, Yemaya , Zaka.

Celtic (166 Gods) – Goddesses, Divine Kings and Pagan Saints

Abarta, Abna, Abnoba, Aine, Airetech,Akonadi, Amaethon, Ameathon, An Cailleach, Andraste, Antenociticus, Aranrhod, Arawn, Arianrod, Artio, Badb,Balor, Banbha, Becuma, Belatucadros, Belatu-Cadros, Belenus, Beli,Belimawr, Belinus, Bendigeidfran, Bile, Blathnat, Blodeuwedd, Boann, Bodus,Bormanus, Borvo, Bran, Branwen, Bres, Brigid, Brigit, Caridwen, Carpantus,Cathbadh, Cecht, Cernach, Cernunnos, Cliodna, Cocidius, Conchobar, Condatis, Cormac,Coronus,Cosunea, Coventina, Crarus,Creidhne, Creirwy, Cu Chulainn, Cu roi, Cuda, Cuill,Cyhiraeth,Dagda, Damona, Dana, Danu, D’Aulnoy,Dea Artio, Deirdre , Dewi, Dian, Diancecht, Dis Pater, Donn, Dwyn, Dylan, Dywel, Efnisien, Elatha, Epona, Eriu, Esos, Esus, Eurymedon, Fedelma, Fergus, Finn, Fodla, Goewyn, Gog, Goibhniu, Govannon , Grainne, Greine,Gwydion, Gwynn ap Nudd, Herne, Hu’Gadarn, Keltoi,Keridwen, Kernunnos,Ler, Lir, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, Lludd, Llyr, Llywy, Luchta, Lug, Lugh,Lugus, Mabinogion,Mabon, Mac Da Tho, Macha, Magog, Manannan, Manawydan, Maponos, Math, Math Ap Mathonwy, Medb, Moccos,Modron, Mogons, Morrig, Morrigan, Nabon,Nantosuelta, Naoise, Nechtan, Nedoledius,Nehalennia, Nemhain, Net,Nisien, Nodens, Noisi, Nuada, Nwywre,Oengus, Ogma, Ogmios, Oisin, Pach,Partholon, Penard Dun, Pryderi, Pwyll, Rhiannon, Rosmerta, Samhain, Segidaiacus, Sirona, Sucellus, Sulis, Taliesin, Taranis, Teutates, The Horned One,The Hunt, Treveni,Tyne, Urien, Ursula of the Silver Host, Vellaunus, Vitiris, White Lady.

Egyptian (85 Gods) – Gods Incarnate, & Personified Divine Forces

Amaunet, Amen, Amon, Amun, Anat, Anqet, Antaios, Anubis, Anuket, Apep, Apis, Astarte, Aten, Aton, Atum, Bastet, Bat, Buto, Duamutef, Duamutef, Hapi, Har-pa-khered, Hathor, Hauhet, Heket, Horus, Huh, Imset, Isis, Kauket, Kebechsenef, Khensu, Khepri, Khnemu, Khnum, Khonsu, Kuk, Maahes, Ma’at, Mehen, Meretseger, Min, Mnewer, Mut, Naunet, Nefertem, Neith, Nekhbet, Nephthys, Nun, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra , Re, Renenet, Sakhmet, Satet, Seb, Seker, Sekhmet, Serapis, Serket, Set, Seth, Shai, Shu, Shu, Sia, Sobek, Sokar, Tefnut, Tem, Thoth runna, Yhi.

Hellenes/Greek Tradition (540 Gods) – Demigods, & Divine Bastards

Acidalia, Aello, Aesculapius, Agathe, Agdistis, Ageleia, Aglauros, Agne, Agoraia, Agreia, Agreie, Agreiphontes, Agreus, Agrios, Agrotera, Aguieus, Aidoneus, Aigiokhos, Aigletes, Aigobolos, Ainia,Ainippe, Aithuia , Akesios, Akraia, Aktaios, Alalkomene, Alasiotas, Alcibie, Alcinoe, Alcippe, Alcis,Alea, Alexikakos, Aligena, Aliterios, Alkaia, Amaltheia, Ambidexter, Ambologera, Amynomene,Anaduomene, Anaea, Anax, Anaxilea, Androdameia,Andromache, Andromeda, Androphonos, Anosia, Antandre,Antania, Antheus, Anthroporraistes, Antianara, Antianeira, Antibrote, Antimache, Antimachos, Antiope,Antiopeia, Aoide, Apatouria, Aphneius, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apotropaios, Areia, Areia, Areion, Areopagite, Ares, Areto, Areximacha,Argus, Aridnus,Aristaios, Aristomache, Arkhegetes, Arktos, Arretos, Arsenothelys, Artemis, Asclepius, Asklepios, Aspheleios, Asteria, Astraeos , Athene, Auxites, Avaris, Axios, Axios Tauros,Bakcheios, Bakchos, Basileus, Basilis, Bassareus, Bauros, Boophis, Boreas, Botryophoros, Boukeros, Boulaia, Boulaios, Bremusa,Bromios, Byblis,Bythios, Caliope, Cedreatis, Celaneo, centaur, Cerberus, Charidotes, Charybdis, Chimera, Chloe, Chloris , Choreutes, Choroplekes, Chthonios, Clete, Clio, clotho,Clyemne, cockatrice, Crataeis, Custos, Cybebe, Cybele, Cyclops, Daphnaia, Daphnephoros, Deianeira, Deinomache, Delia, Delios, Delphic, Delphinios, Demeter, Dendrites, Derimacheia,Derinoe, Despoina, Dikerotes, Dimeter, Dimorphos, Dindymene, Dioktoros, Dionysos, Discordia, Dissotokos, Dithyrambos, Doris, Dryope,Echephyle,Echidna, Eiraphiotes, Ekstatophoros, Eleemon, Eleuthereus, Eleutherios, Ennosigaios, Enodia, Enodios, Enoplios, Enorches, Enualios, Eos , Epaine, Epidotes, Epikourios, Epipontia, Epitragidia, Epitumbidia, Erato, Ergane, Eribromios, Erigdoupos, Erinus, Eriobea, Eriounios, Eriphos, Eris, Eros,Euanthes, Euaster, Eubouleus, Euboulos, Euios, Eukhaitos, Eukleia, Eukles, Eumache, Eunemos, Euplois, Euros , Eurybe,Euryleia, Euterpe, Fates,Fortuna, Gaia, Gaieokhos, Galea, Gamelia, Gamelios, Gamostolos, Genetor, Genetullis, Geryon, Gethosynos, giants, Gigantophonos, Glaukopis, Gorgons, Gorgopis, Graiae, griffin, Gynaikothoinas, Gynnis, Hagisilaos, Hagnos, Haides, Harmothoe, harpy, Hegemone, Hegemonios, Hekate, Hekatos, Helios, Hellotis, Hephaistia, Hephaistos, Hera, Heraios, Herakles, Herkeios, Hermes, Heros Theos, Hersos, Hestia, Heteira, Hiksios, Hipp, Hippia, Hippios, Hippoi Athanatoi, Hippolyte, Hippolyte II, Hippomache,Hippothoe, Horkos, Hugieia, Hupatos, Hydra, Hypate, Hyperborean, Hypsipyle, Hypsistos, Iakchos, Iatros, Idaia, Invictus, Iphito,Ismenios, Ismenus,Itonia, Kabeiria, Kabeiroi, Kakia, Kallinikos, Kallipugos, Kallisti, Kappotas, Karneios, Karpophoros, Karytis, Kataibates, Katakhthonios, Kathatsios, Keladeine, Keraunos, Kerykes, Khalinitis, Khalkioikos, Kharmon, Khera, Khloe, Khlori,Khloris,Khruse, Khthonia, Khthonios, Kidaria, Kissobryos, Kissokomes, Kissos, Kitharodos, Kleidouchos, Kleoptoleme, Klymenos, Kore, Koruthalia, Korymbophoros, Kourotrophos, Kranaia, Kranaios, Krataiis, Kreousa, Kretogenes, Kriophoros, Kronides, Kronos,Kryphios, Ktesios, Kubebe, Kupris, Kuprogenes, Kurotrophos, Kuthereia, Kybele, Kydoime,Kynthia, Kyrios, Ladon, Lakinia, Lamia, Lampter, Laodoke, Laphria, Lenaios, Leukatas, Leukatas, Leukolenos, Leukophruene, Liknites, Limenia, Limnaios, Limnatis, Logios, Lokhia, Lousia, Loxias, Lukaios, Lukeios, Lyaios, Lygodesma, Lykopis, Lyseus, Lysippe, Maimaktes, Mainomenos, Majestas, Makar, Maleatas, Manikos, Mantis, Marpe, Marpesia, Medusa, Megale, Meilikhios, Melaina, Melainis, Melanaigis, Melanippe,Melete, Melousa, Melpomene, Melqart, Meses, Mimnousa, Minotaur, Mneme, Molpadia,Monogenes, Morpho, Morychos, Musagates, Musagetes, Nebrodes, Nephelegereta, Nereus,Nete, Nike, Nikephoros, Nomios, Nomius, Notos , Nyktelios, Nyktipolos, Nympheuomene, Nysios, Oiketor, Okyale, Okypous, Olumpios, Omadios, Ombrios, Orithia,Orius,Ortheia, Orthos, Ourania, Ourios, Paelemona, Paian, Pais, Palaios, Pallas, Pan Megas, Panakhais, Pandemos, Pandrosos, Pantariste, Parthenos, PAsianax, Pasiphaessa, Pater, Pater, Patroos, Pegasus, Pelagia, Penthesilea, Perikionios, Persephone, Petraios, Phanes, Phanter, Phatria, Philios, Philippis, Philomeides, Phoebe, Phoebus, Phoenix, Phoibos, Phosphoros, Phratrios, Phutalmios, Physis, Pisto, Plouton, Polemusa,Poliakhos, Polias, Polieus, Polumetis, Polydektes, Polygethes, Polymnia, Polymorphos, Polyonomos, Porne, Poseidon, Potnia Khaos, Potnia Pheron, Promakhos, Pronoia, Propulaios, Propylaia, Proserpine, Prothoe, Protogonos, Prytaneia, Psychopompos, Puronia, Puthios, Pyrgomache, Python, Rhea, Sabazios, Salpinx, satyr, Saxanus, Scyleia,Scylla, sirens, Skeptouchos, Smintheus, Sophia, Sosipolis, Soter, Soteria, Sphinx, Staphylos, Sthenias, Sthenios, Strife, Summakhia, Sykites, Syzygia, Tallaios, Taureos, Taurokeros, Taurophagos, Tauropolos, Tauropon, Tecmessa, Teisipyte, Teleios, Telepyleia,Teletarches, Terpsichore, Thalestris, Thalia, The Dioskouroi, Theos, Theritas, Thermodosa, Thraso, Thyonidas, Thyrsophoros, Tmolene, Toxaris, Toxis, Toxophile,Trevia, Tricephalus, Trieterikos, Trigonos, Trismegestos, Tritogeneia, Tropaios, Trophonius,Tumborukhos, Tyche, Typhon, Urania, Valasca, Xanthippe, Xenios, Zagreus, Zathos, Zephryos , Zeus, Zeus Katakhthonios, Zoophoros.

Native American (711 Gods) – Heroes, and Anthropomorphized Facets of Nature

Aakuluujjusi, Ab Kin zoc, Abaangui , Ababinili , Ac Yanto, Acan, Acat, Achiyalatopa , Acna, Acolmiztli, Acolnahuacatl, Acuecucyoticihuati, Adamisil Wedo, Adaox , Adekagagwaa , Adlet , Adlivun, Agloolik , Aguara , Ah Bolom Tzacab, Ah Cancum, Ah Chun Caan, Ah Chuy Kak, Ah Ciliz, Ah Cun Can, Ah Cuxtal, Ah hulneb, Ah Kin, Ah Kumix Uinicob, Ah Mun, Ah Muzencab, Ah Patnar Uinicob, Ah Peku, Ah Puch, Ah Tabai, Ah UincirDz’acab, Ah Uuc Ticab, Ah Wink-ir Masa, Ahau Chamahez, Ahau-Kin, Ahmakiq, Ahnt Alis Pok’, Ahnt Kai’, Aholi , Ahsonnutli , Ahuic, Ahulane, Aiauh, Aipaloovik , Ajbit, Ajilee , Ajtzak, Akbaalia , Akba-atatdia , Akhlut , Akhushtal, Akna , Akycha, Alaghom Naom Tzentel, Albino Spirit animals , Alektca , Alignak, Allanque , Allowat Sakima , Alom, Alowatsakima , Amaguq , Amala , Amimitl, Amitolane, Amotken , Andaokut , Andiciopec , Anerneq , Anetlacualtiliztli, Angalkuq , Angpetu Wi, Anguta, Angwusnasomtaka , Ani Hyuntikwalaski , Animal spirits , Aningan, Aniwye , Anog Ite , Anpao, Apanuugak , Apicilnic , Apikunni , Apotamkin , Apoyan Tachi , Apozanolotl, Apu Punchau, Aqalax , Arendiwane , Arnakua’gsak , Asdiwal , Asgaya Gigagei, Asiaq , Asin , Asintmah, Atacokai , Atahensic, Aticpac Calqui Cihuatl, Atira, Atisokan , Atius Tirawa , Atl, Atlacamani, Atlacoya, Atlatonin, Atlaua, Atshen , Auilix, Aulanerk , Aumanil , Aunggaak , Aunt Nancy , Awaeh Yegendji , Awakkule , Awitelin Tsta , Awonawilona, Ayauhteotl, Azeban, Baaxpee , Bacabs, Backlum Chaam, Bagucks , Bakbakwalanooksiwae , Balam, Baldhead , Basamacha , Basket Woman , Bead Spitter , Bear , Bear Medicine Woman , Bear Woman , Beaver , Beaver Doctor , Big Heads, Big Man Eater , Big Tail , Big Twisted Flute , Bikeh hozho, Bitol, Black Hactcin , Black Tamanous , Blind Boy , Blind Man , Blood Clot Boy , Bloody Hand , Blue-Jay , Bmola , Bolontiku, Breathmaker, Buffalo, Buluc Chabtan, Burnt Belly , Burnt Face , Butterfly , Cabaguil, Cacoch, Cajolom, Cakulha, Camaxtli, Camozotz, Cannibal Grandmother , Cannibal Woman , Canotila , Capa , Caprakan, Ca-the-a, Cauac, Centeotl, Centzonuitznaua, Cetan , Chac Uayab Xoc, Chac, Chahnameed , Chakwaina Okya, Chalchihuitlicue, Chalchiuhtlatonal, Chalchiutotolin, Chalmecacihuilt, Chalmecatl, Chamer, Changing Bear Woman , Changing Woman , Chantico, Chaob, Charred Body , Chepi , Chibiabos , Chibirias, Chiccan, Chicomecoatl, Chicomexochtli, Chiconahui, Chiconahuiehecatl, Chie, Child-Born-in-Jug , Chirakan, Chulyen , Cihuacoatl, Cin-an-ev , Cinteotl, Cipactli, Cirap� , Cit Chac Coh, Cit-Bolon-Tum, Citlalatonac, Citlalicue, Ciucoatl, Ciuteoteo, Cizin, Cliff ogre , Coatlicue, Cochimetl, Cocijo, Colel Cab, Colop U Uichkin, Copil, Coyolxauhqui, Coyopa, Coyote , Cripple Boy , Crow , Crow Woman , Cum hau, Cunawabi , Dagwanoenyent , Dahdahwat , Daldal , Deohako, Dhol , Diyin dine , Djien , Djigonasee , Dohkwibuhch , Dzalarhons , Dzalarhons, Eagentci , Eagle , Earth Shaman , Eeyeekalduk , Ehecatl, Ehlaumel , Eithinoha , Ekchuah, Enumclaw , Eototo, Esaugetuh Emissee , Esceheman, Eschetewuarha, Estanatlehi , Estasanatlehi , Estsanatlehi, Evaki, Evening Star, Ewah , Ewauna, Face , Faces of the Forests , False Faces , Famine , Fastachee , Fire Dogs , First Creator , First Man and First Woman, First Scolder , Flint Man , Flood , Flower Woman , Foot Stuck Child , Ga’an, Ga-gaah , Gahe, Galokwudzuwis , Gaoh, Gawaunduk, Geezhigo-Quae, Gendenwitha, Genetaska, Ghanan, Gitche Manitou, Glispa, Glooskap , Gluscabi , Gluskab , Gluskap, Godasiyo, Gohone , Great Seahouse, Greenmantle , Gucumatz, Gukumatz, Gunnodoyak, Gyhldeptis, Ha Wen Neyu , Hacauitz , Hacha’kyum, Hagondes , Hahgwehdiyu , Hamatsa , Hamedicu, Hanghepi Wi, Hantceiitehi , Haokah , Hastseoltoi, Hastshehogan , He’ , Hen, Heyoka , Hiawatha , Hino, Hisakitaimisi, Hokhokw , Hotoru, Huehuecoyotl, Huehueteotl, Huitaca , Huitzilopochtli, Huixtocihuatl, Hummingbird, Hun hunahpu, Hun Pic Tok, Hunab Ku, Hunahpu Utiu, Hunahpu, Hunahpu-Gutch, Hunhau, Hurakan, Iatiku And Nautsiti, Ich-kanava , Ictinike , Idliragijenget , Idlirvirisong, Igaluk , Ignirtoq , Ikanam , Iktomi , Ilamatecuhtli, Illapa, Ilyap’a, i’noGo tied , Inti, Inua , Ioskeha , Ipalnemohuani, Isakakate, Ishigaq , Isitoq , Issitoq , Ite , Itzamn, Itzananohk`u, Itzlacoliuhque, Itzli, Itzpapalotl, Ix Chebel Yax, Ixbalanque, Ixchel, Ixchup, Ixmucane, Ixpiyacoc, Ixtab, Ixtlilton, Ixtubtin, Ixzaluoh, Iya , Iyatiku , Iztaccihuatl, Iztacmixcohuatl, Jaguar Night, Jaguar Quitze, Jogah , Kaakwha , Kabun , Kabun , Kachinas, Kadlu , Ka-Ha-Si , Ka-Ha-Si , Kaik , Kaiti , Kan, Kana’ti and Selu , Kanati, Kan-u-Uayeyab, Kan-xib-yui, Kapoonis , Katsinas, Keelut , Ketchimanetowa, Ketq Skwaye, Kianto, Kigatilik , Kilya, K’in, Kinich Ahau, Kinich Kakmo, Kishelemukong , Kisin, Kitcki Manitou, Kmukamch , Kokopelli , Ko’lok , Kukulcan, Kushapatshikan , Kutni , Kutya’I , Kwakwakalanooksiwae , Kwatee , Kwekwaxa’we , Kwikumat , Kyoi , Lagua , Land Otter People , Lawalawa , Logobola , Loha, Lone Man , Long Nose , Loon , Loon Medicine , Loon Woman , Loo-wit, Macaw Woman, Macuilxochitl, Maho Peneta, Mahucutah, Makenaima , Malesk , Malina , Malinalxochi, Malsum, Malsumis , Mam, Mama Cocha, Man in moon , Manabozho , Manetuwak , Mani’to, Manitou , Mannegishi , Manu, Masaya, Masewi , Master of Life , Master Of Winds, Matshishkapeu , Mavutsinim , Mayahuel, Medeoulin , Mekala , Menahka, Meteinuwak , Metztli, Mexitl, Michabo, Mictecacihuatl, Mictlan, Mictlantecuhtli, Mikchich , Mikumwesu , Mitnal, Mixcoatl, Mongwi Kachinum , Morning Star, Motho and Mungo , Mulac, Muut , Muyingwa , Nacon, Nagenatzani, Nagi Tanka , Nagual, Nahual, Nakaw, Nanabojo, Nanabozho , Nanabush, Nanahuatzin, Nanautzin, Nanih Waiya, Nankil’slas , Nanook , Naum, Negafook , Nerrivik , Nesaru, Nianque , Nishanu , Nohochacyum, Nokomis, Nootaikok , North Star, Nujalik , Nukatem , Nunne Chaha , Ocasta, Ockabewis, Odzihozo , Ohtas , Oklatabashih, Old Man , Olelbis, Omacatl, Omecihuatl, Ometecuhtli, Onatha , One Tail of Clear Hair , Oonawieh Unggi , Opochtli, Oshadagea, Owl Woman , Pah , Pah, Paiowa, Pakrokitat , Pana , Patecatl, Pautiwa, Paynal, Pemtemweha , Piasa , Pikvhahirak , Pinga , Pomola , Pot-tilter , Prairie Falcon , Ptehehincalasanwin , Pukkeenegak , Qaholom, Qakma, Qiqirn , Quaoar , Quetzalcoatl, Qumu , Quootis-hooi, Rabbit, Ragno, Raven, Raw Gums , Rukko, Sagamores , Sagapgia , Sanopi , Saynday , Sedna, Selu, Shakuru, Sharkura, Shilup Chito Osh, Shrimp house, Sila , Sint Holo , Sio humis, Sisiutl , Skan , Snallygaster , Sosondowah , South Star, Spider Woman , Sta-au , Stonecoats , Sun, Sungrey , Ta Tanka , Tabaldak , Taime , Taiowa , Talocan, Tans , Taqwus , Tarhuhyiawahku, Tarquiup Inua , Tate , Tawa, Tawiscara, Ta’xet , Tcisaki , Tecciztecatl, Tekkeitserktock, Tekkeitsertok , Telmekic , Teoyaomqui, Tepeu, Tepeyollotl, Teteoinnan, Tezcatlipoca, Thobadestchin, Thoume’, Thunder , Thunder Bird , Tieholtsodi, Tihtipihin , Tirawa , Tirawa Atius, Tlacolotl, Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli, Tlaloc, Tlaltecuhtli, Tlauixcalpantecuhtli, Tlazolteotl, Tohil, Tokpela , Tonantzin , Tonatiuh, To’nenile, Tonenili , Tootega , Torngasak, Torngasoak , Trickster/Transformer , True jaguar, Tsentsa, Tsichtinako, Tsohanoai Tsonoqwa , Tsul ‘Kalu , Tulugaak , Tumas , Tunkan ingan, Turquoise Boy , Twin Thunder Boys, Txamsem , Tzakol, Tzitzimime, Uazzale , Uchtsiti, Ud , Uentshukumishiteu , Ueuecoyotl, Ugly Way , Ugni , Uhepono , Uitzilopochtli, Ukat , Underwater Panthers , Unhcegila , Unipkaat , Unk, Unktomi , Untunktahe , Urcaguary, Utea , Uwashil , Vassagijik , Voltan, Wabosso , Wabun , Wachabe, Wah-Kah-Nee, Wakan , Wakanda , Wakan-Tanka, Wakinyan , Wan niomi , Wanagi , Wananikwe , Watavinewa , Water babies , Waukheon , We-gyet , Wemicus , Wendigo , Wentshukumishiteu , White Buffalo Woman, Whope , Wi , Wicahmunga , Wihmunga , Windigo, Winonah, Wisagatcak , Wisagatcak, Wishpoosh , Wiyot , Wovoka , Wuya , Xaman Ek, Xelas , Xibalba, Xilonen, Xipe Totec, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiuhtecutli, Xmucane, Xochipili , Xochiquetzal, Xocotl, Xolotl, Xpiyacoc, Xpuch And Xtah, Yacatecuhtli, Yaluk, Yanauluha , Ya-o-gah , Yeba Ka, Yebaad, Yehl , Yeitso, Yiacatecuhtli, Yolkai Estsan, Yoskeha , Yum Kaax, Yuwipi , Zaramama, Zipaltonal, Zotz.

Norse (111 Gods) – Deities, Giants and Monsters

Aegir, Aesir, Alfrigg, Audumbla, Aurgelmir, Balder, Berchta, Bergelmir, Bor, Bragi, Brisings, Buri, Etin, Fenris, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Frigga, Gefion, Gerda, Gode, Gymir, Harke, Heimdall, Hel, Hermod, Hodur, Holda, Holle, Honir, Hymir, Idun, Jormungandr, Ljolsalfs, Loki, Magni, Mimir, Mistarblindi, Muspel, Nanna, Nanni, Nerthus, Njord, Norns, Odin, Perchta, Ran, Rig, Segyn, Sif, Skadi, Skirnir, Skuld, Sleipnir, Surt, Svadilfari, tanngniotr, tanngrisnr, Thiassi, Thor, Thrud, Thrudgelmir, Thrym, Thurs, Tyr, Uller, Urd, Vali, Vali, Valkyries, Vanir, Ve, Verdandi, Vidar, Wode, Ymir.

Pacific islands (99 Gods) – Deities, Demigods and Immortal Monsters

Abeguwo, Abere, Adaro, Afekan, Ai Tupua’i, ‘Aiaru, Ala Muki, Alalahe, Alii Menehune, Aluluei, Aruaka, Asin, Atanea, Audjal, Aumakua, Babamik, Bakoa, Barong, Batara Kala, Buring Une, Darago, Dayang-Raca, De Ai, Dogai, Enda Semangko, Faumea, Giriputri, Goga, Haumea, Hiiaka’, Hina, Hine, Hoa-Tapu, ‘Imoa, Io, Kanaloa, Kanaloa, Kane, Kapo, Kava, Konori, Ku, Kuhuluhulumanu, Kuklikimoku, Kukoae, Ku’ula, Laka, Laulaati, Lono, Mahiuki, MakeMake, Marruni, Maru, Maui, Melu, Menehune, Moeuhane, MOO-LAU, Ndauthina, Ne Te-reere, Nevinbimbaau, Ngendei, Nobu, Oro, Ove, Paka’a, Papa, Pele, Quat, Rangi, Rati, Rati-mbati-ndua, Ratu-Mai-Mbula, Rua, Ruahatu, Saning Sri, Ta’aroa, Taaroa, Tamakaia, Tane, Tanemahuta, Tangaroa, Tawhaki, Tiki, Tinirau, Tu, Tuli, Turi-a-faumea, Uira, Ukupanipo, Ulupoka, Umboko Indra, Vanuatu, Wahini-Hal, Walutahanga, Wari-Ma-Te-Takere, Whaitiri, Whatu, Wigan.

South American (53 Gods) – Deities, Demigods, Beings of Divine Substance

Abaangui, Aclla, Akewa, Asima Si, Atoja, Auchimalgen, Axomama, Bachu, Beru, Bochica, Boiuna, Calounger, Catequil, Cavillaca, Ceiuci, Chasca, Chie, Cocomama, Gaumansuri, Huitaca, Iae, Ilyap’a, Ina, Inti, Ituana, Jamaina , Jandira, Jarina, Jubbu-jang-sangne, Ka-ata-killa, Kilya, Kuat, Kun, Luandinha, Lupi, Mama Allpa, Mama Quilla, Mamacocha, Manco Capac, Maret-Jikky, Maretkhmakniam, Mariana, Oshossi, Pachamac, Pachamama, Perimb, Rainha Barba, Si, Supai, Toptine, Viracocha, Yemanja (Imanje), Zume Topana.

The Gods List