Search Results for: europe

US military convoys streaming through Europe ‘preparing for war’

Dozens of US military convoys will be hogging Europe’s roadways this week as part of an exercise designed to improve transportation logistics on the continent in case of war. But not all locals are happy about it.

US preparing for war with Russia in Europe and Baltic States -

Destined for the three Baltic states and Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, the convoys are part of a brigade of 3,300 US troops, who along with their 2,500 pieces of equipment recently docked in Antwerp, Belgium. Their arrival in Europe is part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, Washington’s ongoing response to the Ukraine crisis and Crimea’s reunification with Russia in 2014.
“Sometimes what is old is new again, and that is coming in here,” Maj. Gen. Steven Shapiro, commander of 21st Theater Sustainment Command, which supports US military operations in Europe, told reporters earlier this month. “Antwerp and Rotterdam were major ports when we were operating during the Cold War… We are coming back to Antwerp in a big way.”
The military hardware will move across Europe via river barge, rail, and road. Officials described the deployment as a large-scale exercise focusing on improving logistics skills that would be needed in case war breaks out in Europe.
The US troop movement across Europe has been described as one of the largest of its kind since the end of the Cold War – and, true to tradition, has already faced opposition from unwelcoming locals.

US convoys traveling through Germany on their way to Poland have faced the discontent of locals – and governments.
“I think that it doesn’t help us in the long run if tanks drive up and down both sides of the border,” Dietmar Woidke, Brandenburg’s state premier, said earlier this year. However, a government spokesman took a more neutral approach to the troop movements in a statement released on Monday.
Government concerns aside, a few dozen protesters were waiting for US military vehicles as they traveled east along Brandenburg’s country roads. Read The Full Article >>>

Source : RT News

President european union claims leaders of other planets are observing us

President of european union claims leaders of other planets are observing us

Is our planet being observed by highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations from elsewhere in the cosmos? In a recent statement, the President of the European Commission said that “leaders of other planets are observing us”. The European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker was heard saying he had heard from the leaders of other planets, and leaders of other PLANETS are very worried because they wonder about the course the EU will follow.

Jean Claude Juncker Aliens European Union Revelation -

Not only are the leaders of other planets observing us, but they are also concerned about the current situation going on on the Old Continent, where the imminent departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union has raised a cloud of misunderstanding and problems among other countries members of the Union.

Translated from French, Mr. Jean Claude Juncker was heard saying: You need to know that those who observe us from afar are worried. I have have seen, listened and heard many leaders of other planets and they are very worried because they wonder about the course the EU will follow

So we have to reassure both the Europeans and those who observe us from afar. Original quote: «Il faut savoir que ceux qui nous observent de loin, sont inquiets. J’ai vue et entendue et écouté plusieurs des dirigeants d’autres planètes. Ils sont très inquiets parce qu’ils s’interrogent sur la voie que l’union européenne vas poursuivre. Donc il faut rassurer et les européens et ceux qui nous observent de plus loin».

However, there are those who say that Mr. Juncker statement is a mere slip of the tongue. Many people point out that he didn’t disclose aliens existed and that Mr. Juncker meant to say that: many leaders of our planet rather than leaders of other planets as he was heard saying.

The statement from Jean-Claude Juncker resulted in a number of different comment on social media around the world. One reader posted on Conjuring up a fake Alien Invasion to hasten the new world order has been in the works for some time.

Sometimes state secrets slip out of many a leader, like Joe Biden announcing to a university audience that the U.S. funds terrorists as proxies in the middle east. However there are others who don’t agree, and one YouTube user wrote: So he mixed up the words. Big deal. Try speaking four languages without making a mistake, especially bearing so much responsibility.

Most people would freeze being exposed to speaking at a crowd. Interestingly, this isn’t the first time someone like Mr. Jean Claude Juncker openly admitted the existence of other alien civilizations from elsewhere in the cosmos.

In the past, a number of astronauts, highly ranking government officials, and military personnel have spoken about the UFO Phenomenon and alien civilizations and how visit our planet on a regular basis. On one occasion, Ben Rich, second director of Lockheed Skunkworks said that: “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God ever to get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.”

“…I’ve been asked (about UFOs), and I’ve said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilization.” — Eugene Cernan, Commander of Apollo 17. The quote comes from a 1973 article in the Los Angeles Times. Declassified documents also seem to support all of the above.

One such document is a file declassified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation where it clearly states that:

  • Part of the disks carry crews; others are under remote control.
  • Their mission is peaceful; the visitors contemplate settling on this planet.
  • These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
  • They are not excarnate Earth people but come from their own world .
  • The disks possess some type of radiant energy.
  • They do not come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
  • The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
  • They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without a trace.
  • The region they come from is NOT the astral plane but corresponds to the Lakas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.


Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe !

Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe

Secret files have revealed that terrorists claim to be hiding a nuclear bomb in Europe, according to WikiLeaks.

An al-Qaeda commander claims that a such a dirty bomb will apparently be detonated if Osama bin Laden is captured or assassinated. The files also reveal only one in three detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp was classed as a dangerous terrorist. About half were foot soldiers and one in five was innocent. The documents, shown to a number of newspapers, detail the interrogations of the 780 people who have passed through the US detention camp in Cuba.

Information that they provided during interrogations is also listed. About 220 of those detained were assessed as dangerous international terrorists, while about 380 are judged to be lower-level troops. At least 150 people were held and assessed but released because of a lack of evidence, according to the files. More than 100 al-Qaeda terrorists are said to have been held at the centre, the most senior being Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

He is accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks and faces a military tribunal this year. Sheikh Mohammed’s file is said to state: ‘Detainee had numerous plots and plans for operations targeting the US, its allies, and interests worldwide. ‘Targeting priorities were determined by initially assessing those that would have the greatest economic impact, and secondly which would awaken people politically.’

Sheikh Mohammed is said to have told interrogators al-Qaeda would unleash a ‘nuclear hellstorm’ and planned to recruit staff at Heathrow airport. The Guantanamo Bay centre was opened by the US government four months after the 9/11 attacks and holds about 180 people at present. Torture-style techniques were used there during the Bush administration.

Also Read

Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe !






The future of 2023 is gloomy, according to a French astrologer whose prophecies from over 500 years ago have proven disturbingly accurate. Michel de Nostradame!

A time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will split her up, then they will start to plunder her wealth. The West will in every way try to further Russia’s destruction and hand over her eastern part to China. The Far East will fall into the hands of the Japanese. Siberia will fall to the Chinese, who will start to settle in Russia, marry Russians and eventually, through cunning and craft, occupy all Siberia as far as the Urals. When China tries to go further, the West will oppose it. Read The Full Article


End Time Prophecies Foretell The Destruction Of Damascus Alamongordo -

Syria is almost a ‘city-state’ with much of its population living in and around the city of Damascus. Some historians and archaeologists believe Damascus may be the oldest continually inhabited city in the world and there is no record in ancient history of it ever being fully destroyed. Syria is also the home of many Islamic terrorist groups and its army invaded and has occupied Lebanon for almost 30 years. Currently, Syria (with Iran) is supporting the Hezbollah in southern Lebanon against Israel. Syria, like the rest of Israel’s Islamic neighbors hate Israel, have invaded and attacked Israel on several occasions, and have publicly called for the destruction of Israel. It is interesting to note that recently an Israeli general, on commenting on the growing threat of Syria, said the easiest thing to do to protect Israel from Syria would be to drop a nuclear bomb on Damascus. Read The Full Article !


The rumors of wars has certainly begun as we have more and more political figures either stating WW3 is just around the corner or is already here. Has World War III already begun? WWI began with an assassination, WWII began with Hitler’s invasion of Poland. But WWIII could certainly start differently. As conservative talk show host Glenn Beck stated, WW3 is on the horizon and “nobody will recognize it yet.” Let’s look at a few of the prominent figures that warn us of WW3…. Check out the full article !


Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio on 17 December 1936) is the 266th and current / last pope of the Catholic Church since March 13, 2013. A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he was ordained as a priest in 1969. In 1998 he became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and in 2001 a cardinal. Elected as pope in 2013 following his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, Bergoglio chose “Francis” as his name. This marked the first time in papal history that this name had been used, and along with Pope John Paul I is one of only two times since Pope Lando’s brief 913 reign that a serving pope held a name unused by a predecessor. He is both the first Jesuit priest and the first native of the Americas to be elected Pope. He is also the first non-European pope since the 8th century….. Read the popes prophecy of St Malachy

Alamongordo Sitemap

COVID-19: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.

It seems, the more there is written about the causes of the Coronavirus – the more the written analyses are overshadowed by a propaganda and fear-mongering hype. Questions for the truth and arguments for where to look for the origins and how the virus may have spread and how to combat it, are lost in the noise of wanton chaos. But isn’t that what the “Black Men” behind this intended pandemic want – chaos, panic, hopelessness, leading to human vulnerability – a people becoming easy prey for manipulation?

WHO declared the coronavirus COVID-19 a “pandemic” – when there is not the slightest trace of a pandemic. A pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where the peak of the death rate was 6% (see below for further analysis).

China, where the death rate peaked only a few weeks ago at about 3%, is back to 0.7% – and rapidly declining, while China is taking full control of the disease – and that with the help of a not-spoken-about medication developed 39 years ago by Cuba, called “Interferon Alpha 2B (IFNrec)”, very effective for fighting viruses and other diseases, but is not known and used in the world, because the US under the illegal embargo of Cuba does not allow the medication to be marketed internationally.

WHO has most likely received orders from “above”, from those people who also manage Trump and the “leaders” (sic) of the European Union and her member countries, those who aim to control the world with force – the One World Order.

This has been on the drawing board for years. The final decision to go ahead NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos – behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind this decision – the implementation of Agenda ID2020 – see below.

After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same).

If indeed force-vaccination will happen, another bonanza for Big Pharma, people really don’t know what type of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile …. all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia…).

Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.

It’s not for nothing that Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO, said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus. A precursor for things to come? – Or for things already here? – In many Scandinavian countries cash is largely banned and even a bar of chocalate can be paid only electronically.

We are moving towards a totalitarian state of the world. This is part of Agenda ID2020 – and these steps to be implemented now – prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Bill Gates, one of the chief advocates of vaccinations for everybody, especially in Africa – is also a huge advocate of population reduction. Population reduction is among the goals of the elite within the WEF, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgens – and a few more. The objective: fewer people (a small elite) can live longer and better with the reduced and limited resources Mother Earth is generously offering.

This had openly been propagated already in the 1960s and 70s by Henry Kissinger, Foreign Secretary in de Nixon Administration, a co-engineer of the Vietnam war, and main responsible for the semi-clandestine bombing of Cambodia, a genocide of millions of unarmed Cambodian civilians. Along with the CIA-Kissinger engineered coup on 9/11, 1973, in Chile, killing the democratically elected Salvador Allende and putting the military dictator Pinochet in power, Kissinger has committed war crimes. Today, he is a spokesman (so to speak) for Rockefeller and their  “Bilderberger Society”.

Two weeks after the computer simulation at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, that “produced” (aka simulated) 65 million deaths (!), the COVID-19 virus first appeared in Wuhan. By now it is almost certain that the virus was brought to Wuhan from outside, most likely from a bio-war lab in the US. See also this and this.

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

The ID2020 Alliance at their 2019 Summit, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, in September 2019 in New York, decided to roll out their program in 2020, a decision confirmed by the WEF in January 2020 in Davos. Their digital identity program will be tested with the government of Bangladesh. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and “partners from academia and humanitarian relief” (as they call it), are part of the pioneer party.

Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?

Here is what Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor of the Bangladesh government program, has to say:

“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs. The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”

Wow! Does Mr. Anir Chowdhury know what he is getting into?

Back to the Pandemic and the panic. Geneva, the European seat of the United Nations, including the headquarters of WHO, is basically shot down. Not unlike the lock-down that started in Venice and later expanded to northern Italy until a few days ago – and now the lock-down covers all of Italy. Similar lock-down may soon also be adopted by France – and other European vassal states to the Anglo-Zionist empire.

Numerous memoranda with similar panic-mongering contents from different UN agencies in Geneva are circulating. Their key message is – cancel all mission travel, all events in Geneva, visits to the Palais des Nations, the Geneva Cathedral, other monuments and museums. The latest directives, many agencies instruct their staff to work from home, not to risk contamination from public transportation.

This ambiance of panic and fear – outstrips any sense of reality, when the truth doesn’t matter. People can’t even think any more about the causes and what may be behind it. Nobody believes you (anymore), when you refer to Event 201, the coronavirus simulation, the Wuhan Military Games, the closing last August 7, of the high-security biological war lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland…. what could have at one point been an eye opener for many, today is sheer conspiracy theory. The power of propaganda. A destabilizing power – destabilizing countries and people, destroying economies, creating hardship for people who may lose their jobs, usually the ones who can least afford it.

Also, at this time it becomes increasingly important to remind people that the outbreak in China was targeting the Chinese genome. Did it later mutate to transgress the ‘borders’ of Chinese DNA? When did that happen, if it happened? Because at the beginning it was clear that even the infected victims in other parts of the world, were to 99.9% of Chinese descent.

What happened later, when the virus spread to Italy and Iran, is another issue, and opens the way to a number of speculations.

There were various strains of the virus circulated in sequence – so as to destabilize countries around the world and to confound the populace and media, so that especially nobody of the mainstream may come to the conclusion that the first strain was targeting China in a bio-war.

In Iran, I have a strong suspicion that the virus was an enhanced form of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, man-made, broke out first in Saudi Arabia in 2012 , directed to the Arabic genome) – which was somehow introduced into government circles (by aerosol spray?) – with the goal of “Regime Change” by COVID19-caused death. Its Washington’s wishful thinking for at least the last 30 years.

In Italy – why Italy? – Maybe because Washington / Brussels wanted to hit Italy hard for having been officially the first country to sign a Belt and Road (BRI) accord with China (actually the first was Greece, but nobody is supposed to know that China came to the rescue of Greece, destroyed by Greece’s brothers, the EU members, mainly Germany and France).

(iv) The hype about the high death to infection rate in Italy, as of the time of this writing: 10,149 infections vs. 631 deaths = death rate of 6.2 (comparatively Iran: 8042 infections vs. 291 deaths = 3.6 death rate). The death rate of Italy is almost double that of Iran and almost ten-fold that of average Europe. (Are these discrepancies the result of failures in the establishing reliable data pertaining to “infections”, see our observations pertaining to Italy below).

Why? – Was is Italy being affected with virus panic? Was there a much stronger strain introduced to Italy?

The common flu in Europe in the 2019 / 2020 season, has apparently so far killed about 16,000 (in the US the death toll is, according to CDC between 14,000 and 32,000, depending on which CDC website you look at).

Could it be that among the Italian coronavirus deaths there were also common flu victims, as the affected victims are mostly elderly with respiratory preconditions? Also, symptoms are very similar between coronavirus and the common flu, and nobody questions and checks the official authorities’ narrative?

Maybe not all the coronavirus strains come from the same laboratory. A journalist from Berlin of Ukrainian origin, told me this morning that Ukraine is host to some 5 high security US bio-war labs. They test regularly new viruses on the population – yet, when strange diseases break out in the surroundings of the labs, nobody is allowed to talk about it. Something similar, she says, is happening in Georgia, where there are even more Pentagon / CIA bio-war labs – and where also new and strange diseases break out.

All of this makes the composite picture even more complicated. Overarching all is this super hype is profit driven, the quest for instant profit, instant benefits from the suffering of the people. This panic making is a hundred-fold of what it’s worth. What these kingpins of the underworld, who pretend to run the upper world, perhaps miscalculated, is that in today’s globalized and vastly outsourced world the west depends massively on China’s supply chain, for consumer goods, and for intermediary merchandise – and, foremost for medication and medical equipment. At least 80% of medication or ingredients for medication, as well as for medical equipment comes from China. The western China dependence for antibiotics is even higher, some 90%.  The potential impacts on health are devastating.

During the height of the COVID-19 epidemic China’s production apparatus for everything was almost shut-down. For deliveries that were still made, merchandise vessels were regularly and categorically turned back from many harbors all around the world. So, the west has tricked itself into a shortage-of-everything mode by waging a  de facto “economic war” on China. How long will it last? – Nobody knows, but China’s economy which was down by about half, has rapidly recovered to above 80% of what it was before the coronavirus hit. How long will it last to catch up with the backlog?

What is behind it all? – A total crackdown with artificially induced panic to the point where people are screaming “help, give us vaccinations, display police and military for our security” – or even if the public despair doesn’t go that far, it would be easy for the EU and US authorities to impose a military stage of siege for “health protection of the people”. In fact, CDC (Center for Disease Control in Atlanta), has already designed harshly dictatorial directives for a “health emergency”.

Along with forced vaccination, who knows what would be contained in the cocktail of ‘’mini-diseases” injected, and what their long-term effects might be. Similar to those of GMOs, where all sorts of germs could be inserted without us, the commons, knowing?

We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 – which includes, forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody – on the way to One World Order – and global financial hegemony – Full Spectrum Dominance, as the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) likes to call it.

A windfall for China. China has been purposely targeted for “economic destruction”, because of her rapidly advancing economy, an economy soon to overtake that of the now hegemon, the US of A, and because of China’s strong currency, the Yuan, also potentially overtaking the dollar as the world’s main reserve currency.

Both occurrences would mean the end of US dominance over the world. The coronavirus disease, now in more than 80 countries, has crashed the stock markets, a decline of at least 20% over the last few weeks – and rising; the feared consequences from the virus of an economic slow-down, if not recession, has slashed petrol prices within about two weeks almost in half. However, without China’s central bank interference, the Yuan’s value vis-à-vis the dollar has been rather stable, at around 7 Yuan to the dollar. That means, the Chinese economy, despite COVID-19, is receiving still much trust around the globe.

Advice to China – buy all the US and European corporate shares you can at current rock-bottom prices from the stock markets that collapsed by a fifth or more, plus buy lots of oil futures. When the prices recover, you have not only made billions, probably trillions from the west, but you also may own or hold significant and influence-yielding amounts of shares in most of the largest US and European corporations – and will be able to help call the shots of their future endeavors.

There is however, one little silver lining oscillating at the horizon full of dark clouds. It could miraculously be an awakening of consciousness of a critical mass that could put an end to it all. Although, we seem to be far from such a miracle, somewhere in a hidden corner of our brain, we all have a spark of consciousness left. We have the spiritual capacity to abandon the disaster path of western neoliberal capitalism, and instead espouse solidarity, compassion and love for each other and for our society. That may be the only way to break the gridlock and doom of western egocentric greed.

Prophecies for 2020

Prophecies For 2020

Prophecy 2020 – 1

If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time, yes this prophecy has returned year after year. Untill 2020, humanity did not wish to save herself. A plague will come and affect 1/3 to 2/3 of humanity.

Prophecy 2020 – 2

The 266th (last according St Malachy) Pope Francis is in great danger in 2020 – 2021.

Prophecy 2020 – 3

Europe will be flooded by a last and large wave of Muslim people that will take over large parts of Europe. President Trump will stop Muslim terrorists from 7 (God the Holy Spirit … 7 is the number of “completeness”) nations of entering the United States.

Prophecy 2020 – 4

President Trump will make great changes in the world as he is not one of the Illuminati & the circle of Evil. He will talk like the simple (mad) man, not as a politician. Donald Trump is not one of them, he is one of men, but he will not be perfect, just as nobody is perfect.

Prophecy 2020 – 5

Earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, tornadoes and mass animals dying. These things are just a fraction of the destroying forces raging throughout our world in 2020. (See Prophecy 10) ! Just like the predicted Australian fires, larger parts of the world will see disaster again in the Southern Hemisphere during 2020 and 2021.

Prophecy 2020 – 6

On the world stage, China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects. China will grow military and become bigger and bigger. China is (in secret) working together and is helping North Korea and also Russia will become like the “old” Soviet Union again, new and bigger faster deadlier weapons will be build and used.

Prophecy 2020 – 7

The economy is on the brink of a total collapse. Larger parts of the world will face massive financial hardship with rising unemployment and hunger, this will also come to the western parts of the world.

Prophecy 2020 – 8

In 2020 / 2021 Volcanic activity will proceed major earthquakes If there are greater activities in the volcanoes on Iceland, Vesuvius or Pelee volcano on the northern tip of the French overseas department of Martinique in the Lesser Antilles island arc of the Caribbean. then the Southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the Southern portions of Nevada.

Prophecy 2020 – 9

The Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 started great changes to earth. This solar eclipse was a warning of impending natural catastrophe / human disaster, and also will involve the warning of a war that the United States, Russia, China, Iran, N-Korea and Israel will be entangled in. This prophecy could flow into the year 2021 and 2022 !!!

Prophecy 2020 – 10

Be aware of Turkey, because Turkey is a false prophet !!! Turkey could even be leading a coalition of middle eastern countries to make (economic) war against The West and Israel. This will all come about during a time when “Peace and Security” is being proclaimed. Watch this prophecy in the coming years (2020, 2021 and 2022).

Prophecy 2020 – 11

Turkey will be on the side of Russia and China when a Third World War starts. Turkey will flood Europe and the Nostradamus Prophecy willl come true. Islam will take over Europe and a war will start in the coming years.

Prophecies for 2020

Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020 – Prophecies for 2020

Baba Vanga 2020 predictions: Shock claims of Cataclysm, End of the World and global crisis.

Baba Vanga is believed by many to have predicted the 9/11 terror attack and the rise of ISIS in the Middle East. With the year 2020 just starting, what did the blind mystic predict for the future of the world? Here are the most terrifying Baba Vanga predictions for 2020.

The Bulgarian mystic, dubbed by her followers the  Balkan Nostradamus, is said to have predicted Brexit, the 2004 Thailand tsunami, the 9/11 terror attack and the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk in the year 2000. Baba Vanga or Grandmother Vanga, was born Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova in 1911 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The woman lost her eyesight at a young age but the event supposedly unlocked in her powers of clairvoyance and hindsight. Today, Baba Vanga’s supporters claim she has foretold the end of the world, the rise to power of Vladimir Putin and a mysterious illness which will strike down US President Donald Trump.

In their guidebook to Bulgaria, titled Bulgaria, authors Jonathan Bousfield and Dan Richardson wrote: “Twelve kilometres northers of Petrich, Rupite is famed in Bulgaria as the home village and burial place of the oracle Baba Vanga.

“Legend has it that at the age of six, she witnessed an angel who offered her the choice between sight and clairvoyance, and she chose the latter.

“Vanga’s subsequent prophecies and healing skills gained her a wide following – including Politburo members – and her vision of Varna engulfed in by water was vindicated when it was discovered that the city stood on an underground lake – from which day on, high-rise building was prohibited.

“In old age she had fewer VIP visitors but her predictions were still heeded – not least by people chewing their lottery numbers.”

Vladimir Putin will survive an assassination attempt in 2020

Baba Vanga is said to have predicted a daring assassination attempt on the Russian President by someone from within his own circles.

Charlotte Dobre of the InformationOverload YouTube channel said: “In the coming year, she said that there will be an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin by a member of his own security team and Europe will experience an economic collapse.”

Mr Putin, who first took office in 2000 and previously served as an intelligence officer, is no stranger to attempts on his life.

The President has admitted at least four assassination attempts have failed to take him out and he is now under the protection of an elite team of snipers.

Nostradamus 2019 prediction: Trump assassination attemt, War and Hard Brexit

Nostradamus’ frightening prophecies and predictions have baffled critics and followers alike for centuries – but did Nostradamus have any prophetic dreams for the year 2019? One psychic expert believes Nostradamus tried to warn the US, the UK and the rest of the world of tragedy.

Michel de Nostradame is arguably the world’s most well-recognised prophet and supposed-mystic who followers claim prophesied the future with eerie accuracy. Although Nostradamus’ cryptic quatrain passages do not contain detailed timestamps and specifics, supporters believe a number of his prophecies are yet to come true. And with the new year finally in full swing, many are wondering what these 16th-century prophecies are and whether they will come true in 2019. Craig Hamilton-Parker, a British psychic and medium who runs, has now revealed Nostradamus predicted a particularly violent year ahead for US President Donald Trump.

According to the psychic expert, Nostradamus warned of an assassination attempt on Mr Trump, armed conflict in the Middle East and renewed relations with his Russian counterpart between 2019 and 2020.

Mr Hamilton-Parker told “I feel Trump will have a second term but Nostradamus’s predicted an assassination attempt will be in the second term.

“Nostradamus also predicted a war in the Middle East.

“I feel that we will get the first rumbles of this in 2019 but it will not be full out war.”

The psychic then said Mr Trump will work out some sort of deal or treaty with President Vladimir Putin.

This deal will supposedly mirror President Trump’s pact with North Korea, signed at the June 2018 North Korea–United States summit.

One thing Nostradamus did not predict, however, is the result or the effects of the Brexit vote.

Mr Hamilton-Parker himself foresaw a no-deal hard Brexit in the pipeline which is why he said he was surprised to see Brexit omitted from Nostradamus’s prophecies.

According to the Psychic, who claims to have predicted these events as early as September 2017, Prime Minister Theresa May will try to cling onto power until Britain leaves the European Union.

Trump will have a second term but Nostradamus’s predicted an assassination attempt

Craig Hamilton-Parker, Psychic

But a rapid leadership change in the Conservative Party will see a new face lead the Government.

The psychic said: “What is most strange about the Nostradamus predictions is that they do not appear to have any references to Brexit.

“I foresee a hard Brexit with May in power to the last minute when there will be a leadership challenge.

“There will then be a leadership challenge with David Davis and Boris Johnson as the front runners – Johnson gets the crown.

“We will also see the advent of a new party as I predicted in the Daily Express before. But could I be wrong?

“Why did the western world’s greatest visionary miss this out?

“Maybe Nostradamus did not mention this monumental event for Britain, France and Europe because it will never happen?”

Nostradamus’ detractors, however, are unconvinced by his supposed mystic powers and question whether the French apothecary could genuinely predict the future.

His followers believe Nostradamus correctly predicted the Great Fire of London in 1666 and the rise of Adolf Hitler to power.

But critics claim Nostradamus’ published prophecies are too vague to be considered genuine and require a strong dose of hindsight to draw conclusions.

Brian Dunning, the author of the Skeptoid podcast, said: “Nostradamus’ writings are exploited in a number of fallacious ways.

“Ambiguous and wrong translations, ‘creative’ interpretations, hoax writings, fictional accounts, and the breaking of non-existent codes within his quatrains all contribute to a vast body of work, all of it wrong, and many times the size of everything Nostradamus ever actually wrote.”

One of Nostradamus’ most shocking predictions is that of the death of King Henry II of France.

The French monarch died on July 10, 1559, just four years after Nostradamus prophecies his death in his 1555 magnum opus Les Propheties.

Nostradamus is also believed to have correctly predicted the Great Fire of London in 1666 when he wrote of London “burning up in the fire of ’66”.

The French mystic is also said to have foretold the 1789 French revolution when he wrote: “Songs, chants, and demands will come from the enslaved.

“Held captive by the nobility in their prisons. At a later date, brainless idiots will take these as divine utterances.”

Some conspiracists also claim Nostradamus predicted the horrors of Adolf Hitler’s reign over Europe.

Nostradamus wrote: “From the depths of the West of Europe, A young child will be born of poor people,

“He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop; His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

Nostradamus is also credited with correctly predicting the assassination of US President John F Kennedy in 1963.

Nostradamus wrote: “The ancient task will be completed, From on high, evil will fall on the great man.

“A dead innocent will be accused of the deed, The guilty on will remain in the mist.”

President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, when he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Another cryptic passage attributed to Nostradamus is said to have forewarned of the devastating US nuclear attack on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1954.

The quatrain in question reads: “Near the gates and within two cities, there will be scourges like of which was never seen.

“Famine within plague, people put out by steel, crying to the great immortal God for relief.”

Should you believe Nostradamus’ predictions?

Peter Lemesurier, a linguist and author of 10 books on Nostradamus, has argued Nostradamus’ quatrains were not mystic in origin.

Instead, the Nostradamus expert argued the French apothecary believed history constantly repeats itself and future vents would mirror those of the past.

In his book Nostradamus, Bibliomancer: The Man, The Myth, The Truth, he wrote: “No quatrain, as far as I am aware, has ever been used in advance to predict in terms any event that was not probably in the offing anyway.”

And according to Brian Dunning, science writer and head of the Skeptoid podcast, people who interpret messages from Nostradamus’ quatrains do the writer a great disservice.

Mr Dunning said on episode 66 of his science podcast there is no evidence to support the claim the 15th century apothecary had any mystic powers.

Instead, he said there is more evidence to suggest it takes a great deal of hindsight to connect Nostradamus’ prophecies to actual world events.

He said: “Michel de Nostredame was truly one of the brilliant lights of his day, but to subscribe to false stories and urban legends is to disrespect who the man actually was.

“Appreciate his contributions to medicine and Renaissance literature, and don’t trivialise his good works in favour of a pretended history of paranormal magical powers.”

Nostradamus’ supposedly mystic powers were also questioned by evangelical preacher pastor Paul Begley from West Lafayette in Indiana, US.

The Christian preacher argued try prophecy and predictions of the future can only come from the Bible and God himself.

The preacher said: “Nostradamus’ prophecies are open to interpretation because he wrote in four stanza riddles.

“You know, look, he predicted the London Fire, he predicted the rise of Hitler, the Holocaust, he predicted the JFK assassination, he predicted World War Two – man, I could of the top of my head a bunch of them.

“But he also missed a bunch. His accuracy is around 70 percent, so no, I do not call them prophecies.

“Prophecies are 100 percent accurate. Predictions can vary ok?

“But it is fascinating to look at and people always want to know what it says and it’s ok because sometimes, some of those predictions do match Bible prophecy.

“Not always, but some of them do and so we take look at it because of folks who are curious. People are curious.”

Source : EXPRESS

Calling Dr. Strangelove: The threat of nuclear war cannot prevent World War III forever !

Today, humanity is confronted with an ugly paradox in that the world’s foremost peacekeepers are nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles. One bad move on the geopolitical chessboard, however, could trigger a global catastrophe.

On July 25, 1945, in the waning moments of World War II, then US President Harry S. Truman jotted the following words in his diary, “We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world.” But not terrible enough to employ them, it seems.

Just weeks later, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese industrial cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, indiscriminately killing some 200,000 civilians in, literally, a flash. Many others died in the years that followed from radiation poisoning and other associated illnesses. If there is a special place in hell for those who would expose the planet to such horrific weapons, Truman must certainly be there.

The historic tragedy is not without some dark irony. Albert Einstein, whose theory of relativity spearheaded the development of atomic weapons, was worried that Adolf Hitler would acquire the deadly know-how before the West. This prompted him in 1939 to write a letter to Truman’s predecessor, Franklin D. Roosevelt, advising him to expedite research into nuclear fission. American scientists, working in the secret Manhattan Project, succeeded beyond Einstein’s wildest dreams.

The famous physicist, appalled by the devastation visited upon the two Japanese cities, expressed regret over his fateful decision to warn the Americans.

Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in producing an atomic bomb,” he said, “I would have never lifted a finger.”

Since then, the world has been forced to live with the knowledge that all life on earth could be quickly extinguished in the event of some mishap or conflict. Yet this knowledge has not stopped most governments from coveting nuclear weapons because they understand this technology is their best life insurance policy, so to speak.

Indeed, only the simple-minded could have failed to take away lessons with regards to the West’s top hits list. A brief glance at the candidates designated for US-led regime change – Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Syria as the most obvious – demonstrated an obvious fact: only unarmed countries need to worry about foreign actors determining their ‘democratic’ future.

In marked contrast to those weaker countries that ‘suffer what they must’, members of the nuclear club (US, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan and North Korea, while it is generally recognized that Israel possesses nuclear weapons although it does not officially acknowledge them) can rest easy in the belief that they are safe from outside attack.

Lately, however, that self-confidence has been greatly shaken by a spate of dramatic events that have given the entire world pause. The most recent wake-up call came this month with a series of aerial dogfights between Pakistan and India – two countries that possess over 100 nuclear warheads apiece. The incident demonstrated exactly how fast things can spiral out of control, especially when third-party actors i.e. terrorists are involved in the equation.

On February 14, the Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed carried out a suicide attack on an Indian military convoy in the Pulwama District that killed over 40 soldiers. Less than two weeks later, New Delhi – accusing Islamabad of going soft on terrorism (sound familiar?) – retaliated by hitting a “terrorist camp” in a Pakistan-controlled part of Kashmir. Tensions mounted the following day as the Pakistani military carried out airstrikes along the Line of Control (LoC), shooting down two Indian aircraft that crossed into its territory and capturing one pilot, who has since been released.

It is impossible to read such reports without recalling that both Pakistan and India possess nuclear weapons. This places the enemy combatants in a curious position in that they must practice extreme restraint so as to avoid a ‘worse-case scenario’, and we all know what that is. Whether or not the two regional rivals can continue to keep cool heads remains to be seen.

Another recent incident involving nuclear powers came as a tragic accident, although no less disconcerting. In September, four Israeli F-16 fighter jets launched a reckless attack on Latakia, Syria that resulted in the downing of a Russian military aircraft, which was accidentally hit by Syrian ground fire. The incident resulted in the death of 15 Russian crew members, as well as heightened global tensions.

The Russian Ministry of Defense accused Israel of deliberately using the Russian aircraft to attract fire in that the Israeli aircraft failed to either change their approach to the intended targets or give Moscow enough time to move the Il-20 to safety.

Although tensions eventually calmed down between Moscow and Tel Aviv, the incident provided a grim reminder that the world is becoming chaotic to the point where accidents between nuclear powers are increasingly likely.

By far, the most disturbing development on the global stage, however, is the spectacle of Washington unilaterally withdrawing from arms control treaties – specifically the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). Needless to say, these moves will rekindle the global arms race – a positive development for defense contractors, no doubt, but an unmitigated disaster for everyone else.  

Most worrisome is that the US is trashing these landmark treaties at the very same time it has built a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, while actively building up its military footprint smack on Russia’s border. Moscow, naturally, has responded in kind, with Vladimir Putin having recently unveiled an array of weapon systems that will make US-led NATO think twice about making any aggressive moves against Russia.

Judging by such American antics, one almost gets the impression that it believes a nuclear war is somehow a winnable venture. And there are grounds to believe that is the case. According to a 2017 report, for example, a panel of Pentagon officials have called on the president to consider a “tailored nuclear option for limited use.”

Source : RT NEWS

War Rumors

“Jesus answered and said to them . . . ‘And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matthew 24:6-7)

War and rumors of War


Traditional Middle East rivals Iran and Turkey have found themselves united of late by their mutual opposition to Kurdish independence in Iraq and common interest in ending the six-year war in Syria, among other leading issues in the region. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke Sunday by phone, expressing major concerns a day before voting opened in the northern Kurdish autonomous region of neighboring Iraq. Monday’s referendum, in which the region’s residents are largely expected to ask for full independence from Baghdad, has been met with widespread criticism from Iraq’s central government, as well as from Iran and Turkey, which have battled insurgencies from their own local Kurdish populations and have taken countermeasures to quell potential instability the vote could bring.

War with N-Korea to start soon ? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Sunday the U.N. Security Council has run out of options on containing North Korea’s nuclear program and the United States may have to turn the matter over to the Pentagon.

At least 36 people have died in Egypt after blasts targeted Coptic Christians on Palm Sunday. The attack is just the latest strike in the war on Christians in the Middle East. As Jonathan Sacks observed: ‘until recently, Christians represented 20 percent of the population of the Middle East; today, 4 percent’.

Sweden is reportedly preparing hundreds of nuclear war shelters to prepare for a potential attack from Russia amid growing concerns in the Baltics.

Supporters of NATO believe American, British and German soldiers being sent to Russia’s borders is “defensive.” But the Kremlin’s counter moves are aggressive. This delusion could be dangerous.

Recent Russian naval activity in Europe exceeds levels seen during the Cold War, a top U.S. and NATO military officer said, voicing concern that the distributed nature of the deployments could end up “splitting and distracting” the transatlantic alliance.

“Jesus answered and said to them . . . ‘And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars’. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:6-7)

Now as He (Jesus-Yeshua) sat on the Mount of Olives (in Israel), the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be?’ And ‘What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the Age?’ (Matthew 24:3)

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War and rumors of War, war talk, rumors of war, world war III, And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet, for nation will rise against nation, kingdom will rise against kingdom, these are the beginning of sorrows, Matthew 24:6-7

Conspiracy theories

Many unproven conspiracy theories exist with varying degrees of popularity, frequently related to clandestine government plans and elaborate murder plots. Conspiracy theories usually deny consensus or cannot be proven using the historical or scientific method, and are not to be confused with research concerning verified conspiracies such as Germany’s pretense for invading Poland in World War II. Conspiracy theory is often considered the opposite of institutional analysis.

coming soon -

New World Order

The New World Order theory states that a group of international elites controls governments, industry, and media organizations, with the goal of establishing global hegemony. They are alleged to be implicated in most of the major wars of the last two centuries, to carry out secretly staged events, and to deliberately manipulate economies. Organizations alleged to be part of the plot include the Federal Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the European Union, the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Bohemian Grove, Le Cercle and Yale University society Skull and Bones.


Conspiracy theories concerning the Illuminati, a short-lived eighteenth-century Enlightenment society, appear to have originated in the late nineteenth century, when some conservatives in Europe came to believe that the group had been responsible for the French Revolution of 1789-1799. Hoaxes about the Illuminati were later spread in the 1960s by a group of American practical jokers known as the Discordians, who, for example, wrote a series of fake letters about the Illuminati to Playboy magazine.
The Discordian hoax has resulted in one of the world’s foremost conspiracy theories, which claims that the ‘Illuminati’ are secretly promoting the posited New World Order. Theorists believe that a wide range of musicians, including Beyoncé and Whitney Houston, have been associated with the ‘group’. Prominent theorists include Mark Dice and David Icke.


Apocalyptic prophecies, particularly Christian claims about the End Times, have inspired a range of conspiracy theories. Many of these cite the Antichrist, a leader who will supposedly create an oppressive world empire. Countless figures have been called Antichrist, including Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, Russian emperor Peter the Great, Saladin, pope John XXII, Benito Mussolini and Barack Obama


Also known as SLAP (Secret Large-scale Atmospheric Program), this theory alleges that water condensation trails (‘contrails’) from aircraft consist of chemical or biological agents, or contain a supposedly toxic mix of aluminum, strontium and barium, under secret government policies. An estimated 17% of people globally believe the theory to be true or partly true. In 2016 the Carnegie Institution for Science published the first-ever peer-reviewed study of chemtrail theory; 76 out of 77 participating atmospheric chemists and geochemists stated that they had seen no evidence to support chemtrail theory, or stated that chemtrail theorists rely on poor sampling.

The Bible and Jesus

Bible conspiracy theories posit that significant parts of the New Testament are false, or have been omitted. Various groups both real (such as the Vatican) and fake (such as the Priory of Sion) are said to suppress relevant information concerning, for example, the dating of the Turin Shroud.

Much of this line of conspiracy theory has been stimulated by a debunked book titled The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982), which claimed that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were lovers and that their offspring and descendants were secretly hidden in Europe following the death of Jesus, from whom the then-living French draughtsman Pierre Plantard claimed descent. Interest in this hoax saw a resurgence following the publication of Dan Brown’s 2003 novel, The Da Vinci Code.


“War against Islam” is a conspiracy theory in Islamist discourse which describes an alleged plot to either harm or annihilate the social system within Islam. The perpetrators of this conspiracy are alleged to be non-Muslims and “false Muslims”, allegedly in collusion with political actors in the Western world. The “War against Islam” theory is often used in order to refer to modern social problems and changes, but the Crusades are often seen as its starting point. Love Jihad, also called Romeo Jihad, refers to a conspiracy theory concerning Muslim males who are said to target non-Muslim girls for conversion to Islam by feigning love.

False flag operations

False flag operations are covert operations designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. Some allegations of false flag operations have been verified or have been subjects of legitimate historical dispute (such as the 1933 Reichstag arson attack).

Discussions of unsubstantiated allegations of such operations feature strongly in conspiracy theory discourse. Other allegations of similar operations have attached to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Oklahoma City bombing, the 2004 Madrid train bombings, and the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. The rise of ISIS gave rise to conspiracy theories that it had been created by the USA, CIA, Mossad, or Hillary Clinton. The same happened after the rise of Boko Haram.


The multiple attacks made on the US by Islamist terrorists using hijacked aircraft on 11 September 2001, have proved especially attractive to conspiracy theorists. Theories may include reference to missile or hologram technology. By far, the most popular theory is that the attacks were in fact controlled demolitions, a theory which has been rejected by the engineering profession and the 9/11 Commission.


The United States’ Federal Emergency Management Agency is the subject of many theories, including the allegation that the organization has been engaged in the building of concentration camps on US soil, in advance of the imposition of martial law and genocide.

Deep State

Occasionally used as a neutral term to denote a nation’s bureaucracy, the conspiratorial notion of a “deep state” is a concept originating principally in Middle Eastern and North African politics with some basis in truth, and has been known in the US since the 1960s. It has since come to prominence under the Trump presidency. “Deep state” in the latter sense refers to an unidentified secret “elite” who act in co-ordinated manipulation of a nation’s politics and government. Proponents of such theories have included Canadian author Peter Dale Scott, who has promoted the idea in the US since at least the 1990s, as well as Breitbart News, Infowars and US President Donald Trump. A 2017 poll by ABC News and The Washington Post indicated that 48% of Americans believe in the existence of a conspiratorial “deep state” in the US.

Artificial diseases

Scientists believe that HIV was transferred from monkeys to humans in the 1930s. Evidence exists, however, that the KGB deliberately disseminated a notion in the 1980s that it was invented by the CIA. This idea, and similar ideas concerning Ebola, have since been promoted by persons such as actor Steven Seagal, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and former South Africa President Thabo Mbeki. Similar conspiracy theories allege that pharmaceutical companies assist in the creation of conditions and diseases including ADHD, HSV and HPV.


A popular conspiracy theory states that the pharmaceutical industry has mounted a cover-up of a causal link between vaccines and autism. The theory took hold with the publication in 1998 of a fraudulent paper by discredited former doctor Andrew Wakefield. The resulting anti-vaccine movement has been promoted by a number of prominent persons including Rob Schneider, Jim Carrey and President Donald Trump, and has led to increased rates of infection and death from diseases such as measles in many countries, including the US, Italy, Germany, Romania and the UK. Vaccine conspiracy theories have been widespread in Nigeria since at least 2003, as well as in Pakistan. Such theories may feature claims that vaccines are part of a secret anti-Islam plot, and have been linked to fatal mass shootings and bombings at vaccine clinics in both countries.

Global warming

Global warming conspiracy theorists typically allege that the science behind global warming has been invented or distorted for ideological or financial reasons. Many have promoted such theories, including US President Donald Trump, US Senator James Inhofe, British journalist Christopher Booker, and Viscount Christopher Monckton.

Weather and earthquake control projects

Numerous theories pertain to real or alleged weather-controlling projects. Theories include the debunked assertion that HAARP, a radio-technology research program funded by the US government, is a secret weather-controlling system. Some theorists have blamed 2005’s Hurricane Katrina on HAARP. HAARP has also been suggested to have somehow caused earthquakes, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami or the 2013 Saravan earthquake. Theories concerning HAARP may also refer to mind-control technology.

RFID chips

Radio frequency identification chips, such as are implanted into pets as a means of tracking, have drawn the interest of conspiracy theorists who posit that this technology is secretly in widespread use on humans. Former Whitby town councilor Simon Parkes has promoted this theory, which may be related to conspiracy theories concerning vaccination, electronic banking and the Antichrist.

Technology suppression

Numerous theories pertain to the alleged suppression of certain technologies and energies. Such theories may focus on the Vril Society Conspiracy, allegations of the suppression of the electric car by fossil-fuel companies (as detailed in the 2006 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?), and the Phoebus cartel, set up in 1924, which has been accused of suppressing longer-lasting light bulbs. Other long-standing allegations include the suppression of perpetual motion and cold fusion technology by government agencies, special interest groups, or fraudulent inventors.

False History

Some theories claim that the dates of historical events have been deliberately distorted. These include the phantom time hypothesis of German conspiracy theorist Heribert Illig, who in 1991 published an allegation that 297 years had been added to the calendar by establishment figures such as Pope Sylvester II in order to position themselves at the millennium.

A comparable theory, known as the New Chronology, is most closely associated with Russian theorist Anatoly Fomenko. Fomenko holds that history is many centuries shorter than is widely believed and that numerous historical documents have been fabricated, and legitimate documents destroyed, for political ends. Adherents of such ideas have included chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.

US Space Force

Scientific space programs are of particular interest to conspiracy theorists. The most prolific theories allege that the US moon landings were staged by NASA in a film studio, with some alleging the involvement of director Stanley Kubrick. The Soviet space program has also attracted theories that the government concealed evidence of failed flights. A more recent theory, emergent following the activities of hacker Gary McKinnon, suggests that a secret program of manned space fleets known as Solar Warden exists, supposedly acting under the United Nations.

Nibiru (Planet X)

Conspiracy theorists have long posited a plot by organizations such as NASA to conceal the existence of a large planet in the Solar System known as Nibiru or ‘Planet X’, which, allegedly, will one day pass close enough to the Earth to destroy it. Predictions for the date of destruction have included 2003, 2012 and 2017. The theory began to develop following the publication of The 12th Planet (1976), by discredited Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin, Nancy Lieder, and has since been promoted by American conspiracy theorist and End Times theorist David Meade. The notion has remained popular, and received renewed attention during the period prior to the solar eclipse of 21 August 2017. Other conspiracy theorists in 2017 also predicted Nibiru would appear, including Terral Croft and YouTube pastor Paul Begley.