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WebBot Prophecies

WebBot Prophecies

  • Read the Prophecies and Visions of the Webbot Engine for the coming years and the things to come, surf to “Webbot predictions for 2011-2012”

Past Webbot Prophecies

October – December 2008

Global emotional release event begins – largely economic. Think of the US economy as a lit fuse that is lit over the early part of 2008. In late 2008 the rest of the world’s currencies are ‘touched off’ by the dollar and US decline. May be a global replay of what the 1932 bond crash in the Great Depression was.

September 2008

Mood of the population improves: People have a renewed sense of optimism that the corporate/elite can and will be replaced in the elections and the ‘us against them’ grows. Possibility that elections will be held early, but it could just be language around that meme Summer 2008 Tensions build in cities, encounters scarcity (.e.g. food/fuel) are about The populace of the US impacted by a condition like post traumatic stress – about the best we can wrap our heads around it, it will be something like “time shocked” or “time stunned” Just as you wrap you head around one big change, another will come along bigger and harder to Absorb

May – June 2008

More of the same – but somewhere in here we get a temporal marker as a group of veterans takes over a national monument and the powers-that-be stand down because of the media coverage. Also in this period we see calls for an early election as the government response to the natural disaster earlier in the year will be judged a failure and the economy will be in full-scale slide now.

April 2008

Like to see a widespread tax rebellion – people putting in phony claims for refunds, delaying filing, and so forth as we see dollar crashing, market declining and so forth with lack of government fix. Natural Disaster: We get high winds/damaging rains over wide enough area to feed another modelspace meme: Diaspora (population in forced relocation). Incredible tornado season with heavy rains or out of season hurricane, that kind of thing and a lack of government response.

March 2008

Again, in modelspace we have the “millions of small [financial] particles causing problems – Repudiation of credit card debt. Late March we see a female leader/figure emerge who will begin to fill a role as ‘social unifier’ for the financial rebellion/revolution meme. Most likely, she will be from south/central American highlands and her visibility and prestige will grow in national media over the summer.

February 2008

Acceleration in the ‘employment crash” meme, construction slows dramatically including commercial. Due to high prices, food enters its ‘encounters with scarcity’ and gasoline soars (due to falling dollar) Key: People’s ability to live is tied to debt – and with credit card defaults expected to rise in this period, the widespread repudiation of credit card debt will mark the emergence of the civil disobedience meme to the corporate cannibalism/powers that be/global elite if you want to think of it that way.

January 2008

Catastrophic collapse of the dollar is possible – as the language is active around that concept. Some kind of winter/spring natural disaster which caused people to become angry about government response. Possibly early elections, or at least calls for that because of anger. Global economic collapse possible in Fall 2008 cascading of the US Woes Secrets Revealed, something comes out that is ‘unauditable’ and we see some of the presidential wannbe’s pull out of the race over disclosures of their links to what in model space is the finance/powers-that-be. USA-Pop begins a shift out of paper assets into defensive positions to protect their retirements which will be coming into question. Perhaps due in part to the continuing CMO/CDO paper collapse and how much has gone into pension funds.

WebBot Prophecies

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Webbot Prophecies for 2011 and 2012 !

Webbot Prophecies for 2011 and 2012 !

The Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990’s, was originally created to assist in  making stock market predictions. Over time, it emerged that the Web Bot was  capable of predicting much more. The  technology works by using spiders that crawl across every webpage on the internet, searching for and collecting keywords much like major search engines. The Internet bots monitor news articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of Internet chatter. Words in the lexicon are assigned numeric values for emotional quantifiers such as duration, impact, immediacy, intensity, and others. The lexicon is dynamic, and changes according to shifts in emotional tension, and  how people communicate changes and trends using the Internet.

Also there is an  interesting time concept involved and a concept of a “tipping point” regarding past, current, and future times. A “tipping point” occurs when events from the  future pass a mathematical breaking point, where the general direction of many  future events changes based on the events in the past that lead up to it. It then looks at the text before and after a  keyword and sends it to its source to be interpreted. With this, it is claimed that  information on the ‘collective consciousness’ of the Planet Earth could be uncovered.

The Web Bot is claimed to have predicted several large events such as hurricane Katrina and the 2004 Indian ocean earthquake others say its predictions are vague and unscientific.

Unexpected Predictions

Another example of the Web Bot producing and prophesying  results results is the prediction of the current  financial crisis. The Web Bot predicted that in 2008 – “There’ll be a  major stock market crash or a climate event that has a disastrous effect on the  economy.” The creator of the Web Bot Project, Cliff High, along with  his associate George Ure, who call themselves “The Time Monks”, keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via  the website.

Predictions 2011

After March 2011, the revolution wave will settle down into a period of reformation.

In 2011 there will be a coastal phenomena, will be gradual … the situation will be “disturbing” for many people. (Japan Nuclear Disaster)?

Unusual movements of the moon by anomalies in the magnetosphere could cause coastal disruptions. (Still to come because of Elenin) ?

The magnetosphere problems would lead to ultraviolet scorching of food crops, grain crops will fail mainly in the northern hemisphere leading to riots during the winter.

Riots in Rome will spill over into the Vatican.

Extra-terrestial Aliens and/or warfare possible.

Predictions 2012

A second depression, triggered by mass layoffs, bankruptcies, and the popping of the “derivatives bubble,” will see people moving out of cities.

Major catastrophe in 2012 – The Web Bot has gained most of its notoriety for contributing to the 2012 phenomenon by predicting that a cataclysm will devastate the planet in the year 2012, possibly a reversing of Earth’s magnetic poles or a small series of nuclear attacks leading up to a major attack during the year.

There will be an untimely demise for millions by 2012,  brought upon by some combination of pandemics, economic collapse, and  breakdown of health care and unknown energies from  space”. As shown above, its latest and darkest prediction refers  specifically to the year 2012. Foretelling   global devastation for late December  2012. The Web Bots history of producing accurate perdictions  covering many subject topics suggests that the Web Bot prophecy is worthy of attention.

Predictions Beyond 2013

A “data gap” has been found between late 2012 running through May 2013. One explanation is that “our civilization gets knocked back to a pre-electronic state,” such as brought about by devastating solar activity. A new starting form of capitalism will emerge during 2017-2020.

Note that all of the prophecies from Web Bot are already predicted and prophesied by Edgar Cayce (to name one the shifting of the poles), Mother Shipton, Nostradamus (wrote it in code but mmmokay) and several other prophets !

Webbot Prophecies for 2011 and 2012

Also Read

WebBot Prophecy : Total Collapse December 2012- June 2013

Total Collapse December 2012- June 2013

As i predicted last year, December 21 2012 will not be the End – On 12-21-2012 it will be the BEGINNING of the END.

Webbot Project – Clif’s Wujo From Clif High

Complexity : Multiple time lines,if the variables where infinite ,how would we ever be able to for-see the “right”one ,. Indra`s web hey ! The fractal multiverse We can not risk tampering with the time line before doing some physical fractal experiments with them – Toss the nobles is a sacred task of experimenting with them in a mimicking of what they did to us – and will yield a measurable probability of outcome Now get to work on a areo dynamic pie with massive slpat capacity and start building a catapult If anyone asks tell them the King of Canada said it was OK.

If the solar systemis helicalcentric, why do the planets move behind the Sun ?

If we are chasing the Sun, we meaning all the planets, then none of us should go behind the Sun, relative to the others. I don’t care what happens to all of us, just as long as the tenure of TPTB comes to an end and the Earth gets off on the right foot. I believe we need to be shaken, not stirred, if we are going to come to our true senses.

Shit happening is just what we need, to catch our attention and smarten us up. We should expect 90%+ of humans to be killed by the three phases. With the increased frequency of Earth, most of us won’t be suited to reincarnate here and we won’t.

Earth will be advancing and getting rid of those that don’t qualify, like TPTB but overall most humans just are not developed enough. Those that are left, will be the breeding stock but only adequate consciousness beings will be born. Eventually all of the lower consciousness beings die out, leaving only the higher consciousness.

Take a look at the Video :

WebBot Prophecy

Source : Gerald Celente



Prophets, the Alamongordo list of all Prophets.














Prophets List - Alamongordo Prophecies -


  • Native American Prophecies
  • Nichiren (Researching)
  • Nicholas K. Roerich (Researching)
  • Nicholas of Fluh (Researching)
  • No-Eyes (Researching)
  • Nostradamus
  • Nostradamus : The Lost Book (Researching)


  • Ojibwa Shaman Sun Bear (Researching)
  • Oracle of Delphi
  • Origen Prophecy (Researching)


  • Padre Pio (Researching)
  • Papal prophecies of Nostradamus (Researching)
  • Phil Stone (Researching)
  • Pius X (Researching)
  • Pius XII (Researching)
  • Pope Pius IX (Researching)
  • Prophecies of Isaiah (Researching)
  • Prophecies of Maitreya (Researching)
  • Prophecy Boxes
  • Prophecy of Anunnaki (Researching)
  • Prophecy of Atlantis (Researching)
  • Prophecy of Nibiru (Researching)
  • Prophecy of Planet X (Researching)
  • Prophecy of Psalm 83 (Researching)
  • Prophecy Rock Petroglyph (Researching)




  • Second Messenger (Researching)
  • Second Secret of Fatima (Researching)
  • Seeress Regina (Researching)
  • Shambhala Prophecy (Researching)
  • Sibylline Oracles (Researching)
  • Sioux & Navajo Prophecies (Researching)
  • Sister Marianne de Jesus Torres (Researching)
  • Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified (Researching)
  • Sister Faustina Kowalska (Researching)
  • St. Anthony the Abbot (Researching)
  • St. Columcille/Columba (Researching)
  • St. Hildegard (Researching)
  • St. John Bosco (Researching)
  • St. Malachy O’Morgair (Researching)
  • St. Senanus (Researching)
  • St. Vincent Ferrer (Researching)
  • Stalking Wolf (Researching)
  • Sun Bear, Chippewa Medicine Man (Researching)



  • Uri Geller (Researching)


  • Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser
  • Venerable Mary of Agreda
  • Virgin Mary’s end-time prophecies
  • Visions of Grandfather



  • Yogananda


  • Muhammad, also known as Al-Nabi (The Prophet), regarded by most Muslims as the last prophet of God
  • Zoroaster (or Zarathushtra), founder of Zoroastrianism sometimes referred to simply as “The Prophet”
  • Tenskwatawa, Shawnee leader also called “The Prophet” or “The Shawnee Prophet”
  • Wabokieshiek, Ho-Chunk leader also called “The Prophet” or “The Winnebago Prophet”




Prophets List - Alamongordo Prophecies -






















Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

A major tipping point will occur November 7-10 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period. This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after effects. The collapse of the dollar might occur in November-December. Also, there could be an attack in France with NBC weapons instead an attack in the USA, overall WWIII would “start” in November 2010, this doesn’t mean that there will be war in November but there will be a happening that will trigger the war in a few months. Thing like the conflict between China and Japan, the nuclear conflict with Iran, the bomb packages from al-quaida, a possible attack on Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu could occur during the meeting in the US, this meeting could be the “start” of World War III if they agree to attack Iran, the collapse of the dollar (the FED agreed to stimulus another 600 billion for Wall Street) the markets are pumped up like a bodybuiler with steroids, it will collapse after a time…

The WebBot Project

George Ure & Clif High presented predictions about the economy, the U.S., world events for the summer of 2010 and beyond. Their predictions are based on High’s Web Bot technology which gives archetype descriptors of future events by tracking language pattern changes within Internet discussions forums. Here are some of the highlights of what they see coming:

  • No warfare between Israel and Iran, at least not until November 2010
  • Six very large earthquakes are yet to come during the rest of 2010
  • A major tipping point will occur between November 8th – 11th, 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period.
  • This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after-effects.
  • The collapse of the dollar might occur in November 2010
  • From July 8th, 2010 onward, civil unrest will take place, possibly driven by food prices skyrocketing, and the devaluation of the dollar
  • A second depression, triggered by mass layoffs, bankruptcies, and the popping of the “derivatives bubble,” will see people moving out of cities.
  • After March 2011, the revolution wave will settle down into a period of reformation.
  • A “data gap” has been found between early 2012 running through May 2013
  • One explanation is that “our civilization gets knocked back to a pre-electronic state,” such as brought about by devastating solar activity.
  • A new benign form of capitalism will emerge during 2017-2020

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Baba Vanga

According to Baba Vanga the world will end in 5079. However, she, Nostradamus and other prophets have a lot to say about what will happen in the meantime. Among their numerous prophecies is that in November 2010 World War III will begin. (Read more about Baba Vanga predictions). Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva Dimitrova was born in Petrich, Bulgaria, the Rupite area in the Kozhuh Mountains of Bulgaria on January 31, 1911 and died there on August 11, 1996.

She was also known as Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, Vangelia Gushterova and most commonly as Baba Vanga. She lost her eye-sight when she was 12-years-old after being swept away by a tornado. She was found alive, but blinded. She said it was then that she received her ‘gift’. When she was 16-years-old she began making prophecies and quickly became famous because of the accuracy of her predictions. People from around the world sought her out seeing insight into the future, including Adolf Hitler is said to not have liked what she told him. Among her predictions is that World War III will start in early November 2010 and last until October 2014.

According to her prophesy, the war will start out like any other war, but quickly escalate into chemical and nuclear warfare that will have devastating consequences on the Earth and people for years to follow. Vanga claimed her visions were given to her from unknown creatures from another dimension. At times people who had lived hundreds of years earlier and at times aliens from a planet they call ‘Vamfim’ brought the visions to her.

According to people who knew her, she predicted her own death and that a 10-year-old French girl would inherit her gift and become known to the world. Take a look at her list of predictions , but since we are approaching November 2010, it is interesting to examine this upcoming prophecy a little closer. Her prediction about November 2010 is pretty simple. World War III will start then and end in October 2014. Undoubtedly this sounds nonsensical, except for two things.

One is that so many of her other predictions happened and two that other prophets predicted the same thing. Just like with the world ending in December 2012, we have several unrelated prophets who predict the beginning of World War III in November 2010. Most notably is Nostradamus.

Other predictors

Biblical Manifesto Clif High’s technical analysis data, ‘Web Bot’ and Albert Rosales, Ufoinfo And the Bible. Revelations to be exact. At least according to mathematical calculations made by David Icke using Biblical references interpreted through referencing ancient Pagan Gnostics. So what does all that mean? No idea. Maybe its nonsense. I just think it’s interesting. Then again, perhaps it means it is time to start preparations to survive World War III.


Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

List of Prophets

List of Prophets

Prophets A : Abbot Werdin D’Orante – Abraham Lincoln Visions – Agharti Predictions – Akita Prophecies – – Alexei Fud Prediction – Alois Irlmaier Prophecies – AntiChrist and the prophecies he will fulfill – Apocalytic visions of Daniel – Arthur C. Clarke Thoughts – Arthur Conan Doyle Prophecies

Prophets B : Baba Vanga – Baha’i Prophecy – Barack Obama Prophecies – Berosus Prophecy – Bishop Christianos Ageda – Blessed Anna Maria Taigi – Blessed Rembordt – Bluestar Prophecy – Brahan Seer Prophecies – Brave Buffalo, Brule Sioux Nation

Prophets C : Caesarius of Heisterbach – Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecy – Chief John Ross, Keetoowah & Cherokee – Chippewa prediction – Coinneach Odhar Predictions – Count Louis Hamon Cheiro – Cyclic Phenomena Prophecies

Prophets D : Dannion Brinckley – David Wilkerson – De Sabato’s Vision – Dead Sea Scrolls Prophecies – Delphic oracle – Dolores Cannon & Nostradamus.

Prophets E : Economy Prophecies – Ed Dames prophecy – Edgar Cayce Prophecies – Elena Aiello – Emanuel Swedenborg predictions – Erna Stieglitz PROPHETS – F – False Prophets – Fatima Secrets – First Secret of Fatima

Prophets G : George Washington’s Vision of the Future – Great pyramid prophecy – Guboo Ted Thomas, Australian Aboriginal Tribal Elder

Prophets H : H.G. Wells, Writer – Helena P. Blavatsky, Russian Seer – Hermetic Prophecy – Hindoe Prophecies – Hopi Indians Prophecies

Prophets J : Jack Smith – Jane Roberts & Seth – Jeane Dixon – Jerry Falwell – Johannes Friede – John Dutchman – John Hogue – John Lansa, Hopi (Badger Clan) – John of the Cleft Rock – John of Vitiguerro – John Titor – John XXIII

Prophets K : Kenneth MacKenzie Prophecy.

Prophets L : Lady of Akita Prophecies – Leo XIII – Leo Tolstoi, Writer – Liber Vaticinationem Quodam Prophecies – Muhammed Prophecy

Prophets N : Native American Prophecies – Nichiren – Nicholas K. Roerich – Nicholas of Fluh – No-Eyes – Nostradamus – Nostradamus : The Lost Book

Prophets O : Ojibwa Shaman Sun Bear – Oracle of Delphi – Origen Prophecy.

Prophets P : Padre Pio – Papal prophecies of Nostradamus – Phil Stone – Pius X – Pius XII – Pope Pius IX – Prophecies of Isaiah – Prophecies of Maitreya – Prophecy of Anunnaki – Prophecy of Atlantis – Prophecy of Nibiru – Prophecy of Planet X – Prophecy of Psalm 83 – Prophecy Rock Petroglyph.

Prophets Q : Q’ero Inca Shamans

Prophets R : Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson – Ronald Weinland.

Prophets S : Second Messenger – Second Secret of Fatima – Seeress Regina – Shambhala Prophecy – Sibylline Oracles – Sioux & Navajo Prophecies – Sister Marianne de Jesus Torres – Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified – Sister Faustina Kowalska – St. Anthony the Abbot – St. Columcille/Columba – St. Hildegard – St. John Bosco – St. Malachy O’Morgair – St. Senanus – St. Vincent Ferrer – Stalking Wolf – Sun Bear, Chippewa Medicine Man.

Prophets T : The Analyzer – The Apocalypse of Peter – The Book of Daniel – The Ecstatic of Tours – The false prophet of revelations – The final signs of Qiyaamah – The great pyramid prophecies – The lennon prophecy – The List of False Prophets – The List of Prophets – The prophecies of  Tribe.

Prophets U : Uri Geller.

Prophets V : Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser – Venerable Mary of Agreda – Virgin Mary’s end-time prophecies – Visions of “Grandfather”

Prophets W : Webbot Predictions – World Scientists – Wovoka, Paiute Prophet

Prophets Y : Yogananda


List of Prophets – List of Prophets – List of Prophets – List of Prophets – List of Prophets

10 Things Our Leaders Are Very Quiet About !

10 Things Our Leaders Are Very Quiet About !

Number 1 – Fort Calhoun nuclear facility

The crisis at the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility in Nebraska has received almost no attention in the national mainstream media. Alamongordo found the US President Barack Hussein Obama has ordered a News Blackout over the Nebraska Nuclear Plant. In my research i even had articles strangely disappear when i wanted to look into them, very strange things happening there !

Number 2 – The Fukushima Disaster

The crisis at Fukushima continues to get worse.  Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president, recently made the following statement about the Fukushima disaster. When you read my article “Several Prophets Predicted the Japan 2011 Earthquake” you can see the prediction made is that millions of people will die, this prophecy thats also in the Bible is beiing fulfilled at this moment, only … You can’t see, smell or hear the radiation that is killing us !

Number 3 – The War Against Pakistan, Yemen and Lybia

Most Americans are aware that the U.S. is involved in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.  However, the truth is that the U.S. military is also regularly bombing Yemen and parts of Pakistan. The US started the War between NATO and Lybia and is preparing to help when Turkey invades Syria from the North. Also at this very moment plans are beiing made for a ground invasion to end the war agaist Lybia. A overall war with Pakistan could erupt any moment because of the drone strikes from the US Military.

Number 4 – Planet Earth is Becoming Unstable

All over the world, huge cracks are appearing for no discernible reason.  For example, a massive crack that is approximately 3 kilometers long recent appeared in southern Peru.  Also, a 500 foot long crack suddenly appeared recently in the state of Michigan.  When you also throw in all of the gigantic sinkholes that have been opening all over the world, it is easy to conclude that the planet is becoming very unstable. If Comet Elenin is the “doomsday planet” it could be the gravity pulling on the earth, Elenin is coming closer and closer so these cracks could get even worse (if the Elenin theory is correct). Keep an eye on my “Elenin Timeline” !

Number 5 – The Super EMP Weapon that North Korea has Tested

There are reports that North Korea has tested a “super EMP weapon” which would be capable of taking out most of the U.S. power grid in a single shot.  The North Koreans are apparently about to conduct another nuclear test and that has some Obama administration officials very concerned.

Number 6 – US and Israel are Waiting untill Iran Starts a Nuclear War

What are the US and Israel waiting for? We all know that Iran and nuclear weapons are a dangerous combination. Is the US or the World Elite waiting untill Iran detonates a nuclear device in or at the border with Israel to strike back? Or is the Arab-Spring the start of the war agaist Iran? Maybe a Turkish attack on Syria will be the start of the campaign against Iran soon. Is a Iranian Nuclear Test coming soon or will Iran use the Nuke agaist the West without testing it ?

Number 7 – NASA launched a “major” preparedness initiative for all NASA personnel

NASA has just launched a “major” preparedness initiative for all NASA personnel.  The following is an excerpt about this plan : NASA Website.

A major initiative has been placed on Family/Personal Preparedness for  all NASA personnel. The NASA Family/Personal Preparedness Program is  designed to provide awareness, resources, and tools to the NASA Family  (civil servants and contractors) to prepare for an emergency situation.  The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA’s mission  are our employees’ and their families. We are taking the steps to  prepare our workforce, but it is your personal obligation to prepare  yourself and your families for emergencies.

This could be about Elenin (Elenin CNN) or do you remember the news that soon we could see 2 suns – a second sun in the sky ?

Number 8 – Over the Past Week over 40 temporary No Fly Zones declared by the FAA

Over the past week over 40 temporary “no fly zones” have been declared by the FAA.  This is very highly unusual.  Nobody seems to know exactly why this is happening.

Number 9 – Chinese having huge Problems with Crops and Food

China’s eastern province of Zhejiang has experienced that worst flooding that it has seen in 55 years.  2 million people have already been forced to leave their homes.  China has already been having huge problems with their crops over the past few years and this is only going to make things worse.

Number 10 – Over the Counter Trading of Gold and Silver is Going to be Illegal

Thanks to the Dodd-Frank Act, over the counter trading of gold and silver is going to be illegal starting on July 15th.  Or at least that is what some companies apparently now believe.  The following is an excerpt from an email that recently sent out to their customers.

10 Things Our Leaders Are Very Quiet About

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