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The Prophecies of Mother Shipton


All of the following are prophecies on our future For those who live the century through in fear and trembling this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens to bog and forest and wild fens. After 20th century is over, people will live in fear and flee to mountains, dens & forests for refuge.

For storms will rage and oceans roar when Gabriel stands on sea and shore, and as he blows his wondrous horn old worlds die and new be born. The Biblical Revelations – destruction of this civilization and creation of a new one – the so called “end of the world” A fiery dragon will cross the sky six times before the earth shall die.

Mankind will tremble and frightened be for the six heralds in this prophecy. Appearance of a comet and probable collision with earth as indicated in Bible & by Nostradamus. For seven days and seven nights man will watch this awesome sight.

The tides will rise beyond their ken. To bite away the shores and then the mountains will begin to roar and earthquakes split the plain to shore.

After comet strikes in the oceans, huge tidal waves will strike followed by awakening of volcanoes and earthquakes And flooding waters rushing in, will flood the lands with such a din that mankind cowers in muddy fen and snarls about his fellow men.

Tidal waves and wars continue He bares his teeth and fights and kills and secrets food in secret hill and ugly in his fear, he lies to kill marauders, thieves and spies.

Continuation of wars in spite of disasters Man flees in terror from the floods and kills, and rapes and lies in blood and spilling blood by mankind’s hand will stain and bitter many lands.

Continuation of the World War And when the dragon’s tail is gone man forgets and smiles and carries on. To apply himself – too late, too late for mankind has earned deserved fate.

War will cease, peace will return but man’s fate is already sealed His masked smile, his false grandeur, will serve the gods their anger stir and they will send the dragon back to light the sky – his tail will crack.

Upon the earth and rend the earth and man shall flee, king, lord and serf. When peace has returned and man is complacent, suddenly an even greater disaster,probably the same described by Nostradamus in X.74 happens – Is this the famous 3 Days Of Darkness of the Judgement day?

But slowly they are routed out to seek diminishing water spout and men will die of thirst before the oceans rise to mount to the shore. And lands will crack and rend anew do you think it strange, it will come true.

More earthquakes, floods and death And in some far – off distant land some men – oh such a tiny band will have to leave their solid mount and span the earth, those few to count. Survivors coming out from their hiding places – the Biblical phrase “dead will come out of their graves”

Who survives this (unreadable) and then begin the human race again. But not on land already there, but on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare. Survivors start a new civilization, not on lands which are poisoned due to war and nuclear radiation but on lands rising out of sea after the great tribulation.

Not every soul on earth will die, as the dragon’s tail goes sweeping by, not every land on earth will sink, but these will wallow in stench and stink, of rotting bodies of beast and man, of vegetation crisped on land.

The existing lands will be littered with bodies of human and animals and burned vegetation, although all humans will not die during the “Judgement day” But the land that rises from the sea will be dry and clean and soft and free of mankinds dirt and therefore be, the source of man’s new dynasty.

And those that live will ever fear the dragon’s tail for many year but time erases memory you think it strange. but it will be. Land rising from the sea will be clean and free of all these and this is where the new civilizations will be started. Slowly the memory of the disasters will fade away as time passes and fear will subside. And before the race is built anew, a silver serpent comes to view and spew out men of like unknown to mingle with the earth now grown cold from its heat and these men can enlighten the minds of future man to intermingle and show them how to live and love and thus endow.

the children with the second sight. a natural thing so that they might grow graceful, humble and when they do the golden age will start anew. Probably hints at arrival of aliens in their space ships who will enlighten the men starting the new civilization. Children will be gifted with special (mental) powers which is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Then the golden age of man will begin again.

The dragon’s tail is but a sign for mankind’s fall and man’s decline. and before this prophecy is done I shall be burned at the stake, at l My body singed and my soul set Free You think I utter blasphemy you’re wrong. These things have come to me this prophecy will come to be. Asserts that this prophecy will come true even though people might think of her prophecy as blasphemy.

Read the “Future Prophecies by Mother Shipton”

A carriage without horse will go, disaster fill the world with woe. In London, Primrose Hill shall be in center hold a bishops sea. Around the world men’s thoughts will fly, quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water shall great wonders do, How strange, and yet it shall come true.

Through towering hills proud men shall ride, no horse or ass move by his side. Beneath the water, men shall walk, shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. And in the air men shall be seen, In white and black and even green.

A great man, shall come and go for prophecy declares it so. In water, iron then shall float as easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be seen in stream and stone, In land that is yet unknown. And England shall admit a Jew, Do you think this strange, but it is true.

The Jew that once was led in scorn, shall of a christian then be born. A house of glass shall come to pass, In England. But alas, alas, a war will follow with the work where dwells the pagan and the turk. These states will lock in fiercest strife, and seek to take each other’s life.

When north shall thus divide the south an eagle build in lion’s mouth then tax and blood and cruel war shall come to every humble door. Three times shall lovely sunny France be led to play a bloody dance. Before the people shall be free three tyrant rulers shall she see.

Three rulers in succession be each springs from different dynasty.

Then when the fiercest strife is done. England and France shall be as one.

The British olive shall next then twine, in marriage with a German vine. Men walk beneath and over streams fulfilled shall be their wondrous dreams. For in those wondrous far off days, the women shall adopt a craze to dress like men, and trousers wear and to cut off their locks of hair. They’ll ride astride with brazen brow, as witches do on broomsticks now. And roaring monsters with men atop, does seem to eat the verdent crop.

And men shall fly as birds do now, and give away the horse and plow.

They’ll be a sign for all to see be sure that it will certain be. Then love shall die and marriage cease and nations wane as babes decrease.

And wives shall fondle cats and dogs and men live much the same as hogs.

I know I go, I know I’m free, I know that this will come to be, Secreted this, for this will be found by later dynasty. A dairy maid, a bonnie lass, shall kick this tome as she does pass And five generations she shall breed before one male child does learn to read.

This is then held year by year, till an iron monster trembling fear, eats parchment, words and quill and ink, and mankind is given time to think. And only when this comes to be will mankind read this prophecy. But one man sweets anothers bain so I shall not have burned in vein.

Found on a Scroll in Another Jar The signs will be there for all to read; when man shall do most heinous deed man will ruin kinder lives; by taking them as to their wives. And murder foul and brutal deed: when man will only think of greed. and man shall walk as if asleep; he does not look – he may not peep And iron men the tail shall do; and iron cart and carriage too. The king shall false promise make; and talk just for talking’s sake.

And nations plan horrific war; the like as never seen before. and taxes rise and lively down; and nations wear perpetual frown. Yet greater sign there be to see; as man nears latter century. three sleeping mountains gather breath, and spew out mud, ice and death.

An earthquake swallow town and town; in lands as yet to me unknown And Christian one fights Christian two and nations sigh, yet nothing do. And yellow men great power gain; from mighty bear with whom they’ve lain. These mightly tyrants will fail to do, they fail to split the world in two. But from their acts a danger bred; an ague, leaving many dead. And physics find no remedy; for this is worse than lepresy.

Oh many signs for all to see; the truth of this true prophecy. In nineteen hundred and twenty-six build houses light of straw and sticks. For then shall mighty wars be planned and fire and swords shall sweep the land. When pictures seem alive with movements free, when boats like fishes swim beneath the sea. When men like birds shall scour the sky. Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.

For those who live the century through in fear and trembling this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens to bog and forest and wild fens. For storms will rage and oceans roar when Gabriel stands on sea and shore, and as he blows his wondrous horn old worlds die and new be born. A fiery dragon will cross the sky six times before the earth shall die. Mankind will tremble and frightened be for the six heralds in this prophecy.

For seven days and seven nights man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken.

To bite away the shores and then the mountains will begin to roar and earthquakes split the plain to shore. And flooding waters rushing in, will flood the lands with such a din that mankind cowers in muddy fen and snarls about his fellow men.

He bares his teeth and fights and kills and secrets food in secret hill and ugly in his fear, he lies to kill marauders, thieves and spies. Man flees in terror from the floods and kills, and rapes and lies in blood and spilling blood by mankind’s hand will stain and bitter many lands. And when the dragon’s tail is gone man forgets and smiles and carries on. To apply himself – too late, too late for mankind has earned deserved fate.

His masked smile, his false grandeur, will serve the gods their anger stir and they will send the dragon back to light the sky — his tail will crack. Upon the earth and rend the earth and man shall flee, king, lord and serf. But slowly they are routed out to seek diminishing water spout and men will die of thirst before the oceans rise to mount to the shore.

And lands will crack and rend anew do you think it strange, it will come true. And in some far — off distant land some men — oh such a tiny band will have to leave their solid mount and span the earth, those few to count.

Who survives this (unreadable) and then begin the human race again. But not on land already there, but on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare. Not every soul on earth will die, as the dragon’s tail goes sweeping by, not every land on earth will sink, but these will wallow in stench and stink, of rotting bodies of beast and man, of vegetation crisped on land. But the land that rises from the sea will be dry and clean and soft and free.

Of mankinds dirt and therefore be, the source of man’s new dynasty. and those that live will ever fear the dragon’s tail for many year but time erases memory You think it strange. but it will be.

And before the race is built anew, a silver serpent comes to view and spew out men of like unknown to mingle with the earth now grown cold from its heat and these men can enlighten the minds of future man to intermingle and show them how to live and love and thus endow. the children with the second sight. a natural thing so that they might grow graceful, humble and when they do the golden age will start anew.

The dragon’s tail is but a sign for mankind’s fall and man’s decline. and before this prophecy is done I shall be burned at the stake, at l My body cinged and my soul set free You think I utter blasphemy you’re wrong. These things have come to me this prophecy will come to be.

Read all “The Prophecies of Mother Shipton”.

Prophecies of Mother Shipton

Count Louis Hamon Cheiro Prophecies


1927 Prediction

Germany and Italy will war against France and England. In the coming 50 years an earthquake zone will develop in NE Pacific coast of Peru up through to the Arctic regions. (Before 1977) Eastern cities of the U.S. will be affected, and parts of New York will be destroyed in 50-100 years. (Before 2027) A series of earthquakes will cause the Azores to rise and Atlantis will resurface and be explored.

Take a look at the last two Prophecies and then read the prophecies of the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce !

Count Louis Hamon Cheiro Prophecies

The Prophecies of Dannion Brinkley


In 1975, during a thunderstorm, Dannion Brinkley was talking on the telephone when a bolt of lightning hit the phone line, sending thousands of volts into his head and down through his body. Brinkley was thrown across the room, and later reported seeing his lifeless body spread prone, as his then girlfriend found him and paramedics arrived. Obviously disoriented, in his spirit-form above the scene, he wondered what the excitement was about, since (as he put it) “Everybody was okay….” He saw auras around everybody in the room except his own body below — a pretty big hint that he was, in fact, dead.

As doctors pronounced Brinkley dead at the local hospital, he reportedly found himself — or, more specifically, his spirit-self – traveling through a dark tunnel toward an angelic being who led him into a crystal city. There, he entered a cathedral of knowledge where he was shown 13 visions, contained in what he termed “boxes.” So-called “beings of light” also showed him 117 glimpses of possible future events, of which 95 have come to pass (by his count) in early 1998.

Brinkley revived in the morgue some 28 minutes after his death and later gave a personal account of his near-death experience (NDE) in the book, ”Saved by the Light”, first published in 1995.

As recounted in the book, the events of that day changed Brinkley’s life. He spent many months recovering from the physically debilitating effects of the electrical blast, while at the same time discovering mind-reading abilities that, while lessening over time, remain with him to this day. A second near-death experience, a few years later, reunited Brinkley with his angelic teachers, who revealed he was to use his psychic gifts to help the dying.

Another book, ”At Peace in the Light,” soon followed. In September 1997, Brinkley was hospitalized with life threatening brain aneurysms. Despite medical opinions to the contrary, he miraculously survived. During that time, he had a third near-death experience. Besides lectures and book signings, Dannion Brinkley currently does hospice work — using his experiences and gifts to help those who are nearing, and perhaps fear, death.

Visions of Dannion Brinkley

Thirteen prophetic visions as seen by Dannion Brinkley. He refers to them as “Boxes of Knowledge” in his book, “Saved By The Light” which was published in 1994 after he suffered a near death experience.

  • Boxes of Knowledge 1 to 3 : Visions of a Demoralized Country
  • Boxes of Knowledge 4 to 5 : Strife & Hatred in the Holy Lands
  • Boxes of Knowledge 6 : Visions of Nuclear Destruction
  • Boxes of Knowledge 7 : The Environmental Religion
  • Boxes of Knowledge 8 to 9 : China Battles Russia
  • Boxes of Knowledge 10 to 11 : Economic Earthquakes and Desert Storm
  • Boxes of Knowledge 12 : Technology & Virus
  • Boxes of Knowledge 13 : The Final Visions

Prophecies of Dannion Brinkley

The Edgar Cayce Predictions

The Edgar Cayce Predictions.

Prophecies and predictions of Edgar Cayce. Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. Cayce said that these future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. His reply was: “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”. (Matt. 24:36)

Cayce’s Visions of the Future That are Yet to Happen

The year the battle of Armageddon will occur in the spirit realm

Cayce predicted that the so-called “Battle of Armageddon” described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce foresaw that this “battle” will not be a war fought on Earth. Rather, it will be a spiritual struggle between the “higher forces of light” and “lower forces of darkness” for 1000 years of Earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to Earth. By this time, the so-called “kingdom of heaven” will have been established on Earth.

There is a possibility of a World War III

Cayce foresaw the possibility of a third world war. He spoke of strife arising near the Davis Straits, and in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. Given the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the tensions in Iran, Turkey/Syria and the Middle East right now, such a war could certainly be a possibility. Since the Middle East unrest and the war against Libya this prophecy stands in the picture, this is the proof that Edgar Cayce really had a vision about this third world war, but it can still be stopped ! Like all prophets say : The future can always be changed by humanity, God gave them a free will !!!

The year of the second coming of Christ

Edgar Cayce often maintained that humanity would soon experience a “day of reckoning.” He predicted the year of the second coming of Jesus to be 1998. Critics who are not very familiar with the Cayce material have pointed out that 1998 has come and gone and the second coming has not occurred. Such critics wrongly expect the second coming to happen when Jesus appears in the sky with a chorus of angels while Gabriel blows a horn and dead bodies crawl out of their graves.

This idea of the resurrection was the result of a misunderstanding of the concept of reincarnation – the ancient concept of birth and rebirth. A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience. Cayce did not specify a time frame, he specified a condition, placing as much research emphasis on the spiritual/occult phenomena as material causation. It would be nice to think that Cayce was referring to near-death research which would fit the description of the science he is referring to. Until we know more in the future, we will have to assume that this prediction is still pending.

A new discovery in astronomy will occur

Cayce provided a major clue that astronomers have not yet taken up: the discovery of the revolution of the solar system around a star system composed of Arcturus and the Pleiades. Major archeological discoveries concerning human origins will be found. Cayce predicted that there will be three profound archeological discoveries of a very ancient and important nature that will revolutionalize the way we understand human origins, cosmology and religion. Cayce stated that this will occur when humanity reaches a higher level of spirituality. The three repositories mentioned are in Egypt (near the Great Pyramid), the Bimini area (where the possible portion of Atlantis has already been discovered), and the Yucatan (the location where the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs).

Volcanic activity will proceed major earthquakes

If there are greater activities in [the volcanoes] Vesuvius or Pelee, then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by the earthquakes. But these are to be more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere.

America’s west coast will be destroyed

The widespread destruction in Los Angeles and San Francisco as well as in many portions of the west coast will occur. Earth changes will occur in the central portion of the United States as well. NDE researcher Dr. Ken Ring discovered that many near-death accounts he was studying foretell future Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, a pole shift, strange weather patterns, droughts, pandemics, famines, tidal waves and a new social order followed by a golden age. These NDE visions of the future agree completely with the Cayce predictions described below.

The ocean level will rise significantly

With the shifting of the Earth’s magnetic poles that began in 1998 will come a gradual melting of the polar ice caps and eventually cause inundations of many coastal regions resulting in a drop in the landmass of about 30 feet. In 1941, Cayce elaborated on this effect: “As to conditions in the geography of the world, of the country — changes here are gradually coming about … For, many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S. In the next few years land will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas, the bays, the lands over which The New World Order will carry on their trade as one with another.

  • The Official A.R.E. Website
  • The sleeping Prophet
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  • The Kentucky period
  • The Texas period
  • The Virginia Beach period
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  • 14,879 readings
  • Prophecy Research Center
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  • Prophecies second coming
  • Prohecies of Edgar Cayce
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  • Reincarnation
  • Astrology
  • Universal laws
  • Unknown Life of Jesus
  • Jesus and Christ Ideals
  • Body, Mind, Spirit Meditation
  • Extra-sensory perception
  • Atlantis
  • Egypt
  • Earth Changes
  • Cayce “cures”
  • Cayce diet
  • Dream interpretation
  • The battle of Armageddon
  • Cayce’s apocalyptic predictions
  • Horrible future events
  • The second coming of Christ
  • The return of Christ
  • The end of All Times
  • The year 1998
  • Edgar Cayce Visions of WWIII
  • Psychic & Spiritual Phenomenon
  • The Persian Gulf
  • Prohecies of Edgar Cayce
  • The Sphinx
  • The size of Atlantis
  • Watch New York, Connecticut
  • Greater activities in Vesuvius
  • Greater activities in Pelee
  • The New World Order (Prophecy)
  • The Davis Strait (Prophecy)
  • The Atlanteans
  • Records of Atlantis
  • The Pyramids of Giza
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Is Osama Bin Laden the Mabus from Nostradamus ?

Is Osama Bin Laden the Mabus from Nostradamus ?

He’s dead and the US got his body, is this a good thing, will the “war on terror” end ? I don’t think so … it’s just started !

Usama Bin Laden has acquired the label as the one who orchastrated the operation of 9/11.  The Terror event that has changed the world as we knew it.  Could he be the Mabus character that Nostradamus foresaw? Think about this Usama Bin Laden (Mabus).  In his full name he also has the name MOHAMMAD within.  And additionaly, his family came from the HELIX of ARABIA (YEMEN) the place that Nostradamus predicted would be the location from where the Next antichrist would come from.

King of Terror   –   (Usama Bin Laden) From the Skies   –   (Airplanes on 9111   /   1999) King of the Mongolians   –   (United States military power like Ghengis Khans Mongolian empire) Mars will reign before and after   –   (Mars = War before in Bosnia/Serbia after in Afghanistan / Iraq / Libya)

Note : I still believe that the “great king of terror” is not Usama Bin Laden, the quatrain can point to Bin Laden but is also a “hint” to Vladimir Putin who is behind the war of terror to “weaken the west” like the Quatrain of Nostradamus says. Putin started to “Rise” in July 1999 (popularity 5%) – November 1999 (popularity 80%), he was (1999-2008), is not (2008-2012) and will be again (2012) thats what the Bible sais about the Antichrist, you should read the Vladimir Putin timeline !

  • Mabus then will soon die   –   (MABUS = USaMA Bin Laden)
  • There will come of people and beast a horrible rout
  • Then suddenly one will see vengeance   –   (Revenge? – Read this article)
  • Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run   –   (The ELENIN comet responsible for the great Earthquakes)

If this is true then we are not far from the Next World War. Nostradamus makes clear that Mabus is an individual not a continent or country.

False Flag Operation – More to come ?

I cannot help it but the things happening at the moment … strange … weird …

Days ago the was a Wikileak : Al Quaida has a “nuclear dirty bomb inside Europe“, and if Osama Bin Laden would be captured or assassinated there would come a “nuclear hellstorm” over Europe (Note : Edgar Cayce predicted that Europe would “Change in the blink of an eye“). I posted this leak just days ago and now he’s dead ?

Also, the war against Libya : I never seen a war start this quick ! Just one month after protests started in Tripoly NATO was bombing libya to “protect the people”? Also strange is that all of North Africa and the Middle East is changing very rapidly at the moment, and not in the good way. The media tells us the change is good but letst look at Egypt. Mubarak was a “friend” of the US, in September the Muslim Brotherhood will come to power in Egypt ! Believe me, thats NOT a good thing !

Edgar Cayce predicted that the Third World War would start in the Area of Tunis (Unrest started here first), Libya (War against Libya), Egypt (Muslim Brotherhood) and the Davis strait.  It’s all happening at this very moment !

Also Read

The Elenin Timeline !

The Elenin Timeline !

Elenin, the so-called “Comet” that is heading for Earth at the moment is coming closer and closer ! Rumours go that it should be visible by the end of August 2011 and would look like a “second sun” from Earth ! I made a complete timeline of alignments between ELENIN and the Earth together with other planets, check it out and see for yourself : Everytime the “dwarf star” aligns with earth and one of the other planets, moon or sun in our solarsystem there is a large Earthquake ! In my timeline i only placed Earthquakes larger than 6,0 magnitude !

2004 Dec 28

Earth Mercury Venus alignment trigger the massive 9,1 Magnitude Earthquake in Indonesia followed by a large Tsunami, Elenin has nothing to do with this quake as far as i could see but i still want to mention it, it happened during a Full Moon !

2007 Apr 01

Elenin Earth Mars alignment triggers a massive 8,1 Magnitude Earthquake on the Solomon Island, also during a Full Moon !

2007 Aug 15

Elenin Earth Venus alignment triggers a large 8,0 Earthquake in Peru !

2008 May 12

Alignment of Elenin Earth and Neptune triggers a massive 7,9 Magnitude Quake in China.

2009 Sep 29

Another alignment of Elenin Earth and Venus like the one on Aug 15th 2007 triggers a massive 8,1 Magnitude quake in Samoa !

2010 Feb 18

Alignment of Elenin, Earth and Venus triggers a 6,9 Magnitude Earthquake in China, Russia and North Korea.

2010 Feb 26

Alignment of Elenin, Earth and Sun triggers a 7,0 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan.

2010 Feb 27

The day after the 7,0 Japan Quake : The alignment of Elenin, Earth and Sun during a Full Moon triggers the Super Earthquake of 8,8 Magnitude in Chile – On Feb 28 th 2010 there was an Elenin, Jupiter, Sun and Earth alignment.

2010 March 4 & 5

Days after the Elenin alignment during the Full Moon, this new alignment between Elenin, Earth and Mercury triggers several Earthquakes on the 4th and 5th of March 2010 : 6,6 Magnitude Earthquake in Chile, 6,3 Quake in Indonesia and a 6,3 Taiwan Earthquake !

2010 March 8

Another alignment, another Quake, this time it is the alignment between Elenin, Earth and Mercury that triggers a 6,1 Magnitude Earthquake in Turkey !

2010 May 5-14

Between May 5th and May 14th several alignments between Elenin, Earth and Neptune triggers several Earthquakes : A 7,2 Indonesia Earthquake, 6,6 Magnitude Indonesia quake, a 6,2 magnitude earthquake in Chile and a smaller 5,2 earthquake in Algeria.

2010 Jun 12-15

Elenin, Mars and Earth alignment triggers a strong 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake on Nicobar Islands, India Region.

2010 Jul 23

Elenin, Venus and Earth alignment triggers a massive M 7.6 Earthquake in Moro Gulf, Mindanao, Philippines ! One day before this alignment hundreds of Penguins wash up on the Brazilian Coast !

2010 Aug 4

Alignment between Elenin, Mercury and Earth triggers 7.0 New Britain Region Papua New Guinea Earthquake !

2010 Sep 3

Alignment of Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Sun triggers a 6,5 Alaska (USA) and a 7,0 Magnitude Earthquake in New Zealand on the same day !

2010 Sep 29

Elenin, Earth and Mercury alignment triggers 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake near the South Coast of Papua, Indonesia !

2010 Oct 25

Elenin, Earth and Jupiter alignment triggers a 7.7 Magnitude Quake in Kepulauan Mentawai Region, Indonesia !

2010 Nov 3

Alignment between Elenin, Earth and Jupiter triggers a 6,1 magnitude in Indonesia.

2010 Nov 10

Alignment of Elenin, Earth and Uranus triggers a 6,5 Indian Earthquake.

2010 Nov 30

Alignment of Elenin, Earth and Uranus triggers a 6,8 magnitude quake in Japan.

2010 Dec 02

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Uranus triggers a 6,6 magnitude Papa NG quake.

2011 Feb 11

Elenin, Earth and Jupiter alignment triggers 6.6 Magnitude Earthquake Offshore Maule, Chile.

2011 Feb 22

Elenin, Earth and Jupiter Alignment trigger deadly M 7.1 Earthquake in New-Zealand

2011 Mar 9-10

Elenin Earth Mercury alignment triggers the Yingjiang, Yunnan, China earthquake. On March 8th 2011, one day before this alignment millions of dead fish swamp the Harbor Area of Redondo Beach California !

2011 Mar 11

The alignment between Elenin, Earth and the Sun triggers the massive superquake in Japan, the 9,0 Earthquake triggered a Tsunami the destroyed the Fukushime Nuclear Reactors !

2011 Mar 24

Elenin Earth Mars alignment triggers massive Earthquake in Tachilek, Myanmar close to the border with Thailand, Laos and China !

2011 Apr 7

Elenin, Earth and Venus alignment triggers 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan !

2011 May 11

Remember the Prophecy of the “Rome Earthquake”? On may 11th 2011 a 5,5 Magnitude Earthquake happened in Spain, on this day there was an “almost” so not perfect alignment between Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Earth. Also the March 11th Japan earthquake moved the axes of the planet, just like the large quake in Haiti did … where would the spain quake have taken place if this didn’t happen ? I got this from a reader of, great thinking dude !

2011 JUN 17

Perfect Alignment between Elenin, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter on the outside. Keep an eye on Mercury and Venus for special happenings.

2011 JUN 25

ELENIN enters the orbit of Mars ! At this moment Elenin is apprx 166.948.972 miles or 268.678.326 kilometers from Earth !

2011 JUL 5

Perfect Alignment between Elenin, Mercury and the Sun. We should keep an eye on Mercury, things could start moving there !

2011 JUL 18- AUG 1

During this period the Sun is in between Elenin and Jupiter, we could have large Solarflares at this time because the powers of Elenin/Jupiter.

2011 Aug 3

ELENIN enters the orbit of our planet Earth ! At this moment Elenin is apprx  138 411 484 miles or 222.751.691 kilometers from Earth ! At the same time and in the same area Comet 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4) enters the Earth’s orbit !

2011 AUG 15

Alignment between Earth, Mercury and the Sun just after the Full Moon on August 13th 2011, there is no alignment with Elenin but still we should watch this date for a possible 6,0 or higher magnitude Earthquake !

2011 AUG 18

Closest approche Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at 0,0766 AU ! This close approach will happen during the alignment between Earth, Mercury, Venus and the Sun so keep an eye on August 18th 2011 (8-8-11). Again ELENIN is not involved but by this time ELENIN’s gravity could effect the 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova comet and the Alignment between Earth, Venus, the Sun and Mercury could trigger a +6 Magnitude quake somewhere on the planet. Still i think the fun will start in September 2011…

2011 AUG 21

ELENIN enters the orbit of Venus ! At this moment Elenin is apprx 111.361.288 miles or 179.218.620 kilometers from Earth. On this date there is an Alignment between Elenin, Mercury and Jupiter again.

2011 AUG 28

Alignment between Elenin, The Sun and Mars. There could be Solarflares again.

2011 SEP 6

ELENIN enters the orbit of Mercury ! At this moment Elenin is apprx 77.525.304 miles or 124.738.214 kilometers from Earth.

2011 SEP 11

On 9/11 Elenin will make it’s closest approach to the SUN, the distance between Elenin and the Sun at this time is apprx 44.804.792 miles or 72.090.910 kilometers. This closest approach happens on the same day of the 9/11 attack – exactly 10 Years ago !

2011 SEP 12

The last Full Moon before Elenin will align with earth several times, enjoy it because it may be your last Full Moon !

2011 SEP 16

First Alignment of Elenin since the March 11, 2011 Alignment between Earth-Sun and Elenin that triggered the Massive 9,0 Japan EarthQuake. This one is an Alignment between Earth – Elenin and Saturn. The Alignment triggered a 7,3 Magnitude EarthQuake in Fiji and 3 other +6 Magnitude Quakes in Japan, a 6,2 New Zealand Quake and a 6,1 Cuba Earthquake that was downgraded to a 5,2.

2011 SEP 18

Alignment between Earth – Elenin and Saturn triggers a 6,9 EarthQuake in India/Nepal and Tibet.

2011 SEP 21-22

Perfect Alignment between Earth Elenin and Venus !

2011 SEP 26-27&28

The TRANSIT of ELENIN – Elenin will pass between the Earth and the Sun for 3 days, this could be the “Three days of Darkness” in the Bible !

2011 SEP 27

Perfect Alignment Elenin, Earth and Sun, ELENIN will be in between the Earth and the Sun !!! This is the same alignment as the one that triggered the Japan Earthquake on March 11 2011, only this time ELENIN is much closer to Earth than in March during the Japan Quake !!! So the First of Several massive earthquakes will happen around or on September 25th 2011. By this time, if ELENIN is the long-awaited NIBIRU or PLANET X we will have seen signs already, the changing magnetic field could kill millions of animals like fish and birds. Note that this is the FIRST TIME that ELENIN is in between the Earth and Sun when an alignment takes place !!! At this moment the distance between ELENIN and the EARTH is 38.297.872 miles or just 61.621.276 kilometers.

2011 SEP 26-27

Maybe an even worse but not “perfect” alignment between Elenin, Earth, Sun AND Mercury this time, the same as on March 11th 2011 and Sep 24th only Mercury is in the picture to, Elenin is at its closest point to earth yet. This alignment could trigger the largest Earthquake in the history of mankind !!! Remember the Bible talking about a large earthquake moving mountains and stuff … this could be it if “it” wasn’t 2 days ago. The distance between ELENIN and the EARTH : 35.416.236 miles or 56.984.723 kilometers.

ELENIN alignments vs EarthQuakes still to come !

2011 OCT 12 – OCT 19

The 3th Alignment : Elenin, Earth and Mars align with Elenin for the first time ever IN BETWEEN Earth and Mars + this allignment will happen during a Full Moon !!! On October 12th 2011 the comet/astroid 1036 GANYMED makes it’s closest approach to Earth !!! At this date there is also a second alignmend involving the Earth, Jupiter and Venus !

2011 OCT 17

Closest approach to Earth of ELENIN : 0,232 AU that’s 21.565.792 miles or 34.569.964 kilometers, if NASA isn’t telling us a lie about these distances … Also on OCT 17th there is an alignment between the Earth, Jupiter and Mercury !

2011 OCT 28

Alignment Earth, Mercury and Venus together with again a second alignment at the same time between Earth, Sun and Jupiter (alignment untill 1-11-11) !

2011 NOV 09

Closest approach of 2005 YU55 (0,0023 AU) : This Astroid will pass between Earth and the Moon (Distance Earth-Moon = 0.00257 AU). This Astroid could hit the moon, normally it will pass the moon at (0,00027 AU) ! This is a very important time period, the 2005 YU55 comet passes earth at just 2.137.988 miles or 3.427.194 kilometers, but even more important, this comet will “pass” our moon at just 25.098 miles or 40.232 kilometers, thats the distance of just one time around the earth ! If ELENIN has a powerfull field it could push 2005 YU55 out of it’s “normal route” and closer to the moon. If the moon is hit by this 400 meter diameter rock, disaster will also hit earth with tidalwaves and more !

REVELATION 9:11 – And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon !

2011 NOV 09

Astroid 1036 Ganymed in the Area

2011 NOV 09

Also in the Neighborhoud : 1996 FG3 Astroid !

2011 NOV 10

Full Moon !

2011 NOV 11

Perfect Alignment Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus. During this alignment the Earth will also pass the route of Elenin so when Elenin has a tail with Debris, all the rocks will hit Earth and it could be raining Fire as the Bible tells us !!! By the way, this stuff is all going to happen when the date is 11-11-11 isn’t that cool !!!

REVELATION 11:11 – And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. (3 1/2 Days – <9-10-11 November>)

Note : Comet Elenin passes in the same vicinity at exactly the same time, what are the odds ?

Do they get close enough in their projected paths to interact and cause a change in known trajectory? I know trajectory calcs are still being worked on for the comet (being it is still in the Asteroid Belt) ….but what are the odds of these two space bodies meeting up like this…

2011 NOV 23 – NOV 28

Perfect Alignment between Sun – Earth and ELENIN !

2011 NOV 25

Closest approach of Astroid 1996 FG3 to earth at 0,101 AU – that’s 9.338.556 miles or 15.049.855 kilometers !

2011 DEC 02

Alignment Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Sun (Not Perfect)

2011 DEC 10

Full Moon

2011 DEC 15

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Mercury

2011 DEC 26

Closest approach of Astroid 2000 YA to Earth at 0,0075 AU that is 6.971.700 miles or 11.175.635 kilometers !

2012 APR 06

Full Moon

2012 MAY 06

Full Moon

2012 APR 09 till JUNE 06

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Venus

2012 JUN 03

Alignment Elenin, Earth, Venus and Mercury

2012 JUN 04

Full Moon with an Alignment between Earth, Venus, Mercury and Elenin !

2012 JUN 06

Alignment Earth, Mercury and Elenin on the 6th – Earth Sun and Venus

2012 JUNE 6

Transit of Venus at the time of the end of the alignment between Elenin, Earth,and Venus. Also on June 6th there is an alignment between Earth, Sun ans Venus ! After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.

2012 JUNE 14 – 28

Alignment of the Earth, the Sun and Elenin !

2012 AUG 10-31

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Venus

2012 NOV 24 – DEC 5

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Mars with a full moon on NOV 24 th !

2012 DEC 21

Maya’s Endtime Date, this date there is an alignment between Earth, Venus and Jupiter. Comet 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4) is at a distance of 0,103 AU from Earth.

2012 DEC 27 -JAN 3

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Sun with a Full Moon on DEC 27 th !

2013 JAN 03 – 07

Alignment Elenin, Earth, Sun AND Mercury

2013 JAN 13

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Venus

2013 SEP 15

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Jupiter

2014 JAN 03

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Sun

2015 JAN 05

Alignment between Elenin, Earth and the Sun during a full moon !

Elenin Timeline

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Signs in the Sun before Start of Apocalypse !

Signs in the Sun before Start of Apocalypse !

Luke 21:25-26: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity and anguish at the roaring and tossing of the sea and the waves; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”

The sun’s heightened sunspot activity will lead to coronal mass ejections (CME) filled with solar particles or plasma that will dramatically spread out through the solar wind. Increased quantities of plasma will be carried to the Earth in giant solar waves passing through the breach in the magnetosphere. This is how one NASA scientist explained the situation: “We’re entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It’s the perfect sequence for a really big event.” (1) For some reason we should keep an eye on the Sun in 2011 : The so-called “Comet Elenin” could when it passes our Sun spark solarflares as never seen before !

Could, because it is not proven that Elenin causes the great Earthquakes on earth, but when you look at the Signs … mmm … we’ll See ! There have been numerous deadly Earthquakes over the last 10 years such as the Earthquake in Iran which killed 30.000 people, the Earthquake, which caused the devastating 2004 Tsunami that killed appr 235.000 people and had a very heavy death toll on coastlines in the Indian ocean, in 2005 there was the Pakistan Earthquake that killed 82.000 people, the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake destroyed that region and killed over 80.000 people, the Earthquake in Haiti, 230.000 people killed, the massive Chili Quake Shook the South American continent like Edgar Cayce predicted and it shortened the day, the Baja California Earthquake on April 4 and and the China Quake on April 13, which claimed over 2.200 lives. Several strong quakes these past months have struck the Indonesian region, one quake measuring 7.8 (April 6) and another 7.2 (May 9) in magnitude. Over 35 earthquakes have been measuring 6.5 or greater in magnitude since July 2010. USGS’ lists a total of 50 significant earthquakes worldwide for 2010, even worse in 2011. There’s no doubt at all that there will be many more Deadly Earthquakes to come in the very near future !

The big event alluded to by NASA Themis scientists is major disruption to satellites, telecommunications systems and the electrical power grid. What the scientists didn’t discuss is the impact on the human bioelectrical system. By 2012, individuals will need to learn to be “solar surf riders” to survive the dramatic waves of plasma pouring in through the Earth’s magnetosphere at astounding rates. According to David Sibeck, a Themis project scientist, the breach will last for the entire span of the next solar cycle. He warned: “It should be that we’re in for a tough time in the next 11 years.”

For the next 11 years, as the magnetosphere breach continues to allow up to 20 times the normal amount of plasma to bombard the Earth and the human bioelectrical system and this activity peaks around 2012, what can the Obama administration take to help prepare American citizens and humanity more generally for what’s about to occur as we approach and pass beyond 2012 over the next 11 years? What can private individuals do to prepare for the massive social and psychological effects of the human bioelectrical system as it responds to a surge in solar plasma energy entering the earth’s environment in unprecedented rates?

Will ELENIN or another dwarf planet trigger the Apocalypse ?

Several “weird” signs the last few years : In July 2011 the last Space Shuttle will be launched, i think it is really strange that the US, the “greatest nation on Earth” is stopping the Space Shuttle Program without another vehicle to go to space … The “Arab Spring” … What is happening all over the world ? The war against Libya, It seems like a distraction for greater things to come … In 2010 PLUTO turned RED … Also in 2010 Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System lost a Stripe … NASA scientists on December 16, 2008 announced that they have discovered a breach in Earth’s magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist … According to official data — with the sun 10 to 15 degrees off the horizon it should have been positioned at around 70 degrees toward the east when spotted at 5:45 am PST, when in fact it was positioned at 29-30 degrees north by northwest according to the compass … Also in 2011 scientist “discovered” that Magnetic Bubbles are seperating us from the rest of the Universe … Venus for example, is showing us marked elevations in its overall brightness … Jupiter has such a high energetic charge now that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that has formed between it and its moon. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken recently.

The gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would indeed have profound effects on all the orbiting bodies, including Earth. Evidence suggests that most of the known planets in our solar system are undergoing global warming, in fact “the polar icecaps of Mars are melting and receding at several miles a year, much faster than ours and that the moons of Saturn and Jupiter are melting, and that Jupiter is developing a second giant red spot, an enormous hurricane-like storm which is thought to be the result of a sudden warming on our solar system’s largest planet.” — “Dr. Imke de Pater of Berkeley University says some parts of Jupiter are now as much as six degrees Celsius warmer than just a few years ago” — Neptune’s moon also seems to have heated up significantly recently. Parts of its frozen nitrogen surface have begun melting and turning to gas, making Triton’s atmosphere denser. “And I promise, I haven’t left my SUV idling on any of those planets or moons. Honest, I haven’t.” one commentator said. — And not long ago it was announced that the giant-planet Jupiter had lost one of its belts! — “It was there last year, but when Jupiter came out from behind the sun on its yearly orbit, it was gone. Jupiter with only one belt is almost like seeing Saturn when its rings are edge-on and invisible for a time — it just doesn’t look right,” a skywatcher wrote. — And recently, newly released Hubble Space Telescope photos reveals that Pluto is Turning Red! Astronomers say “that it has about 20 percent more red than it used to have.” — These changes are not only to be blamed on the Sun, since such drastic changes on planets so far away, as with Pluto — if only caused by the sun — would literally fry the Earth. No, these changes could also be caused by an approaching interstellar body!

Maybe this 2012 doomsday apocalypse conspiracy isn’t so crazy after all.

Even NASA Scientists admit remarkable events are about to take place in the very near future! These giant leaks that have been found in Earth’s magnetosphere, (the region around our planet that shields us from severe solar storms) are obviously causing concern. Maybe it’s much worse then it’s played out to be. Do you really expect NASA to tell us how it really is? If these concerns are what they make known publicly, what facts are then being kept out from public view?

If you want to know what may take place, which you won’t hear from NASA, then please read on. Now in 2012 the sun’s poles are expected to reverse when the sun reach its solar maximum (the period when the sun is as most active), during this time a massive solar storm could wreak havoc on earth – usually this is no problem – but now due to the ‘cracks’ in it, Earth’s protective Magnetosphere may fail us, so the violent solar and electromagnetic radiation will make it through and cause many problems to life as we know it (eg: disabling communication satellites, mobile phones, effective sleep patterns, & radiation poisoning of humans).

Also as earth has to absorb extra radiation & energy this will cause possible changes within the earth’s core – with energy being re-dissipated from within the earth with new volcanoes formed and crust movement. With a weakening magnetosphere, more radiation and magnetically-charged plasma from our Sun (or from an approaching planet or star) will greatly influence the core of our Earth (which is magnetic), and that in turn will cause an up-tick of major earthquakes. Is this not exactly what we’ve seen so far? If you don’t know what I am talking about, take a look at the graphs below, and see the correlation of great Earthquakes and Magnetic Field anomalies!

Signs in the Sun before Start of Apocalypse



World on the Brink of World War III !?!

World on the Brink of World War III !?!

At the moment there are over 6 times more earthquakes than normal, sun and lunar activity are up, a serious natural disaster can be expected between June 29th and July 7th because of changes… And there is someting wrong with the earth’s axis. Edgar Cayce Prophesied the Third World War would start in the area of Tunis, Libya, Egypt and the Davis Strait and that’s what is happening at this very moment.

Some sources tell that big moves are afoot in the Middle East, a turkish invasion of Syria is possible with US support. After the attack against Libya, NATO took over the command because the US is already fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq anf Yemen. Several other countries are getting ready : Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Egypt (elections in September) where the muslim brotherhood will take the power. The US is moving more troops into the Middle East Area.

Iran’s big Great Prophet Muhammad War Games 6 was launched Monday June 27, 2011 ahead of a Turkish operation against Syria’s Assad regime which is anticipated by its military and Revolutionary Guards chiefs.  debkafile reports Tehran expected the Turkish army to have US air and naval support in case of reprisals against them both. On Day One of the exercise, Iran unveiled its first underground missile silo immune to air strikes. It held what looked like a Shahab-3 ballistic missile. Israel has responded to Iran’s military exercise and the spiraling regional tension by positioning one of its new Iron Dome rocket interceptor batteries in the northern city of Haifa.

Edgar Cayce Predicted World War III would start in the Area Tunis, Egypt, Lybia.

According to other sources the real war is going to start in Libya and Syria in weeks. Upon first hearing this news, this long term military intelligence officer told us “I’m really shaken, today, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to do.”  He believes this is the start of WWIII. According to this source, there are a number of factions in the military, some of which are concerned that they would be operating without the consent of Congress and that it could precipitate a constitutional crisis about the ligitimacy of this kind of order from the Chief Executive without the express approval of Congress who have been considering legislation to eliminate funding for any actions in Libya.

On the other side are groups in the military that “never saw a bomb they didn’t want to drop”, the source said.  The source continued “we don’t have the manpower because the entire continent of Africa is going to come unglued.  You jump Libya and Syria, you jumped Iran.  You’re going to find out real soon whether or not Iran’s got nukes because they aren’t going to care at that point, it’s an existential threat to them.” Military analysts have noted the vast size of the African continent and the difficulties of waging war in that region.  The U.S. military created AFRICOM to coordinate the various military bases and branches in Africa.

“There will be clues coming through the news over the next few weeks, but all the assets, the aircraft carriers, submarines and so on are already in place for this kind of operation” he added.  He is also deeply concerned that if this comes to pass, the Chinese and Russians will be forced to jump in as well (on the other side).

Baba Vanga Predicted World War III would start in November 2010 !

Last week, Iranian warships and submarines deployed in the Red Sea tracked the movements of two big US aircraft carriers, the USS Enterprise and USS George H. W Bush, which crossed each other in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait on June 21 heading in opposite directions through this strategic chokepoint between the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. The USS Enterprise, the world’s largest aircraft carrier, was on its way from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean via the Red Sea and Suez Canal, while the USS George H.W. Bush, the US Navy’s newest carrier with the greatest fire power of any of its warships, left the Mediterranean and headed in the opposite direction for the Persian Gulf with a crew of 9,000 and 70 fighter bombers.

On the same day, Iranian naval surveillance picked up the arrival of the Los Angeles-class USS Bremerton nuclear-powered attack submarineoff Bahrain opposite Iran. Strategists in Tehran see danger in these crisscross movements by US war fleets. According to our military sources, the Enterprise, which is older, slower and has less fire power than the Bush, was moved to the Mediterranean because there it is supported by American air bases scattered across western and central Europe, whereas the Bush was consigned to waters opposite Iranian shores because it is virtually a single-vessel fighting machine capable of operating without support.

Maybe Baba Vanga was wright and the “OK” for the “Arab-Spring” operation was given in November 2010, weeks after the riots in Tunis started. Also Edgar Cayce made a correct prediction by naming Tunis, Egypt and Lybia … The only thing that still has to come to fulfill this prediction is … World War III ! Cayce also gave the name “Davis Strait” as a starting point of the Third World War, it could be that the first nuke will be fired at the US from a sub in the Davis Strait … We will see …

The ground-air-naval exercise is scheduled to last 10 days – unusually long for a military drill – so that Iran stands ready for a decision in Washington and/or Ankara to attack Syria. The announcement of the exercise by Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force commander Gen. Amir-Ali Hajizadeh Sunday, June 26, made Tehran’s intentions clear: He said the exercise was being staged in response to the “growing US military presence in the region” and noted that the missiles practiced would include the Saijil and the Fateh 110.

World on the Brink of World War III

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10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is Coming !

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is coming !

1 – The Mysterie of the 2 Suns

About two months ago it was on the News : It could be that by the year 2012 we could start to see 2 suns, something in space would / could happen and that’s why we would see “two suns”, bla bla bla … Nothing to worry about, no problem and no danger to earth or humankind … Whats up with that ? The news story came before on Chinese TV that showed a picture of 2 suns. The Headline :

‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation

Weeks after a story shot across the Web claiming that the imminent explosion of a nearby star would result in the appearance of a second sun in the sky — a story that was later debunked, two suns were caught on camera yesterday in China. The suns, one fuzzy and orange, the other a crisp yellow orb appeared side-by-side, one slightly higher than the other.

What’s going on? Life’s Little Mysteries, a sister site to, asked Jim Kaler, the University of Illinois astronomer who squelched the excitement over the aforementioned exploding Betelgeuse and who has written books on the day and night sky. The double sun image is an effect of optical refraction, Kaler said, but it’s a “pretty darn rare” one, and one not fully explained by science. “I doubt it’s been computer modeled,” he said. “There must have been some blob of atmosphere somewhere that caused this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage.

Mirages appear when particles in the atmosphere refract, or bend, light. This typically happens near the horizon, where air is thicker, though, and mirages are usually aligned vertically above or below the original source of the light — not beside it, like in the video. It’s possible, Kaler said, that an unusually thick patch of atmosphere wandered in front of the sun to create the unusual effect. Atmospheric optical effects or something else …

Anyway it’s the ultimate experience for Star Wars fans staring forlornly off into the distance as twin suns sink into the horizon. Yet it’s not just a figment of George Lucas’s imagination twin suns are real. And here’s the big news – They could be coming to Earth ! Yes, any day now we see a second sun light up the sky, if only for a matter of weeks. The infamous red super-giant star in Orion’s nebula, Betelgeuse is predicted to go gangbusters and the impending super-nova may reach Earth before 2012, and when it does, all of our wildest Star Wars dreams will come true.

The second biggest star in the Orion constellation is losing mass, a typical indication that a gravitation collapse is occurring … or … is this disinformation because “they” know that soon we will start to see the massive size of ELENIN ???

2 – Norway DoomsDay Vault

The name alone makes it sound like a relict from the Cold War or something out of a Bond film: it is referred to as the “Doomsday Vault” and housed in an icy steel and concrete bunker, more than one hundred metres deep inside the mountain permafrost of an Arctic archipelago. Yet the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is man’s latest attempt to create a latter-day Noah’s Ark, or insurance policy, for the planet in the event of a catastrophe such as devastating climate change induced by global warming.

After decades of planning and construction work, the vault will officially start operating tomorrow. As the world’s first global seed bank, it has the capacity to hold up to 4.5 million batches of seeds from all the known varieties of the planet’s main food crops. The vault cost €6B to construct and has been built to withstand nuclear missile attacks, comet strikes and even dramatic rises in sea levels that would result from both the Greenland and Antarctic ice shelves melting simultaneously.

The vault aims to make it possible to re-establish crops and plants should they disappear from their natural environment or be wiped out by major disasters. Cary Fowler, of the Global Crop Diversity Trust which set up the project together with Norway’s Nordic Gene Bank yesterday described the vault as the “perfect place” for seed storage. The vault is made up of three large, airtight, refrigerated cold-storage chambers which are housed in a long trident-shaped tunnel bored through a layer of permafrost in to a mountain of sandstone and limestone on the archipelago.

Norway’s Svalbard’s islands lie some 620 miles south of the North Pole deep inside the Arctic circle. No trees grow on the archipelago, which is home to some 2,300 people. It was selected because of its inhospitable climate and remoteness. The average winter temperature on Svalbard is around minus 14C. The vault is protected by high walls of fortified concrete, doors armoured with steel plate and a home guard of free-roaming polar bears. “The facility is designed to hold twice as many varieties of agricultural crops as we think exist,” said Mr Fowler, “It will not be filled up in my lifetime nor in my grandchildren’s lifetime, but at these temperatures, seeds for important crops like wheat, barley and peas can last for 1,000 years,” he added.

The permafrost and rocks surrounding the tunnels are meant to ensure the seed samples remain frozen, even if the plant’s refrigeration system fails and global warming raises the outside temperature. “It is an insurance policy for the planet,” Mr Carey said.

The vault will contain some 250,000 seed samples, the Svalbard vault already appears to have survived its first environmental test. In 2008 after the opening of the vault it survived the biggest earthquake in Norway’s history, a tremor with a magnitude of 6.2 ! Read the Full Article at The Independent

3 – Readiness Exercise – REX84

Callname REX84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) Activated due to a catastrophic event that is yet to take place. Rex 84 was allegedly written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, we all know what happened to him…

Rex 84 is the unknown Continuity of Operations Plan that was publicly mentioned during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987. Transcripts from the hearing in the New York Times record the following dialogue between Congressman Jack Brooks, Oliver North’s attorney Brendan Sullivan and Senator Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the joint Senate-House Committee:

  • [Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?
  • Brendan Sullivan [North’s counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?
  • [Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?
  • Brooks: I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed, by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was an area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.
  • Inouye: May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I’m certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.

Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen regularly, the basic facts about Rex 84 and other contingency planning readiness exercises and the potential threat they pose to civil liberties if fully implemented in a real operation are taken seriously by scholars and civil libertarians. In part II i will write more about REX84.

4 – Rand Corporation Study

RAND Corporation (Research ANd Development) is a nonprofit global policy think tank first formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces. The Pentagon announced plan that directly correlates with a 2009, Army funded, Rand Corporation study that  called for an internal United States police force to combat civil  unrest.  The  plan basically calls for the  deployment of a 20,000 strong  internal troop  force inside the continental  United States (CONUS) that  was set to be trained by 2011, thus  dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements around the country  reported by truckers as well as many more troop sightings by everyday citizens.

In the Simpsons episode “Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy” (1994), the character Milhouse includes RAND in a series of overlapping conspiracies that the children believe are causing their parents to disappear for long stretches of time. Note : Over the last 60 years, more than 30 Nobel Prize winners have been involved or associated with the RAND Corporation at some point in their careers !

5 – Space Shuttle Flights

In July 2011 the Space Shuttle flights where stopped, could it be that the Space Shuttle flights where stopped because of the coming of Elenin – Planet X – Nibiru? Read the Alamongordo article : Did Nasa stop Spaceflights because of the coming of Elenin? That’s not all, more strange thing are happening,read our number 6 – Nasa closed the popular “Buzzroom” !

6 – Nasa knew about the March 11 – 2011 Japan EarthQuake !

Nasa closed it’s popular “Buzzroom website” so-called “after a debate started about the proximity of Elenin”! After a post that Elenin would pass Earth closer than Nasa first told us. Rumors go that NASA took down buzzroom after there was too much revealed about Comet Elenin trajectory. Quote from NASA buzzroom: “These are my calculations, but I’ve revised from the original 0.24AU’s down to 0.0004617 AU’s on 21.42pm – The REAL reason : Nasa closed it down 5 days BEFORE the March 11 – 2011 Japan Earthquake to stop people from starting a debate and make the Elenin connection, they knew something “big” was going to happen and they where correct : On March 8th (2 days after they closed the Buzzroom) millions of dead fish swamp the Harbor Area of Redondo Beach California, this happened one day before the ELENIN – EARTH – MERCURY Alignment of March 9/10th that also triggered the China Earthquake and on March 11th the Massive Earthquake in Japan happened on the day of the Alignment between ELENIN-EARTH and the SUN.

7 – News start to Leak about ELE

Yep, just like in the movie! At this time news is starting to leak about an Extinction Level Event, read the Alamongordo Article “Elenin or Unseen massive comet indicates possible crash with Earth” !

8 – Prophecies and Predictions

Almost all well known prophecies talk about a cataclysm in our lifetime, check out the 9 Signs of the Hopi Indians : The Last Sign talks about the coming of “Blue Star” (Check out the 2009 Norway Bluestar), the Bible talks about “Wormwood”, Mother Shipton also made predictions about a meteor, comet or astroid. One of the best Prophecies ever made is the one of the Mayan Calendar, if this will happen than we will indeed have a “new world” by 12-21-2012 ! Also the predictions that “Aliens” will come to “help” humankind could come true, if Elenin will cause this disaster than the whole planet will be destroyed, after the destruction World War III will start because other nations than the US will want to take over the Power, after this Nuclear Armageddon it could be that “Aliens” or “God” as you wish will come (back) to Earth to establish his kingdom and humankinds rule will end !

A Small List of Prophecies (For More Predictions check out my “List of Prophets and there Predictions” !

9 – The Name and dates of the Comet C 2010 X1

ELENIN – ELE and NIN (Like Nostradamus said ROTA DUA, turn twice NINE – ELEVEN, on Sep 11th 2011 Elenin will make it’s closest approach to our Sun, exactly 10 years after the 9/11 terror attacks, on 11-11-11 there is a perfect alignment between Earth and Elenin and between 11/9 (again ELEven and NINe) and 11-11-11 the earth will pass the route of Elenin, if it realy is a “big thing” than our planet will be hit by rocks and debris from Elenin and the 3 1/2 days of Darkness from the Bible will happen if not already happened during “The Transit of Elenin”. The Dude that “discovered” Elenin, his name is “Leonid Elenin” but for the government it’s a piece of cake to give a guy that name … a history … a social security nr … so maybe if this Elenin Cataclysm is “real” he is working for the US government, he’s Russian but the comet is “discovered” in New Mexico, US … not in Russia.

10 – World Wide Earthquakes and Elenin

When you check out my Elenin Timeline, you can see that every time Elenin made an Alignment there was a +6 or +7 Magnitude Earthquake on Earth, the last one happened on March 11th 2011 in Japan, we all know what it caused multiple meltdowns. You can imagine what a Super Earthquake of +10 Magnitude will do to the planet !

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is Coming

Also Read



Cave Prophecies




Australian Aboriginal Prophecies

Australian Aboriginal Prophecies

Prophecies handed down from generation to generation of the Australian aboriginal Elders speak of the coming of the end times of one dimension as we enter another. One of the prophecies from the Australian Aboriginals has to do with ‘black rain’ falling at the end time.

Guboo Ted Thomas, Australian Aboriginal Tribal Elder

I was in dreamtime. I seen this great wave going. I tell people about this wave. It wasn’t a tidal wave. This was a spiritual wave. So, to me, I believe that the Dreamtime is going to be that.

I believe the revival is going to start in Australia when we’re Dreaming. It’s the hummingbee that I’m talking about. And love. We’ve got to learn to love one another.

You see, that’s really what’s going to happen to the earth. We’re going to have tidal waves. We’re going to have earthquakes.

That’s coming because we don’t consider this land as our Mother. We’ve taken away the balance, and we’re not putting it back.

Australian Aboriginal Prophecies