Prophecy involves a process in which one or more messages are allegedly communicated by a god. Such messages typically involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of divine will concerning the prophet's social world and events to come (compare divine knowledge). Prophecy is not limited to any one culture. It is a common property to all known ancient societies around the world, some more than others. Many systems and rules about prophecy have been proposed over several millennia.

Nostradamus and RAY MABUS


The Nostradamus Quatrain about Mabus :  NOSTRADAMUS QUATRAIN #2-62

  • Mabus dies/then quickly at this time will commit (mass) murder,
  • there will come Upon men & beasts, one horrible fate;
  • Then one shall see a coup of vengeance upon all,
  • There is a great taking (of lives), thirst, anger, when the comet shall pass.

United States Secretary of the Navy : RAY MABUS

The Secretary of the Navy (or SECNAV) is a statutory office and the head of the Department of the Navy, a military department within the Department of Defense of the United States of America. The Secretary of the Navy must by law be a civilian, at least 5 years removed from active military service, and is appointed by the President and requires confirmation by a majority vote of the Senate. The Secretary of the Navy was, from its creation in 1798, a member of the President’s Cabinet until 1949, when the Secretary of the Navy was by amendments to the National Security Act of 1947 made subordinate to the Secretary of Defense. Ray MABUS started on May 19th 2009 and was appointed by President Obama.

RAY MABUS - US secretary of the Navy -

Other Facts about The MABUS Prophecy

ALUS is also written by Nostradamus but we did not care about that, ALUS and MABUS are the historical names of two tribes were living behind the iron wall, their old name is GOG and MAGOG and Arabic language explain as AJOJ and MAJOJ. So MABUS could be a nation and not a personality according history references, so MABUS could be double … it could be a state and a personality (RAY MABUS as the “helper” of the Anti Christ, in this case Barack Obama). Most people think the Third Antichrist is a personality, will appear in Damascus, Syria AND everybody thinks that he will be a muslim BUT what about the prophecy that “all people will follow him” and “he comes in peace” ???

The Anti Christ could be Vladimir Putin (My personal number 1) Nostradamus wrote “In the year 1999 and SEVEN MONTHS, from the sky….”  That would be July of 1999, Vladimir Putin became “Acting President” in August of 1999. At this time all “hope of the world” is in Russian hands (will Russia do something against the US when they attack) ?? Well Barack Obama calling Putin a lame schoolboy in the back of the classroom didn’t really help did it … ?

The 1999 prophecy of Nostradamus or was this one also double 9111 ?? Is it all connected … ? Fact is that in several old documents the “End of Times” has something to do with Damascus and Syria… The comet prophecy, funny that only months ago a large comet hit Russia, could this be a sign ? And the line horrible fate – vengeance upon all – great taking (of lives), thirst, anger … This will come after the attack, already over 100.000 killed in Syria, when the US and NATO attack, Syria will use chemical weapons and destroy the Rebels, they will attack their own people, they can’t hit the US or NATO and an chemical attack on Israel could happen but not at this time, it would be suicide …

Syria will use chemicals and tell the media that the US hit depots with cruise missiles … simple as that, Syrian leaders know when they surrender, they will be killed like Saddam Hussein, Kadhaffy … so they have nothing to lose. The 2008 economic crisis does noet help in this story, check history … a large crisis means a large war a few years after … It doesn’t matter who will win Assad or the Rebels (Remember the Rebbels in Syria are AL QAIDA and IS people !!!), these people killed thousands of Americans and we are gonna help them ?? WTF is this shit ?? They should get all children and peacefull people out of Syria and than NUKE the fucking place !!!

Is OBAMA the Anti-Christ or is he “helping” Putin to “Power” ?

MAB – BAM – O BAM A – US – H US SEIN – US – UNITED STATES, The comet could be an anagram that means war, and war will be coming soon as we know … Mabus dies could be the US Navy with OR without Ray Mabus as their leader beiing destroyed. I can’t image that it will be destroyed but … when Russia comes into the picture … everything is possible. I think the most important prophecies are made by Edgar Cayce and Baba Vanga, when you read Nostradamus, everything is possible but Edgar Cayce said : “If” there comes a third world war, it wil start in the area of Tunis, Libya and Damascus. When you think about the “Arab Spring” this prophecy is going to be fulfilled soon …

Cayce pointed to Tunis : The start of the Arab spring AND named FIRST by the sleeping prophet, Damascus (Syria) is named LAST by the prophet and he is correct. When you connect this with the prophecy of Baba Vanga, “world war III will start in November 2010” is al makes sense.. The ARAB SPRING started on December 18th 2010, so was planned before, maybe in November 2010, the real start. The other Cayce prophecy was about Japan sinking into the Sea, when you look at the pictures of the Tsunami of 2010 it’s like Japan is swallowed by the Sea. Baba Vanga predicted that Europe would be poisened by chemicals by 2014, the Fukushima reactor is poisening the whole world at the moment

The most important prophecy is from the Native American Indians, the prophecy states that clouds are above the ground in the area where they live(d). This could point to the fires at Yosemite Park that are happening at this moment ! All the prophecies are almost fulfilled … we also have our “last pope” according St Malachy … The End of Times, the Apocalypse was never this close 🙂

Also Read : Ray Mabus and The Nostradamus Prophecy !

Syrian official: Israel ‘will come under fire’ if Syria attacked

Syrian official: Israel ‘will come under fire’ if Syria attacked

Top member of Assad’s party warns ‘We have strategic weapons aimed at Israel.’ Russia objects to intervention, cautions against repeat of ‘past mistakes’

A member of the Syrian Ba’ath national council Halef al-Muftah, until recently the Syrian propaganda minister’s aide, said on Monday that Damascus views Israel as “behind the aggression and therefore it will come under fire” should Syria be attacked by the United States. In an interview for the American radio station Sawa in Arabic, President Bashar Assad’s fellow party member said: “We have strategic weapons and we can retaliate. Essentially, the strategic weapons are aimed at Israel.”

Israel attack on Iran -

Al-Muftah stressed that the US’s threats will not influence the Syrain regime and added that “If the US or Israel err through aggression and exploit the chemical issue, the region will go up in endless flames, affecting not only the area’s security, but the world’s.”

Earlier this week the Syrian top official said that an attack of this kind will expand the circle of hostilities beyond Syria. According to him, it may bring about a world-war, the extent of which cannot be foretold. Talking to the Arabic-language Iranian channel al-Alam, al-Muftah said that the US is unable to attack Syria since Syria’s retaliatory capabilities are well-known, and will be directed at Israel – according to him, the entity which pulls the Americans strings.

At the same time, another senior Syrian official, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad, issued similar statements in an interview for AP, saying that his country will defend itself against any international attack. He added that strikes against Syria would trigger “chaos” and threaten worldwide peace and security. He said a UN team in Damascus currently investigating the alleged use of chemical weapons should be allowed to do its work, before the world makes any judgment. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Monday the Obama administration was studying intelligence on Syria’s purported use of chemical weapons and “will get the facts” before acting. (Read More)

Source : Ynetnews

KHALILI: Iran preparing for nuclear war !

Reza Khalili, former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards says Iran is preparing for Nuclear War !

Despite the statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin  Netanyahu that Israel’s red line on Iran’s  illicit nuclear program could be reached by next spring, Iranian officials are  adamant that war is close.

In analyzing Mr. Netanyahu’s recent  speech to the United Nations  General Assembly, an Iranian nuclear policy strategist boasted to state  media outlet that Mr.  Netanyahu’s red line is based on the current enrichment process to the 20  percent level at the Fordow nuclear  facility. A recent International Atomic Energy  Agency (IAEA)  report shows Iran has 90 kilograms of 20 percent  enrichment, needing just 130 kilograms of such material for a nuclear bomb,  which the Israelis conclude will happen by next spring.

“The first important fact is that Netanyahu has assumed that the speed of  20 percent enrichment by Iran remains the same till  next year, but if the speed of such conversion then is changed, the timeline for  such capacity will change, too,” said the unnamed strategist, hinting that Iran could obtain the needed material for the bomb  sooner than Israel expects.

The Aug. 30 IAEA report showed Iran has doubled the number of  centrifuges at its Fordow facility deep  within a mountain to more than 2,000, and work continues unabated at the 20  percent enrichment level. Meanwhile, over 10,000 centrifuges at the Natanz  facility are enriching to the 3.5 percent level with enough low-enriched  uranium for six nuclear bombs, should Iran decide to  enrich further. According to a source within Iran’s  Revolutionary Guards, Iran has already armed some of  its ballistic missiles with chemical and biological warheads, to use against Israel should Israel attack.

Revolutionary Guard commanders in recent weeks have warned Iranians that the  possibility of war is real. The guards’ chief commander, Mohammad  Ali Jafari, said war will break out, and should Israel attack Iran, it  will be destroyed. Javad Estaki, another  guard commander, recently stated, “The enemy has always threatened us and we  consider [the probability of] military confrontation at 100 percent . There are  signs that the threat is real, we are ready and the people should be ready,  too.”

The radical leaders of the Islamic regime are worried on two fronts as they  speed up their nuclear bomb program: They fear an attack on their nuclear  facilities before they complete their nuclear bomb goals and internal uprisings  due to deteriorating economic conditions.  As the regime prepares for both scenarios, the West must tighten the screws  on Iran’s economy with even harsher sanctions,  thereby bringing about critical mass for a new Iranian revolution before the  regime becomes nuclear-armed.

The Revolutionary Guard, in fear of a break in communications in case of war  and internal chaos, has set up command-and-control centers in 31 provinces,  acting under the orders of 10 operational bases, with orders to confront any  enemy aggression (foot soldiers) and suppress civilian riots. Thousands of units have been formed within the Revolutionary Guards and Basij  paramilitary forces to maintain order and attack protesting civilians.

A recent Intelligence Ministry memo warned Iranian officials that  deteriorating economic conditions from international sanctions greatly increase  the possibility of an uprising and urged them to take appropriate action. The once-secret report, according to the Iranian Internet site Kaleme, the  official site of the Green movement, specifically warned of riots by hungry  masses on the outskirts of major cities across Iran.

The government’s economic commission has concluded that the country will run  out of foreign currency reserves in the next six months and that inflation  plaguing the Iranian currency will see another steep rise, reports showed. Last week, the Iranian currency reached a historic low in which one U.S.  dollar was equivalent to 39,000 Iranian rials. The commission expects the  exchange rate on the open market to increase to more than 67,000 rials. The  exchange rate before sanctions on Iranian oil and banks took effect July 1 was  about 12,000 rials.

The devaluation in Iranian currency caused riots in downtown Tehran, as  hundreds of merchants marched on Parliament in protest of the collapsing  currency and the Islamic regime’s financial support of Syria’s government under  Bashar Assad. Riot police violently clamped down on protesters. The government  will also have problems in making payrolls for its employees and related  institutions. Employees could lose 50 percent of their pay. Western leaders believe that by early next year, economic conditions will  force regime leaders, fearing a revolt from within, to change course and  negotiate. The Islamic regime is preparing for the worst and racing to the  finish line to acquire the bomb, believing that it will become invincible once  it does so.

The best course of action for the United States is to support the Iranian  people who aspire to freedom and democracy, and help them bring change from  within. The country is ripe for revolt, and Western support is critical as the  regime prepares to confront its own people over policies the majority of  Iranians have long resented.

Reza Khalili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s  Revolutionary Guards and author of “A Time to Betray” (Simon & Schuster,  2010).

Iran preparing for nuclear war

Source : WashingtonTimes

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecy 2012 – 1

If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time.

Prophecy 2012 – 2

Massive destruction coming, could be in “the ring” San Francisco – Los Angeles and San Diego in danger. Area / Square Chile – Australia – Japan – Alaska – West Coast, also VisionBot forsees Europe could change in the “blink of an eye” watch area Iceland / Ice sea and area of the mediterranean sea.

Prophecy 2012 – 3

The world is in danger of a large conflict larger than world war II, all depends making the wright decision when the moment will come.

Prophecy 2012 – 4

Solar activity could peak “as never seen before” all depends on what world leaders will do (Prophecy # 3). When the wrong decision will be made you will see clear signs in the sky before the third great war will start – (This could be delayed to 2013).

Prophecy 2012 – 5

As predicted in 2010 / 2011 Vladimir Putin will come to power again in Russia, he was … is not … and will be again the President of Russia that becomes a new kind of former Soviet Union … again this depends on what will happen with Prophecy 3 and 4.

Prophecy 2012 – 6

Secrets revealed : It will become clear that China and Russia are heavily armed with high tech weapons and troops … stealth fighter … stealth subs … possibility of a nuclear aircraft carrier(s) revealed by China/Russia.

Prophecy 2012 – 7

Earthquakes will (again) get worse in 2012, possibility of a + 8,5 earthquake in the areas as described in Prophecy # 2.

Prophecy 2012 – 8

Following Nostradamus prediction will be very important after the 3 1/2 years are over ! So wathever will happen to this planet earth, keep the following nostradamus prophecy in mind !!! X.42 The humane kingdom of an Anglic offspring, Will make his reign peace and union to have: Captive war in the middle of its enclosure, (For a) Long time will make them keep the peace. X.42 -Le regne humain d’ Anglique geniture, Fera son regne paix union tenir: Captice guerre demy de sa closture, Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir. X.42 El reino humano de Anglica progenie Hara en su reino paz y union tener: Cautiva guerra en la mitad de su recinto, (Por) Largo tiempo la paz les hara mantener. X.42 Il regno umano d’ Anglica progenitura Fara il suo regno pace ed unione avere: Circoscritta guerra a meta del suo recinto, (Per) Lungo tempo la pace loro fara mantenere.

Prophecy 2012 – 9

On 21 Dec 2012 the last 3 1/2 years will start, so 21-12-2012 is not the end, it’s the beginning of the end, the beginning of a new world but first humanity will have to experience a third and last great war as predicted by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, The Holy Qur’an, the Bible and others – All depends on (again) Prophecy # 2.

Prophecy 2012 – 10

The AntiChrist will start to “appear” on May 7th 2012, people will not know he is the Antichrist at that time, it could be 2013 or first half of 2014 when it will be clear “he” is the 3 rd Antichrist.

Prophecy 2012 – 11

Around the same time (before or after Prophecy #10) Pope Benedict XVI will die (or be removed) like the 2010-2011 prediction of Egyptian Ex-President Mubarak – The prophecy of St-Malachy will become true, the pope after Pope Benedict XVI will be (75% change) a black pope or an Asian/S-American pope, unclear, this will be the last (anti)pope.

Prophecy 2012 – 12

The time that is comming is been called “The Time of Trial on Earth,” “Judgement Day,” “The Time of Great Purification,” “The End of this Creation,” “The Quickening,” “The End of Time as We Know It,” “The Shift of the Ages”, “Judgement Day”.

Prophecy 2012 – 13

It is foretold that the completion of the Precession brings regeneration of Earth, offering “awakening” to all open, willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines.

Prophecy 2012 – 14

December 21, 2012 AD is not the day where all of the sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change, rather, we are since Dec 11th 2009 in the process of this transition from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date – The date 12-21-2012 will be the start of the final 3 1/2 years as predicted in several old document, between 12.21.2012 and 06.03.2016 all will happen what prophets wrote in the death sea scrolls (the warscroll) the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and The Lost Book of Nostradamus !

Prophecy 2012 – 15

They will keep secret : Radiation levels in Japan will sikken the island and other parts of the world (also South and North Korea as told in the 2011 predictions). Leaders of Japan will try to keep the large radiation levels secret so there will be no panic, people can’t flee from the Island. The Disaster will be worse than Tsjernobyl.

Nostradamus X.49 Garden of the world near the Great City In the way of the man made mountains, Shall be siezed on and plunged to the ferment, Being forced to drink sulphurous poisoned waters Current Evaluations : – Last (anti)pope will be Black, Pius ??? (Coming) – Large Vulcanic Eruption in Iceland ??? (Coming) – Vulcanic Eruption Vesuvius – Pelé (Coming) – World War III (WWIII) start area Libya Egypt Iran Davis Straits ? – Saudi Arabia Changes ? (Coming) – “New Island” will be born ? (Coming) – “Revelation” of Iran Nukes ? (Coming) – Large West Coast Disaster – Shaking of Planet ? (Coming) Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. – 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun. This time period is ruled by 4 Earth. This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Earth (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings, including: movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, turtle. In the Maya language, the word “ol” of ollin means consciousness. The coming end date of December 21, 2012 is also written as in Mayan long count notation; just like the beginning date. We are being invited to realize that we are Time. We are the Living Prophecy. The Synchronic Order of Natural Time governs the unfolding of our lives. Time’s cycles are found within our bodies and within Nature’s daily rhythms and cyclic seasons. We have forgotten this, thinking that time is money or that time is the clock, or the relentless progression of work weeks and weekends. Time is the ever-changing, unfolding Now as it synchronistically coordinates the Whole living Universe. The 2012 prophecy is unfolding !

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012

Bible Prophecy – Damascus will be Destroyed !

Damascus Will Be Destroyed !

Syria is almost a ‘city-state’ with much of its population living in and around the city of Damascus.  Some historians and archaeologists believe Damascus may be the oldest continually inhabited city in the world and there is no record in ancient history of it ever being fully destroyed.  Syria is also the home of many Islamic terrorist groups and its army invaded and has occupied Lebanon for almost 30 years. Currently, Syria (with Iran) is supporting the Hezbollah in southern Lebanon against Israel.  Syria, like the rest of Israel’s Islamic neighbors hate Israel, have invaded and attacked Israel on several occasions, and have publicly called for the destruction of Israel.  It is interesting to note that a number of years ago an Israeli general, on commenting on the growing threat of Syria, said the easiest thing to do to protect Israel from Syria would be to drop a nuclear bomb on Damascus . . .

Attack on damascus syria -

Damascus Prophecies and Predictions

  • Bible Prophecy states : Damascus will be destroyed just before the End of Times …
  • Edgar Cayce : Upheaval in Tunis Libya Egypt and World War III starts in Syria …
  • Edgar Cayce : Hope of the World in the hands of Russia (Will the Russians help Syria?)
  • Nostradamus : Predicted 3 great wars in the Middle East Gulfwar I, Gulfwar II and … ?

Damascus, Syria will someday be completely destroyed and become a “ruinous heap”… “The burden of Damascus”.

BEHOLD, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” (This prophecy has not yet been fulfilled … but it will be fulfilled) (Isaiah 17:1) The Bible warns it will also be a time of trouble for Israel… “And in that day (usually refers to the coming ‘Apocalypse’) it shall come to pass, (when God’s Word says “it shall come to pass” it always happens.) The glory of Jacob (Israel) shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.” (Isaiah 17:4)

Prophecies:  ISRAEL and JERUSALEM – There will be a coming time of trouble unlike anything in the history of the nation coming to the land of Israel… Jeremiah calls it ‘the Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble… and it is hard to tell if this happens after Damascus is destroyed, or at the same time. We do know from Bible prophecies there will be a coming 3 1/2 year period of false peace in Israel brought in by a strong, powerful, and very popular world leader (also called the “Antichrist”) who will someday enforce a ‘peace plan’ upon nation Israel just before the coming ‘Apocalypse’ and Armageddon…

We are told here (and in other prophetic passages) that a faithful few in Israel will turn back to God and His Word… and may discover, from Scripture, that  Jesus (Yeshua), IS the Eternal One (see Micah 5:2) and Holy One of Israel… “At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One (Messiah) of Israel.” (Isaiah 17:7)

Prophecies of MESSIAH… The GENEALOGY of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew – God tells us WHY Jacob’s (Israel’s) “Trouble” will come… “Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy Salvation and hast not been mindful of the Rock of thy strength (the “Rock” is Messiah) (Prophecies:  MESSIAH’S RETURN) (Isaiah 17:10) (A Remarkable MATHEMATICAL Prophecy of Messiah … WHEN Messiah would be “revealed”) (The TWO Jewish Rabbis who DIVIDED the children of Israel 2000 Years Ago… Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Shaul)

God says none of His prophecies shall fail… “For I am God, and there is no other for I am God, and there is none like me… Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done.” (Isaiah 46:9-10) “Search from the book of the LORD, and read: not one of these (prophecies) shall fail; not one shall lack her mate. For My mouth has commanded it and His Spirit has gathered them.” (Isaiah 34:16)

“Indeed I (God) have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it. Listen to Me, you stubborn-hearted who are far from righteousness…” (Isaiah 46:11-12) “Before the decree is issued, before day passes like chaff, before the LORD’S fierce anger comes upon you, before the day of the LORD’S anger comes upon you! Seek the LORD, all you meek of the Earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the LORD’S anger.” (Zephaniah 2:2-3)

Have a hard time believing in God?  Just watch the news. We are living in dangerous times. The above verses are clear. Why? God is warning us. God says He is doing these things both as a warning sign to the world and as verifiable evidence the Bible is true…

Remember : The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.  Simply learn of Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is a Kingdom of Heaven … and a Hell).  Learn of Him and believe in Him . . . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross.

He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross to save you from your sins and from the utter darkness and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and trust in it.  That is why Jesus is called Savior.  He now lovingly and graciously offers you life in Heaven (and we are warned it is a “take it or leave it” proposition.)  We have to consciously receive it and accept it in faith.  If you sincerely admit you have sinned (which means you will need a Savior to get into Heaven) and ask Jesus to come into your life and honestly try to stop doing (and saying) those things God says are wrong, you will  go to Heaven … and with open arms and tears of joy He will receive all who will come to Him in faith and in love … It’s God’s Promise !

The only unpardonable sin is to reject or ignore or treat as a common thing God’s love and His free offer of life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) who stepped forth from Eternity (“from of old, from everlasting”… see Micah 5:2) … not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from the torment of Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood on the Cross so we can be washed clean of all our sins.  The Bible warns there will be no peace in our lives until we make peace with God through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah.  The Bible also says there will be no peace in Israel or on Earth until Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah returns …

Source : Alphanewsdaily / Alamongordo.Com

Economic Collapse Prophecies of Gerald Celente

Economic Collapse Prophecies of Gerald Celente !

Gerald Celente is the founder of the Trends Research Institute, and he has made a number of highly accurate predictions in the past. He predicted the rise of gold as an alternative store of monetary value, the popularization of hyper-local, organic food commodities, and the economic collapse.

In an interview with Russia Today, Celente predicted that in 2011, every citizen is going to realize that the Great Recession the world has been living through is actually a Great Depression. He also predicted that we will see an increase in cyber war and cyber crime and the rise of the “progressive libertarian” movement.

Great Resession – Great Depression

Celente predicts that in 2011 every citizen is going to realize that the current recession is actually a Great Depression. He explained how the Federal Reserve made $20 trillion worth of no-interest or extremely low-interest loans to banks around the world. “There is no recovery, it’s a cover-up. They’re covering it up with stimulus packages, with buy outs, with bailouts -it’s not going to fix the problem.

We cannot imagine them coming up with another scheme where they are going to be able to continue, whether it is in the US or the EU, to print this digital money not worth the paper it’s not printed on.” He went on to explain that governments continue these schemes with funds they “extract them from the little people” with austerity measures. “This is where the revolution is going to happen,” said the trend forecaster. “The youth of the world, and particularly in the United States, has mountains of debts to climb and no way to get to the top.”

Cyber War

Celente predicted an increased use of the Internet for WikiLeaks-style “Journalism 2.0” to “exposing the corruptness, the ineptitude and the double dealing going on that [governments and corporations] don’t want the public to know about.” He described how government is trying to fight back by “using cyber war and the war on terror to take that Internet freedom away from America. … But after 2011, the game’s gonna run out. … The Internet has become the great connector. They all know what’s going on. They’re all Facebook. They’re all together. They have a system where they’re interacting and relating. It’s a different kind of social network than the other one, but the same.”

“The worse conditions get, the more you’re going to see cyber crime. The worse economic conditions go globally, the more you’re going to see cyber wars. It’s going to be a new element of warfare. It’s an Internet nuclear bomb waiting to go off. You can bring down entire financial systems, stop bank transfers. You can blow apart, without ever having to light a fuse, a whole stock exchange… Every major computer-connected industry or service is a potential target for cyber war.” Read the Full Article at Suspiciousnews !

Also Read

Economic Collapse Prophecies



Trend Research Institute

Western Economy on the Brink of Collapse !

Western Economy on the Brink of Collapse !
In the next months and years we will see the total collapse of the Western Economy if our leaders don’t do anything. Our life is changing at the moment. Here are the real figures at the moment, the real worldwide employment situation, the real unemployment rates :
  • US Jobless Rate Jun 2011 : 14,9 %
  • Austria – 9,9 %
  • Belgium – 12,1 %
  • Bulgaria – 12,7 %
  • Cyprus – 16,7 %
  • Czech Republic – 14,9 %
  • Denmark – 11,6 %
  • Estonia – 23,7 %
  • Finland – 13,9 %
  • France – 15,6 %
  • Germany – 12,8 %
  • Greece – 24,8 %
  • Hungary – 17,9 %
  • Ireland – 19,2 %
  • Italy – 14,8 %
  • Latvia – 28,3 %
  • Lithuania – 21,8 %
  • Luxembourg – 10,6 %
  • Malta Republic – 12,1 %
  • Netherlands – 10,3 %
  • Poland – 18,7 %
  • Portugal – 17,5 %
  • Romania – 14,6 %
  • Slovakia – 19,9 %
  • Slovenia – 11,2 %
  • Spain – 25,7 %
  • Sweden – 14,7 %
  • United Kingdom – 15,9 %
  • JAPAN Jobless Rate Jun 2011 : 10,9 %
  • CHINA Jobless Rate Jun 2011 : 12,3 %
  • AUSTRALIA Jobless Rate June 2011 : 14,1 %
  • RUSSIA Jobless Rate Jun 2011 : 12,1 %
  • NORTH AFRICAN Jobless Rate Jun 2011 : 36,3 %
  • MIDDLE EAST Jobless Rate Jun 2011 : 35,3 %
  • OVERALL AFRICAN JoblessRate Jun 2011 : 63,7 %
Say “Goodbye” to the Dollar by JR Nyquist 04/15/2011
The BRIC Summit, held on April 14th in Sanya (People’s Republic of China), brought together the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The key to understanding the summit may be found in the joint statement, which refers to “the inadequacies and deficiencies of the existing international monetary and financial system….” Without question, this statement is about eliminating the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. Therefore, the BRIC countries are asking for “the reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty.”
Those Who Know Will Understand by JR Nyquist 09/17/2010
According to some experts the U.S. economy is one “event” away from a catastrophic sequence. My own variation on this sequence goes something like this: first, the dollar collapses; second, the government’s response prevents any chance for recovery; third, political unrest and destabilization begins; last, the defensive function of the state fails as external and internal enemies take advantage of the country’s weakness. This sequence would likely be nonsense if it were only my sequence. Unfortunately, it is a sequence dreamt up by Soviet strategists as far back as the 1960s. It was the entire basis of the Soviet strategic blueprint of half a century ago. The writings of at least two Soviet Bloc defectors suggest that this same blueprint dictated the controlled “collapse” of Communism in Eastern Europe from 1989-91. This would differ from the uncontrolled collapse of capitalism that Soviet strategists also anticipated.
Everything that you own is slowly being taken away from you. It is being done purposely and it is being done by design. Many Americans like to think of themselves as “well off”, but as will be demonstrated below, we don’t “own” nearly as much as we think that we do. The truth is that most of us have to frantically run around accumulating wealth as rapidly as we can so that we can somehow stay ahead of the rate that wealth is being taken away from us.
The entire system is designed to take what you have away from you. There are many ways that this is accomplished – taxation, inflation, debt, interest, fines, fees, tickets, government seizures and good old-fashioned corporate greed. If you tried to just sit back and do nothing but hold on to the wealth that you already have you would find out that it would disappear rather quickly. When you take the time to really analyze our system the conclusion is undeniable – everything that you think that you own is being systematically taken away from you.

Western Economy on the Brink of Collapse

Source SSRSI

Russia staffs Mediterranean fleet !

Russia staffs Mediterranean fleet

Turkey weighs payback for Syrian bombings.

Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov said Sunday, May 12, that the process is underway for creating a permanent staff to run Russian fleet operations in the Mediterranean Sea.  Speaking at Sevastopol, the Black Sea fleet’s home port, Adm. Chirkov said a staff of 20 officers was already in place. And the Mediterranean deployment would comprise five to six warships and their service vessels as well possibly as nuclear submarines which, say our military sources, are armed with nuclear ballistic missiles.

Armageddon Israel 2013-2014

Debkafile’s military sources: The new permanent deployment is the next Russian step for safeguarding Bashar Assad’s regime in Damascus and deterring military attacks on his Hizballah allies and Iranian interests in their three-way bloc. Moscow is also announcing loud and clear that Russia is finally restoring its military presence to the Middle East in 2013 after the last Soviet squadron exited the Mediterranean in 1992.

The Russian naval step came 24 hours after two car bombs reduced to rubble the center of the Turkish town of Reyhanli near the Syrian border, killing 46 people and injuring scores. Turkish ministers at the scene Sunday openly blamed Syrian military intelligence for the attack’s planning and execution.

This raised concerns in Moscow that Ankara was preparing to deliver a serious reprisal, possibly in the form of an aerial or missile assault, on Syrian military targets.

Russian tacticians reckoned that, after Israel’s two air strikes against Assad regime targets, the Tayyip Erdogan’s government could hardly avoid direct action without appearing to be failing in courage in the eyes of the Turkish public. Some action is doubly pressing as Prime Minister Erdogan prepares to travel to Washington to meet President Barack Obama on May 16 and present him with evidence that Assad has used chemical weapons in his war on Syrian rebels.

The Reyhanli bombings and Turkey’s potential retaliation sent a fresh wave of alarm across the Syrian neighborhood. Once again, Israeli Air Force warplanes thundered Sunday across South Lebanon and over Hizballah strongholds in the eastern Beqaa Valley near the Syrian border. Given all these circumstances, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s chances are virtually nil of getting anywhere in his trip to the Black Sea resort of Sochi to persuade President Vladimir Putin to hold back advanced S-300 anti-air missiles from Syria. He can expect to find the Russian president driving full speed for arms deals – not just with Syria, but also with Iraq, Yemen and Sudan. Putin clearly regards Obama’s decision to keep the US clear of military involvement in the Syrian conflict as an open gateway for a Russian military comeback to the Middle East after a 21-year absence, armed with a cornucopia of weapons for winning clients. For now, there is no stopping him, not even if Turkey or Israel were to embark themselves on military intervention.

Source : Debka

Vatican : No End of Times and No Second Coming !

Vatican : No End of Times and No Second Coming !?!

Yes, thats correct – There will be NO End-Times / Revelation and NO SECOND COMING according to Pope Benedict !!!

The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order.

In a speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Pope called for the “construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,” to serve the “common good of the human family”. As a means of defending global peace and justice, the pope’s vision for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order is supposedly not to create a new superpower, but a new governing body that offers to those (politicians) who are responsible for making decisions, criteria for judgment and practical guidelines.

The pope was quoted as saying :

The proposed body (World Government) would not be a superpower, concentrated in the hands of a few, which would dominate all peoples, exploiting the weakest.

The pope also described his vision as a “moral force” or moral authority that has the “power to influence in accordance with reason, that is, a participatory authority, limited by law in its jurisdiction.”

These latest remarks made by the Pope and the Catholic Church come as no surprise considering that in 2010 the Catholic Church sought the establishment of a new Central World Bank that would be responsible for regulating the global financial industry and the international money supply.

It was reported that the Vatican sought “a supranational authority” which would have worldwide scope and “universal jurisdiction” to guide and control global economic policies and decisions. China’s new push for closer ties with Russia, the growing intrusions from the United Nations with regards to control of the internet and the latest remarks made by the catholic church all point to a new world order that will set in stone a path the world may not be able to recover from.

Pope Benedict XVI – The Last Pope According St-Malachy

Pope Benedict XVI preached on the Olivet discourse on Sunday 11/18/2012 in St. Peter’s Square. I guess its not too surprising that he twisted the text to mean something completely alien to its context but conforming to the works oriented righteousness of Romanism. Let’s keep in mind, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.”(Ga 1:8) as we examine his explanation :

Jesus speaks of a future that is beyond our categories, and because of this Jesus uses images and words taken from the Old Testament, but, importantly, he inserts a new center, namely, himself, the mystery of his person and his death and resurrection. Today’s passage too opens with some cosmic images of an apocalyptic nature: “The sun will be darkened, the moon will no longer give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers in the skies will be shaken” (Mark 13:24-25); but this element is relativized by what follows: “Then the Son of Man will come upon the clouds in the sky with great power and glory” (13:26). The “Son of Man” is Jesus himself, who links the present with the future; the ancient words of the prophets have finally found a center in the person of the Messiah of Nazareth: he is the central event that, in the midst of the troubles of the world, remains the firm and stable point.
Another passage from today’s Gospel confirms. Jesus says: “The sky and the earth will pass away but my words will not pass away” (13:31). In fact, we know that in the Bible the word of God is at the origin of creation: all creatures, starting with the cosmic elements – sun, moon, sky – obey God’s Word, they exist insofar as they are “called” by it. This creative power of the divine Word (“Parola”) is concentrated in Jesus Christ, the Word (“Verbo”) made flesh, and also passes through his human words, which are the true “sky” that orients the thought and path of man on earth. For this reason Jesus does not describe the end of the world and when he uses apocalyptic images he does not conduct himself like a “visionary.” On the contrary, he wants to take away the curiosity of his disciples in every age about dates and predictions and wishes instead to give them a key to a deep, essential reading, and above all to indicate the right path to take, today and tomorrow, to enter into eternal life. Everything passes – the Lord tells us – but God’s Word does not change, and before this Word each of us is responsible for his conduct. It is on this basis that we will be judged.

Pope Benedict XVI “On the Coming of the Son of Man” (Full Text)

It is because this sort of nonsense that the term eisegesis was coined. It means reading meaning into a text rather than reading a meaning from a text.  Its really so bad its hard to know where to start but I bolded two major errors. First, when Jesus said the he would come on the clouds with great glory he was referencing the son of Man passage in Daniel’s vision (Dan 7:13). He indeed identified himself as divine. Yet, Pope Benedict seems to deny that Jesus is speaking of cosmic judgement at His return. Yet that is exactly what he is speaking of, in fact, he was answering a question about the signs of his coming and (in direct contradcition to the infallible pope) the end of the world.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?(Mt 24:3, KJV)

Doesn’t it seem odd that Jesus is addressing the very thing the pope says he is not? And finally, the pontiff just abandons the text entirely and spins it toward Romanist heresy with this canard, ” before this Word each of us is responsible for his conduct. It is on this basis that we will be judged” Anyone who is judged on his conduct will be cast into eternal hell, even our most righteous acts are like filthy rags (Isa 64:6). It is only those who have accepted that authentic Gospel who will have the righteousness of Christ imputed to them. A few passages come to mind:

“And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,” (Ro 4:5)

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.(2 Co 5:21)

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”,(Eph 2:8)

In justification God imputes the righteousness of Christ to the believer, which cancels God’s judgment on the believer. It’s not based on conduct rather faith in Christ. “For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.” (Ro 3:28)

The Pope on The Coming of the son of Man

Jesus speaks of a future that is beyond our categories, and because of this Jesus uses images and words taken from the Old Testament, but, importantly, he inserts a new center, namely, himself, the mystery of his person and his death and resurrection. Today’s passage too opens with some cosmic images of an apocalyptic nature: “The sun will be darkened, the moon will no longer give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers in the skies will be shaken” (Mark 13:24-25); but this element is relativized by what follows: “Then the Son of Man will come upon the clouds in the sky with great power and glory” (13:26). The “Son of Man” is Jesus himself, who links the present with the future; the ancient words of the prophets have finally found a center in the person of the Messiah of Nazareth: he is the central event that, in the midst of the troubles of the world, remains the firm and stable point.

Another passage from today’s Gospel confirms. Jesus says: “The sky and the earth will pass away but my words will not pass away” (13:31). In fact, we know that in the Bible the word of God is at the origin of creation: all creatures, starting with the cosmic elements – sun, moon, sky – obey God’s Word, they exist insofar as they are “called” by it. This creative power of the divine Word (“Parola”) is concentrated in Jesus Christ, the Word (“Verbo”) made flesh, and also passes through his human words, which are the true “sky” that orients the thought and path of man on earth. For this reason Jesus does not describe the end of the world and when he uses apocalyptic images he does not conduct himself like a “visionary.” On the contrary, he wants to take away the curiosity of his disciples in every age about dates and predictions and wishes instead to give them a key to a deep, essential reading, and above all to indicate the right path to take, today and tomorrow, to enter into eternal life. Everything passes – the Lord tells us – but God’s Word does not change, and before this Word each of us is responsible for his conduct. It is on this basis that we will be judged.

Pope Benedict XVI “On the Coming of the Son of Man”

Be warned, the pope is preaching a false Gospel that leads to damnation.

No End of Times and No Second Coming

Source : Vatican – GlobalistVaticanLogos Apologia

New Earth ? Potentially habitable planet discovered !

A New Earth ?

Potentially habitable planet discovered orbiting nearby star similar to our sun !

Astronomers have discovered that the closest Sun-like star, Tau Ceti, is orbited by five planets, one of which is in the “habitable range”. If its existence is confirmed, the planet could be the closest potentially life-harboring world to our own.

Tau Ceti, twelve light years away, belongs to the same G-type yellow main-sequence class as our sun, which is relatively rare – only one in 25 stars has the same properties. Its planets were detected not by direct observation, but by calculating the slight gravitational tug these as-yet-unseen planets exert on the orbit of their star. Previously, these star ‘wobbles’ could not be clearly separated due to a multitude of other factors, but scientists at several universities in the UK and the US, say they have cleared the ‘noise’ with sophisticated new techniques and have found five planets.

“This discovery is in keeping with our emerging view that virtually every star has planets, and that the galaxy must have many such potentially habitable Earth-sized planets. They are everywhere, even right next door,” said a statement from Steve Vogt, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, who is the co-author of the discovery, due to be published by the reputable journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

One of the planets, tentatively designated HD 10700e, appears to be in the so-called “Goldilocks zone”, the relatively small corridor where temperatures are just right for water to remain liquid, and for life to possibly flourish. It is two to six times the size of the Earth, weighs five times as much, and orbits its sun every 168 days. Tau Ceti is three times as far away as the closest star system to our sun, Alpha Centauri. Earlier this year, astronomers confirmed that Alpha Centauri contains a planet, but with a temperature of 1,200 degrees Celsius it is unlikely to host life.

Potentially habitable planet discovered

Yet it is too early to believe that HD 10700e is an Earth-like paradise, waiting for us to arrive. It is not clear what it is made of, and what gases its atmosphere contains. Some scientists remain to be convinced it exists at all.

“They’re really digging deep into the noise here,” Sara Seager, an astronomer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told Science magazine, referring to the techniques used by the scientists. “The astronomical community is going to find it hard to accept planet discoveries from signals so deeply embedded in noise.”

The astronomers behind the project themselves say the discovery may take as long as ten years to confirm, and insist they published the findings to attract others to studying Tau Ceti. But the existence of HD 10700e should be relatively easy to confirm, compared to other potential planet candidates. “Tau Ceti is one of our nearest cosmic neighbours and so bright that we may be able to study the atmospheres of these planets in the not-too-distant future,” James Jenkins, of the Universidad de Chile and the University of Hertfordshire, said in a statement.

There are currently 854 planets confirmed by observation outside our solar system, but only a few of those could potentially support life.