Prophecy involves a process in which one or more messages are allegedly communicated by a god. Such messages typically involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of divine will concerning the prophet's social world and events to come (compare divine knowledge). Prophecy is not limited to any one culture. It is a common property to all known ancient societies around the world, some more than others. Many systems and rules about prophecy have been proposed over several millennia.

Dead Sea Scrolls Now Available On Line

Dead Sea Scrolls Now Available On Line !

The discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls in a remote Judean Desert cave in 1947 is widely considered the greatest archaeological event of the twentieth century. Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists ultimately found the remains of hundreds of ancient scrolls. These fragile pieces of parchment and papyrus, including the oldest existing copies of the Hebrew Bible, were preserved for two thousand years by the hot, dry desert climate and the darkness of the caves where they were placed. The scrolls provide an unprecedented picture of the diverse religious beliefs of ancient Judaism, and of daily life during the turbulent Second Temple period when Jesus lived and preached.


Among the oldest known copies of Genesis, the fragment of the Scroll shown here contains the description of the first three days of the creation of the world. 4Q Genesisg Date: 100–1 bce, Late Hasmonean Period, Language: Hebrew

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”— GENESIS 1:1–2

Dead Sea Scrolls - - Oldest Text Genesis Fragment - Scroll Description of the First Three Days of the Creation of the World - 4Q Genesisg -


Date: 30–1 bce, Herodian Period Language: Hebrew

This small scroll preserves one of the earliest known copies of the “Ten Commandments” (the Decalogue), a central dogma in Judaism and Christianity, and the majestic description of their divine revelation at Mount Sinai. “I am the Lord your God who took you out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage. You are to have no other gods but me.”— DEUTERONOMY 5:6-7


Date: 1–68 ce, Herodian Period Language: Hebrew. “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity”

— PSALMS 133:1
This book of Psalms is one of the best preserved biblical scrolls, containing 48 psalms, including 7 that are not found in the standard Masoretic version of the Bible. An additional prose passage provides one of the most ancient references to King David as the composer of the book of Psalms: “and David, the son of Jesse, was wise, and a light like the light of the sun… And he wrote 3,600 psalms.” Psalm 133, shown here, praises peace and togetherness.
Date: 50–1 bce, Herodian Period, Language: Greek. The “Twelve Minor Prophets” scrolls from the Judean Desert offer early evidence for the compilation of these short prophetic books into a single literary work. This particular fragment, from a Greek translation of the Minor Prophets discovered in the Cave of Horror at Nahal Hever, contains a prophecy of Micah about the End of Days and the rise of a ruler out of Bethlehem.
Non-biblical texts discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls offer us a tantalizing glimpse of life during the Second Temple period and the opportunity to understand the attitudes, desires and aspirations of the people of that time. Most of the scrolls from the Qumran caves are religious writings from the Second Temple period. Some of these reflect the life and philosophy of a distinctive group that called itself the “Yahad” (“Community”). At other sites, the major finds were administrative and personal documents dating from the catastrophic Judean revolt against Rome in 132–135 ce.
Dead Sea Scrolls Predictions and Psalms Scroll 11Q Psalmsa Prophecies - - Book of Psalms is the Best Preserved Biblical Scroll with 48 Psalms and 7 more that are not mentioned in the Masoretic Version of the Bible
Date: 150–50 bce, Hasmonean Period Language: Aramaic. The book of Enoch was not included in the canon of the Hebrew Bible. It tells of Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, who lived for 365 years and “walked with God”. The displayed fragment describes the heavenly revolt of the fallen angels, and their descent to earth to cohabit with the daughters of men and to reveal secret knowledge to mankind, a story hinted at in Gen. 6:1-4.
Date: 50–1 bce, Herodian Period, Language: Aramaic. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain extensive apocalyptic literature relating to the final messianic battle at the End of Days. The Aramaic Apocryphon of Daniel describes either a messianic figure or a boastful ruler that will arise as “Son of God” or “Son of the Most High”, like the apocalyptic redeemer in the biblical book of Daniel. The text calls to mind the New Testament proclamation of the angel Gabriel concerning the new-born Jesus: “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High… ” (Luke 1:32)
Date: 20–50 ce, Herodian Period, Language: Hebrew. The Book of War details an apocalyptic 40-year battle between the forces of good and evil. This fragment preserves a blessing to be recited by the leader of the surviving community upon their victory in the final battle, at the end of time: “God Most High will bless you and shine his face upon you, and he will open for you his rich storehouse in the heavens.” God and his holy angels will bestow abundance and fertility upon the holy congregation, and protect them from plagues and wild animals.
The Dead Sea Scrolls - - The 10 Commandments

The Dead Sea Scrolls are available on Israel Antiquities Authority.




Source : Dead Sea Scrolls (Pictures by : Shai Halevi)


Egypt Votes Yes to Sharia Law !!!

Egypt Votes Yes To ShariaH Law !!!

Egypt’sMuslim Brotherhood got the constitution it wanted, so it claims. After two controversial rounds of voting, the brotherhood unofficially declared a win, with 64 percent support, for the Islamic-backed constitution. The country’s election commission—which has reliably tallied accurate results for past elections—will announce the official outcome tomorrow.

Opposition groups already dispute the Brotherhood’s alleged win, calling for an investigation into claims of voter fraud. While Islamist President Mohamed Morsi and his party pushed the constitution under the guise of bringing unity and stability to Egypt, the legitimacy of the redesigned government framework may be weakened by a low voter turnout of 32 percent and claims of voting violations.

Is this the “new time” that the Mayans predicted ???

“The referendum is not the end game. It is only a battle in this long struggle for the future of Egypt,” said the National Salvation Front, the main opposition group. “We will not allow a change to the identity of Egypt or the return of the age of tyranny.”

The opposition claims the new constitution seeks to enshrine Islamic rule in Egypt and accuses the Islamists of trying to monopolize power.

Critics say it does not sufficiently protect the rights of women and minority groups and empowers Muslim clerics by giving them a say over legislation. Some articles were also seen as tailored to get rid of Islamists’ enemies and undermine the freedom of labor unions.

The latest political battle began with Morsi’s Nov. 22 decrees that gave him powers to protect the Islamist-dominated panel writing the constitution and dismiss the country’s top prosecutor, a holdover from the Mubarak era.

Although Morsi subsequently rescinded the powers that gave him immunity from judicial oversight, his decision to replace the prosecutor general was viewed by many in the judiciary as trampling over their powers.  Hundreds of prosecutors held a rally Sunday demanding the new, Morsi-appointed prosecutor general quit, days after he retracted his resignation claiming it was rendered under pressure.

The prosecutors said in a news conference that they will be on strike until he quits. Scores of lawyers who support Morsi’s decision held an earlier rally, demanding that the top prosecutor stay, and accusing the opposition of being “thugs.” One major concern in the aftermath of the constitutional turmoil is Egypt’s deteriorating economy, which has been battered by the two years of turmoil and taken an added hit from renewed violence recently.

Adding to the anxiety, state television reported on Saturday amidst voting on the referendum that the central bank governor had resigned, then retracted the report. The governor turned up at a meeting of the government’s economic team Sunday in an apparent attempt to quell nervousness over the state of the economy. The government stressed the urgency of stability.

“The financial and economic situations are dire,” government spokesman Alaa el-Hadidi said, according to comments published by the state news agency MENA. With the referendum behind, el-Hadidi said economic policies must be at the center of attention, adding that the government will work to improve the investment environment to attract foreign investors.

The government had to postpone a request for $4.8 billion of IMF loans, putting off unpopular tax increases and reforms to after the referendum for fear they would only stoke political tensions. A day before the official results of the constitution are expected, the opposition front said it filed complaints to the country’s top prosecutor and the election commission asking for an investigation.

“The results of the referendum are for sure because of the rigging, violations and mismanagement that characterized it,” the National Salvation Front said. It alleged the vote was marred by lack of complete judicial supervision, which led to overcrowding that pushed down the voting rate. It also charged there was interference by those who were supposed to be supervising the vote, with some instructing people to vote “yes.”  Many judges who traditionally supervise elections boycotted supervising the vote.

“We don’t think the results reflect the true desires of the Egyptian people,” Khaled Dawoud, the front’s spokesman, told The Associated Press. However, the Brotherhood insisted violations were limited and should not affect the referendum’s integrity. The Freedom and Justice Party, the Brotherhood’s political arm, said it hoped the passage of the constitution would be a “historic opportunity” to heal Egypt’s divisions and launch a dialogue to restore stability and build state institutions.

If the violations are considered serious enough, there could be new votes in some areas that alter the results slightly. The referendum was conducted in two stages with the first vote on Dec. 15 and the second on Saturday. The Muslim Brotherhood and some media outlets have accurately tallied the outcome of past elections by compiling numbers released by electoral officials at thousands of individual polling stations shortly after voting closes.

Turnout for the vote was 32 percent of Egypt’s more than 51 million eligible voters, according to the Muslim Brotherhood. That was significantly lower than other elections since the uprising ended in February 2011. The opposition has pointed to the low turnout as well as allegations of violations in the voting to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the referendum. The Brotherhood said 64 percent voted “yes” to the constitution in a tally of both stages of voting. For Saturday’s second stage only, the Brotherhood said 71 percent of those who voted said “yes” with 99 percent of polling stations accounted for.   Read The Full Article.

Egypt Votes Yes to Sharia Law

Source : Associated Press

Third Secret of Fatima is Unfolding !

Third Secret of Fatima is Unfolding !

The third part of the secret was allegedly written down “by order of His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother” on 3 January 1944. In 1943, Lúcia fell ill with influenza and pleurisy, which had killed her cousins. For several months, she was sure she was going to die. Bishop Silva, visiting her on 15 September 1943 while she was bed-ridden, first suggested that she write the third secret down to ensure that it would be recorded in the event of her death. Lucia was hesitant to do so, however. She was under strict obedience according to her Carmelite vows, but when she received the secret, she had heard Mary say not to reveal it. Because Carmelite obedience requires that orders from superiors be regarded as coming directly from God, she was in a quandary as to whose orders took precedence. Finally, in mid-October, Bishop Silva sent her a letter containing a direct order to record the secret, and Lúcia obeyed. In June 1944, the sealed envelope containing the third secret was delivered to Silva, where it stayed until 1957, when it was finally delivered to Rome.


It was announced by Cardinal Sodano on 13 May 2000, 83 years after the first apparition of the Lady to the children in the Cova da Iria, that the Third Secret would finally be released. In his announcement, Cardinal Sodano implied that the secret was about the persecution of Christians in the 20th century that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II on 13 May 1981.
The text of the Third Secret, according to the Vatican, was published on 26 June 2000 :
The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fátima, on 13 May 1917.  I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’. And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.  Tuy-3-1-1944.
Along with the text of the secret, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, (Pope Benedict XVI), published a theological commentary, in which he states that: A careful reading of the text of the so-called third ‘secret’ of Fatima … will probably prove disappointing or surprising after all the speculation it has stirred. No great mystery is revealed; nor is the future unveiled. After explaining the differences between public and private revelations, he cautions people not to see in the message a determined future event:
The purpose of the vision is not to show a film of an irrevocably fixed future. Its meaning is exactly the opposite: it is meant to mobilize the forces of change in the right direction. Therefore we must totally discount fatalistic explanations of the “secret”, such as, for example, the claim that the would-be assassin of 13 May 1981 was merely an instrument of the divine plan guided by Providence and could not therefore have acted freely, or other similar ideas in circulation. Rather, the vision speaks of dangers and how we might be saved from them.
He then moves on to talk about the symbolic nature of the images, noting that: The concluding part of the ‘secret’ uses images which Lucia may have seen in devotional books and which draw their inspiration from long-standing intuitions of faith. As for the meaning of the message: What remains was already evident when we began our reflections on the text of the ‘secret’: the exhortation to prayer as the path of ‘salvation for souls’ and, likewise, the summons to penance and conversion.
Third Secret controversy
The Holy See withheld the Third Secret until 26 June 2000, despite Lúcia’s declaration that it should be released to the public after 1960. Some sources, including Canon Barthas and Cardinal Ottaviani, said that Lúcia insisted to them it must be released by 1960, saying that, “by that time, it will be more clearly understood”, and, “because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so.”
When 1960 arrived, rather than releasing the Third Secret, the Vatican published an official press release stating that it was “most probable the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal.” After this announcement, immense speculation over the content of the secret materialized.
According to the New York Times, speculation over the content of the secret ranged from “worldwide nuclear annihilation to deep rifts in the Roman Catholic Church that lead to rival papacies” In 1981, Laurence James Downey hijacked an airplane and demanded that Pope John Paul II make public the Third Secret of Fatima.
The release of the text sparked immediate criticism, even outrage, from the Catholic Church in Portugal. Clergy as well as laypeople had been outraged that the text had been read in Rome and not at the Fatima shrine in Portugal where the reported events took place. Portuguese Catholics responded to the release of the text with disbelief, saying that if the words did not concern some kind of terrible catastrophe such as war, holocaust or apocalypse, there had been no reason for the Vatican to keep them secret.
The Times for June 29, 2000, reported that “The revelation on Monday that there were no doomsday predictions has provoked angry reactions from the Portuguese church over the decision to keep the prophecy secret for half a century.” Portuguese newspapers reported that many people felt “dismayed, cheated, and betrayed” by the news.
Some sources claim that the four-page, handwritten text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican in the year 2000 is not the real secret, or at least not the full secret. These sources contend that the Third Secret is actually composed of two texts, where one of these texts is the published four-page vision, and the other is a single-page letter containing the words of the Virgin Mary that has been concealed.
Critics such as Italian journalist Antonio Socci and American attorney Christopher Ferrara have written many articles disputing that the full Third Secret has been released. Their argument that there’s proof of a second part to the secret include the following:
  • Bishops working with Pope Pius XII, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI have commented that the text was written on one sheet of paper rather than four sheets;
  • Lúcia stated that she wrote the message in the form of a signed letter to the Bishop of Leiria;
  • Lúcia’s text contains words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • The full secret contains information about the Apocalypse, a great apostasy, and Satanic infiltration of the Catholic Church.

Written on one sheet of paper

The text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican is handwritten on four sheets of paper. Multiple clerics claiming familiarity with the purported authentic text have stated that the Third Secret was written on a single sheet of paper rather than four sheets. For example, Father Joaquin Alonso, official Fatima archivist for sixteen years, reports in his book that, “Lucy tells us that she wrote it on a sheet of paper. Cardinal Ottaviani, who has read it, tells us the same thing: ‘She wrote it on a sheet of paper’ …”.
In addition, Bishop Venancio, who was entrusted to transport the envelope containing the Third Secret to a Vatican representative after Lúcia wrote it down, is reported to have held the envelope up to a light and noted that the Third Secret was “written on a small sheet of paper.” Bishop Venancio also measured the dimensions of the paper, the size of its margins, and estimated there to be 20-25 lines of text. Also, Father Malachi Martin stated that he was shown the text of the Third Secret in February 1960.
On a syndicated radio broadcast, Fr. Martin indicated that the Third Secret was written on “one sheet of paper.”In a taped interview, Fr. Charles Fiore quoted Fr. Malachi Martin as saying the following regarding the text of the Third Secret: “I cooled my heels in the corridor outside the Holy Father’s apartments, while my boss, Cardinal Bea, was inside debating with the Holy Father, and with a group of other bishops and priests, and two young Portuguese seminarians, who translated the letter, a single page, written in Portuguese, for all those in the room.”
Written in the form of a letter
Another reason why critics argue the full Third Secret has not been released is because of documented evidence that the Third Secret was written in the form of a signed letter to the Bishop of Leiria. The text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican is not written in the form of a letter. Lúcia was interviewed by Father Jongen on 3 February 1946. When Fr. Jongen asked Lúcia when the time would arrive for the Third Secret, Lúcia responded, “I communicated the third part in a letter to the Bishop of Leiria.” Also, Canon Galamba, an advisor to the Bishop of Leiria, is quoted as saying, “When the bishop refused to open the letter, Lucy made him promise that it would definitely be opened and read to the world either at her death or in 1960, whichever came first.” Also, the Vatican press release from 1960 announcing that the Third Secret would probably never be revealed was written with the following words: “… it is most likely that the letter will never be opened, in which Sister Lucy wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three shepherds of the Cova da Iria.”
Contains words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary
The text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican contains no words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the 1960 Vatican press release on the Third Secret cited above, “Sister Lucy wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret …”. Some sources assert that the Third Secret most likely begins with the words, “In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc”, words which Lúcia included in her Fourth Memoir, but which are included only as a footnote to the text released by the Vatican. In addition, evidence shows that Fr. Joseph Schweigl was sent by Pope Pius XII to interrogate Lúcia about the Third Secret on 2 September 1952. The day after the interview, Fr. Schweigl is reported to have stated the following: “I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope; the other logically (although I must say nothing) would have to be the continuation of the words: ‘In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved.’ “Contains information about the Apocalypse, apostasy, Satanic infiltration of the Church
According to Jacob Mathew in the commentary accompanying the text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican, “Those who expected exciting apocalyptic revelations about the end of the world or the future course of history are bound to be disappointed. Fatima does not satisfy our curiosity in this way …”. Some critics see this as contradicting a considerable amount of evidence in the record, including previous testimony by Cardinal Ratzinger himself. In an interview published in the 11 November 1984 edition of Jesus Magazine, Cardinal Ratzinger was asked whether he had read the text of the Third Secret and why it had not been revealed.
Ratzinger acknowledged that he had read the Third Secret, and stated in part that the Third Secret involves the “importance of the novissimi”, and “dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore (the life) of the world.” Ratzinger also commented that, “If it is not made public – at least for the time being – it is in order to prevent religious prophecy from being mistaken for a quest for the sensational.”
Also, a news article quoted former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, Howard Dee, as saying that Cardinal Ratzinger had personally confirmed to him that the messages of Akita and Fatima are “essentially the same.”The Akita prophecy, in part, contains the following: “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres … churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”
Father Charles Fiore, in a taped interview, made the following remarks with regard to Cardinal Ratzinger’s various statements about the Third Secret: “We have two different Cardinal Ratzingers; we have two different messages. But Malachi Martin was consistent all the way through; he believed that the Third Secret of Fatima had to do […] with the internal problems of the Catholic Church.” On a syndicated radio broadcast, Father Malachi Martin was asked the following question by a caller: “I had a Jesuit priest tell me more of the Third Secret of Fatima years ago, in Perth.
He said, among other things, the last pope would be under control of Satan… Any comment on that?” Fr. Martin responded, “Yes, it sounds as if they were reading, or being told, the text of the Third Secret. But it’s sufficiently vague to make one hesitate— it sounds like it.” In a taped interview with Bernard Janzen, Fr. Martin was asked the following question: “Who are the people who are working so hard to suppress Fatima?” Fr. Martin responded, “A bunch, a whole bunch, of Catholic prelates in Rome, who belong to Satan. They’re servants of Satan. And the servants of Satan outside the Church, in various organizations; they want to destroy the Catholicism of the Church, and keep it as a stabilizing factor in human affairs. It’s an alliance. A dirty alliance, a filthy alliance, but a very good alliance.” In the same interview, Fr. Martin also said with respect to Lúcia that, “They’ve (The Vatican) published forged letters in her name; they’ve made her say things she didn’t want to say. They put statements on her lips she never made.”
On 13 May 2000, Cardinal Sodano announced that the Third Secret would be released, during which he implied the secret was about the persecution of Christians in the 20th century that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II on 13 May 1981. However, other theologians believe that the secret concerns an apostasy of cardinals, bishops and priests. For instance, Cardinal Ciappi, personal theologian to Pope John Paul II, is quoted by sources as saying, “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.” In addition, on a syndicated radio broadcast, Fr. Malachi Martin stated that the Third Secret “doesn’t make any sense unless we accept that there will be, or that there is in progress, a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics, and laity in the Catholic Church …”.
In a 1980 interview for the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens published in October 1981, John Paul II was asked explicitly to speak about the third secret. He said: “Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish… there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that ‘to know’ implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one’s curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted.” He held up his rosary and stated “Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray and ask for nothing else.
Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God.” Asked what would happen in the Church, he said: “We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong, we must prepare ourselves, we must entrust ourselves to Christ and to His holy Mother, and we must be attentive, very attentive, to the prayer of the Rosary.”
Lúcia herself is reported to have explicitly stated that the Third Secret contains Apocalyptic content. According to one source, when Lúcia was asked about the Third Secret, she said it was “in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse”, and at one point she had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes Apocalypse 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fatima on 13 May 2000.
Cardinal Bertone’s response to criticism
The Vatican has maintained its position that the full text of the Third Secret was published in June 2000. A report from the Zenit Daily Dispatch dated 20 December 2001, based on a Vatican press release, claimed that Lúcia told then Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, in an interview conducted the previous month, that the secret has been completely revealed and published, and that no secrets remain. Bertone, along with Cardinal Ratzinger, co-authored The Message of Fatima,[8] the document published in June 2000 by the Vatican that contains a scanned copy of the original text of the Third Secret.
Third Secret of Fatima is Unfolding - Prophecies for 2015 and 2016 -
Cardinal Bertone.

Bertone, who was elevated to cardinal in 2003 and currently holds the position of Vatican Secretary of State, wrote a book titled, The Last Secret of Fatima, published first in Italian under a different title in 2007, and then subsequently in English. The book contains a transcribed interview between journalist Giuseppe De Carli and Bertone in which Bertone responds to various criticisms and accusations regarding the content and disclosure of the Third Secret. At one point in the interview, De Carli comments on an unsourced accusation that the Vatican is concealing a one-page text of the Third Secret which predicts a great apostasy where Rome will “lose the faith and become the throne of the Antichrist.”

Bertone responds as follows:

That’s absolutely crazy. Look, are you claiming that the prophecy of Fatima is about the apostasy of the Church of Rome? That Fatima is a prediction of Rome’s transformation into the throne of the Antichrist? Despite the love Our Lady has for the Pope and the Popes for Our Lady? Anyone can write books based on conspiracy theories, on biased interpretations. Anybody can take sentences out of context and present them as clues to some supposed plot to avoid divulging the truth and to transmit it in a code that only the initiates can understand. No, the whole theory you allude to is a fabrication. And this supposedly factual account is actually the sort of device the Masons used to invent to discredit the Church. I’m surprised that journalists and writers who claim to be Catholic let themselves be taken in.
At another point in the interview, De Carli mentions that Cardinal Ottaviani had once stated that the Third Secret was written on a single sheet of paper. He also mentions that one of Lúcia’s memoirs contains the words, “In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc”, words which some believe introduce the real Third Secret. After the interviewer interjects his own opinion and calls these observations “feeble bits of evidence that neither prove nor disprove anything”, he asks Cardinal Bertone about the possibility of there being two texts, where the “first document” contains the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the other contains the description of the vision published by the Vatican. Bertone answers in part, “There is no first document. There never was any such text in the archives of the Holy Office.” Bertone also says, “So I’m not sure what Cardinal Ottaviani was talking about.” Bertone also states that, “We have the word, better, the official confirmation of Sister Lúcia: ‘Is this the Third Secret, and is this the only text of it?’ ‘Yes, this is the Third Secret, and I never wrote any other’.”
Later on in the interview, Bertone again addresses the question as to whether a text exists with words attributed to the Blessed Virgin that was censored: “The part of the text where the Virgin speaks in the first person wasn’t censored, for the simple reason that it never existed. …I’m basing my statement on Sister Lucia’s own direct confirmation that the Third Secret is none other than the text that was published in the year 2000.”
Continuing criticism and controversy
Cardinal Bertone has been accused of lying about the content of the Third Secret in his book, The Last Secret of Fatima, and also in televised appearances. After Bertone’s book was published, Italian journalist Antonio Socci published an article titled Dear Cardinal Bertone: Who—between you and me—is Deliberately Lying? Catholic attorney Christopher Ferrara wrote an entire book called The Secret Still Hidden (content available online) aimed at exposing and debunking the claims of Cardinal Bertone with respect to Fatima. The book contains an appendix entitled 101 Grounds for Doubting Cardinal Bertone’s Account. For example, Ferrara asserts that Bertone has given at least five different versions of Lúcia’s alleged acceptance of the interpretation of the vision published by the Vatican in 2000.
An article published in Catholic World News on 27 September 2007 reports that Italian journalists Antonio Socci and Solideo Paolini “produced a tape recording in which Archbishop Loris Capovilla, who once served as private secretary to Pope John XXIII, revealed that there were two texts of the Third Secret.” An article dated just two weeks earlier quotes Archbishop Capovilla as saying, “There are not two truths from Fatima and nor is there any fourth secret. The text which I read in 1959 is the same that was distributed by the Vatican.” Capovilla is also quoted as saying, “I have had enough of these conspiracy theories. It just isn’t true. I read it, I presented it to the Pope and we destroyed the envelope.

Third Secret of Fatima is Unfolding

Ten Commandments Stone Found ?

Ten Commandments Stone Found ?

The below inscription is very unique for several reasons.

First, it is written in an ancient Hebrew script. Second it is located near the small town of Los Lunas in the State of New Mexico, USA. Third, the inscription is of the “Ten Commandments”. This proves that a Semitic people, probably Hebrews, arrived in the Americas long before Columbus or the Vikings.

This is pretty wild stuff.  Game changer.  What does it mean?  It means we still don’t know much of anything about our REAL past. The investigation continues though..

Ten Commandments Stone Found

The Message of our Lady of Akita

The Lady of Akita Prophecy

In 1984, just before retiring at a venerable age, the diocesan Bishop of Niigata, Bishop John Shojiro Ito, in consultation with the Holy See, wrote a pastoral letter in which he recognized as being authentically of the Mother of God, the extraordinary series of events that had taken place from 1973 to 1981 in a little lay convent within his diocese, at Akita, Japan. Cardinal Radzinger, former Pope Benedict XVI, in June 1988, approved the Akita events as “reliable and worthy of belief”. In fact the Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, in 1998 spoke to Cardinal Ratzinger about Akita and the Cardinal: “Personally confirmed to me that these two messages of Fatima and Akita are essentially the same“. Hence in Akita (Akita is also an Astroid!) we are dealing with a Church approved intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary as sure in this respect as Lourdes, La Salette, or Fatima.

Only a few Catholics know of Our Lady of Akita but the message, like that of Fatima, is a specific warning of worldwide chastisement. The chastisement threatened is truly terrible – far worse than the possibility of annihilation of several nations prophesied at Fatima. Akita is absolutely consistent with prophecies of Scripture.

The first message received by Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa on June 6, 1973, was a call for prayer and sacrifice for the glory of the Father and salvation of souls. The second message, August 3, 1973, was for prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices to soften the Father’s anger.

The third message on October 13, 1973, the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima is as follows: “As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.

The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

“The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them.” In his pastoral letter approving the events of Akita as supernatural, the Bishop of Niigata said: “After the inquiries conducted up to the present day, one cannot deny the supernatural character of a series of unexplainable events relative to the statue of the Virgin honored at Akita (Diocese of Niigata). Consequently I authorize that all of the diocese entrusted to me venerate the Holy Mother of Akita.”

Concerning the messages, His Excellency said: “As for the content of the messages received, it is no way contrary to Catholic doctrine or to good morals. When one thinks of the actual state of the world, the warning seems to correspond to it in many points.” His Excellency explained that he had taken eight years to give this judgment because of the importance and the responsibility in question. “The Congregation of the Doctrine for the Faith has given me directives in this sense,” the Bishop said, “that only the bishop of the diocese in question has the power to recognize an event of this kind.”

The events of Akita have been confirmed by definite miracles, two of which are cited by the Bishop in his pastoral letter. While the warning given by Our Lady at Akita is terrible, the message, as the Bishop points out, is basically a repetition of the Message of Fatima. Our Lady stressed the importance of praying the Rosary, and above all of accepting from God whatever He may send in the course of each day . . . whatever suffering . . . and to offer it up in reparation for so many sins committed throughout the world at this time.

Our Lady begged especially for prayers for bishops, priests, and religious, and for reparation before the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lady said: “I have prevented the coming of calamities by offering to the Father, together with all the victim souls who console Him, the sufferings endured by the Son on the Cross, by His blood and by His very loving Soul. Prayer, penance, and courageous sacrifices can appease the anger of the Father.”

To the little religious community where Our Lady gave the messages, she asked that it “live in poverty, sanctify itself and pray in reparation for the ingratitude and the outrages of so many men.”

The apparitions and events in Akita, Japan, center around a three foot high statue of Our Lady with a Japanese face in the chapel of the Eucharistic Handmaids of the Sacred Heart. These supernatural happenings also involve Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, one of the Sisters in the convent, to whom Our Lady gave Her messages. Sister had been very ill, requiring about 20 operations.

The Message of our Lady of Akita

When the apparitions began, she was nearly deaf. On June 12, 1973, when she opened the tabernacle for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a very strong light came from it and filled the entire chapel. This happened for three days. When Sister asked the other Sisters if they had seen anything out of the ordinary, they said no.

This strong light also came from the tabernacle on the feast of Corpus Christi. When Sr. Sasagawa told the Bishop of Akita (who was visiting the convent on the feast) of this, he advised her to keep it in her heart. On the Vigil of the Feast of the Sacred Heart that same year, Sr. Sasagawa’s guardian angel appeared to her and asked her to pray the Fatima decade prayer* after each decade of the Rosary.

In 1973 this prayer was not well known in Japan and Sister had trouble understanding it, but the Sisters began to recite the prayer and it has now spread throughout Japan. (* O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have the most need of Thy mercy. Amen.)

On the same occasion as the apparition of her guardian angel, a wound in the form of a cross appeared in the hollow of Sr. Sasagawa’s left hand and began to bleed. The bleeding ended on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The following Friday, the wound bled and stopped the next day. This continued for a month. Sister’s guardian angel later spoke to her in chapel. Although nearly deaf, she heard the angel saying: “Pray not only for yourself, but for the people of all nations. The world today is wounding the Sacred Heart of Jesus through so much sin and ingratitude.”

After hearing this, Sister heard a voice come from the statue in the chapel: “My daughter, you obeyed me very well; you have renounced everything. This deafness is a great suffering for you. Have patience; you will be healed. It is a trial. Pray in reparation for all people. Pray much for the Holy Father, for the bishops and the priests.”

On July 6, 1973, a bleeding wound appeared on the right hand of the statue of Our Lady in the chapel. On other days, the face of the statue bled. Sister’s guardian angel told her: “This flowing of blood is significant. It will be shed for the conversion of men and in reparation for sins. To the devotion to the Sacred Heart add the devotion to the Precious Blood.” Other messages followed. About a month after seeing the wound in the right hand of Our Lady’s statue, Sr. Sasagawa heard: “My daughter, if you love Our Lord, listen to me.

Many people in the world grieve Our Lord. I ask for souls who will console Him, and who will make reparation. The Heavenly Father is preparing a great punishment for the world. Many times I have tried with my Son to soften the anger of the Father. I presented to Him many atoning souls who make reparation by prayers and sacrifices. That is what I ask of you. Honor poverty. Live poorly. You must keep your vows, which are like three nails to nail you to the Cross – the nails of poverty, chastity, and obedience.”

Beginning on September 20, 1973, the statue began to sweat from the face to the feet. Tears began to flow down the face. Also, a very pleasant odor was felt in the chapel. This happened many times in the presence of others, including the Bishop. In all, the statue wept a total of 101 times. On October 13, 1973, Our Lady gave Sister Sasagawa this serious message: “As I said before if mankind does not repent, the Heavenly Father will inflict a very serious punishment on the whole world; a punishment the likes of which has never happened before. Many people will perish. Pray the Rosary often.

Only I can prevent the disaster. Whoever entrusts themselves to me will be saved.” The statue continued to weep and other messages followed. Pilgrims came and many received answers to their prayers. Then, in 1981, Theresa Chon, who was suffering from terminal brain cancer, was miraculously healed through the intercession of Our Lady of Akita. This healing was well documented by Fr. Joseph Oh of Seoul, S. Korea.

In his pastoral letter, Bishop Ito said that it would have been difficult to believe in a message from Our Lady that is so terrible, unless there was overwhelming proof that it was indeed from Her. But he points out that the terrible chastisement of which Our Lady speaks is on the condition: “If men do not repent and do not better themselves . . .” The Bishop added it is a serious warning, while at the same time one perceives in it the maternal love of Our Lady. In Her message warning the world of the annihilation of a great part of humanity, She said: “The thought of the loss of numerous souls makes me sad.”

How do we repent and better ourselves? Repentance is a “sorrow of heart and detestation for sin committed with the resolution not to sin again.” (Trent.sess.xiv,chap.4). Once mortal sin has been committed, an act of contrition must be genuine, must comprise all mortal sins committed, must spring from a motive that has reference to God and include a hatred of sin as the greatest of evils (this is the common teaching of theologians). Contrition is termed perfect when it arises from the pure love of God; by perfect contrition, sin is forgiven even before it is manifested in the sacrament of Penance, though the obligation of confession remains.

What are the sins most prevalent today which are calling down God’s wrath upon us? We see wholesale violations of the first three Commandments. The first Commandment: I am the Lord Thy God, thou shalt not have strange Gods before me”. In summary, we find in the Catechism of the Council of Trent, The Catechism of Pope St. Pius X and the Baltimore Catechism, that the First Commandment forbids idolatry, superstition, spiritism, tempting God, sacrilege and sins against Faith by apostasy, heresy, indifferentism and by taking part in non-Catholic worship.” By taking part in non-Catholic worship! This, indeed, is a powerful indictment against the present ecumenical practice that has swept through and disfigured the Church since the Second Vatican Council.

The Second Commandment forbids using the Lord’s Name in vain (blasphemy). If we consult the Catechism of the Council of Trent’s treatment of the Second Commandment, it teaches that those who support heresy, and “distort the Sacred Scriptures from their genuine and true meaning,” are guilty of sins against the Second Commandment. Thus, those who distort the message of Scripture, namely Protestants, are in the objective order, guilty of this sin, because their perversion of Sacred Scripture is irreverence to the Holy Word of God.

The Third Commandment deals with keeping holy the Sabbath Day. It is evident for all to see that Sunday has become a day of business as usual. People doing unnecessary work, places of business opened with people shopping without any regard to the Third Commandment which strictly forbids all unnecessary work and doing business on Sunday.

The Fifth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. We see a blatant disregard for this Commandment in the slaughter of over 3500 babies every day by abortion with very, very few doing anything to bring about an end to this human carnage.

Now we come to the Sixth Commandment, which violation causes more souls to go to Hell than any of the other Ten Commandments. The Sixth Commandment is transgressed in some of the following ways: fornication, homosexuality or sodomy (Rom. 1:27) (2nd Peter 2:6) (St. Jude 1:7), and the separation of spouses (“divorce”) which many times leads to adultery especially if either of the two spouses remarry (Mark 10:11, 12) (Matt. 19:6) (1 Cor. 7:10,11).   We see the Sixth Commandment horribly violated by immodest dress. Modesty and purity have practically vanished from our society (1 Tim.2:9-10).

This impending chastisement can be averted if enough people pray the Rosary daily and do penance which Our Lady requested at Fatima in 1917. We urge you to order large quantities of this brochure for circulation at Catholic Churches. After you have read this urgent message please pass it on to others.

Jeane Dixon and her Antichrist Prophecies !

The AntiChrist Prophecies of Jeane Dixon !

A child born somewhere in the Middle East shortly before 7:00 A.M. (EST) on February 5, 1962 will revolutionize the world. Before the close of this century, he will bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith. This will be the foundation of a new Christianity, with every sect and creed united through this man who will walk among the people to spread the wisdom of the almighty powers.” In the Year 2017 this child will be 55 Years old.

When you check Wikipedia and type “February 5 1962 faith” you will see the results are Always about the Bahá’í Faith, i will do some research about this in the future. Antoher thing to check out is the February 5, 1962 Solar Eclipse !

Although Jean Dixon thought that this was his day of birth, it was a very significant date because of the Solar Eclipse in the year 1962. It could be connected to other future Solar Eclipses like the one that will come on August 21, 2017 that is marked by many mystics and astrologers as having great import for the world.

She saw him plotting with his followers as early as the age of 19, around the Year 1981-1983 (Putin was in the Andropov Institute at that time) and something important happening to him around 1973 (3 Solar Eclipses in 1973 ?). Jeane saw his impact felt by the world by the year 1991-1994. Even though he obviously was not revealed yet.

She supposed him to be of actual ancient Egyptian lineage of the Pharaohs, he was really living in another part of the Arab world. She also saw in this young man, who becomes leader of Egypt, the figure of the Pharaoh Amenhotep with his Queen Nefertiti. Amenhotep was the heretic that eventually turned the world from its former gods to worship himself! His power will grow greatly until 1999 (Vladimir Putin “grew” to power untill in 1999 he became president of Russia for the first time), at which time the people of this earth will probably discover the full meaning of the vision.”

Dixon saw that ancient prototype pair presenting this modern son and descendent as a fit and final heir to their rebel throne as the final Antichrist world ruler so often predicted in the Bible. Not only this, but she also sees him with such infinite and Satanic wisdom, knowledge and hypnotic personality, that all of the world will follow him as predicted in Revelation 13 !

And at the end she sees him leading them up a road to a point of decision and division where they can either follow him to the left or take the straight and narrow to the right, away from him. She sees him wearing a flowing robe, leading them into darkness and destruction in the end. But then she notices some small groups of faithful young pilgrims leaving him, and climbing over difficult obstacles along the narrow path that led to the right… to their Heavenly home with Christ !

Aquarius is the “sign of the son of man” spoken of in the New Testament bible.

February 5th 1962 important happenings

February 5th important happenings

  •  1958 – A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered.

1973 important happenings

  • April 4 – The World Trade Center officially opens in New York City with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
  • April 6 – Fahri Korutürk becomes the sixth president of Turkey.
  • April 8 – Pioneer 11 is launched on a mission to study the solar system.
  • April 10 – Israeli commandos raid Beirut, assassinating 3 leaders of the Palestinian Resistance Movement. The Lebanese army’s inaction brings the immediate resignation of Prime Minister Saib Salam, a Sunni Muslim.
  • April 15 – Naim Talu, a former civil servant forms the new government of Turkey (36th government)
  • April 25 – The German counter-terrorist force GSG 9 is officially formed.
  • May 3 – The Sears Tower in Chicago is finished, becoming the world’s tallest building at 1,451 feet.
  • May 14 – Skylab, the United States’ first space station, is launched.
  • May 25 – Skylab 2 (Pete Conrad, Paul Weitz, Joseph Kerwin) is launched on a mission to repair damage to the recently launched Skylab space station.
  • June 30 – A very long total solar eclipse occurs. During the entire 2nd millennium, only 7 total solar eclipses exceeded 7 minutes of totality.
  • July 17 – King Mohammed Zahir Shah of Afghanistan is deposed by his cousin Mohammed Daoud Khan while in Italy undergoing eye surgery.
  • July 25 – The Soviet Mars 5 space probe is launched.
  • July 28 – Skylab 3 (Owen Garriott, Jack Lousma, Alan Bean) is launched, to conduct various medical and scientific experiments aboard Skylab.
  • August 5 – Black September members open fire at the Athens airport; 3 are killed, 55 injured.
  • August 8 – South Korean politician Kim Dae-Jung is kidnapped in Tokyo by the KCIA.
  • September 27 – Soviet space program: Soyuz 12, the first Soviet manned flight since the Soyuz 11 tragedy in 1971, is launched.
  • October 6Yom Kippur War : The fourth and largest Arab–Israeli conflict begins, as Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israeli forces in the Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights on Yom Kippur.
  • October 17 – The Arab Oil Embargo against several countries which support Israel triggers the 1973 energy crisis.
  • October 26 – The Yom Kippur War ends.
  • March 7 – Comet Kohoutek is discovered.
  • October 27 – The Canon City meteorite, a 1.4 kilogram chondrite type meteorite, strikes Earth in Fremont County, Colorado.
  • November 3 – Mariner program: NASA launches Mariner 10 toward Mercury (on March 29, 1974 it becomes the first space probe to reach that planet).
  • November 8 – Millennium ’73, a festival hosted by Guru Maharaj Ji at the Astrodome, is called by supporters the “most significant event in human history”.
  • November 11 – Egypt and Israel sign a United States-sponsored cease-fire accord.
  • December 3 – Pioneer program: Pioneer 10 sends back the first close-up images of Jupiter.
  • December 18 – Islamic Development Bank created as a specialized agency of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) (effective 12 August 1974).
  • December 23 – OPEC doubles the price of crude oil.

Who was Jeane Dixon ?

Jeane L. Dixon – Jeane Dixon was born as Lydia Emma Pinckert (January 5, 1904 – January 25, 1997) was one of the best-known American astrologers and psychics of the 20th century, due to her syndicated newspaper astrology column, some well-publicized predictions, and a best-selling biography.

Jeane Dixon and her Antichrist Prophecies

Also Read

Nuclear War in the Middle East !

Nuclear War in the Middle East !

In those first minutes, they’ll be stunned. Eyes fixed in a thousand-yard stare, nerve endings numbed. They’ll just stand there. Soon, you’ll notice that they are holding their arms out at a 45-degree angle. Your eyes will be drawn to their hands and you’ll think you mind is playing tricks. But it won’t be. Their fingers will start to resemble stalactites, seeming to melt toward the ground. And it won’t be long until the screaming begins. Shrieking. Moaning. Tens of thousands of victims at once. They’ll be standing amid a sea of shattered concrete and glass, a wasteland punctuated by the shells of buildings, orphaned walls, stairways leading nowhere.

iran_preparing_for_nuclear_war_in_2013_2014 -

This could be Tehran, or what’s left of it, just after an Israeli nuclear strike. Iranian cities – owing to geography, climate, building construction, and population densities  –  are particularly vulnerable to nuclear attack, according to a new study, “Nuclear War Between Israel and Iran: Lethality Beyond the Pale,” published in the journal Conflict and Health by researchers from the University of Georgia and Harvard University. It is the first publicly released scientific assessment of what a nuclear attack in the Middle East might actually mean for people in the region.

Its scenarios are staggering.  An Israeli attack on the Iranian capital of Tehran using five 500-kiloton weapons would, the study estimates, kill seven million people  –  86% of the population  –  and leave close to 800,000 wounded.  A strike with five 250-kiloton weapons would kill an estimated 5.6 million and injure 1.6 million, according to predictions made using an advanced software package designed to calculate mass casualties from a nuclear detonation.

Estimates of the civilian toll in other Iranian cities are even more horrendous.  A nuclear assault on the city of Arak, the site of a heavy water plant central to Iran’s nuclear program, would potentially kill 93% of its 424,000 residents.  Three 100-kiloton nuclear weapons hitting the Persian Gulf port of Bandar Abbas would slaughter an estimated 94% of its 468,000 citizens, leaving just 1% of the population uninjured.  A multi-weapon strike on Kermanshah, a Kurdish city with a population of 752,000, would result in an almost unfathomable 99.9% casualty rate.

Cham Dallas, the director of the Institute for Health Management and Mass Destruction Defense at the University of Georgia and lead author of the study, says that the projections are the most catastrophic he’s seen in more than 30 years analyzing weapons of mass destruction and their potential effects.  “The fatality rates are the highest of any nuke simulation I’ve ever done,” he told me by phone from the nuclear disaster zone in Fukushima, Japan, where he was doing research.  “It’s the perfect storm for high fatality rates”.

Israel has never confirmed or denied possessing nuclear weapons, but is widely known to have up to several hundred nuclear warheads in its arsenal.  Iran has no nuclear weapons and its leaders claim that its nuclear program is for peaceful civilian purposes only.  Published reports suggest that American intelligence agencies and Israel’s intelligence service are in agreement: Iran suspended its nuclear weapons development program in 2003.

Dallas and his colleagues nonetheless ran simulations for potential Iranian nuclear strikes on the Israeli cities of Beer Sheva, Haifa, and Tel Aviv using much smaller 15-kiloton weapons, similar in strength to those dropped by the United States on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.  Their analyses suggest that, in Beer Shiva, half of the population of 209,000 would be killed and one-sixth injured.  Haifa would see similar casualty ratios, including 40,000 trauma victims.  A strike on Tel Aviv with two 15-kiloton weapons would potentially slaughter 17% of the population  –  nearly 230,000 people.  Close to 150,000 residents would likely be injured.

These forecasts, like those for Iranian cities, are difficult even for experts to assess.  “Obviously, accurate predictions of casualty and fatality estimates are next to impossible to obtain,” says Dr Glen Reeves, a longtime consultant on the medical effects of radiation for the Defense Department’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency, who was not involved in the research.  “I think their estimates are probably high but not impossibly so”.

israel attack on Iran -

According to Paul Carroll of the Ploughshares Fund, a San Francisco-based foundation that advocates for nuclear disarmament, “the results would be catastrophic” if major Iranian cities were attacked with modern nuclear weapons.  “I don’t see 75% [fatality rates as] being out of the question,” says Carroll, after factoring in the longer-term effects of radiation sickness, burns, and a devastated medical infrastructure.

According to Dallas and his colleagues, the marked disparity between estimated fatalities in Israel and Iran can be explained by a number of factors.  As a start, Israel is presumed to have extremely powerful nuclear weapons and sophisticated delivery capabilities including long-range Jericho missiles, land-based cruise missiles, submarine-launched missiles, and advanced aircraft with precision targeting technology.

The nature of Iranian cities also makes them exceptionally vulnerable to nuclear attack, according to the Conflict & Health study.  Tehran, for instance, is home to 50% of Iran’s industry, 30% of its public sector workers, and 50 colleges and universities.  As a result, 12 million people live in or near the capital, most of them clustered in its core.  Like most Iranian cities, Tehran has little urban sprawl, meaning residents tend to live and work in areas that would be subject to maximum devastation and would suffer high%ages of fatalities due to trauma as well as thermal burns caused by the flash of heat from an explosion.

Iran’s topography, specifically mountains around cities, would obstruct the dissipation of the blast and heat from a nuclear explosion, intensifying the effects.  Climatic conditions, especially high concentrations of airborne dust, would likely exacerbate thermal and radiation casualties as well as wound infections.

Nuclear horror : Then and now

The first nuclear attack on a civilian population center, the US strike on Hiroshima, left that city “uniformly and extensively devastated,” according to a study carried out in the wake of the attacks by the US Strategic Bombing Survey.

“Practically the entire densely or moderately built-up portion of the city was leveled by blast and swept by fire … The surprise, the collapse of many buildings, and the conflagration contributed to an unprecedented casualty rate”.  At the time, local health authorities reported that 60% of immediate deaths were due to flash or flame burns and medical investigators estimated that 15%-20% of the deaths were caused by radiation.

Witnesses “stated that people who were in the open directly under the explosion of the bomb were so severely burned that the skin was charred dark brown or black and that they died within a few minutes or hours,” according to the 1946 report.  “Among the survivors, the burned areas of the skin showed evidence of burns almost immediately after the explosion.  At first there was marked redness, and other evidence of thermal burns appeared within the next few minutes or hours”.

Many victims kept their arms outstretched because it was too painful to allow them to hang at their sides and rub against their bodies.  One survivor recalled seeing victims “with both arms so severely burned that all the skin was hanging from their arms down to their nails, and others having faces swollen like bread, losing their eyesight. It was like ghosts walking in procession …  Some jumped into a river because of their serious burns. The river was filled with the wounded and blood”.

The number of fatalities at Hiroshima has been estimated at 140,000.  A nuclear attack on Nagasaki three days later is thought to have killed 70,000.  Today, according to Dallas, 15-kiloton nuclear weapons of the type used on Japan are referred to by experts as “firecracker nukes” due to their relative weakness.

In addition to killing more than 5.5 million people, a strike on Tehran involving five 250-kiloton weapons  –  each of them 16 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima  –  would result in an estimated 803,000 third-degree burn victims, with close to 300,000 others suffering second degree burns, and 750,000 to 880,000 people severely exposed to radiation. “Those people with thermal burns over most of their bodies we can’t help,” says Dallas.

“Most of these people are not going to survive … there is no saving them.  They’ll be in intense agony”.  As you move out further from the site of the blast, he says, “it actually gets worse.  As the damage decreases, the pain increases, because you’re not numb”.

In a best case scenario, there would be 1,000 critically injured victims for every surviving doctor but “it will probably be worse,” according to Dallas.  Whatever remains of Tehran’s healthcare system will be inundated with an estimated 1.5 million trauma sufferers.  In a feat of understatement, the researchers report that survivors “presenting with combined injuries including either thermal burns or radiation poisoning are unlikely to have favorable outcomes”.

Iranian government officials did not respond to a request for information about how Tehran would cope in the event of a nuclear attack.  When asked if the US military could provide humanitarian aid to Iran after such a strike, a spokesman for Central Command, whose area of responsibility includes the Middle East, was circumspect.  “US Central Command plans for a wide range of contingencies to be prepared to provide options to the Secretary of Defense and the President,” he told this reporter.


Nick Turse is the managing editor of and a fellow at the Nation Institute.  An award-winning journalist, his work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the Nation, and regularly at TomDispatch. He is the author most recently of the New York Times bestseller Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam (The American Empire Project, Metropolitan Books).

TomDispatch – (Copyright 2013 Nick Turse.)

Money 666 & The End of Humanity

Money 666 & The End of Humanity !

Money, As our world shakes and reels from the shock waves of the current financial crisis; there are still those who believe naively that what is now occurring is part of some cyclical `ebb and flow` in the evolution of the worlds financial markets, which will in time, begin to recover and once again, the good times will return.   I have some bad news for those `optimists`! There will be no recovery. What is happening now is as David Icke has written at length, part of a grand strategy to create a New World Order, a `One World State` with a World Government, World Army, World Bank, World Currency, World Religion and a vastly reduced population of micro chipped slaves.

Money is 666 and Money is the mark of the beast -

Money as we know it will soon cease to exist. In it’s place will be `Electronic Money`, initially utilised via `Biometric ID Cards` being introduced at the moment in the UK and elsewhere, which in turn will be replaced by `Personal Microchips` replete with RFID technology. This `progress` will be sold to the public on the basis of being to everyone’s advantage. Never again will our children be vulnerable to `capture and abuse` for we will know where they are at all times (as will the State for the rest of their lives) and our `money` will be `un-stealable` (except by the State).

The Mark of The Beast are BARCODES !

Of course, one must consider what happens if our `microchip` gets switched off? Perhaps because we are not complying fully with the plethora of ever more personally restrictive legislation certain to be introduced in order to dictate and micromanage our every action, and even our every thought. Simply put, unlike at the moment, when if our Credit Card fails to `perform` you can just use cash. When there is no cash, and your `chip` is `down. You steal or starve!   The above verse at the top of this page from the Book of Revelations is prophetic indeed, and we are moving ever closer to the time that without that `mark`, or in our case, chip, we will be unable to survive.

The economic aspect and goal of the Illuminati as stated in paragraph two is a world currency. In order to effect this, it has been necessary to degrade the independent national currencies. The introduction of the Euro was a stepping stone towards this, and the current economic woes being felt in the UK are undoubtedly intended to drag that once proud nation `kicking and screaming` into the `single currency`. But again, the Euro was never intended as and end in itself. Only an `increment` towards the final solution to the Luciferian Illuminati’s goal of world domination, and their world money system.   But before any such `takeover` could be realised, there was a major `stumbling block`; The United States Dollar, and for the past thirty or so years, that proud and once independent symbol of the `Land Of The Free` has been under a relentless and remorseless attack.

The US Dollar vs The Euro.   The Dollar and the Euro died and no one attended the funeral. In fact, few even realised that the former giant of global finance had passed away. There are of course those who still cling desperately to the hope that there will be a recovery, and that the `eternal green back` like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, will bounce back and again take it’s rightful place on the throne of all the worlds currencies. But in truth, the chances of that happening are slim to none.   The Dollar is dead! Only the murderers themselves know the exact moment the `hit` took place.

The Mark of The Beast Barcodes -

CYPRUS IS A TEST – Take the Money and See what they Do !

Many believe that the life force of the Dollar first began to wane back in January 1980, when the clamour for gold began. Within days, Speculators, Investors and the average `Joe’s and Joans` had `bid up` Gold prices to an astonishing $875 an ounce. The rumours that the once mighty dollar was earmarked for `extermination` was out, and the world was turning to the only commodity which had traditionally assured security; Gold.   The Illuminati schemers through US government debt and conspiratorial acts succeeded in diminishing the value of the Dollar significantly.

The second blow came in August 1982, just as the IMF was about to begin it’s annual meeting in Toronto. That month, Mexico, Brazil and a host of other nations, deeply indebted to the US declared themselves unable to pay. Mexico alone owed $64 Billion. The total sum involved was close to $94 Billion.   It became apparent even then that the Dollar was living on `borrowed` time. There can’t be many today who take even a rudimentary interest in world affairs who do not realise that the US Dollar (along with all the other currencies) is nothing more than a worthless piece of paper. But be warned, the `new money` will be worth even less.

After Cyprus – The rest of us will follow !

What has happened during the past twelve or so months should come as a shock to nobody. In his book `Delicate Balance`, John Zajac warned;    ” The financial system of the free world is on the verge of a major catastrophe. In fact, it almost collapsed in the summer of 1983, and the US Government Printing Office was ready to print `new money` in case it did”.   In reality, the Dollar like the other major currencies is not held up by Gold or Silver, but by the blind faith of the people, which is all that causes it to be acceptable for trade and commerce. As Zajac writes,   “All it would take to collapse the world’s financial system is the realisation that paper money is only paper.

After all, it has no intrinsic value, unlike something that can be used, manufactured or eaten”. Most wealth is not even in the form of money any more; it is represented by a piece of paper (deposit slip) that a bank gives you symbolising the wealth you gave to it. Since the bank lent your money to somebody else, it cannot return it to you any more. The person who borrowed your `money` from your bank bought something, and the person or company who sold it to him put the money in some other bank and received another paper slip for it. That bank immediately lent the money to someone else.

Today, every paper dollar is claimed by at least six sources: the person who deposited it, the bank, the person who sold something to the borrower from the bank. This third person’s bank, the person who borrowed from the second bank, and the person who sold goods or services to the second banks’ borrower”.   The New Money.   This `conspiracy` to subvert America and create a One World Imperium has been in the works not for years, but Millennia. In order to achieve their evil goals, the Illuminati have spared neither `The Rod nor Money`.

The 3 Secrets of Fatima : 1914 – 1939 and … 2017 – 2018 & 2019 ?

They have brought our planet to the brink twice already, in 1914 and 1939 and they are prepared if necessary to do it again. They are well versed in creating problems which demand solutions. Their solutions.   Long ago, the Bible, prophesied uncannily our global situation today:   But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.

2 Timothy 3:1-5.   Using the Hegelian Dialectic, or what David Icke has termed `problem, reaction, solution`, the would be world masters have created the conditions for a total collapse of the planet’s financial infrastructure. When this happens, in the not at all distant future, the terrified masses will cry out for someone to `do something`. That something will be the `new money`.   Although in actuality dead, the illusion that the Dollar is still alive, if only in name alone gives some hope at least to all those American’s whose lives are invested in that small piece of paper. But the day approaches when the `truth` will come out and millions of lives will be destroyed, not only in America, but in Europe, Japan, and around the world.

Mark of the Beast : We Have Already Got it !

As those who survive scream out in pain for help, the `great rescue` will be announced; The New Money. Their One World Currency, which will be issued to all the people of the world, sharply controlled by the few `Superbanks` remaining, and issued `Electronically`, either in the form of an ID Card, or more likely as the personal micro chip.   He Who Controls The Money.   Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty is quoted as having said,   “Give me control over a nations money and I care not who makes its laws”.   It goes without saying that whoever controls the money controls the country, or in this case, the World. Senator Ron Paul said, ” If you control the money, you actually control every transaction that exists in this country”.

The Mark of The Beast -

When you read The Book of Revelation, all of us will see what the Mark of The Beast is, the number 666 only will be seen on ONE THING : The Universal Product Code (BARCODES) !!! Every BARCODE has one thing in commen : It STARTS, ENDS and has the SAME BAR in the MIDDLE : 3 Barcodes are ALWAYS coming back and are the same, each barcode represent a number. The FIRST, MIDDLE and LAST are ALWAYS the NUMBER 6 !!! Just read REVELATION 13 for the answer.

If you have control over money, you can do just about what you like with people. Since the beginnings of civilisation, Kings, Emperors, Popes, Dictators and a selection of Illuminati `frontmen` have attempted to establish control over the lives of the people by controlling the money. But who are and what is the Illuminati? As David Livingstone, the Canadian Historian and Author writes in his book, `Terrorism and The Illuminati`,   “The Illuminati claim to be descended of Fallen Angels, who taught them the “Ancient Wisdom“, also known as the Kabbalah, which they have been preserving throughout the centuries.

These Fallen Angels are referred to in the Bible, Book of Genesis, as the Nephilim, or “Sons of God”, and were said to have descended to earth and intermarried with human beings. Christian interpretations struggle with the passage, choosing to translate the term into “mighty men”. However, apocryphal Jewish texts explain that they were the devil and his legions, who were cast out of Heaven, and took wives from the female descendants of Cain. They produced a race known as the Anakim..

These Luciferians have been carefully intermarrying amongst each other, and have included among them many of the leading figures of history. They begin with a Persian Royal family, who intermarried with that of Alexander the Great. By combining with that of Herod the Great, these families were responsible for the creation and dissemination of the leading mystery school of the Roman Empire, the Mysteries of Mithras, which eventually succeeded in co-opting the emerging Christian movement, by producing Catholic Christianity”.

Hope of the World will be Russia (Edgar Cayce)

In this first short example, Cayce – in the 1930s – indicated the ‘sins’ of the key nations:    America – has forgotten “in God we trust”  England – conceit  France – lust  China – isolationism  India – internalization of knowledge  Italy – dissensions. He said “Russia will become beacons of hope for the world.”  The statement about the ‘conceit’ (of the Zionist London Banksters?) in England is extraordinary.  Just look at the Zionist conquest of Europe under the EU.  The comment about America having forgotten “in God we Trust” is beyond eerily accurate.  Remember, these statements were made in the 1930s.

“Unless there is more give and take and consideration for those who produce, with better division of the excess profits from labor, there must be greater turmoil in the land.”
Through Russia, Cayce said “comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”

Cayce also predicted the possibility of a THIRD World War. He spoke of strifes arising…”in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above the Persian Gulf.” This is HAPPENING AT THIS MOMENT !!!

World War III – The solution for the financial crisis !

An in depth analysis of who and what the `Illuminati` is/are is beyond the scope of this essay, but for anyone wishing to acquire a comprehensive overview of them, their history, their plan and who they are, I highly recommend Mr Livingstone’s excellent work.   Suffice to say, there is a core of 13 families who trace their lineage back to the near east into Biblical times, and they include the Royal Heads of Europe, Presidents of the US (a huge number of whom are interrelated with the European Royal Houses), the leading Industrialists, Media Tycoons, Bankers and generally, the ruling global caste.

They are worshippers of Lucifer, and operate through a vast array of secret societies and `front groups`.   Emmanuel Swedenbourg, a Swedish Mystic wrote in 1748;   “I spoke with mystics concerning the possession of money…Certain spirits are of such a character derived from the light of the body (when their spirits were in human flesh) that they wish to possess money for money’s sake, not for any other use, than to be delighted with money… They have said that they desired it on account of delight at the sight of money, silver and gold”   Many will dismiss this aspect of the Global takeover as the `stuff and nonsense` of conspiracy theories, but I would suggest that before jumping to any such conclusions, the reader take the time necessary to investigate the interconnecting bloodlines of the above intimated 13 families and realise that those involved are very serious indeed about their lineage and their believed right to rule, we the people.

A Global Financial Crisis

Global Solutions` are needed. As the current manipulated, orchestrated and designed global financial crisis worsens, people around the world will notice that their `money` will not cover even the barest necessities. This is part of the `softening up` process which will slowly prepare people for the `hammer blow` planned. This is the purpose of the much vaunted monetary crisis. As life becomes impossible and unbearable, people will be willing to accept the planned change just to get some financial relief. In fact they will demand it.

Our world is being driven into a global depression much worse than anything previously experienced. Facing financial disaster, the people around the world, and particularly in the `developed countries` will quite likely decide that the `new money` is better than none at all. This is exactly what the designers of the plan hope for. These manipulators of populations will not only be aided by the crisis and the ensuing panic, they will benefit financially as they buy up stocks and shares at rock bottom prices and then at the given time, when their ends have been fulfilled, they create an artificial `boom` which will raise the value of the above and when the dust settles, even more of the planet’s wealth will be in their hands.   They will further justify albeit highly erroneously, the move towards a universal electronic money system by fraudulently claiming that it will stop money laundering and other criminal activities.

And that when the new money goes `online` and all other currency is declared worthless, then the relevant tax authorities will be able to scrutinise who has been hiding money and using it for criminal purposes. The criminals will be unmasked they will claim.   But as ever, the reality will be quite different. The international criminals, have most of their money deposited in the `Megabanks` owned by the Illuminati creators of the crisis in the first place. Only a tiny percentage of their ill gotten gain is held in Dollars or Euros and the like.

As is invariably the case, the so called `Terrorists`, Mafioso and Drug Cartels will be able to retain the proceeds of their criminal activities because in the main, they are either working for, with or colluding with the bankers. Those fellow travellers in thrall to the Illuminati will of course receive advance warning of any crash and will be protected because of this privileged knowledge. As usual, it will be the honest hard working men and women who will suffer when the `robbery` takes place.   It’s All For The Best.   The great `money swap` will probably go something like this: The Governments of the various nations around the world will call in all money in current use. An announcement will be made that money previously in circulation is worthless.

People will be required to hand in all of their paper money and Credit/Debit cards and will either be issued at their own cost (setting them from the beginning in debt) with either an Electronic `Smart Card` in the form of a Biometric ID. Or, a `Personal RFID Microchip`, on which will be stored every piece of personal information imaginable along with remote accessibility and who knows, controllability also.   With all paper money taken out of circulation, and eventually, once the `smart card ` initiative is shown to be unreliable, the foretold `mark of the beast` upon humanity, in the form of the RFID Microchip, the `Book Of Revelations` will be vindicated. Of course, it will all be sold as being for the good of all people, and again, the fact that an embedded chip is far more difficult to steal than cash will likely be one of the selling points. But how many ready to accept the new money will realise the contra indicators. William Raspberry, Former Editorialist for the Washington Post wrote this about the intent to introduce `E-Money`

“The benefits of replacing cash will be incalculable. No cash to smuggle. The sale of illegal drugs would cease since no one would want a record of it’s transaction. The spread of AIDs would be curtailed as drug abuse ends. The cost of government would go down, as would the cost of private business. Tax evasion, payment in cash to avoid sales tax, or failure to report cash income would end. The national debt could be reduced: stolen items could not be sold without a trace. Personal Security would be assured. Little old ladies could walk in the park again”.   Raspberry also mentioned, more ominously when one understand the agenda, that every single transaction would create a record which could then be used for criminal investigations, as cheques, bank accounts and credit card records are used presently.

Yes, and much much more.  With a whole database backing up this new `E-money/personal identity system, life will be come increasingly like the words of the song by the Rock Group `The Police`…   “Every breath you take, every move you make, every claim you stake, I’ll be watching you”.   This `Control Zone Utopia` is what the power hungry self styled lords of money envision for mankind. As mentioned above, this development will give the `Hidden Masters` untold control over people’s lives, their very existence even, and the incentives to be a good `citizen` will be sharply increased. Nobody will want their ID card refused, or Chip switched off. And how many of those begging to be saved from their economic misery when accepting the `new money` will stop and realize that with it’s introduction, their new lords and masters will have gained complete and utter control over their lives, exactly as prophesied in the Bible during the `Last Days`.

Source : Rense and mostly own research.

Discover Magazine’s top 10 science story for 2012 !

Discover Magazine’s top 10 science story for 2012 !

Discover Magazine picked the likely discovery of the Higgs Boson particle by CERN as the No. 1 science story of 2012.

Discover Magazine Top 10

  1. Higgs Boson Particle by CERN !
  2. Opportunity’s landing on Mars !
  3. Mapping microbes in the human gut (possible cures to colitis, Chrones, asthma and cancer) !
  4. Earth’s extreme weather – Record ice melts, flooding, superstorms, etc. (very strange, a number of other climate change stories also made the top 100 stories, but Discover listed them separately, rather than as one issue.
  5. Older fathers create more genetic mutations in their children !
  6. Era of private spaceflight begins !
  7. Mind-controlled robots !
  8. Universe’s dark matter mapped !
  9. Social media causing sleep disorders !
  10. Natural gas boom !

Others in the top 100

11. Solar energy boom in Germany !

12. Alien planet found around Alpha Centuri !

22. Superstorm Sandy !

31. Arctic ice melt accelerates !

37. Hidden ocean found on Titan !

39. Changes made to psychiactric diagnostic manual !

40. Type of brain cancer found to be caused by genes fusing !

41. Arsenic based life form found in Mono Lake discredited !

44. Experiment showing particles going faster than light shown to be flawed; Einstein’s theory of relativity upheld !

45. Highest skydive ever at 128,000 feet !

47. Wolves removed from Endangered Species List; wolf hunting begins again in the U.S. !

56. Voyager I leaves edge of the solar system !

57. Mumps and measles rebound !

82. Whooping cough near-epidemic !

90. Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride die !

91. Ray Bradbury dies (not sure he was a scientist at all) !

99. Polio virus nearly extinct, but survives in Afghanisatan, Pakistan and Nigeria !

Top 10 science story for 2012

Source : Discovery Magazine

Prophecies for 2013

Prophecies for 2013

Prophecy 2013 – 1

If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time.

Prophecy 2013 – 2

Most dangerous time since 1962 Cuba Crisis will come – Nuclear Weapons in Iran and North-Korea ! Conflict coming ?

Prophecy 2013 – 3

The world is in danger of a large conflict larger than world war II in 2013-2015, all depends making the wright decision when the moment will come. (Prophecy # 2)

Prophecy 2013 – 4

Solar activity will peak “as never seen before” in 2013 – Sun is connected to what world leaders will do (Prophecy # 2/3). When the wrong decision will be made you will see clear signs in the sky before the third great war will start. This sign happened also before the start of World War II ! When the correct decision is made, we have more time.

Prophecy 2013 – 5

The 265th Pope Benedict XVI will die /resign / be gone this year.

Prophecy 2013 – 6

The 266th Pope will be elected as prophesied in 2010 / 2011 – 75% black pope or Asian / S-American pope. This pope will rule during the last tribulation. Peter The Roman, as named by St-Malachy could be a “good pope”, times of change we can believe in, the end of the current Catholic church, the start of a new one.

Prophecy 2013 – 7

Earthquakes will (again) get worse in 2013, possibility of a + 8,5 earthquake in the areas around the “ring of fire”.

Prophecy 2013 – 8

Following Nostradamus prediction the last 3 1/2 years will start in the beginning of the year 2013! X.42 The humane kingdom of an Anglic offspring, Will make his reign peace and union to have: Captive war in the middle of its enclosure, (For a) Long time will make them keep the peace. X.42 -Le regne humain d’ Anglique geniture, Fera son regne paix union tenir: Captice guerre demy de sa closture, Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir. X.42 El reino humano de Anglica progenie Hara en su reino paz y union tener: Cautiva guerra en la mitad de su recinto, (Por) Largo tiempo la paz les hara mantener. X.42 Il regno umano d’ Anglica progenitura Fara il suo regno pace ed unione avere: Circoscritta guerra a meta del suo recinto, (Per) Lungo tempo la pace loro fara mantenere. Also this prophecy could be early when humanity takes the correct path.

Prophecy 2013 – 9

A larger conflict will erupt in the Middle East, it will become clear that Iran already has the bomb. An attack from Israel is imminent and in current prophecy could start as soon as 2013-2014.

Prophecy 2013 – 10

New terror attacks can be expected in the US and/or Europe before a possible attack on Iran / N.Korea or Syria. When Solar Flares become bigger things should become worse then before. Watch for smaller terror attacks than 9/11 on the US before the large strike comes. Burning building with a loth of windows, people running (Read Lost Book of Nostradamus).

Prophecy 2013 – 11

The AntiChrist will starts to “appear”, people will not know he is the Antichrist at the time, they will believe he comes in peace as predicted. From the second half of 2013 – End of 2014 it will become more clear who is the Antichrist and the predicted “Third Antichrist”.

Prophecy 2013 – 12

More problems can come from North Korea, the world will watch the North, they should watch the Middle East / Iran. N.Korea is working together with Iran and China / Russia.

Prophecy 2013 – 13

The Time of Trial on Earth, Judgement Day, Time of Great Purification, End of this Creation, Quickening, The End of Time as We Know It, The Shift of the Ages, Judgement Day will start in 2013-2014.

Prophecy 2013 – 14

It is foretold that the completion of the Precession brings regeneration of Earth, offering “awakening” to all open, willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines. (See 2012 Prophecies).

Prophecy 2013 – 15

Queen Elizabeth To Abdicate in 2013 or 2014, latest 2015.

Prophecy 2013 – 16

We are since Dec 11th 2009 in the process of this transition from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date – The date 12-21-2012 was the start of the final 3 1/2 years as predicted in several old documents, between 12.21.2012 and 06.03.2016 all will happen what prophets wrote in the death sea scrolls (the warscroll) the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and The Lost Book of Nostradamus !

Prophecy 2013 – 17

They will keep secret : Higher ansd even more Radiation levels in Japan will sikken the island and the rest of the world. Leaders of Japan will try to keep the large radiation levels secret so there will be no panic, people can’t flee from the Island. The Disaster is worse than Tsjernobyl.

Nostradamus X.49 Garden of the world near the Great City In the way of the man made mountains, Shall be siezed on and plunged to the ferment, Being forced to drink sulphurous poisoned waters Current Evaluations : – Last (anti)pope will be Black, Asian or S-American – Pius the Bad or a second Petrus, the good one ? – Vulcanic Eruption Vesuvius – Pelé – World War III (WWIII) start area Libya Egypt Iran Davis Straits (since 2010 Baba Vanga) – New Island will be born – Revelation of Iran Nukes by June 2013 – Large West Coast Disaster imminent – Age of the Fifth Sun starts early 2013 – This time period is ruled by 4 Earth. This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Earth (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings, including: movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, turtle. In the Maya language, the word “ol” of ollin means consciousness. Mayan long count prophesied a new beginning after the old dies, the old will die in 2013 – We are being invited to realize that we are Time. We are the Living Prophecy. The Synchronic Order of Natural Time governs the unfolding of our lives. Time’s cycles are found within our bodies and within Nature’s daily rhythms and cyclic seasons. We have forgotten this, thinking that time is money or that time is the clock, or the relentless progression of work weeks and weekends. Time is the ever-changing, unfolding Now as it synchronistically coordinates the Whole living Universe. The 2012 prophecy is further unfolding in 2013 !

Prophecies for 2013

Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013 – Prophecies for 2013