Prophecy involves a process in which one or more messages are allegedly communicated by a god. Such messages typically involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of divine will concerning the prophet's social world and events to come (compare divine knowledge). Prophecy is not limited to any one culture. It is a common property to all known ancient societies around the world, some more than others. Many systems and rules about prophecy have been proposed over several millennia.

Hindu Prophecies

Predictions : The Kalki Purana
Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to birth, age after age. (Bhagavad Gita, Book IV, Sutra 5, 7, 8)
Bhagavad Gita – The holy book of the Hindus
The famous quotation from the Bhagavad Gita, which is the holy book of the Hindus, is the basis of their belief that God (Lord Vishnu) takes birth on the earth as an Avatar or incarnation and as a saviour of the humanity in order to cleanse the world of evil and re-establish Dharma or Law when the human society reaches the nadir of moral and cultural values, and lose all awareness of what is right and wrong.
The Hindu texts called Puranas tell the story of various Avatars of Vishnu, including his last avatar Buddha. The texts also prophesize of a future Avatar of Vishnu called Kalki who will appear at the end of the present age called the Age of Koli (untruth) or Koli Yug.
Hindus believe that time revolves in a cyclical manner beginning with Satya Yug or the Age of Truth. Then comes Treta Yug, Dwapar Yug and finally Koli Yug. After that comes annihilation and re-initiation of the Satya Yug or Kritya Yug – the age of purity. Thus, the Hindus do not believe in the End of the World but in the cyclical nature of Time. The perspective of the Hindu religion is, thus, much wider than the Semitic religions and it automatically implies the fact that there were other human civilizations before the great flood, which is also mentioned in the Hindu texts.
The prophecies of the future Avtar Kalki has been mentioned in some of the Puranas, notably Vishnu Purana and Kalki Purana. These texts provide an amazing description of the signs of the Koli Age in which we are presently existing and the actions of Kalki in his endeavour of annihilating evil from the world. Much of the texts are full of religious and spiritual fervour and the names of the various persons mentioned there seem to be Hindu names and the names of places seem to be either places in India or in some cases unidentified places. We have to keep an open mind in this matter.
All religions claim that the Messiah will come from their own religion and the names of persons and places mentioned are similar to their own. The truth is that the Messiah will not propagate any existing religion but will usher in the true path of spirituality, a sort of universal religion. It is possible that some of the names provided are close to the actual names of the concerned persons and places, inspite of being described in local terms.

The Signs of the Koli Age

Those who are known as twice-born (Brahmins) are devoid of the Vedas, narrow-minded and always engaged in the service of the Sudras (low-born castes); they are fond of carnal desires, seller of religion, seller of the Vedas, untouchable and seller of juices; they sell meat, are cruel, engaged in sexual gratification and gratification of their appetite, attached to others’ wives, drunk and producer of cross-breeds; have a low life-span, mix with lowly people and consider their brother-in-law as the only friend. They like constant confrontation and are fond of argument, discontent, fond of jewellery, hair and style.
The wealthy are respected as high-born and Brahmins are respected only if they are lenders; Men are merciful only when they are unable to harm others; express displeasure towards the poor; talk excessively to express erudition and carry out religious work to be famous; Monks are attached to homes in this Koli Age and the homeless are devoid of any morality; Men of this age deride their teachers, display false religious affinity but tricks the good people; Sudras in Koli are always engaged in taking over others’ possessions; in Koli, marriage takes place simply because the man and the woman agree to do so;
Men engages in friendship with the crooked and show magnanimity while returning favours; Men are considered pious only if they are wealthy and treat only far-away waters (lands) as places of pilgrimage; Men are considered Brahmins simply because they have the sacred thread around their body and as explorers, simply because they have a stick in their hand; the Earth becomes infertile, rivers hit the banks, wives take pleasure in speaking like prostitutes and their minds are not attracted towards their husbands;
Brahmins become greedy for others’ food, the low-born castes are not averse to becoming priests, wives mix freely even after they become widows; the clouds release rain irregularly, the land becomes infertile, the kings kill their subjects, the people are burdened with taxes; they survive by eating honey, meat, fruits and roots; in the first quarter of the Koli Age, people deride God; in the second quarter, people do not even pronounce God’s name;
In the third quarter, men become cross-breeds; in the fourth quarter, men become the same (uniform) breed; nothing called race exists anymore; they forget God and pious works become extinct. (Kalki Purana, I[1], Verses 23-38)

The appearance of Kalki

When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law, shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Koli age shall be nigh, a portion of that Divine Being who exists of his own spiritual nature, in the character of Brahma, and who is the Beginning and the End, and who comprehends all things shall descend upon the earth. He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent Brahmin, of Shambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. By his irresistible might, He will destroy all the barbarians and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then re-establish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Koli age, shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time, shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Kritya Age, the Age of Purity. (Vishnu Purana 4.24)
Afterwards, Sumati, the wife of Vishnujasha became pregnant…. Kalki descended to earth (as a human) in the month of Baisakha on the 12th day after the full moon (Kalki Purana, I, Verses 11 and 15)
Kalki is born to a man named Vishnujasha and a woman named Sumati in the Hindu month of Baisakha, which starts from 14th or 15th April and lasts till 14th or 15th May. So, Kalki will be born 12 days from the full moon day (after 14th/15th April), which can be anytime between 26th April to 15th May. I[2]. V.31 also says that he had three elder brothers. According to I[2] V.32, the King of the land where Kalki is born is named Vishakhjupa. As per I[2] V.4, the mission of Kalki’s life is to destroy Koli – the equivalent of the Anti-Christ (in whose name the present age is named). Koli signifies a person as well as the vices which are peculiar to this age. As per I[3], V.25 Kalki was given a white horse, which he rode during his conquests all over the world. In fact Kalki is always symbolized as riding a white horse. Compare this with the Revelations :
19:11 I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called Faithful and True. In righteousness he judges and makes war.
The marriage of Kalki
You shall go to Sinhala, marry your beloved Padma and start your conjugal life…. You will then set out to conquer the world and defeat the Kings allied to Koli, defeat the Buddhists and hand over the rule to the pious kings named Devapi and Maru. (Kalki Purana, I, Verses 9 & 10)
The wife of Kalki is named Padma who lives in Sinhala, which is commonly known as Sri Lanka. However, as I mentioned before, this may be an allegorical reference to an island nation, separate from his own country. In his endeavour to conquer the “Buddhists” and other kings, he will be assisted by two kings allied to him, apart from the king of the country in which he is born to and many other friends.
This island (Sinhala) is situated on the other side of the shore. The island has pure water and is full of people. Full of various types of Aircrafts and decorated with jewellery. The beauty of the island is enhanced by huge buildings and flags and gates decorated in front of them. (Kalki Purana, II,  Verses 39, 40, 41)
The interesting part of the description of the island where Kalki’s wife-to-be stays is that apart from the huge buildings that the island city has, its sky is also full of Aircrafts! (called Vimana in Indian literature). We come to know from other sources that the name of the city where she stays is named Karumoti.
He (the father of the bride) gave away Padma for marriage to Kalki as per the traditions. The “King of the World”, Kalki after having his wife and having been well received by the gentlemen of the island, expressed his desire to stay in the island of Sinhala for a while in order to see the island. (Kalki Purana, II, Verses 15, 16)
Padma is fair and Kalki is dark, both are opposites to each other (Kalki Purana, II, Verse 19)
Kalki, the annihilator of Koli forgot his mission and stayed there happily in that home (in Shambhala) for many years…Padma gave birth to two sons named Joy and Vijoy who were powerful and famous. (Kalki Purana, II, Verses 32 and 36)

Kalki’s war with China (or maybe, North Korea)

The great conqueror, Kalki then paid homage to his father and started for conquering Kikatpur with his army. The Buddhists live in that city. The residents of that city do not worship God or their forefathers. They do not fear after-life. Other than the body, they do not believe in any soul. They do not have any pride in their lineage or in their race; money, marriage etc. are insignificant to them. People of that place eat and drink a variety of things. When Jin (the leader) heard that Kalki has come to fight them, he gathered a huge army and went out of the city to fight Him. (Kalki Purana, II, Verses 40 to 44)
Although the city of Kikatpur is unidentified, yet it is specified that “Buddhists” live there. But the descriptions of the belief of those people are anything but Buddhist and are more in consonance with the ideology of the Communists, i.e. people who do not worship God, do not believe in after-life, soul, race and the significance of wealth and give the collective more importance than the individual.
The choice of foods of the Chinese (or Koreans) are also considered exotic in other parts of the world. Interestingly, the name of the leader is also mentioned as “Jin“. As we all know, Jin, Xin or Xian are very common names among the Chinese. On 15th March 2003 the Chinese Communist Party elected Hu Jintao as the new President of China. By religion, China (or Korea) is predominantly Buddhist, although no religion is allowed to be openly practiced under the Communist rule. Thus the description of the belief of the people and their religion are not contradictory but very appropriate.

Hindu Prophecies

He (Jin) took up various types of arms and started war with Kalki. Even the Gods were surprised by the techniques of war adopted by Jin. Jin injured Kalki’s horse with a javelin and made him disoriented and unconscious and attempted to take him away, but could not lift him…On seeing that, King Vishakhjupa got angry and encountered Jin and picked up unconscious Kalki in his own chariot. Kalki regained his consciousness in a while and encouraged his soldiers; following that, he rushed towards Jin after getting down from the chariot of Vishakhjupa. (Kalki Purana, II, Verses 5, 6, 8, 9)
It seems that Jin was not a mean enemy and Kalki did not have a smooth ride either and had his moments of ups and downs. Of course this is what is expected if a western force confronts the mighty Chinese army, the biggest in the world in terms of numbers.
Soon, Garga (associate of Kalki) and his army killed 6000 Buddhist soldiers. Bharga and his soldiers killed and injured 11 million enemy soldiers and his mighty allies killed 2500 of them. Kobi along with his sons killed 2 million enemy soldiers, Pragya killed 1 million and Sumantu killed 5 million soldiers. (Kalki Purana, II, Verses 5, 6, 8, 9)
It seems that Kalki and his allies kill or injure an army which is almost 20 million strong. An army of this huge proportions can only be assembled by a country like China and its allies. Thus, the attack on the city of Kikatpur does not merely represent an attack on a city but on a country, probably in alliance with others.
Soon Kalki smiled and said unto Jin – O Sinner ! Don’t flee but come and face me…Soon your body will be pierced with my arrows. Soon you shall depart from this world. Then, no one will go along with you. So, you and your allies surrender before me. On hearing the words of Kalki, mighty Jin said “The fate can never be seen. I am a materialist, Buddhist. Nothing but the perceptible are accepted by us. The unseen and the imperceptible are banished by us. Hence your effort is fruitless. Even if you are Godly, I am before you; see if you manage to kill me. In that event, will the Buddhists forgive you? (Kalki Purana, II, Verses 15 to 18)
Once again, the ideology of Jin is apparent from his own words. This is contrary to what the Buddhists profess – Buddhists believe in fate, soul and rebirth like the Hindus. But this “Buddhist” does not believe in fate or the imperceptible and this ideology is not the ideology of any religion, but that of Communism. But for communism, China would have been the world’s largest Buddhist country and its people, at least in private, still follow the religion. Verse 26 describes the death of Jin in the hands of Kalki. The next few verses describe the battle between Suddhodhan, the brother of Jin and the forces of Kalki, in which the former manage to inflict some heavy damages on the forces of Kalki, using, among other things an weapon if illusion (Maya). Ultimately Kalki managed to defeat the Buddhist forces who either died, lay injured or fled the battlefield.
But it was not the end of the war yet. On the verge of the defeat of the “Buddhist” army, their womenfolk gathered to battle Kalki and his allies. This is quite unprecedented in the annals of Hindu epics or for that matter, history and stories from anywhere in the world.
The wives of the Buddhists, gathered for battle riding on chariots, birds, horses, camels and bulls to defend their husbands. These beautiful, powerful young ladies devoted to their husbands did not seek the shelter of their children. These glorious women, dressed in battle-gear and various jewellery came to the battlefield armed with swords, power-weapons, arrows and javelins. In their hands were heavenly rings.
These beautiful women consisted of hair dressers, women devoted to husbands (house-wives) and even prostitutes. These women, troubled by the death of their husbands and fathers came forth to fight the army of Kalki. People even care to protect objects like soil, ashes, wood etc. Therefore, how can these women tolerate the death of their husbands in their presence? The womenfolk of the Buddhists, seeing their husbands injured and troubled came in front of them and started to fight the soldiers of Kalki. Seeing the women take to battle, the soldiers of Kalki were amazed and came to Kalki to inform him about the whole matter in details. Hearing this, Kalki, clever as he is, arrived there on a chariot accompanied by his allies and army with a cheerful mind. Seeing the women astride in various types of vehicles, standing in formations, Kalki started saying “Ladies, please hear what I have to say. It is against the principles for men to fight against women…” (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 11 to 20)
We can guess that Kalki indulged in intense diplomacy to dissuade the women from fighting. Kalki Purana describes in the next few verses the words of Kalki which can be called the unashamed flattery of the women by Kalki. Though not quite relevant, it will show that the Kalki Purana is not simply a text of war and conquest and gloom and doom that we associate these times with. Rather, it shows the human and the spiritual aspects of the whole war.
…On your beautiful moon-like face, falls the locks of fine hair. Everyone’s mind become cheerful on seeing this. Which man can hit on such a face? On these beautiful faces are a pair of eyes like lotus with long eyelashes and dark pupil. Which man can hit such a face? Your breasts are decorated like the necklace of Shiva. Even the pride of the cupid gets hurt on seeing this. Which man can hit on such a place? Which man can hit the spotless face of a woman on which play the locks of fine hairs from the head? Which man can hit your slim waists weighed down by breasts and decorated by very fine body-hair? Can any man shoot an arrow in your eye-soothing and feminine pubic area covered by fine hair and untouched by sin? Hearing these words of Kalki, the infidel-women smiled and said – “Sir !  When our husbands died in your hand, we too have died”. Saying this, the women prepared to kill Kalki. (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 21 to 27)
All such attempts of eulogizing femininity by Kalki cut no ice with the women. At this point of time however, a miracle happened which persuaded the women from fighting Kalki :
…However the weapons remained in their hands. The various weapons metamorphosed and stood before the infidel-women decorated in gold and said “Ladies! Do ye know Kalki as the Supreme God, empowered by whom we take the lives of living beings. Have confidence in our words. On His command we propagate and on his glory we have attained various forms and by His mercy we have become renowned. By His empowerment does the five elements carry out their own actions. He is the Supreme Being Himself. Under His wishes has the nature created the whole Universe. The creation and the continuity of the creation is nothing but His action. He is the Beginning and the End, from Him arise all the holy things in the world.
It is He, who is our husband, our wife, son, friend and relative. From Him comes forth all these illusion-like happenings. Those who know that life and death are nothing but coming and going under the influence of love, affection and fondness, those who are devoid of any feelings of anger and hate, who are the devotees of Kalki, they know the above illusion-like happenings as false. How was Time created? Where does death come from? Who is Yama (Death incarnate and lord of the underworld)? Who are the Gods? By His illusion, it is Kalki who has become many. O Ladies! We are not weapons and no one gets hurt by us. He is the weapon and it is he who hits. These distinctions are nothing but the illusion (Maya) created by the Supreme Being. …
We cannot hit the devotees of Kalki. Hearing the words of the weapons, the women were surprised. They shed their illusion of attachment and came to seek Kalki. (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 27 to 39)
Whether it was a miracle or diplomacy, the end result was that the Buddhist women did not fight Kalki’s army, thus averting what could have been the only war between a male and a female army. After the war and victory, Kalki returned from Kikatpur with his army.
Nostradamus apparently refers to the fall of China allegorically as well, by referring to the fall of the Great Wall of China –
II.57   –   Before the conflict the Great Wall will fall, the great one to death, death too sudden and lamented, born imperfect: the greater part will swim: Near the river the land stained with blood.
Since Kalki Purana refers to the exploits of Kalki only, the details of Chinese advances before the war is not clear. By the own admission of Nostradamus, his prophecies too mostly describe the events in and around Europe. A few other prophecies, however, indicate that China will conquer much of Asia before facing the western alliance. Here are a few such prophecies :
“The events taking place in Europe are a deception. Russia will be the scourge for all nations, because it was not converted. Russia attacks the West, and China invades in Asia.”
– Lucia, the last living seer from Fatima, April 7, 1990
Along with the Chinese incursion in Asia, there will also be a Russian invasion in the Europe. Thus, this world war will not simply be the result of an Arab invasion but an invasion by the alliance of Russia, China and Islamic nations. There are a large number of prophecies about the Russian invasion of Europe and attacks on the USA.
The prophecies made by Anton Johansson, Sweden, (1858 – 1909) also specifically mention Chinese attack on India. Johansson successfully predicted the sinking of the Titanic and named one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI, foresaw the events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco’s earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902 that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Martinique. He said the Third World War would break out at “the end of July, beginning of August.” adding, “I do not know the year.” (the “Calamitous War” under Cancer mentioned by Nostradamus) –
  • India will be occupied by China.
  • New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.
  • Persia and Turkey will be conquered apparently by Russian troops.
  • Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe.
  • The Russians will conquer the Balkans.
  • There will be great destruction in Italy.
  • The “red storm” will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France will be conquered from inside and outside.
  • American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.
  • Germany will be attacked from the east.
  • There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.
  • The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.
  • Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing Europe.
  • New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be destroyed.

Kalki’s war with Koli (The Antichrist) and Gog & Magog

[Dharma (Righteousness or Law) said to Kalki] “Right now, infidels like Saka, Kamboja, Sabara etc. are under the control of Koli and that mighty Koli has defeated me taking advantage of the influence of the time. The pious men are being tortured and consigned to the flames. That’s why I have come for your protection. (Kalki Purana, III, Verse 22)
Thus, Kalki, surrounded by his allies set out for the desired place for conquering the infidels like Khasha, Kamboja, Sabara, Barbarians etc. … The people who lived there carry out the orders of women. Hearing that Kalki has come for battle, the angry Koli, along with his allies, sons and grandsons came riding on a chariot out of the city of Bishasan. On seeing Koli, Kalki ordered his followers to engage in battle with him. (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 32, 33, 35, 36)
Revelations 19:19
I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse, and against his army.
Lord Kalki, along with his soldiers armed with various types of weapons engaged in war with Kok and Bikok. These two brothers are supreme demons, great fanatics and adept in the art of war. These brothers are intimately connected, powerful, hard to defeat and are even feared by the Gods. (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 43 & 44)
The surprise elements here are the description of the war with brothers called “Kok and Bikok“, who are allied with Koli. These are surely Gog and Magog described in the Biblical book of Revelations and “Yajooj and Majooj” described in the Islamic prophecies.
Soon they entered the city of Bishasan, the capital of Koli, and burnt down the city using fiery missile. Alongwith the city, Koli too was burnt and his sons and relatives were destroyed. (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 9 & 10)
The army of Kalki entered the capital city of Koli called Bishasan (Babylon?) and burnt down the whole city along with Koli himself and its citizens. Similarly, the allies of Kalki used various types of weapons and defeated the countries and their kings allied with Koli. Compare this with the Revelations :
19:20 The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who worked the signs in his sight, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
The verses 14 to 34 of III[7] describe the terrible fight of Kalki with “Kok and Bikok” (Gog and Magog). At one point of time, the “brothers” managed to defeat Kalki in a battle and injure him. However, later the allies used a certain kind of weapon to defeat Bikok. But soon he was resurrected with the help of Kok. This went on for quite sometime before both were killed at the same time.
Revelations 20:8 – And he (Satan) will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

The war against Vallat and the marriage treaty

Thus, after attaining victory, Kalki started for the city of Vallat ruled by the Sashyakarns along with his soldiers and allies. III[7], 35. His (the King of Vallat) name is Sashidhwaj. He is intelligent, handsome, tall, brave and has a huge military. III[8], 3. King Sashidhwaj arrived at the battlefield and dispersed the powerful soldiers of Kalki. III, 18. …Thus, King Sashidhwaj managed to defeat Kalki, capture him and some of his allies and went back to his palace. III[8], 18.
The battle of Vallat is the most terrible battle fought by Kalki so far. In this battle, Kalki was defeated and captured in the war and taken prisoner by the King Sashidhwaj of Vallat. However, it is mentioned that the King was aware of the divine nature of Kalki and it has been said that even after capturing him, the king showed him utmost respect and entered in a peace treaty with him, offering his own daughter Roma for marriage with Kalki.
Next, King Sashidhwaj recalled his sons from the battlefield and gave away his daughter Roma for marriage with Kalki in accordance with the wishes of his wife, Sushanta. All the allies of Kalki were invited to Vallat from the battlefield (for the marriage). (Kalki Purana, III, Verses 25 & 26)
Thus, the wars of Kalki came to an end with a defeat and a peace treaty that ended the WW-III. III[14] describes that after the war, Kalki handed over various portions of his liberated lands to various kings who were his allies and Satya Yuga (Age of Truth) was established on the Earth. Kalki himself stayed in Shambhala with his two wives, Padma and Roma. Finaly, III[19] describes the death of Kalki and his ascension to the heaven.
VIII.54 of Nostradamus also describes a marriage treaty by Chiren Selin, the equivalent of Kalki –
Under the colour of the marriage treaty, a magnanimous act by the ‘Chyren Selin’ : St. Quintin and Arras recovered on the journey; By the Spanish a second butcher’s bench is made. – VIII.54
Even though Kalki is considered as the God incarnate, his human qualities have been highlighted all through the text. He had his share of losses in battles and ups and downs, which are consistent with any war in the modern times where the warring forces are equally matched and possess weapons of mass destruction. Chyren, described by Nostradamus seems to have lost in some battles too :
The great man led captive from a foreign land, chained in gold, offered to King CHYREN : He who in Ausonia, Milan, will lose the war and all his army put to fire and sword. Nostradamus, IV.34
But the fact that Kalki is a good strategist and an excellent negotiator is quite apparent from the texts as well as the fact that he has some qualities which make him the undisputed leader of the allied forces even though he is initially not even the “King” of his own country. At the most, he is a high ranking Army officer with some very exceptional qualities, whose stature only grows as events unfold, such that he is unanimously accepted as the “King of the World” and as a Messiah by all religions.
In all, the Hindu text of Kalki Purana comprises of 6100 verses describing the birth, marriage, battles and the death of Kalki, who is considered the last Avtar or incarnation of Vishnu or the Supreme Being, who will establish the Age of Truth or Age of Purity on Earth. The text is essentially a spiritual text, although the verses described here are primarily concerned with the wars and various events in the life of Kalki. As agreed by all the religious prophecies, the Awaited One will not be a man of peace like Jesus Christ or Buddha, but a man of war who will destroy evil and establish righteousness on the earth.
Nother little known Hindu book named Divya Maha Kala Jnana, literally meaning “Divine Knowledge of the Time” written by Shree Veera Brahmendra Maha Swami, who lived in the modern Andhra Pradesh state of India, about 1000 years ago, had elaborated on the events preceding the appearance of Kalki or “Sree Veera Bhoga Vasantharaya” as he termed him.
Some of the descriptions of the events are amazingly similar to those described in the western religious texts or by prophets like Nostradamus and others. The Hindu Lunar Years are counted and named on the basis of 60 year cycles. If we assume that the events will take place in the current 60 year cycle (without any particular reason for that assumption, of course – see Note below), the corresponding years have been mentioned alongside in brackets. The current cycle began on 30th March, 1987 and will end on April, 2047. The year-wise chart of Hindu years of the current cycle vis-à-vis the general calendar that we use are given as a note after the prophecies.
Kalki is said to born in a village called Shambhala. Some interpret this as indicating a village of the same name in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. I would not jump to that hasty conclusion. The name may be allegorical. Buddhist scriptures also mention a place of the same name, an invisible, hidden kingdom, which will be visible during the end of the Kali Yug. Another interesting thing is the reference to God as “who is the Beginning and the End”. Compare this with 22.13 of the Revelations : I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. The two religions, separated by time and space (Hinduism being much older than Christianity) are thought to have little in common. But as you read through the next few paragraphs, you shall find some amazing similarity of events mentioned in the Kalki Purana with those of the Biblical Revelations.
He will be born before the eighth day of full moon of the month of Margasheera (June 7-21). His devotees will be looking forward to his glory and his arrival during the month of Karteeka (Oct 19-Nov 16). In the year of Partheeva (2005-2006), all the people will be able to see Sree Veera Bhoga Vasantaraya, and everyone will meditate on the Great Spirit. Sree Veera Bhoga Vasantharaya will be crowned during the year of Khara (2011-2012). That means, even though his “rule” started before, people would come to know him as the saviour after 3-4 years. Evidently, his “crowning” comes after his “rule” starts. This probably indicates his ascension from an ordinary ruler to a “Great Monarch”. This is probably when his “Krita Yuga Dharma” starts from, as described in the astronomical location mentioned before.
– He will be crowned three years after exotic horses drink the water of Tungabhadra river . [Tugabhadra river is in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. If “exotic horses” mean something like tanks, it might indicate war in India in (2008-2009), three years before he is crowned.]
– There will be rain of blood in towns, villages, and forests. Poor quality coins will be used as currencies. In some places, there will be a rain of fire. Kings of all kinds will be destroyed, and His strength will reign supreme. Terrible wars will be fought, and no one will be able to mourn for the dead. [The description of “rain of blood” and “rain of fire” and wars are similar to the descriptions in the prophecies of Nostradamus and other prophecies. One quatrain of Nostradamus even mentioned the “poor quality” coins – made of leather !
Through long war all the army exhausted, so that they do not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon. ~ Nostradamus VII.25 ]

Hindu Prophecies

Source : Tripod
– He will rule over the Universe for a period of 108 years, and return to heaven. Preceding that, the world will be full of calamities and situations will be changing every instant.
– When Saturn enters Pisces (2025 as per our assumption but may also pertain to a much later period), Mlechchas [non-believers: also became synonymous with Muslims from the Hindu perspective during the Islamic Rule]
will be destroyed.
– When Saturn enters Aries (2028 as per our assumption but may also pertain to a much later period), a little peace will be established. [this may be the description of a short peace during WW-III following a peace treaty between the warring sides, which will quickly be broken]
– When Saturn enters Taurus in June (2030 as per our assumption but may also pertain to a much later period), poisonous air will blow from the north-east, and extreme people will go to Yama Loka (abode of death). [perhaps a description of a chemical or biological warfare which will kill many people. China is in the North and North-East of India]
– When Saturn enters Gemini (2033 as per our assumption but may also pertain to a much later period)
, this will usher in an era of peace.
– By the year of Ananda-Raksha (2034-2036 as per our assumption but may also pertain to a much later period), all Koli Dharmas (dark actions or religions) will be destroyed. By the year Ananda (happiness – 2034-2035 as per our assumption but may also pertain to a much later period), all the countries will attain peace and happiness. The word of his glory will spread in the world. Before the year of Ananda, rice will be sold for low price. Then, all the countries will become prosperous.
Note: My assumption that all the above events will take place in the current cycle is perhaps not correct. As elsewhere, we have to distinguish between the WW-III and the War of the Armageddon, and the later would probably take place a few hundreds of years after WW-III, when the so-called 1000 years of Golden Age will commence. So, the events interpreted above as taking place 2025 onwards perhaps pertain to a later century, before the “End of the World”. As I have concluded elsewhere, “Chiren”, who could be the same as “Sree Veera” mentioned here, will initiate an era of peace after WW-III but gradually the world will again descend into anarchy resulting in the “Doomsday” a few centuries later.
The year-wise chart of Hindu years of the current 60-year cycle vis-à-vis the Gregorian calendar are given below for interpretation of the above prophecies. The cycle again starts in 2047-48 from the year “Prabhava”.


The Visions of Jack Smith !

The Visions of Jack Smith !

A Slip of the Mask

He really doesn’t carry a pitch fork and have a long red tail and two horns.  Yet, he is a master at disguise.  Got any ideas of his favorite?  Masquerade, that is?

Consider this fact:  In every Bible passage except one, satan appears in disguise.  In fact, the only time he does not appear in disguise is when he converses with Jesus in Matthew 4.  satan even disguised himself as Simon Peter when he tempted Jesus to avoid the cross — and, Simon had no idea satan was speaking through him (Mark 8:33).  What about the book of Job, you say?  satan actually never appears before Job, only before God and the heavenly council (Job 1:6).  In all other Bible passages, satan is in disguise — even in the Garden of Eden.  The reason?  Because that is how he appears before humanity.  His best disguise?  Religion.

Read More : A Slip of the Mask !

Finding satan’s Fingerprints

He may be disguised but that doesn’t mean we can’t discern when he is present — satan, that is.  The Bible gives us “identifiers” to be able to locate him.  They are called “antichrist.”  Whenever the antichrist identifiers are present, satan is present.  Think of it this way.  Every crime scene includes some evidence left behind by the criminal.  You just have to find the evidence.  When antichrist is present, satan has left his “fingerprints” behind.  This chapter will discuss the Bible’s antichrist identifiers; once learning them, we will be able to find satan!

Read More : Finding satan’s Fingerprints !

Holy War

Since its inception in the 7th century AD, Islam has waged holy war, jihad, against anyone who stood in its way.  This type of war, i.e., spiritual war, is described throughout the pages of prophetic scripture.  The 4th part of King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue wages war against the kingdom of God.  The 4th beast of Daniel 7 wages war against the saints of God.  The great red dragon (the devil) in Revelation 12 wages war against Jews and Christians.  The scarlet beast of Revelation 17:14 does likewise, and the harlot that rides the scarlet beast is “drunk with the blood of the saints” (Rev 17:6).  All of these wars are spiritual in nature– not political.  Islam is one of two world empires that has waged holy war against Jews and Christians.  This fact, standing alone, is not determinative of the beast of Last Days; but, as we move forward in Bible prophecy, it will be one more “piece of the puzzle.

Read More : Holy War !

Feet of Clay

The great statue appears in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.  It must not be overlooked for it begins Bible prophecy for the Last Days.  A head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and lastly, feet — partly of iron and partly of clay.  Each part of the statue represents a kingdom that will conquer.  The kingdom that matters the most to those of the present day?  The feet.  God’s judgment begins with the feet of the statue; no wonder, iron and clay do not mix very well; and, so the weakness of the iron kingdom is revealed.  It will be a divided kingdom, and a “kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

Read More : Feet of Clay !

A “Revived” Roman Empire ?

Many who study “last things” (eschatology) believe that in the Last Days a “revived Roman Empire” will rise up to fulfill many of the Bible’s prophecies on the End Times.  The modern day European Union is offered as the likely candidate for a future fulfillment of these prophecies.  This chapter will review the primary passage interpreting the European Union as the last days empire at enmity with God.  Rome is certainly a part of Last Days’ Bible prophecy; just not where we have always interpreted Rome to be!  Rome is in Revelation 12, not Daniel 7 or Revelation 13 or 17.

Read More : A Revived Roman Empire ?

Just Read the Graffiti

The Dome of the Rock, Islam’s shrine to Muhammad, rests on the Foundation Stone, a solid rock structure that long ago served as the location for the revered Ark of the Covenant, Israel’s most sacred object.  Why did Islam build the Dome of the Rock on this specific location?  This chapter will answer that question.  It will review Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, and Revelation 13:6, all of which speak of a coming blasphemy that will occur in the Last Days relative to the Temple of God.  Lest you have any doubt — just read the graffiti.

Read More : Just Read The Graffiti !

Where is Allah and his Muhammad ?

Ten horns, ten diadems, seven heads; all sported by a beast from the sea.  One of the heads is fatally wounded.  Yet, “he” recovers!  Talk about disguise. In 632AD, when Islam was barely ten years old, Muhammad died unexpectedly after complaining of a headache.  Islam, as a religion, somehow survived the death of the one so crucial to its existence.  Against all odds, Islam grew to be a voracious kingdom in an unbelievably short period of time.  In this recovery of the “beast from the sea,” seven separate periods in Islamic history begin.  Each period includes an Islamic family whose length of rulership will constitute a dynasty in successive “caliphate periods” of Islam.  If you sum the separate caliphate periods, you come to seven periods beginning with the Umayyads in 661AD and concluding with the Ottomans in the early 20th century. At times, there will be two dynasties ruling simultaneously, one against the other; one from Baghdad and the other from Cairo.

Read More : Where is Allah and his Muhammad ?

Islam’s Al-Madhi, Abaddon Rises !

The Bible calls him, Abaddon, the Hebrew name for “destroyer.”  Islam calls him, al-Mahdi, “master of the sword,” and the “long awaited one.” In Last Days Biblical prophecy, he is the scarlet beast of Revelation 17; the man of lawlessness of 2 Thessalonians 2:3; the angel of the abyss of Revelation 9:11; the beast from the earth of Revelation 13:11f; and, the little horn of Daniel 7:24-25.

To Christians, he is the last “false prophet, i.e., the Antichrist.  To Shia Islam, he is al-Mahdi.  One religion sees him as the instrument of satan’s highest hour.  The other as an instrument of peace and justice, and who will bring the world to Islam, albeit through his sword.  If there ever was a time when one person can mean such different things to different people, it is now.  Antichrist or Al-Mahdi : You Choose !

The Visions of Jack Smith

Read More : Islam’s Al-Madhi – Abaddon Rises !

Source : Whenthepiecesfit   –   This is just a part of the book, you should visit this website to read all of the chapters !

Tunis – Egypt – Libya and the Edgar Cayce Prophecies !

Tunis – Egypt – Libya and the Edgar Cayce Prophecies !

Whats happening at the moment

Sept. 1 2011 is 42 years since Omar Kadaffi came to power in Libya on Sept. 1 1969. A Significant date because of the number 42, the Antichrist is said to rule 42 months in Revelation. Kadaffi is not the AntiChrist but these 42 months could be related to Russia and the rise of the Antichrist Vladimir Putin.

This could be a key event! The key to unlocking Baal from his cage, and beginning great chaos in the world and the rise of the evil one! Gaddafi isn’t the Antichrist, but in prophecy he is related to the one who is the Antichrist, Putin! So watch out for how world events unfold if Kaddafi’s rule in Libya will end.

Note that the Biblical name for Libya is Put, as in “Put-in”, Putin back in power in Russia, he will be re-elected as Russian President in 2012. Note that in Biblical times there was Baal worship in Libya, and note that Tripoli the capital of Libya is at 33N 13E, Revelation 13 being about the Antichrist. Somehow Gaddafi in Libya could be the key.

Note the Lockerbie bombing, lock as in key. Key to the bottomless pit that the Antichrist comes out of? Gadaffi could be the key to disastrous events occurring, the opening of the bottomless pit, and the rise of the Antichrist Putin. So watch what is happening in Libya.

The King James Bible Code.

Mubarak and change in government in Egypt in 2011 – Civil War in Libya

The “Bible Code” is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a continuous block of Hebrew letters. Then, by skipping letters at a programmed interval, the program searches for words. There appear to be patterns to the passages where the words are found, and what words are clustered together.

Consider the Lockerbie plane crash trial, of the Lockerbie bomber from Libya. Note that the Lockerbie trial in the Netherlands began near the time of the May 5, 2000, planetary alignment, 2 days before the inauguration of Russian President Putin. Note that Putin is from St. Petersburg, Russia’s sea-port, and note that the Antichrist rises out of the sea in Revelation 13. Note that the Lockerbie trial was held in the Netherlands, which is by the sea. And note that the land of “Put” (sounds like “Putin”) mentioned in the Bible is believed to be Libya, and Libyans were on trial in the Lockerbie trial. So the Son of Satan, the Antichrist, Putin, may have been “unlocked” and set loose on the world in Russia at the time of the Lockerbie trial beginning, in May 2000. But keep in mind that also “Osama Bin Laden” was so-called burried at sea, there where little photos because Bin Laden was shot in the head. The Beast in Revelation rises out of the Sea and also note the Head Wound in the Bible.

And note that although 1 Libyan was found guilty in the trial, the other Libyan was set free. That may be the symbolic meaning of the Lockerbie trial. Also note that “B” may correspond to the evil False God Baal or Beezlebub, in Babylon, as “Alpha” (A) and Omega correspond to Christ. Baal was locked up in the KGB (“cage” or prison for B- Baal) since the Russians defeated Hitler, put East Germany under the Iron Curtain, and since Putin was in the KGB. So Putin the Baal/ Antichrist was in the KGB cage. “Lockerbie” may represent a “Locker” or “cage” for B-Baal.

Once the Soviet Union started to disintegrate, Baal was released from his prison, and now Baal is loose in the world as Putin. The Lockerbie plane crash occurred on December 21, 1988, when Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York City exploded over Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. All 259 (243 passengers plus 16 crew members) on the aircraft died, and 11 people on the ground died. First consider the name “Lockerbie”. This brings to mind the word “lock”, and the “keys of hell and of death” Biblical quote (King James version) from Revelation 1:18. It could also relate to Satan being “loosed from prison” as the Antichrist. Also, the Lockerbie crash occurred on the day of St. Thomas on the Catholic calendar, December 21. The significance of the crash being on the day of St. Thomas may relate to the idea that Christ’s disciple Thomas may actually have been the twin brother of Christ, since “Thomas” actually means “twin”. This idea was suggested in early writings from Biblical times that did not become part of the Bible. Another thing I noticed when reading about this plane crash is that a large chunk of it landed intact with the plane’s name “Maid of the Seas” clearly readable on it. This may relate to the Book of Revelation chapter 13, since the Antichrist (the beast) of Revelation 13 comes from the sea, meaning the sea of politics.

World War III Will Start in The Area of Libya – Tunis and Egypt (Edgar Cayce)

What Middle Eastern countries will next see revolution? Where will these revolutions lead to? It will not work out well, even in Egypt people are demonstrating again, normally in September 2011 there will be elections in Egypt but, the number one in Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood. Today tensions between Egypt and Israel are high. The next country NATO will invade is Syria, not NATO but Turkey will invade Syria from the North/West with the help of the US and NATO. This and the Sep 2011 elections in Egypt could be the final push to World War III, after wat NATO did in Libya the Russians and China will not sign a new UN agreement to “help” and “defend” the people in Syria. The next step could lead to disastrous events and war in the Middle East, described in the prophecies of Ezekiel and Revelation 16, the Battle of Armageddon.

Edgar Cayce Prophecies

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Revelation13 (Edited by Alamongordo)

The End Times and the Mahdi


“The End Times (or the Last Days) may not be a familiar concept to many people. Therefore, we first give a brief explanation of it. The End Times means ‘the last era.’ According to Islamic literature, it is a period of time that is close to Doomsday.

The signs in the Qur’an and the extensive references to the End Times provided by the Hadith literature brings us to a very important conclusion. Verses and hadiths indicate that there are two phases of the End Times. The first phase is a period when all people will suffer material and spiritual problems. Following this, Earth will enter upon a period of salvation called the ‘Golden Age,’ which is characterized by bounty and blessings due to the prevalence of true religion. With the end of the Golden Age, there will be a rapid social collapse and people will begin to wait for Doomsday.

In this book, we examine the End Times in the light of verses and hadiths. It is clear that the signs in question have now started to appear one after another, just as described in these references. The advent of these signs heralded fourteen centuries ago are great occurrences that increase believers’ faith in and loyalty to Allah. It is surely not a coincidence that, in such a short period of time, all of these signs appeared one after another. These signs are good news to Allah’s servants.

The account of events related in the following pages are prepared according to the guidance of the verse, ‘Say: ‘Praise be to Allah. He will show you His Signs, and you will recognize them. Your Lord is not unaware of what you do” (Surat an-Naml: 93). Another issue we need to stress here is that Allah knows the best of everything. As is in every other subject, we have no knowledge other than that about which He informs us.

The End Times and the Mahdi.

The signs of the Last Day in the Qur’an :

  • The Hour is near Allah reveals in the Qur’an that there can be no doubt that the Last Day is near.And the Hour is coming without any doubt … (Surat al-Hajj: 7)
  • We did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming. (Surat al-Hijr: 85)
  • There may be some who think that the message of the Qur’an concerning the Last Day was revealed more that 1400 years ago and that this is a long time compared to the length of a human life. But here, it is a question of the end of the world, the sun and the stars, in short, of the universe. When we consider that the universe is billions of years old, fourteen centuries is a very short period of time. . . .

The signs described by the Prophet (saas) are occurring one after the other.

In the hadiths that have come down to us from the Prophet (saas), news is given concerning the End Times and the Golden Age of Islam. When we compare these signs with the events that are taking place in our time, we can see many indications that we are living through the End Times and which also herald the arrival of the Golden Age of Islam. The hadiths used in the coming sections of this book contain such information given by the Prophet (saas) in this regard.At this point, there may arise some doubt in the reader in regards to the truth and authenticity of these hadiths about the end. There is a method to distinguish those that are true from those that are false. As we know, hadiths about the Doomsday relate to events that are to take place in the future.

For this reason, when a hadith comes true in the course of time, all doubt as to the source of the words is removed. Several Islamic scholars who conducted research on the subject of the End Times and of the signs of the Last Day have used this criterion. An expert on the subject, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, said that the fact that the hadiths concerning the End Times correspond to events observed in our day shows the truth of the hadiths.

Some of the signs related in the hadiths were observable in some part of the world in any period during the 1400 year history of Islam, but that would not have proven that that period was the the End Times. For a certain period to be called the End Times, all the signs of the Last Day must be observed to be occurrence in that same period. This is expressed in a hadith:

The End Times and the Mahdi

Signs following one another like the pieces of a necklace falling one after the other when its string is cut. (Tirmidhi)In the hadiths, the beginning of the End Times is described as when discord grows, and war and conflict are on the increase, when there is chaos and moral degeneration rears its head and people turn away from the morality of religion. At the time in question, natural disasters will occur all over the world, poverty will reach unseen levels, there will be a large increase in the crime rate, and murder and brutality everywhere. Yet this will be only the first stage. During the second phase, Allah will rescue mankind from this chaos and replace it with a blessed existence full of plenty, peace and security.”

The End Times and the Mahdi, are they awaiting but for the Hour to come upon them suddenly? Its Signs have already come. What good will their Reminder be to them when it does arrive? (Surah Muhammad: 18) From this verse we learn that the Qur’an describes signs that announce the coming of the Last Day. In order to understand the signs of this ‘great announcement’ we must reflect upon these verses. Otherwise, as the verse indicates, our thinking will be of no use when the Last Day is suddenly upon us.   Read the Full Article at Adishakti.

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Pope to Resign in 2012 and make place for Peter The Roman ?

Pope to Resign in 2012 and make place for Peter The Roman ?

Rumors keep getting stronger that Pope Benedict would Resigns in the year 2012. The now 84 year old Pope commented, he may not have the physical, mental and psychological capacity to carry out the necessary duties.

There’s been extreme pressure due to the attacks and controversies related to the pedophile priests scandal over the last few years. And, I’m sure we are not hearing half of it! It’s been clear, many years ago, Pope Benedict made some of the most controversial decisions, when he penned and signed a letter warning the clergy to keep quiet about the now highly publicized child abuse cases. This letter, I’m sure, has been a thorn in the Vatican’s side for a while. The transferring of clergy from parish to parish, only tells us the dysfunction that lie in the top levels of the Catholic Church that continue today. The thousands of children these clergy damaged, on the watch of our now Pope, something no one expected to encounter, coming from those who were appointed to be religious role models and who indirectly proclaimed a myth to be closer to God than their parishioners. What we found were men who needed severe psychiatric help.

What 85 year old wants the huge responsibility of overseeing one of the largest institutions of the world? Who, at that age, wants authority of Catholic doctrinal belief, to interpret natural law,wants to lead missions and create Catholic Universities? Do you know that every Pope writes encyclicals, apostolic letters, gives endless speeches and celebrates Mass every day? What? Are we tired yet? And at the current age of 84, who has such energy?

The Pope appoints bishops and cardinals. Also, he’s the chief legislator for the Church. He oversees the creation of dioceses and religious orders. The Pope also issues censures as punishments for those who are found guilt of violating the Code of Canon Law? What? Does this also apply to him? The Pope is the director of Catholic celebration and head of the Church government. He directs how Mass is to be celebrated and so on. The Pope also beatify individuals and canonize saints.

Is Benidict the last Pope ? No … According prophecy Peter The Roman will take power and he will be the last (Anti) Pope. Stay tuned in!

Pope to Resign in 2012 or 2013

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Fukushima disaster contaminated ocean with 50 million times normal radiation !

Fukushima disaster contaminated ocean with 50 million times normal radiation !

Before reading this article, think about the prediction Edgar Cayce made : Japan will disappear into the ocean … Is he telling us that Japan, after the 03/11/2011 tsunami would be lost for humankind ?

Things are suddenly heating up again with Fukushima. As we reported yesterday, the southern wall of Fukushima reactor #4 apparently collapsed over the past few days, calling into question the structural integrity of the remainder of the containment building .

The mainstream media has said absolutely nothing about this development, continuing its pattern of downplaying news involving Fukushima, radiation or the flawed structure of nuclear power plants. This is hardly surprising, given that many of the largest media outlets (such as NBC and MSNBC) are owned by corporations such as General Electric, the designer of many of the world’s nuclear power plants.

Photos of the failed structure have emerged on, where a report explains that a once-intact wall is now essentially “missing” and that further degradation of the structure could lead to mass evacuations in Japan.

50 million times higher radiation levels

What has hit the mainstream media, however, is a report entitled Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants on Marine Radioactivity, authored by Ken Buesseler, Michio Aoyama, and Masao Fukasawa.
This report, published in Environmental Science & Technology, reveals that levels of radioactive cesium reached 50 million times normal levels in the ocean water off the coast of the Fukushima Dai-ichi facility. Even more concerning, the abstract of this paper concludes, “…the concentrations through the end of July remain higher than expected implying continued releases from the reactors or other contaminated sources, such as groundwater or coastal sediments.”
This, of course, contradicts mainstream media reports which for the most part stated that the radiation was “contained” and was not leaking directly into the environment. Only the alternative press has covered the real story on Fukushima, which has now become the worst radiological accident in the history of human civilization.
This same study ultimately concludes that this level of radiation contamination of the ocean is essentially harmless, stating, “…dose calculations suggest minimal impact on marine biota or humans due to direct exposure in surrounding ocean waters, though considerations for biological uptake and consumption of seafood are discussed and further study is warranted.” That’s a conclusion to be viewed with skepticism and caution, of course, as it says on one hand that “it’s no problem” and yet on the other hand, maybe you shouldn’t eat the seafood because we really don’t know what quantity and concentration of radioactive elements may be ingested and concentrated by seafood sources.
Radioactive strontium admittedly leaked into the ocean
Another important development now surfacing is that TEPCO has finally admitted that alarming quantities of radioactive strontium (which has roughly a 30-year half life) have leaked into the ocean — and that the leaks are ongoing !
According to TEPCO, which has repeatedly and deliberately lied to the public in order to downplay any “bad news” about radiological leaks, “26 billion becquerels of radioactive materials” have leaked into the ocean due to the Fukushima accident.
“This suggests that the releases have not ended, so that is of concern,” said Ken Buesseler from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. “If the contaminants end up in the marine sediments / muds, then they will remain there for decades to come, and thus potentially be of concern for benthic biota and consumers of benthic fish/shell fish, i.e. any local filter feeders near the source waters at the coast.”
The worst may be yet to come
What’s clear from all this is that :
  • The Fukushima facility remains highly unstable and could dramatically worsen, especially if another earthquake or tsunami strikes the area and causes further degradation of the structural integrity of containment buildings which still house nuclear fuel rods.
  • The Fukushima catastrophe is, without question, the most massive radiological disaster ever recorded in human history.
  • The mainstream media has consistently (intentionally?) downplayed the severity of the Fukushima disaster, perhaps to try to calm fears by denying the true extent of the problem.
  • TEPCO routinely and habitually lied about the status of Fukushima during the meltdown and in the days and weeks following that meltdown.
  • We therefore cannot rely upon official sources to accurately inform us of the actual status of the Fukushima facility. The risk of being misled by those official sources is very high.

Fukushima disaster

If you want the truth, don’t trust official sources   :   Read the Full Article !

Source : NaturalNews

St-Malachy, The Man Who Foresaw Petrus Romanus

The Man Who Foresaw the Final Pope?

In the modest settlement of Armagh, in the beautiful, sweeping, emerald lands of Northern Ireland, in the year 1094, a nobleman and chief by the name of Lector Ua Morgair and his well-cultured wife celebrated the dawning of new life in their son, Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair. Neither of them could have known how the tiny boy they had just delivered would become a central figure in End-Times prophecy.Little Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair (anglicized to the more modern “Malachy”) lived his early, boyish days skipping amidst the comfortable sounds and familiar, candlelit ambiance of the Armagh Cathedral.

He remained educated under the personal tutelage of his learned father, Lector of Armagh, until the fateful day of Lector’s death in the year 1102. Malachy and his brother and sister were then raised by his mother alone, a woman who had been described as “A dutiful, Christian woman”[i] by St. Bernard de Clairvaux.As the years progressed, Malachy continued his studies under the mentorship of Imar (also spelled “Imhar”) O’Haglan: a man who focused his teachings on renouncing earthly pleasures to preserve the eternal soul.

Following in O’Haglan’s ascetical footsteps, Malachy showed astute perception within the walls of the cathedral and the shabby cell beneath where O’Haglan spent his days like a hermit. Despite the protests of his sister and school acquaintances when self-flagellation, penance, and other religious practices grew to be ultimately more important than becoming an inspired professor like his father before him, Malachy continued searching for opportunities to express his passion for the Church and the life he believed he was chosen to lead. Drawing everyday nearer to the effects of O’Haglan’s authority and vision, Malachy soon introduced Gregorian chants into his regime, and a zeal for Church reform.

By the age of twenty-two, the archbishop Cellach of Armagh (also spelled “Ceollach” and “Celsus”), a good acquaintance to O’Haglan, found such promise and exception in the young man that he put aside canonical law and ordained the youth as a deacon three years prior to custom. In 1119, he declared Malachy vicar-general and entrusted him with the duty of reforming the diocese while he was away. The changes observed in the diocese were immediate and extraordinary. Malachy’s sermons of penance ignited a passion in the common people and stirred the laity to respect canonical rules of the Church.

Eventually Malachy headed to Lismore to revise and sharpen his knowledge of the canon under the teaching and advice of well-known scholar Bishop Malchus. (St. Bernard writes that Bishop Malchus was “an old man, full of days and virtues, and the wisdom of God was in him.”[ii] He goes on to further explain that the bishop was later acknowledged as performing two miracles, one wherein he healed a young boy of a mental disorder who later became his porter, and another wherein “when the saint put his fingers into his ears on either side he perceived that two things like little pigs came out of them.”[iii] These distinctions of Bishop Malchus’ reputation are of importance to St. Bernard, “that it may be known to all what sort of preceptor Malachy had in the knowledge of holy things.”[iv] Needless to say, Malachy worked and studied with associates whose names circulated within the Church as significant.)


Though his trip to Lismore was meant for a time of quiet learning, Malachy’s was not idle there, taking opportunities to speak out on current affairs within the Church that concerned him, and was often sent by Malchus himself “to preach the word of God to the people and to correct many evil practices which had developed over the years. He achieved notable success. To reform the clergy he instituted regulations concerning celibacy and other ecclesiastical discipline, and reinstituted the recitation of the canonical hours. Most importantly, he gave back the sacraments to the common people, sending good priests among them to instruct the ignorant. He returned to Armagh in 1123.”[v]

This same year, Malachy was appointed Abbot of Bangor where he assisted in helping rebuild the abbey and establish a seminary. More importantly, from this time forward, a series of miracles and the gift of prophecy were attributed to him. One notable prophecy, especially hard to chalk up to pure coincidence, finds fulfillment in the twentieth century:

Ireland will suffer English oppression for a week of centuries [700 years], but will preserve her fidelity to God and His Church. At the end of that time she will be delivered, and the English in turn must suffer severe chastisement. Ireland, however, will be instrumental in bringing back the English to the unity of Faith.

Complete Anglo-Norman domination of Ireland was achieved a century after Malachy’s prediction. Independence for the southern part of Ireland came 700 years later in the early 20th century. If this utterance is not apocryphal, then it predates the schism between the Church of England and the Catholic faith by four centuries and implies that Anglicanism will falter sometime in our near future when the final pope finishes his reign.[vi]

Yet, Yves DuPont argues this began in the twelfth century and ended after WW2. He says, “The liberation has come in stages: World War I, independence within the British Empire; World War II, complete independence. Thus, Ireland was under British rule for seven centuries.”[vii] However, it just as likely applies to the rampant secularism in England ultimately being conquered by Christianity.

At thirty years of age, Malachy became Bishop Malachy of Down and Connor. John Hogue says of Malachy’s new position: “The bishopric was considered one of Ireland’s blackest holes for the faith. Malachy would face a moratorium on church tithes, a shortage of priests and an even greater shortage of celibate clerics; he would wince at the improvised performances of the sacraments based on the rejection of canon law in favor of native and often semi-pagan Irish rituals.”[viii] With passion, yet still humble as a true servant of God, Malachy spoke out about Church reform and continuously brought more and more attention to himself as a true trailblazer.

Never before had Malachy seen such lax cohesion to the laws of God within the walls of the Church. Discipline, offering, tithing, giving of the first-fruits, and going to confession were things of the past; marriages were made illegally. Christians behaved like pagans. “Never had he found men so shameless in regard of morals, so dead in regard of rites, so impious in regard of faith, so barbarous in regard of laws, so stubborn in regard of discipline, so unclean in regard of life.”[ix] Nevertheless, believing that he was a “shepherd and not a hireling,”[x] Malachy fought the issues head-on and in his enthusiasm, discovered followers who were willing to flock to his side to reestablish devotion to the rituals.

About this time according to legend, Malachy had a dream in which a woman appeared to him and revealed her identity as Archbishop Cellach’s wife. She handed Mallachy a pastoral staff, and then disappeared. He shared this with those in his company and it was esteemed important because for approximately fifteen generations by this time in Armagh, people high up in both secular politics and the Church had maintained office within family hierarchies. As a result, it was normal to nominate a successor to the seat of the archbishop by heritage instead of Church works. Archbishop Cellach, however, impressed by Malachy’s ministry, rejected the expectations of his family in this regard. Hoping that Malachy could bring new life and hope to the Church, and wanting to put a stop to hereditary succession of the office, Cellach charged those under him with the task of spreading word that Malachy would be given his seat as Archbishop of Armagh. When the word reached Malachy, it came as no surprise after the dream he’d had, and just days after Cellach passed away, Malachy received Cellach’s staff (the one from his dream), and a letter confirming the news of his latest promotion.

Cellach’s family was outraged. Feeling usurped by his decision to appoint someone outside the family as archbishop, tension rose between them and Malachy. Cellach’s cousin, Murtagh (also spelled “ Murtough” and “Muirchetrach”), fancied himself worthy of the role, and his family stood behind him in his campaign to become archbishop, ready even to use force to claim the position if necessary. The people of the Church fell in support of Malachy, equally ready for the hereditary succession of the office to end.

Three years passed while Malachy remained at the monastery, not refusing the archbishopric but unwilling to participate in a war between Murtagh and the Church. The papal legate eventually became revolted enough by Murtagh’s tyranny that the Church ordered Malachy, by threat of impending excommunication, to take his position. Malachy conceded and in response to the order, accepted his bishopric from a distance to avoid the mayhem of political/religious war. He made a deal with the legate that if the Church was ever fully restored to freedom in matters of succession, in return he wanted a leave from leadership so that he might find time to be alone in his studies and away from obligatory office. Remaining safely just outside the city, he maintained governance as the acknowledged Archbishop of Armagh, without immediately taking possession of his See.

When Murtagh passed away in 1134, he revealed that Niall, Cellach’s brother, would be his successor. During this time, the people generally believed that anyone in possession of the crosier of St. Patrick (the Bachal Isu, of “Staff of Jesus”) and the Book of Gospels (or Holy Book) was the true archbishop. In lieu of this, Niall saw and seized his opportunity to appear the legitimate and rightful archbishop by stealing these two artifacts from the cathedral of Armagh. Although history is cloudy when it comes to the issue of retrieving the stolen artifacts from Niall (most records point to a small war between the two sides, which was rumored to be brought to an end by diplomacy from Malachy, followed by his purchasing the artifacts back from Niall), Malachy did eventually get them back and take his place as primate in the cathedral city of Armagh. “In 1138, having broken the tradition of hereditary succession, rescued Armagh from oppression, restored ecclesiastical discipline, re-established Christian morals, and seeing all things tranquil, Malachy resigned his post as originally agreed.”[xi] Malachy retired to Bangor to live in rest for a time, among the camaraderie of his fellow monks, but with few demands on his schedule or solitary study.

Eventually Malachy felt the need to gain meeting with Pope Innocent II in Rome to officially recognize the archbishops (and the Sees) of Armagh and Cashel with a pallium, an official woolen cloak of authority, for each to signify the bishopric jurisdiction over the ecclesiastical provinces and to gain favor and blessing from the papal for the developments within the Church. In 1139, he gathered a few travelling companions and pack animals and headed to Rome through Scotland, England, and France. It was during his travels that he arrived at the Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux, where he met the future-saint Bernard (who would later be his central biographer). Resting there for a short time, Malachy became enchanted with the Abbey and made a very close friendship with its abbot. Abbot Bernard was unusual in his approach to ministry. He maintained fitness of the body by practicing martial arts and kept those in his presence ready at all times to be counted upon for defending the Church at all costs. He proved to be such a wellspring of religious passion for Malachy that when the time came for him to leave the abbey and continue his pilgrimage to Rome, Malachy made a secret plan to ask for retirement in the seclusion of Clairvaux.

Sixteen months after the journey began Malachy finally arrived in Rome, his heart and mind lifted and hopeful. Quickly, he was brought to Pope Innocent II for official audience. Innocent approved Malachy’s request for the pallia but with strict conditions: Malachy would take on new responsibilities. He was now the Papal Legate of Ireland with all of its ensuing political intricacies. This was not what he had wanted; he so desperately desired the peace and serenity of the Abbey. It was upon leaving the seven-hilled city so frustrated, framed by the breathtaking Western view from Janiculum Hill that it came upon him. Because of the impiety of the popes, Rome would burn.

As the legend goes, Malachy experienced what is today considered a famous vision commonly called “The Prophecy of the Popes.” The prophecy is a list of Latin verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome. According to this ancient prophecy, the very next pope (following Benedict XVI) will be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman.

The final segment of the prophecy reads:

In persecutione extrema S. R. E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis deruetur et judex tremendus judicabit populum. Finis.[xii]

Which is rendered:

In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations; when they are over, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible or fearsome Judge will judge his people. The End.[xiii]

The Good News and the Bad News

After studying the history of the prophecy of the popes and the surrounding scholarly literature, we have some good news and some very bad news, which we will begin discussing in the next entry.

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Source : Raidersnewsupdate


St-Malachy – The Man Who Forsaw The Final Pope

The Good News and the Bad News

After studying the history of the prophecy of the popes and the surrounding scholarly literature, we have some good news and some bad news. What’s that? You want the bad news first? Sure, no problem, let’s get this unpleasantness out of the way.

The bad news is that part of the prophecy may be a forgery which was fabricated around 1590. We say forgery meaning that over half of the prophecies, the first seventy or so predictions, arevaticinia ex eventu (prophecy from the event). It seems someone irrevocably altered the original medieval document and the original is either hidden away or lost to history. The first known publication of the “Malachy Prophecy of the Popes” was in Arnold de Wion’s massive eighteen-hundred-page volume entitled Lignum Vitae (Tree of Life), which was published in 1595. That text will be presented and examined below. Even though we have good reason to believe a much older document is still visible, we must accept that the earliest instance of the prophecy surfaced nearly four hundred years after its alleged origin in 1139. Despite the legend which pleads it was locked away in a musty Vatican vault those four hundred years, the skeptics still have valid points. Even so, it very well could be the work of Saint Malachy coarsely corrupted by a forger. Of course, this would fall neatly in line with the Roman Catholic practice demonstrated by the Donation of Constantine and Pseudo–Isidorian Decretals. Alternatively, some have suggested it was partially the work of Nostradamus cleverly disguised to protect his identity. While the identity of the actual prophet remains unclear, the author was a prophet whether he knew or not.

The exciting news is that the prophecy of the popes, although tainted, is still a genuine prophecy. Despite the superficial insincerity detectable in the first section of “prophecies,” the post publication predictions show astonishing fulfillments. We have no critical analysis to explain away the sometimes jaw-dropping, post-1595 fulfillments. Indeed, we are currently at 111 out of 112 and believers argue they seem to have increased in precision over time. However, we shall deal with bad news first. As we shall demonstrate, the Vatican’s penchant for propaganda is undisputed in the record of history. In Rome’s tradition of the altering ancient documents for political expediency, the prophecy of the popes was probably used as propaganda for Cardinal Girolamo Simoncelli papal ambitions. Nevertheless, it was a ploy which did not work as Simoncelli lost to Gregory XIV, Innocent IX, and Clement VIII. While textual evidence for this conspiracy is provided, we suggest the reader remain objective and patient in lieu of the more astounding findings.

Historically, the prophecy has enjoyed mixed acceptance. Four hundred years ago, with so many more popes to go, it was a mere novelty. However, as time runs short, the forecast understandably becomes more urgent and the criticism more caustic. Accordingly, beginning in the nineteenth century, the Jesuits, save one, have been outspokenly critical. As a result, the most recent edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that the prophecy is a late sixteenth century forgery, while the older 1911 edition allows, “it is not conclusive if we adopt Cucherat’s theory that they were hidden in the Archives during those four hundred years.” He refers to the nineteenth-century author, Abbé Cucherat, who is one of the few who argued for the authenticity of the prophecy in his book, Revue du monde catholique,published in 1871. We will examine it and other positive assessments in the next chapter. Even so, most scholars point out that Malachy’s biographer and dear friend, St. Bernard, makes no mention of the papal prophecy in Life of St. Malachy of Armagh. This argument from silence is ubiquitous in the literature.

Modern academic sources are also not very charitable. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church bluntly states, “The so-called Prophecies of Malachy, which are contained in a document apparently composed in 1590, have no connection with St. Malachy except their erroneous attribution to him.” Jesuit scholarship presents a united front. M.J. O’Brien’s An Historical and Critical Account of the So-Called Prophecy of St. Malachy Regarding the Succession of Popes is a thorough attempt at debunking. Herbert Thurston, another Jesuit, was a prolific late nineteenth-century critic. He argues that “not one scrap of evidence has ever been adduced to show that St. Malachy’s prophecy about the Popes had been quoted, or even heard of, before it was published by Wion in 1595.” This is not necessarily the case as we will discuss a possible reference to the prophecy published by Nicholas Sanders in 1571. Even so, most scholars bifurcate the list of 112 Latin phrases at number 76, due to the circumstances surrounding its publication. In so doing, two layers of context are established in the prophecy. This approach is adapted from biblical scholarship.

Exegesis in biblical studies is always an attempt to derive the original author’s intention for his original reader and that is the methodology undertaken here. For instance, when scholars study the New Testament Gospels, they take into account layers of context. There is the context in which Jesus is interacting in the original historical setting and then there is a layer of context in which the author of the gospel is presenting his account to a later audience. Careful study reveals that each evangelist author, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, frames the events of Jesus’ life in unique ways for their own theological and evangelistic purposes.

The underlying context of Jesus can be assimilated by studying first-century Judaism in Israel. We study the Pharisees to understand Jesus’ criticism of their traditions. In the same way, the upper level, the author’s context, can be discerned by how he presents Jesus. Still, the order in which a certain account is presented in a Gospel is often unique. This requires the careful student to “think vertically” for potential significance.

You might ask, “Is the author making a statement by where he places this parable?” The context of the evangelist author speaks to why and how he selected, arranged, and adapted the historical material about Jesus. Additionally, the scholar must “think horizontally” meaning to read each pericope with awareness of the parallels in other Gospels.While each of the four accounts preserves actual historical data, they are not always chronologically identical because of the secondary layer of context pertaining to the unique purpose of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. This methodology unveils new insights into the prophecy of the popes as well.

At first glance, there appear to be at least two levels of historical context, that of the original author and then that of the publisher. We will examine the possibility of even deeper contextual layers in the next chapter but for now we might accept the Malachy legend or perhaps a pseudepigrapher as the lower contextual level. To determine the upper level, the context of the publisher/commentator, we discover that is has been suggested that a papal emissary, Nicholas Sanders (1530–1581), may have brought an original Celtic version of the prophecy to Rome during the reign of Pope Pius V (1566–72). While he may have obliquely referred to the prophecy in a book published in 1571, it has also been suggested that the first specific mention of the prophecy was in a handwritten account by Don Alphonsus Ciacconus, a Spanish Dominican scholar in Rome, in the year 1590.

At the time, Ciacconus was a recognized expert on ancient Greco-Roman paleography and ancient manuscripts, as well as the history of the papacy. Apparently the publisher, Dom Wion, had received the text from someone and turned to Ciacconus for his opinion. Ciacconus ostensibly authenticated the manuscript. We cannot know exactly when it was altered but the textual and circumstantial evidence points to the original manuscript being tampered with by 1589–1590, in time to promote a particular papabile. In the meantime (1590–1595), it circulated surreptitiously amongst the Cardinals creating quite a stir. Wion published it with the previous popes named and interpretations of the fulfillments added in 1595.

Thus, we have discerned two layers of context :

  • Lower level of historical context: An original document possibly by St. Malachy or a pseudepigrapher circa 1139 –1571.
  • Upper level of historical context: Alterations imposed and interpretations added circa 1571–1595.

In examining the scans of the original 1595 Latin text, even with no comprehension of Latin, one can note that that explanations of the mottos with papal names cease at time of publication. Wion claimed that Ciacconus was responsible for the interpretations but this has been called into serious question by O’Brien, who suggests it was someone else who simply copied from Onuphrius Panvinius’ short history of the Popes, Epitome Romanorum Pontijicum usque ad Paulum IV, printed in Venice in 1557. He bases this on the case that the interpretations presented by Wion match Panvinius’ work but disagree with Ciacconus’ own book about the popes, Viltae et res Gesltae Romanorum Ponlificum el Cardinalium,printed in 1601. While Ciacconius’ work resembles Panvinius’, it disagrees in important areas that Ciacconius made explicit. O’Brien ponders this issue: “Now, if Ciacconius was the interpreter of the prophecies, as Wion asserts, Ciacconius must be pitching into himself, for we find reproduced in Wion’s book the errors of which he complains. Who then is the interpreter? Is it Panvinius? Or may not the prophecy as well as the explanation have come from the same hand? May not Wion have been merely duped (which could have been easily done considering his character); and may he not in good faith have given the prophecy as that of the great St. Malachy?”

Whoever the interpreter was, the last comment in Lignum Vitae referred to Urban VII who died in 1590 and the last papal name listed was Clement VIII who took office in 1592 just prior to the prophecy’s 1595 publication. In reading the Latin text, underneath “Crux Romulea…Clemens VIII,” the last page simply lists the remaining mottos in three columns ending with the famous apocalyptic codex centered on Petrus Romanus and the destruction of Mystery Babylon headquartered on Vatican Hill in the seven-hilled city.

The Man Who Forsaw The Final Pope

The second paragraph above reads: “Three Epistles of St. Bernard addressed to St. Malachy are still extant (viz., 313, 316, and 317). Malachy himself is reported to have been the author of some little tractates, none of which I have seen up to the present time, except a certain prophecy of his concerning the Sovereign Pontiffs. This, as it is short, and so far as we know, has never before been printed, is inserted here, seeing that many people have asked for it.”

The bottom two lines by Wion read, “What has been added to the popes is not the work of Malachy, but of Father Alphonsus Giacon, of the Order of Preachers, the interpreter of this prophecy.” This may seem confusing in light of the above discussion about Ciacconius. Gaicon is also Chacon or Ciacconius because he was from Spain, his original name, Alphonso Chacon, was Italianized to preserve the soft Spanish sound of “ch” inhis name into Ciacconius or alternately as Wion has it “Giacon.” But this last line reveals that the original prophecy was a mere string of obscure Latin phrases, and that Giacon, Ciacconius, added each pope’s name and explained how the prophecy applied to him. The comments end with to Urban VII who died in 1590 and the last papal name listed is Clement VIII. Since the evidence points to the prophecy appearing in 1589–90, we observe the next prophecy after Urban was “ex antiquitate Urbis” which translates to “from the old city” and no interpretation is offered. This is the critical point where scholars detect an attempt to influence the conclave when Gregory XIIII was opposed by one Girolamo Simoncelli.

As a representative example of scholarly detective work, Louis Moreri, a native of Provence born in 1643 and doctor of theology, is chosen. He was the author of the acclaimed Dictionnaire Historique. As his life’s work, the dictionary contains such a wide variety of information it is considered to be an early forerunner of the modern encyclopedia. In the 1759 edition, we read:

“They attribute to him [Malachy] a prophecy concerning the popes from Celestine II. To the end of the world, but the learned know that this prophecy was forged, during the conclave of 1590, by the partisans of Cardinal Simoncelli, who was designated by these words: ‘De anlzguilale Urbis,’ because he was of Orvieto; in Latin, ‘Urbs vetus.’”

The argument “from the old city” would arguably predict Girolamo Simoncelli who was at that time the Cardinal of Orvieto which also means “old city.” This is the dominant opinion of Malachy scholars. The scholars are right; it does seem a little too perfect. It seems that the conspirators hoped to rig the papal conclave by encouraging the voters to fall in step with the much venerated Saint Malachy. The clever ruse failed when Simoncelli lost to Gregory XIV, albeit Gregory only lived a year to be followed by Innocent IX who similarly only lived a brief term dying in 1591. Because popes had a short life expectancy in those days, Simoncelli was a viable candidate in the conclaves in September and October–December 1590, and those in 1591 and 1592. Altogether, he missed out on seven opportunities including the earlier conclaves of April and May 1555, 1559, and 1565–66. Even so, Simoncelli died February 24, 1605 never winning the pontificate. While the trail of the conspiracy seems evident, the coherence of the frustrated papbile’s “old city” Cardinalate is not the most compelling reason we hold that it was tampered with.

To demonstrate why we can confidently discern that at least some of the pre-1590 mottos were written after the fact I will use an analogy from counter-cult apologetics, specifically in regard to Mormonism. Joseph Smith claimed that he miraculously translated the book of Mormon directly from gold plates which were written by a divine hand. Thus, it was a one-generation translation from plates to Smith’s manuscript. Accordingly, one would then expect the book of Mormon to be sacred scripture of the most direct and pure translation. The insurmountable obstacle for the veracity of the book of Mormon is demonstrated by the fact that when the book of Mormon references passages from the Hebrew Bible, it follows the translated text of the King James Bible a little too perfectly. For instance, where the King James italicized words, the Book of Mormon follows suit. Obviously, this proves that Smith copied his references from a King James Bible and not more ancient source material like the mythological golden plates. We have a similar line of evidence with the prophecy of the popes.

Because we are examining the upper level of context from the time of publisher, specifically the interpretations offered prior to 1590, we can discern that they were manipulated in line with what was available at the time. Books were hard to come by. The prophecy follows the descriptions and details found in a work on the history of the popes by Onuphrius Panvinius: Epitome Romanorum Pontijicum usque ad Paulum IV, printed in Venice in 1557. The prophecy transparently follows this reference work. O’Brien argued, “Any person who opens this work and compares the account of the popes in it from Celestine II to Paul IV, with the corresponding part of the ‘Prophecy of St. Malachy’ will come to the conclusion that the writer of the latter, if not Panvinius himself, must have been someone who followed Panvinius’ account rather too closely.” This is more than just an assertion; his evidence is detailed and specific:

In Panvinius’s Epitome, the popes’ armorial bearings are given, but not in every case. When the arms are given, we usually find that they figure in the prophecy, when not given, the prophecy is a play upon or a description of the pope’s name, country, family, or title, when cardinal. Moreover, we find in Panvinius the very same antipopes as given in the prophecy. Even when the pope’s family-name, armorial bearings or cardinalic title is wrongly given by Panvinius, we find the forger of the prophecy to perfectly chime in with him.

In other words, it matches too perfectly because, even in the few places where Panvinius’ papal history makes mistakes, the interpretations of the prophecy follow those errors. This only makes sense if someone was using Panvinius’ book or if it were Panvinius himself. If we allow that they were following Rome’s penchant for altering an authentic ancient document to meet their purposes, then we have two layers of context. The prophecy itself (the lower, an older level of historical context) seems to have been manipulated to match the interpretation (the upper, the late sixteenth-century level). O’Brien’s parting shot is a zinger:

According to Wion, Malachy’s prophecy was a mere string of meaningless Latin phrases. How did the supposed interpreter know with what pope to commence? How was he persuaded to take up the antipopes?

While O’Brien’s incredulity is clear, the answer to the first question is trivial. As the legend goes, Malachy was summoned to Rome in 1139 by Pope Innocent II (r. 1130–43). Thus, the prophecy commenced with the Pope following Innocent II who was Celestine II (r. 1143–44). The second quandary concerning antipopes is much more problematic. For instance, in the Malachy prophecy, predictions 6: Octavius (“Victor IV”) (1159–1164); 7: Pascal III (1165–1168); 8: Callistus III (1168–1177) are antipopes. Antipopes are alternative popes elected in opposition to a standing pope during various schisms and controversies. The problem is that those antipopes listed opposed Alexander III (1159–81) but in reality there was another antipope Innocent III (1178–1180) who is not included in prophecy. What makes this revealing is this is exactly the same way Panvinius recorded it. Panvinius neglected antipope Innocent III as well.

This state of affairs points to the fact that someone redacted the pre-1590 prophecies to conform to Panvinius’ book. In light of their goal, it makes perfect sense. Panvinius’ work was the authoritative source at the time and likely the only one most people had access to. By manipulating all of the pre-1590 mottos to have obvious fulfillments that any semi-studious Cardinal could verify, they launched an ingenious conspiracy to promote papabile Simoncelli as the candidate of divine destiny. Because the lower level of historical context, the original text, was just a series of nebulous Latin phrases, how could someone like the alleged interpreter Ciacconus or the publisher, Wion (who discovered the list over four hundred years after their composition), know to include these and only these specific antipopes? It is just not plausible. If the antipopes are not included, the whole list gets thrown out of sync. Of course, the original text left no such instructions. Even so, it is in sync…but not with actual history; rather, with Panvinius’ book!

In summary, there is ample evidence pointing to a sixteenth-century pseudepigrapher who referenced Panvinius’ book for all of the prophecies up until Paul IV in 1559 (when Panvinius’ book ends). The five popes between him and Urban VII (Pius IV, Pius V, Gregory XIII, and Sixtus V) would in recent memory and easy for anyone to describe. It is our belief that whoever perpetrated the ruse for the 1590 conclave used an actual prophetic document and modified all of the entries prior to coincide with the principle text on Pontifical history of that time. He then altered the next prophecy on the list “of the old city” to promote Girolamo Simoncelli who was the Cardinal of Orvieto (Latin urbs vetus = “old city”) at the 1590 conclave. While this evidence supports the conspiracy to promote Simoncelli, what it does not explain is what has happened over the last four hundred years since Wion’s publication.

Source : Raidersnewsupdate

Nostradamus Prophecies about World War III

Nostradamus Prophecies about World War III

Those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus say that he has indicated the possibility of a Third World War. Indeed, in some of his quatrains he mentions terrifying battles being fought with modern weapons and of events occurring in and around Europe, Asia and Africa which do not seem to have taken place till date. There is, however, a difference of opinion among the experts about the overall sequence of these events and most of all, their timing. My approach to deciphering the quatrains is based on the assumption that if a world wide war of this magnitude indeed takes place, it must have been mentioned in prophecies written in various religious texts and prophecies of non-religious nature which are part of the folklore of different cultures.

I believe that a comparative study of all such prophecies vis-à-vis those of Nostradamus, along with insights into the local culture, tradition, history etc. may enable us to construct a more detailed picture of the prophesized events than what is possible by studying the prophecies of Nostradamus in isolation. Most of these prophecies concentrate on the local perspective of a global war. But by finding out the similarities with other prophecies, we can find the global connection of the local events.

Contrary to what many of us think, prophesized events are neither inevitable nor are their time of occurrence fixed. A prophesized event is the one which is most likely to happen. It is merely one of the several possibilities. Similarly, even if an event takes place, its timing is not fixed. The deciding factor is the human free will. Collective human free will can alter an event, change its timing or even stop it entirely. Some events are hard to change for it requires a collective decision moving away entirely from the “logical” course. Sometimes, even an individual’s decision may alter an event having wide implications.

Most affected by human free will is the timing of an event. While collective human behavior is hard to change, the time of the event taking place changes according to collective or individual decisions. Some prophecies do indicate a timing of the war, not in terms of the exact date but by mentioning the appearance of certain signs like a specific astrological conjunction or an event preceding the war. Broadly speaking, the various prophecies indicate that the Third World War will be preceded by an unprecedented increase in large-scale natural calamities all over the world like big earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, famines etc. Localized wars, revolutions, political disturbances and large scale terrorist attacks will increase.

Assassinations of high profile leaders will take place and tensions between various countries will rise. The economies of various countries will be severely affected, leading to unemployment or inflation. The actual war would be of a short duration but is said to be several times more destructive in terms of the cost of human lives and property than all the previous world wars taken together. To summarize what I have analyzed in this site, based on various prophecies, the Third World War would start when Russia suddenly attacks Europe in coalition with certain Middle Eastern countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya and probably China. Prior to the World War III, USA would be severely crippled by terrorist attacks, assassinations, a civil war (?) and an economic collapse.

Prior to that, there would be a civil war in Italy, during which the Vatican would be overrun by the mob. The Pope would escape but many of his cardinals would die. The palace and the chapels would be burnt down. While on the run, the Pope would be captured and killed. There would be a schism in the Vatican and three Popes would reign at the same time, propped up by competing powers. Supported by US and other catholic countries, the Papacy would be shifted elsewhere and a “true” Pope would be elected there. Europe would be almost overrun by the Russian and eastern forces and many of its cities and also those of USA would be destroyed by conventional weapons as well as weapons of mass destruction like nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Russia would attack from the North as well as from the East of Europe. An Arab / Iranian army would attack from the south. The Pope, and later the British Prime Minister would be forced to flee to the US.

Paris would be destroyed by “revolutionaries” within France. The attack on the US would stop the Civil War there. New types of weapons, like Chemical Weapons and particularly what appears to be portable Laser weapons, would be used in the war. At the same time an unprecedented disaster would take place. A comet would suddenly appear over the earth in the peak of the war, would break into several pieces and fall to the earth. Smaller pieces would rain fire on cities and forests all over the world, burning them down. A large piece would fall into the sea creating a Tsunami of Biblical proportions, flooding parts of Europe (including Britain), USA and Africa. One medium sized chunk would fall on land, creating a huge crater, resulting in earthquake and volcano activities all over the world.

This event would loosen the grip of the invading army over Europe. A joint coalition of US and European forces under the leadership of a charismatic leader “Chiren” would organize a counter-attack against the invading forces in Europe and elsewhere. The Russian forces in Europe would be almost destroyed by the counter-attack and this would lead to a revolution in Russia and the Russian leader who started the war would be assassinated. Russia, under a new leader would then join the western coalition and fight against its former allies, who would eventually be defeated. The Pope would return to Europe and Chiren would be crowned the Monarch. Peace would return to the world after a loss of almost two-thirds of its population and the wealth of nations accumulated over millennia. But this would surely not be the end of the world. It is hard to understand at this stage why Russia would suddenly attack Europe. Yet, most of the prophecies seem to agree on this part.

Logically too, it is only Russia which has the capability to take on the might of USA and Europe, even after the break up of its empire. It still has sufficient nuclear weapons, technology and manpower to do so. The overall picture of the events leading to the World War is not clear. What appears from some prophecies is that immediately preceding the war, Russia would have tensions with the west over some Middle Eastern affair. But the actual war would begin after the assassination of a political leader in the Balkan area, who could be the famous “Mabus” often discussed in the context of Nostradamus’s prophecies. The Russian attack might be a result of its perception that the assassination, probably in one of its friendly countries, could be a prelude to an western invasion and the best way would be to pre-empt it.

A major terrorist attack on the US, assassination of some world leaders and another war in the Middle East may precede the Third World War, apart from numerous natural disasters. Some prophecies say that before the 3rd World War, Israel would grant statehood to Palestine. Then oil would be discovered there and a war would start between Israel and Palestine. It is probable that it is this war that would generate tensions between USA and Russia, since US and Russian fleets are said to confront each other in a tense standoff in the Mediterranean before the war in yet another prophecy. The Bible and the Islamic texts also mention Iraq. It is said that the river Euphrates would dry up and something would be discovered in its dried up riverbed, which would cause much tension among nations.

There are also prophecies on the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque / Temple Mount in Jerusalem before the war and the death of Saddam Hussein in US custody even before his trial begins. With the death of Pope John Paul II on 3rd April 2005, the Prophecies of St. Malachy have once again become the topic of discussion. Malachy termed Pope John Paul II – the 110th Pope since his prophecy, as “De Labore Solis” or “The labor of the Sun”. Pope John Paul II was born on 18th May, 1920, the day when a Solar Eclipse took place. His burial was set on 8th April, 2005 and on that day a Solar Eclipse took place once again, making the prophecy of Malachy more meaningful. The next Pope, the 111th and the penultimate, was termed “The Glory of Olive” by Malachy. “Peter the Roman” coming after him, would be the last Pope, during whose time, the world would come to an end. Many say that the original prophecy did not mention “Peter the Roman” and his name was inserted afterwards and that “The Glory of the Olive” would be the last Pope. This prophecy was fulfilled (or made to fulfill) by Cardinal Ratzinger, who after his election as Pope took the name “Pope Benedict XVI”. St. Benedict started the order of Benedictines or “Olivetans”, as they are popularly known. However, if we go by the prophecies of Abbott “Merlin” Joachim, St. Malachy’s prophecy would signify the deeds during his Papacy, rather than the name he takes.

There are some contradictions in our understanding of the prophecies of St. Malachy and those of Nostradamus. But many prophecies, including those of Nostradamus speak of a “Great Pope” reigning after the war along with the “Great Monarch”. Nostradamus says in V.56 – Through the death of a very old Pope will be elected a Roman of good age. It will be said of him that he weakens the (Holy) Seat, but he will hold it long and with stinging effort. This quatrain may refer to the election of an aged Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, after the death of a very old Pope Following the death of Pope John Paul II., Joseph Ratzinger, aged 78 was elected Pope Benedict XVI. He was one of the oldest Popes in history at the time of election. Criticized by many within the Church as fundamentalist and divisive, Nostradamus seems to say that this Pope would reign for a long time inspite of the criticism and would run the affairs of the Church with a strong hand.

There are numerous prophecies on Earth Changes occurring before or during the war. Notable are the visions of Edgar Cayce in this respect. It is predicted that the US coastline from Los Angeles to San Francisco would break up and sink into the sea following a huge earthquake, resulting in the death of millions. Several other areas all over the world would sink into the sea, including Japan and new lands would rise from the sea in many places. Edgar Cayce said that Atlantis, located near the Bimini Islands would rise from the sea. The weather would also change drastically in many areas of the world. We are already experiencing changes in the global weather pattern, the last decade being the warmest in the recorded history. The contents of this site, including the sequence of events would be continuously updated as I go on analyzing various prophecies and as the actual events unfold. In the meantime, participate in the Discussion board of this site to discuss the current events and happenings around the world and post your own interpretations as well as exchange ideas with people from around the world.

Nostradamus Prophecies about World War III

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Vladimir Putin is The AntiChrist

Stay Awake : Vladimir Putin is The AntiChrist – More Proof !

Let us consider the Grand Cross Astrology pattern of August 1999. On August 18, 1999, there was an unusual alignment of planets in a Grand Cross shape, possibly the most unusual Astrological alignment seen in the last two thousand years. And one week before, on August 11, 1999, there was a solar eclipse seen over Europe.

The Grand Cross, which is one of the most amazing astrological alignments ever seen in history, consisted of: the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the sign of Leo, Mars and the Moon in Scorpio with Pluto close by in Sagittarius, Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus, and Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius.

If Scorpio is considered to be the Eagle, and Aquarius the man, then we have the four beasts seen in Revelation 4 that sit at the throne in heaven, that have the faces of an eagle, a man, a lion, and a calf, in Revelation 4:1-8

(King James Version): “a throne was set in heaven… and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. …and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.”

Concerning the solar eclipse over Europe on August 11-1999, there is a prophecy by Nostradamus that is of interest. Some of the prophecies do have dates, including Century 10, Number 72:

“In the year 1999, in the seventh month, from the sky there comes a great king of terror, to bring back the great king of the Mongols, Mars rules triumphantly, before and after”

Concerning this prophecy by Nostradamus, it is interesting that the solar eclipse passed over France on August 11 – 1999, and on August 17, 1999 the Cassini spacecraft with its nuclear fuel passed within a thousand miles of earth’s surface, within a day of the Grand Cross pattern. I think the significance of Cassini passing by earth within a day of the Grand Cross pattern is that Cassini may be a hologram, a symbolic parallel event, related to the rise to power of the Antichrist in Russia as Vladimir Putin, former President (1999-2008) and Prime Minister (2008-2012) and again President of Russia for 6 years this time untill 2018 when he will have the age of 66.

Note the Bible that states “He will be – was not and will be again” about the Third Antichrist and note that the Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn in July 2004, and landed a probe on Saturn’s moon Titan in Jan. 2005. “Titan” in Greek totals 666 (the number of the Antichrist), where in Greek each letter is also a number, and Greek is the language of the Book of Revelation and the New Testament.

So possibly in there may soon be significant events concerning Putin The Antichrist, and possibly he may be the “Great King of Terror” mentioned by Nostradamus, and Mars ruling (before and after) may mean war in years to come, note that in 1991 (before) there was Gulf War I, the war in the Balkan.. So the “mars will rule before and after was fulfilled with Gulf War I, Balkan, The 9/11 attacks, Afghanistan, Iraq and Gulf War II… And Nostradamus predicted a 3rd Gulf War, this prophecy will come true because Nostradamus wrote “for the Third time more than 1 million troops will gather around Persia“. We all know he is talking about Iran …

I realize that many of you reading this will think that the “King of Terror” is Osama bin Laden, the Arab terrorist leader responsible for the 9/11 terror attack on the U.S. but maybe Osama Bin Laden is The Beast that rises from the Sea in the Bible, when they killed him they put him to rest in the sea … but … you and i know that if they can catch Bin Laden they would take him to the US, because he has important information and they would not make this public because there would be terror attacks, HiJackings and other shit to get him free ! When in the future it becomes public that Bin Laden is alive, people will say he did “rise from the sea” !!!

From this time (2012) Vladimir Putin’s evil side will emerge, he is reelected Russian President for 6 years, note that former Russian President Putin began his rise to power in Russia in August 1999, at the time of the Cassini fly-by of earth, becoming Prime Minister for Yeltsin (second-in-command in Russia) on August 9, 1999. On December 31, 1999, one day before the magical year 2000, exactly 2000 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, Putin became Russia’s President.

Also note that, the “great King of the Mongols” would be Genghis Khan. It could be that Genghis Khan’s tomb will be found and opened soon, and out of the tomb will come the future terror of mankind, the reborn Genghis Khan, Putin. Note that another Khan is Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s atomic bomb, who allegedly has also given away Pakistan’s atomic secrets to Iran and North Korea. Dr. Khan could by developing and giving to other countries the A-Bomb be a fullfillment of the “King of Terror” in the above quatrain.

As written in the prophecies of 2009, Iran already has a nuke since the year 2010, Iran has medium range missles now to deliver the A-Bomb but they don’t need that realy, exploding a nuclear device in Damascus (Edgar Cayce Prophecy about World War III) would be enough to poison the Nation of Israel, the leader of Iran told us in 2005 that he did not care he would also hit Palestinians, his answer was : We have more people than Israel, we will survive …

Vladimir Putin is The AntiChrist

More to come soon …

Source : Revelation 13 (Edited by Alamongordo & PlayBull.Com)